Alternative spaces for engagement : Performance and conversation in the connected classroom
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Facilitated action research : Enhancing the teaching of classroom drama
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Creative technologies as a conduit for learning in the early years
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Medicare Health Support Pilot Program
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Assessment of gene-by-sex interaction effect on bone mineral density
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Neighborhood built environment and transport and leisure physical activity : findings using objective exposure and outcome measures in New Zealand
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Association of neighbourhood residence and preferences with the built environment, work-related travel behaviours, and health implications for employed adults : Findings from the URBAN study
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GIS based destination accessibility via public transit and walking in Auckland, New Zealand
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It's not the contents, it's the container : Australian parents' awareness and acceptance of infant and young child feeding recommendations
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Using mixed methods to develop and implement a work sampling tool in residential aged care
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Nutrition status of primary care patients with depression and anxiety
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Blogging the 2009 Queensland state election
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A genome-wide association meta-analysis of circulating sex hormone-binding globulin reveals multiple loci implicated in sex steroid hormone regulation
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The menopause transition experiences of Chinese Singaporean women : An exploratory qualitative study
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An exploration of Singaporean parental experiences in managing their school-aged children’s postoperative pain : a descriptive qualitative approach
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A pilot study of the acceptability and feasibility of a low vision self-management program for older Singaporeans
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Interviewing patients and clients
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Transformation through a Mirror : Moses in 2 Cor. 3.18
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An exploratory study of traditional birthing practices of Chinese, Malay and Indian women in Singapore
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Police informers and professional ethics
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Gendered differences in the participation of Australian tertiary computer science : Implications for schools
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Scalar spheroidal harmonics in five dimensional Kerr-(A)dS
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A new approach to black hole quasinormal modes : A review of the asymptotic iteration method
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Towards particle creation in a microwave cylindrical cavity
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Common values in assessing health outcomes from disease and injury : Disability weights measurement study for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2010
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Detailing patient specific modelling to aid clinical decision-making
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To civilise the city?
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Vitamin D and health in adults in Australia and New Zealand : A position statement
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A global representation of vitamin D status in healthy populations
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Corruption in emerging and developing economies : Evidence from a pooled cross-section
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Necessity and meaning
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Training of undergraduate clinicians in vascular access : An integrative review
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Vertebral fractures in ankylosing spondylitis are associated with lower bone mineral density in both central and peripheral skeleton
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Urinary polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons as biomarker of exposure to PAHs in air : A pilot study among pregnant women
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Time course of the hemoglobin mass response to natural altitude training in elite endurance cyclists
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The zinc-finger protein ASCIZ regulates B cell development via DYNLL1 and Bim
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The effects of different doses of caffeine on endurance cycling time trial performance
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Smoking is associated with impaired bone mass development in young adult men : A 5-year longitudinal study
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Short-term hematological effects upon completion of a four-week simulated altitude camp
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Research note : Induced out-of-body experiences are associated with a sensation of leaving the body
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Osteoporosis in ankylosing spondylitis - prevalence, risk factors and methods of assessment
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Multi-season, multi-year concentrations and correlations amongst the BTEX group of VOCs in an urbanized industrial city
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Intraurban concentrations, spatial variability and correlation of ambient polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) and PM2.5
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Inferior physical performance tests in 10,998 men in the MrOS study is associated with recurrent falls
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Inferior physical performance test results of 10,998 men in the MrOS Study is associated with high fracture risk
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Increased physical activity is associated with enhanced development of peak bone mass in men : A five-year longitudinal study
Nilsson, Martin, Ohlsson, Claes, Odén, Anders, Mellström, Dan and Lorentzon, Mattias. (2012). Increased physical activity is associated with enhanced development of peak bone mass in men : A five-year longitudinal study. Journal of Bone and Mineral Research. 27(5), pp. 1206-1214. https://doi.org/10.1002/jbmr.1549Journal article
Genome-wide meta-analysis identifies 56 bone mineral density loci and reveals 14 loci associated with risk of fracture
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Fak depletion in both hematopoietic and nonhematopoietic niche cells leads to hematopoietic stem cell expansion
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Factors influencing variability in the infiltration of PM2.5 mass and its components
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Exposure to drinking water trihalomethanes and their association with low birth weight and small for gestational age in genetically susceptible women
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Effect of bronchial colonisation on airway and systemic inflammation in stable COPD
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Cured meat consumption increases risk of readmission in COPD patients
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Contrasting predictions of low- and high-threshold models for the detection of changing visual features
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Time-Varying Functional Connectivity for Understanding the Neural Basis of Behavioral Microsleeps
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Performance of Beamformers on EEG Source Reconstruction
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Development of processes and assessment to facilitate a broad multidisciplinary Work Integrated Learning package
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Cerebral perfusion differences between drowsy and nondrowsy individuals after acute sleep restriction
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Catch up in bone acquisition in young adult men with late normal puberty
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Capture of kinesthesis by a competing cutaneous input
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Auditory hallucinations predict likelihood of out-of-body experience
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Limits of Human Endurance
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Age at adiposity rebound is associated with fat mass in young adult males - The GOOD Study
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Advancing maternal age is associated with lower bone mineral density in young adult male offspring
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A k-Space Sharing 3D GRASE Pseudocontinuous ASL method for whole-brain resting-state functional connectivity
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A cohort study relating urban green space with mortality in Ontario, Canada
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Nutritional approaches to treating sarcopenia
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Assessment of long-term effects of irbesartan on heart failure with preserved ejection fraction as measured by the Minnesota living with heart failure questionnaire in the irbesartan in heart failure with preserved systolic function (I-PRESERVE) trial
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The four-three-four model: Drawing on partitioning, equivalence, and unit-forming in a quotient sub-construct fraction task
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Motivation and goal attainment. The role of compensatory beliefs
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A cluster randomised controlled trial of a telephone-based parent intervention to increase preschoolers' fruit and vegetable consumption
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Reaching adolescent girls through social networking : A new avenue for smoking prevention messages
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Different lipid profiles according to ethnicity in the Heart of Soweto study cohort of de novo presentations of heart disease
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1960s counter-culture in Australia: the search for personal freedom
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Does Scientific Inquiry Preclude Belief in God? : Science and religion in Australian Media
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Sustaining caring teachers in complex educational contexts
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Scripture since Vatican II
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Community palliative care nurse experiences and perceptions of follow-up bereavement support visits to carers
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On the cellularity of the cyclotomic Birman-Murakami-Wenzl algebras
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Physical activity is the key determinant of skeletal muscle mitochondrial function in type 2 diabetes
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Diabetes clinical trials: Helped or hindered by the current shift in regulatory requirements?
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Complications after acute coronary syndrome are reduced by perceived control of cardiac illness
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Writing Instruction
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The impact of teaching thinking skills as habits of mind to young children with challenging behaviours
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Importance of values for success in future careers: Students' perspective
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Reasoning in the Australian Curriculum: Understanding its meaning and using the relevant language
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Insights into self-concept of the adolescents who are visually impared in India
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When does adaptive performance lead to higher task performance?
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A measure of spiritual sensitivity for children
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The various forms of primary health care organisations in Australia
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Must phenomenology remain Cartesian?
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Church, state and secularism in Asia: The public nature of the church in Timor-Leste
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Emerging HRM skills in Australia
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The laity in the Australian Church
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Transitioning to the new economy: Individual, regional and intermediation influences on workforce retraining outcomes
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Management control systems and performance in Australian inter-organizational relationships :the role of trust
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Where Does the Trinity Appear? Augustine's Aplogetics and Philosophical Readings of the DeTrinitate
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The effect of poser race on the happy categorization advantage depends on stimulus type, set size, and presentation duration
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Subjective experiences of delusions and paranoia
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Motor-reduced visual perceptual abilities and visual-motor integration abilities of chinese learning childrenication
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A dual task priming investigation of right hemisphere inhibition for people with left hemisphere lesions
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Abnormal connectivity between attentional, language and auditory networks in schizophrenia
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A population-based investigation into inequalities amongst Indigenous mothers and newborns by place of residence in the Northern Territory, Australia
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Prospective memory, emotional valence and multiple sclerosis
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Computerised lung sound monitoring to assess effectiveness of chest physiotherapy and secretion removal : a feasibility study
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Enhancing transparency in reporting the synthesis of qualitative research: ENTREQ
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What are the factors in risk prediction models for rehospitalisation for adults with chronic heart failure?
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Do the public share practitoners' views about the best evidence?
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Reporting of suicide by the New Zealand media
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Auditing the numeracy demands of the Australian curriculum
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Exploring the long-term effects for young women involved in an outdoor education program
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Assessment of health claims in the field of bone: A view of the Group for the Respect of Ethics and Excellence in Science (GREES)
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Families make all the difference: Helping kids to grow and learn
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Sedentary behaviors and emerging cardiometabolic biomarkers in adolescents
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The challenges and opportunities for human resouce management in a globalised world
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Flow at work: The development and validation of a measure
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Spatial variation of PM2.5, PM10, PM2.5 absorbance and PMcoarse concentrations between and within 20 European study areas and the relationship with NO2- Results of the ESCAPE project
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'She faded and drooped as a flower' : Constructing the Child in the Child-Rescue Literature of Late Victorian England
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When copyright law and science collide: Empowering digitally intergrated research methods on a global scale
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Naughty and gay?: revisiting the nineties in the Australian colonies
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John Chrysostom as Crisis Manager: The years in Constantinople
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Assessing risk post intervention for an acute coronary syndrome : A review of the risk assessment tools and their development
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Intense physical activity is associated with cognitive performance in the elderly
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Action research to address the transition from kindergarten to primary school: Children's authentic learning, construction play, and pretend play
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The curious case of anabolic resistance: Old wives' tales or new fables?
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Systematic nonlinear relations between joint mechanics and the neural reflex response with changes in stretch amplitude at the wrist
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Commemoration of Robert Burns in Australia and New Zealand
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Building social life networks through mobile interfaces :the case study of Sri Lanka farmers
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Human religious evolution and unfinished creation
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Are academic discounting and devaluing double-edged swords? : their relations to global self-esteem, achievement goals, and performance among stigmatized students
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Using user-friendly telecommunications to improve cardiac and diabetes self-management programme : a pilot study
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Slim Stroke scales for assessing patients with acute stroke : Ease of use or loss of valuable assessment data?
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Cardiac misconceptions in healthcare workers
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Cue exposure and response prevention with heavy smokers: A laboratory-based randomised placebo-controlled trial examining the effects of D-cycloserine on cue reactivity and attentional bias
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Using GPS technology to (re)-examine operational definitions of 'neighbourhood' in place-based health research
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Visual working memory impairment in premanifest gene-carriers and early Huntington's Disease
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Eplerenone in patients with systolic heart failure and mild symptoms: Analysis of repeat hospitalizations
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Impact of home versus clinic-based management of chronic heart failure : The WHiCH? (Which heart failure intervention is most cost-effective & consumer friendly in reducing hospital care) multicenter, randomized trial
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Common Patterns of Prediction of Literacy Development in Different Alphabetic Orthographies
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Study protocol: A randomized controlled trial of a computer-based depression and substance abuse intervention for people attending residential substance abuse treatment
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The Murri clinic: A comparative retrospective study of an antenatal clinic developed for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women
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Lower limb musculoskeletal stiffness can predict overuse injuries in high level adolecsent female athletes
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Applications of dynamic risk assessment
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Feminism: Then and now
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A case study of globalized knowledge flows : Guanxi in social science and management theory
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The effects of two strategic and meta-cognitive questioning approaches on children's explanatory behaviour, problem-solving, and learning during cooperative, inquiry-based science
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When work and family are in conflict: Impact on psychological strain experienced by social workers in Australia
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Teachers' perceptions and experiences in using a dispositional framework in Catholic school early years' religious education to track students' learning
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Personality traits moderate the big-fish-little-pond effect of academic self-concept
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Liberalisation of the traditional rule of Locus Standi in the United Kingdom and Malaysia: A comparative study
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AMPK phosphorylation of ACC2 is required for skeletal muscle fatty acid oxidation and insulin sensitivity in mice
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Choosing tasks to match the content you are wanting to teach
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The impact of life events on job satisfaction
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Through a critical lens: Indigenist research and the Dadirri method
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A comparison of the power of the discrete Kolmogorov-Smirnov and Chi-Square goodness-of-fit tests
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Reduced satellite cell numbers with spinal cord injury and aging in humans
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Both resistance- and endurance-type exercise reduce the prevalence of hyperglycaemia in individuals with impaired glucose tolerance and in insulin-treated and non-insulin-treated type 2 diabetic patients
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Obesogenic neighborhood environments, child and parent obesity: The neighborhood impact on kids study
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Evaluation of a redesigned outdoor space on preschool children's physical activity during recess
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Hip fracture incidence from 1981 to 2009 in the Czech Republic as a basis of the country-specific FRAX model
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Implications for fracture healing of current and new osteoporosis treatments: An ESCEO consensus paper
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Neuroplasticity and functional recovery in multiple sclerosis
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Use of mechanical ventilation protocols in intensive care units: A survey of current practice
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The association between work stress and inflammatory biomarkers in Jordanian male workers
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Middle school literacy
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Recent Johannine Studies : Part Two: Monographs
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Introduction to Michel Henry : The Affects of Thought
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The nature of the atonement
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Trinity in light of a scientific worldview a developing tradition
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The nurses self-concept instrument (NSCI): Assessment of psychometric properties for Australian domestic and international student nurses
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Physical education's role in public health : Steps forward and backward over 20 years and HOPE for the future
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WNT16 influences bone mineral density, cortical bone thickness, bone strength, and osteoporotic fracture risk
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Intellectual property: Text and essential cases
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Biopsychosocial factors related to depression in aged care residents
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Using General Problem-solving Strategies to Generate Ideas in Order to Solve Geography Problems
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Influence of wrestling on the physiological and skill demands of small-sided games
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An exposition and Christian ethical evaluation of the conflict between the Bangsamoro people and the government of Philippines
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Employing a lifecycle typology to generate a unified and strategic approach to regional wine tourism development
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Places to play outdoors: Sedentary and safe or active and risky?
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God is love : the heart of Christian faith
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Objective assessment of obesogenic environments in youth: Geographic information system methods and spatial findings from the neighborhood impact on kids study
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The effects of primed causal uncertainty and causal importance on persuasion
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Nicht-lineare Zusammenhänge zwischen Intention und Verhalten: Eine Längsschnittstudie zu körperlicher Aktivität und sozial-kognitiven Prädiktoren [Non-linear relationship between intentions and behavior: A longitudinal study investigating physical activity and its social-cognitive predictors]
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Assessing the impact of a university teaching development programme
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A survey of Italian intensive care nurses' knowledge levels
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Rattling the cage: Moving beyond ethical standards to ethical praxis in self-study research
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In defence of monarchy
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Big fish in little ponds aspire more: mediation and cross-cultural generalizability of school-average ability effects on self-concept and career aspirations in science
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Beyond Shared Perceptions of Trust and Monitoring in Teams: Implications of Asymmetry and Dissensus
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Educational opportunity: Why we should move beyond the equality and equal citizenship standards in favor of 'Open Access'
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Larrikins: A History
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Monitoring women's roles : Luke's response to a crisis of acceptability in the Roman empire
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Believing in the Resurrection : the meaning and promise of the risen Jesus
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Management control systems and relational performance in inter-organizational relationships :the role of justice and competence trust
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Political congruence: A conceptual framework and historical case study
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The meaning of resilience to persons living with chronic pain: An interpretive qualitative inquiry
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On the Relation between Performance and Life Satisfaction : The Moderating role of Passion
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Associations between received social support and positive and negative affect : Evidence for age differences from a daily-diary study
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Equality in the ranks : The lives of Aboriginal Vietnam veterans
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Baseline evidence based practice use, knowledge, and attitudes of allied health professionals : A survey to inform staff training and organisational change
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Design and methodology of the COACH-2 (Comparative study on guideline adherence and patient compliance in heart failure patients) study : HF clinics versus primary care is stable patients on optimal therapy
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Birth weight and prenatal exposure to polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and dichlorodiphenyldichloroethylene (DDE): A meta-analysis within 12 European birth cohorts
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A Meta-analysis of writing instruction for students in the elementary grades
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Open Access community child health clinics : the everyday experience of parents and child health nurses
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Motivations, Barriers, and the need to Engage with Community Leaders: Realities of Establishing a Sport for Development Project in Baucau. East Timor
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Novel olanzapine analogues presenting a reduced H 1 receptor affinity and retained 5HT 2A/D 2 binding affinity ratio
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Kinematic adjustments in the basketball free throw performed with a reduced hoop diameter rim
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The effect of anterior cruciate ligament rupture on the timing and amplitude of gastrocnemius muscle activation : A study of alterations in EMG measures and their relationship to knee joint stability
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Further evidence of validity of the Modified Melbourne Assessment for the neurologically impaired children aged 2 to 4 years
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Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) for psychological adjustment after traumatic brain injury : Reporting the protocol for a randomised controlled trial
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Neuropathological correlates of falling in the CC75C population-based ample of the older old
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Parental autonomy support and discrepancies between implicit and explicit sexual identities : Dynamics of self-acceptance and defense
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Depressive symptoms in first episode schizophrenia spectrum disorder
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Knowledge and beliefs about antibiotics among people in Yogyakarta City Indonesia : a cross sectional population-based survey
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Preexercise aminoacidemia and muscle protein synthesis after resistance exercise
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Is there an "after' of identity?
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Developing and testing a strategy to enhance a palliative approach and care continuity for people who have dementia: study overview and protocol
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Comparing industrial development in India and China
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Personalising learning in teacher education through technology
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Never-married Women versus the records: archives, testimony and the history of adoption practices at the Royal Women's Hospital
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Evaluation of an intervention to promote protective infant feeding practices to prevent childhood obesity : Outcomes of the NOURISH RCT at 14 months of age and 6 months post the first of two intervention modules
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Identifying mediators of training effects on performance-related psychobiosocial states: A single-case observational study in an elite female triathlete
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Maternal Misconceptions of Weight Status among Nepean Adolescents
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Environmental factors associated with overweight among adults in Nigeria
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Protocol for a randomized controlled trial of a specialized health coaching intervention to prevent excessive gestational weight gain and postpartum weight retention in women: The HIPP study
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Cost-effectiveness of posaconazole versus fluconazole for prevention of invasive fungal infections in U.S. patients with graft-versus-host disease
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Centrelink: An innovative urban intervention for improving adult Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander access to vaccination
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Short-term effect of motivational interviewing on clinical and psychological outcomes and health-related quality of life in cardiac rehabilitation patients with poor motivation in Hong Kong : a randomized controlled trial
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The long-term predictive validity of early motor development in "apparently normal" ELBW survivors
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Cardiac Depression Scale : Mokken scaling in heart failure patients
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Cultivating an ethical school
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How much does intellectual disability really cost? First estimates for Australia
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The angiotensin receptor neprilysin inhibitor LCZ696 in heart failure with preserved ejection fraction: A phase 2 double-blind randomised controlled trial
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Oestrogen alpha-receptor variant and two-year memory decline in midlife Australian women
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Eplerenone and atrial fibrillation in mild systolic heart failure: Results from the EMPHASIS-HF (Eplerenone in Mild Patients Hospitalization and SurvIval Study in Heart Failure) study
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The Subject of Analysis: Global Cities and International Relations
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Severus of Antioch as theologian, dogmatician, pastor, and hymnographer: A consideration of his work on the Feast of the Ascension
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Professional standards for graduate teachers of religious education in Catholic schools: Implications for teacher preservice education
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Ethical considerations when using mobile technology in the pre-service teacher practicum
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Connecting social perspectives on mathematics teacher education in online environments
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A framework for mathematics graphical tasks: the influence of the graphic element on student sense making
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Organizational turbulence, trouble and trauma: Theorising the collapse of a mental health setting
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Leadership characteristics of successful Catholic parish primary school partnerships
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Perspectives of training, coaching, formation and access for church planting in Australia
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Religious perspectives on umbilical cord blood banking
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Interculturality as Pedagogy : Challenges of Teaching and Learning Religion and Theology Beyond Borders
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By the power of her word: Absence, memory, and speech in the song of songs and a Hindu mystical text
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Psychosomatic model of workplace bullying: Australian and Ugandan schoolteachers
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Political congruence and trade union renewal
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The experience of surviving lifethreatning injury: A qualitative synthesis
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Spiritual Experiences Reconsidered : A Relational Approach to the Integration of Psychology and Theology
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Prospective memory and future event simulation in individuals with alcohol dependence
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Looking to the future: Adolescents with cerebral palsy talk about their aspirations - A narrative study
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Comparison of indices of movement discrimination: Psychometric function, information theory, and signal detection analysis
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A systematic review of hip fracture incidence and probability of fracture worldwide
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Physical activity, family history of diabetes and risk of developing hyperglycaemia and diabetes among adults in Mainland China
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Promoting Social Skills: Enabling Academic and Interpersonal Successes
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Clinical exercise interventions in prostate cancer patients-a systematic review of randomized controlled trials
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Intergenerational differences in food, physical activity, and body size perceptions among African migrants
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Dilemmas in inclusive education :What does it mean to be an inclusive educator?
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History and experience: The direction of Alzheimer's disease
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Mastery goal, value and self-concept: what do they predict?
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An Intervention on 'democracy' as a term in empirical political analysis
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On 'Nature' and 'Law' in Natural Moral Law: A Prolegomenon for Normative Ethics?
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How to increase student learning outcomes, student satisfaction and retention rates in economics
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Are we still secular? Explorations on the secular and the post-secular
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Schools and Lifelong Learning: The Importance of Schools as Core Centres for Learning in the Community
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Are there two free will problems? Compatibilism, incompatibilism, and moral responsibility [Esistono due problemi del libero arbitrio? Compatibilismo, incompaibilismo e responsabilità morale]
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Specific mental functions- Language (b167)
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Recruiting and engaging new mothers in nutrition research studies: lessons from the Australian NOURISH randomised controlled trial
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Differences between sexually functional and dysfunctional women in childhood experiences and individual and relationship domains
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Patterns of change in cognitive function over six months in adults with chronic heart failure
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In Memoriam: Sergio Ragi-Eis, MD
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When Struggle Means Hope: A Filipino Postcolonial Theology
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Exploring the moral imagination through relational pedagogies in pre-service teacher ethics
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TTF @ ACU our story
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Measuring research student satisfaction in an era of 'students as customers'
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Symptom severity is more closely associated with social functioning status in inpatients with schizophrenia than cognitive deficits
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Developing resilient children and families when parents have mental illness: A family-focused approach
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Global physical activity levels: Surveillance progress, pitfalls, and prospects
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Second-level hospital health professionals' attitudes to lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender parents seeking health for their children
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Effect of feedback on ventilator care bundle compliance : before and after study
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Validity of the Microsoft Kinect for assessment of postural control
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Ramadan fasting and the goals of sports nutrition around exercise
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International field hockey players perform more high-speed running than national-level conterparts
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Biomechanical approaches to identify and quantify injury mechanisms and risk factors in women's artistic gymnastics
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Can exercise ameliorate treatment toxicity during the initial phase of testosterone deprivation in prostate cancer patients? Is this more effective than delayed rehabilitation?
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Strong link between basal and exercise-induced cardiac troponin T levels: Do both reflect risk?
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Using ICU readmissions as a marker of care quality: Time for a rethink?
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Activity cycles of National Rugby League and National Youth Competition matches
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Kerygma and decision: Philosophy of religion and religious philosophy [Kérygme et décision : Philosophie de la religion et philosophie religieuse]
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The impact of school suspension on student tobacco use : A longitudinal study in Victoria, Australia, and Washington State, United States
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Prospective memory reminders : A laboratory investigation of initiation source and age effects
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Older Adults have greater difficulty imagining future rather than atemporal experiences
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Cognitive ability and health-related behaviors during adolescence : A prospective study across five years
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A combined planning and self-efficacy intervention to promote physical activity : A multiple mediation analysis
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Use of Web 2.0 to recruit Australian gay men to an online HIV/AIDS survey
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Predictors of attrition in bariatric aftercare : a systematic review of the literature
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Accuracy of hospital morbidity data and the performance of comorbidity scores as predictors of mortality
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The perceptions of nurses in their management of patients experiencing anxiety
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Is injury occurrence associated with joint coupling variability during unanticipated movement tasks performed by netballers?
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Effect of speed and time of mixing on setting time and strength of high calcium fly ash geopolymer
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Gifted early adolescents' negotiating identity: A case study of self-presentation theory
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Islam and the West: Conflict, democracy, identity
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The regional dimensions of the 'transition to a low-carbon economy': the case of Australia's Latrobe Valley
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Intellectual Property and Development - A road map for developing countries in the 21st century
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The Nationalisation of Education in Australia and Annexation of Private Schooling to Public Goals
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Islamic reformation discourses: popular sovereignty and religious secularisation in Iran
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Low serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D is associated with increased risk of the development of the metabolic syndrome at five years : Results from a national, population-based prospective study (The Australian Diabetes, Obesity and Lifestyle Study : AusDiab)
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Challenges, opportunities, and capacity building in early childhood teacher education research in Australia and New Zealand
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PERMA: A model for institutional leadership and culture change
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Competition Law in Australia
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Online advertising: Examining the content and messages within websites targeted at children
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But for the bad, there would not be good: Grounding valence in brightness through shared relational structures
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The social dimension of stress reactivity: Acute stress increases prosocial behavior in humans
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Teaching methods for modelling problems and students' task-specific enjoyment, value, interest and self-efficacy expectations
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Effect of denosumab treatment on the risk of fractures in subgroupsof women with postmenopausal osteoporosis
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Results of a multi-level intervention to prevent and control childhood obesity among Latino children: The Aventuras para niños study
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Physical activity for cancer survivors: Meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials
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The Effectiveness of Teaching 10th-Grade Students STOP, AIMS, and DARE for Planning and Drafting Persuasive Text
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Ischemic preconditioning promotes intrinsic vascularization and enhances survival of implanted cells in an in vivo tissue engineering model
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Absence makes the heart grow fonder': Students with chronic illness seeking academic continuity through interaction with their teachers at school
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Effects of foot orthoses on ankle kinematics in male runners with Achilles tendinopathy
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Truth, Lies, and the Narrative Self
Matthews, Stephen and Kennett, Jeanette. (2012). Truth, Lies, and the Narrative Self. American Philosophical Quarterly. 49(4), pp. 301 - 315.Journal article
Engaged and disengaged Year 5 readers in low SES Australian schools :differences in personal cognitions, perceived classroom and family reading practices
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What middle years students know about the creation of multimodal texts
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Male students' perspectives concerning the relevance of mathematics: Pilot study findings
Easey, Michael, Warren, Elizabeth A. and Geiger, Vince. (2012). Male students' perspectives concerning the relevance of mathematics: Pilot study findings. In J. Dindyal, L. P. Cheng and S. F. Ng (Ed.). Mathematics education: Expanding horizons. Proceedings of the 35th annual conference of the Mathematics Education Research Group of Australasia. Australia: Mathematics Education Research Group of Australasia. pp. 242 - 249Conference item
Adverse associations of increases in television viewing time with 5-year changes in glucose homoeostasis markers : The AusDiab study
Hansen, A L S, Wijndaele, K, Owen, Neville, Magliano, Dianna, Thorp, Alicia, Shaw, Jonathan and Dunstan, David Wayne. (2012). Adverse associations of increases in television viewing time with 5-year changes in glucose homoeostasis markers : The AusDiab study. Diabetic Medicine. 29(7), pp. 918 - 925. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1464-5491.2012.03656.xJournal article
Protocol for a randomized controlled trial of a specialized health coaching intervention to prevent excessive gestational weight gain and postpartum weight retention in women: The HIPP study
Skouteris, Helen, McCabe, Marita, Milgrom, Jeannette, Kent, Bridie, Bruce, Lauren, Mihalopoulos, Catherine, Herring, Sharon, Barnett, Malcolm, Patterson, Denise, Teale, Glyn and Gale, Janette. (2012). Protocol for a randomized controlled trial of a specialized health coaching intervention to prevent excessive gestational weight gain and postpartum weight retention in women: The HIPP study. BMC Public Health. 12(78), pp. 1 - 9. https://doi.org/10.1186/1471-2458-12-78Journal article
Studying 'a thousand miles away': The motivational implications of cross-cultural transitions
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End of year showcase concert
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What keeps nurses from the sexual counseling of patients with heart failure?
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Transition to Neonatal Follow-up Programs : Is attendance a problem?
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influences of coaches, parents, and peers on the motivational patterns of child and adolescent athletes
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The Continuing Evolution of Biopsychosocial Interventions for Chronic Pain
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Feedback interventions for improving self-awareness after brain injury : a protocol for a pragmatic randomised controlled trial
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Pulmonary hypertension : Prevalence and mortality in the Armadale echocardiography cohort
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Croker Island exodus
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Implementation and evaluation of brief depression and anxiety screening in clients contacting a drug and alcohol service
Thomas, Anna Christina, Staiger, Petra Karin and McCabe, Marita. (2012). Implementation and evaluation of brief depression and anxiety screening in clients contacting a drug and alcohol service. Drug and Alcohol Review. 31(3), pp. 303 - 310. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1465-3362.2011.00323.xJournal article
Using health risk assessments to target and tailor: An innovative social marketing program in aged care facilities
Jones, Sandra C., Johnson, Kerry M., Phillipson, Lyn, Hall, Danika, Robinson, Laura, Bonney, Andrew D. and Telenta, Joanne. (2012). Using health risk assessments to target and tailor: An innovative social marketing program in aged care facilities. In K. Kubacki and S. Rundle-Thiele (Ed.). Brisbane, Australia: Department of Marketing, Griffith University. pp. 114 - 117Conference item
Vinegar co-ingestion does not improve oral glucose tolerance in patients with type 2 diabetes
van Dijk, Jan-Willem, Tummers, Kyra, Hamer, Henrike M. and van Loon, Luc J. C.. (2012). Vinegar co-ingestion does not improve oral glucose tolerance in patients with type 2 diabetes. Journal of Diabetes and Its Complications. 26(5), pp. 460 - 461. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jdiacomp.2012.05.009Journal article
Introduction of the tools for economic analysis of patient management interventions in heart failure costing tool : A user-friendly spreadsheet program to estimate costs of providing patient-centered interventions
Reed, Shelby D., Li, Yanhong, Kamble, Shital, Polsky, Daniel E., Graham, Felicia L., Bowers, Margaret T., Samsa, Gregory P., Paul, Sara C., Schulman, Kevin A., Whellan, David J. and Riegel, Barbara. (2012). Introduction of the tools for economic analysis of patient management interventions in heart failure costing tool : A user-friendly spreadsheet program to estimate costs of providing patient-centered interventions. Circulation: Cardiovascular Quality and Outcomes. 5(1), pp. 113 - 119. https://doi.org/10.1161/CIRCOUTCOMES.111.962977Journal article
Passion in breast cancer survivors : Examining links to emotional well-being
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Classroom climate and contextual effects : conceptual and methodological issues in the evaluation of group-level effects
Marsh, Herbert, Ludtke, Oliver, Nagengast, Benjamin, Trautwein, Ulrich, Morin, Alexandre, Abduljabbar, Adel and Koller, Olaf. (2012). Classroom climate and contextual effects : conceptual and methodological issues in the evaluation of group-level effects. Educational Psychologist. 47(2), pp. 106 - 124. https://doi.org/10.1080/00461520.2012.670488Journal article
Affordances can invite behaviour : Reconsidering the relationship between affordances and agency
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Anti-Latino racism
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Inter-relationships of functional status in cerebral palsy : analyzing gross motor function, manual ability, and communication function classification systems in children
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Predicting mental health among mothers of school-aged children with developmental disabilities : The relative contribution of child, maternal and environmental factors
Bourke-Taylor, Helen, Pallant, Julie, Law, Mary and Howie, Linsey. (2012). Predicting mental health among mothers of school-aged children with developmental disabilities : The relative contribution of child, maternal and environmental factors. Research in Developmental Disabilities. 33(6), pp. 1732 - 1740. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ridd.2012.04.011Journal article
Clinical outcomes associated with screening and referral for depression in an acute cardiac ward
Ski, Chantal, Page, Karen, Thompson, David, Cummins, Robert, Salzberg, Mike and Worrall-Carter, Linda. (2012). Clinical outcomes associated with screening and referral for depression in an acute cardiac ward. Journal of Clinical Nursing. 21(15-16), pp. 2228 - 2234. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1365-2702.2011.03934.xJournal article
Mental health of a police force : Estimating prevalence of work-related depression in Australia without a direct national measure
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Models of care in nursing : A systematic review
Fernandez, Ritin, Johnson, Maree, Tran, Duong and Miranda, Charmaine. (2012). Models of care in nursing : A systematic review. International Journal of Evidence-Based Healthcare. 10(4), pp. 324 - 337. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1744-1609.2012.00287.xJournal article
Home videophones improve direct observation in tuberculosis treatment: A mixed methods evaluation
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The Catholic Church in Australia and the 'Great Australian Silence'
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Management control systems and relational performance in inter-organizational relationships :the role of justice and trust
Wang, Andy Fengfei and Dyball, Maria Fe Caridad. (2012). Management control systems and relational performance in inter-organizational relationships :the role of justice and trust. Proceedings of the Global Management Accounting Research Symposium. Denmark: Institute of Certified Management Accountants. pp. 1 - 10Conference item
ASPIRing to mitigate climate change: Superordinate identity in global climate negotiations
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A secondary motor task exaggerates gait deficits in Parkinson's fallers
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Personality and Relationship Quality During the Transition From High School to Early Adulthood
Parker, Philip D., Ludtke, Oliver, Trautwein, Ulrich and Roberts, Brent. (2012). Personality and Relationship Quality During the Transition From High School to Early Adulthood. Journal of Personality. 80(4), pp. 1061 - 1089. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1467-6494.2012.00766.xJournal article
Breathlessness is not a normal part of aging: Development and testing of asthma awareness messages for older Australians
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Identifying risk factors for contact injury in professional rugby league players : application of a frailty model for recurrent injury
Gabbett, Tim, Ullah, Shahid and Finch, Caroline F.. (2012). Identifying risk factors for contact injury in professional rugby league players : application of a frailty model for recurrent injury. Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport. 15, pp. 496 - 504. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jsams.2012.03.017Journal article
Hospitalized mental health patients and oral health
Edward, Karen-Leigh, Felstead, Boyce and Mahoney, Anne-Marie. (2012). Hospitalized mental health patients and oral health. Journal of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing. 19(5), pp. 419 - 425. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1365-2850.2011.01794.xJournal article
Non-elite gymnastics participation is associated with greater bone strength, muscle size, and function in pre- and early pubertal girls
Burt, Lauren, Naughton, Geraldine, Greene, David and Courteix, Daniel. (2012). Non-elite gymnastics participation is associated with greater bone strength, muscle size, and function in pre- and early pubertal girls. Osteoporosis International. 23(4), pp. 1277 - 1286. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00198-011-1677-zJournal article
Association of anthropometric qualities with vertical jump performance in elite male volleyball players
Aouadi, Ridha, Jlid, Chedly, Khalifa, Riadh, Hermassi, Souhail, Chelly, Mohamed Souhaiel, van den Tillaar, Ronald and Gabbett, Timothy. (2012). Association of anthropometric qualities with vertical jump performance in elite male volleyball players. The Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness. 52(1), pp. 11 - 17. https://doi.org/10.4100/jhse.2012.73.11Journal article
What's eating into school recess?: Implications of extended eating for free play and physical activity
Wyver, Shirley, Engelen, Lina, Bundy, Anita and Naughton, Geraldine. (2012). What's eating into school recess?: Implications of extended eating for free play and physical activity. In J Wright (Ed.). Joint AARE/APERA Inernational Conference. Sydney, NSW, Australia 2012 Australia: Australian Association for Research in Education. pp. 1 - 8Conference item
Inflammation and anaemia in a broad spectrum of patients with heart failure
Kleijn, Lennaert, Belonje, Anne, Voors, Adriaan, de Boer, Rudolf, Jaarsma, Tiny, Ghosh, Sudip, Kim, Joseph, Hillege, Hans, van Gilst, Wiek, van Veldhuisen, Dirk and van der Meer, Peter. (2012). Inflammation and anaemia in a broad spectrum of patients with heart failure. Heart. 98(16), pp. 1237 - 1241. https://doi.org/10.1136/heartjnl-2012-301954Journal article
Meta-analyses of cognitive and motor function in youth aged 16 years and younger who subsequently develop schizophrenia
Dickson, Hannah, Laurens, Kristin, Cullen, Alexis E. and Hodgins, Sheilagh. (2012). Meta-analyses of cognitive and motor function in youth aged 16 years and younger who subsequently develop schizophrenia. Psychological Medicine. 42(4), pp. 743 - 755. https://doi.org/10.1017/S0033291711001693Journal article
Toddler milk advertising in Australia: infant formula advertising in disguise?
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Rugby league players
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Use and helpfulness of self-administered stress management therapy in patients undergoing cancer chemotherapy in community clinical settings
Loi, Claudia X. A., Taylor, Teletia R., McMillan, Susan, Gross-King, Margaret, Xu, Ping, Shoss, Mindy Michelle and Huegel, Viki. (2012). Use and helpfulness of self-administered stress management therapy in patients undergoing cancer chemotherapy in community clinical settings. Journal of Psychosocial Oncology.Journal article
Parenting the `Millennium Child': choice, responsibility and playing it safe in uncertain times
Barr, Jennifer, de Souza, Marian, Harrison, Catherine, Hyde, Brendan, Van Vliet, Helen and Saltmarsh, Sue. (2012). Parenting the `Millennium Child': choice, responsibility and playing it safe in uncertain times. Global Studies of Childhood. 2(4), pp. 302 - 318. https://doi.org/10.2304/gsch.2012.2.4.302Journal article
Competing time orders in human service work: towards a politics of time
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The nature of biblical economic principle, and its critics
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Ecological Disaster and Jacques Ellul's Theological Vision
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In memoriam: Sergio Ragi-Eis, MD
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The learning journey: Lifelong professional learning for leaders in faith-based schools
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Efficacy and safety of apixaban compared with warfarin according to patient risk of stroke and of bleeding in atrial fibrillation: A secondary analysis of a randomised controlled trial
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Structural extensions of a hierarchical view on human cognitive abilities
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Music as theology: What music has to say about the Word
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Body image, desired weight and body figure preferences of Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal Australian women across the lifespan
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Green space, health inequality and pregnancy
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Motivation, Personality, and Development within Embedded Social Contexts : An Overview of Self-Determination Theory
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Insights into children's understandings of mass measurement
McDonough, Andrea Mary, Cheeseman, Jill and Ferguson, Sarah. (2012). Insights into children's understandings of mass measurement. In T Y Tso (Ed.). Proceedings of the 36th Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education. Taiwan: International Group for the Psychology of Mathemati.... pp. 201 - 208Conference item
An exploration into growing patterns with young Australian Indigenous students
Miller, Jodie and Warren, Elizabeth. (2012). An exploration into growing patterns with young Australian Indigenous students. In J Dindyal, L P Cheng and S F Ng (Ed.). Mathematics education: Expanding horizons. Proceedings of the 35th annual conference of the Mathematics Education Research Group of Australasia. Australia: Mathematics Education Research Group of Australasia. pp. 505 - 512Conference item
The rights of psychiatric patients in China : A survey of medical staff and consumers' attitudes toward patient participation in clinical trials
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Wytyczne ESC dotycza ce rozpoznania oraz leczenia ostrej i przewlek ej niewydolno ci sierca na 2012 rok
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Building research capacity in South West Sydney through a Primary Community Health Research Unit
Friesen, Emma, Comino, Elizabeth, Reath, Jennifer, Derrett, Alison, Johnson, Maree, Powell Davies, Gawaine, Teng-Liaw, Siaw and Kemp, L. (2012). Building research capacity in South West Sydney through a Primary Community Health Research Unit. Australian Journal of Primary Health: the issues influencing community health services and primary health care. 20(1), pp. 4 - 8. https://doi.org/10.1071/PY12081Journal article
Validity and reliability of the German version of the 9-item European heart failure self-care behaviour scale
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Understanding individual compassion in organizations: The role of appraisals and psychological flexibility
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Patient preferences for the delivery of disease management in chronic heart failure : A qualitative study
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A ward-based writing coach program to improve the quality of nursing documentation
Jefferies, Diana, Johnson, Maree, Nicholls, Daniel and Lad, Shushila. (2012). A ward-based writing coach program to improve the quality of nursing documentation. Nurse Education Today. 32(6), pp. 647 - 651. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.nedt.2011.08.017Journal article
Mechanical loading with or without weight-bearing activity : Influence on bone strength index in elite female adolescent athletes engaged in water polo, gymnastics, and track-and-field
Greene, David, Naughton, Geraldine, Bradshaw, Elizabeth, Moresi, Mark and Ducher, Gaele. (2012). Mechanical loading with or without weight-bearing activity : Influence on bone strength index in elite female adolescent athletes engaged in water polo, gymnastics, and track-and-field. Journal of Bone and Mineral Metabolism. 30(5), pp. 580 - 587. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00774-012-0360-6Journal article
The strength of the ankle dorsiflexors has a significant contribution to walking speed in people who can walk independently after stroke : an observational study
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MicroRNAs in insulin resistance and obesity
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Trends in long-term cardiovascular mortality and morbidity in men and women with heart failure of ischemic versus non-ischemic aetiology in Western Australia between 1990 and 2005
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Adult height and the risk of cause-specific death and vascular morbidity in 1 million people: individual participant meta-analysis
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Our flaws are more human than yours: Ingroup bias in humanizing negative characteristics
Koval, Peter, Laham, Simon M., Haslam, Nick, Bastian, Brock and Whelan, Jennifer A.. (2012). Our flaws are more human than yours: Ingroup bias in humanizing negative characteristics. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin. 38(3), pp. 283 - 295. https://doi.org/10.1177/0146167211423777Journal article
Current evidence does not support the claims made for CogMed working memory training
Melby-Lervag, Monica and Hulme, Charles. (2012). Current evidence does not support the claims made for CogMed working memory training. Journal of Applied Research in Memory and Cognition. 1(3), pp. 197 - 200. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jarmac.2012.06.006Journal article
Developing a minimum data set for electronic nursing handover
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A mediator model of sunscreen use : A longitudinal analysis of social-cognitive predictors and mediators
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Muscle imbalance among elite Australian rules football players : a longitudinal study of changes in trunk muscle size
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Effect of body position on ventilation distribution in preterm infants on continuous positive airway pressure
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Phase-adequate engagement at the post-school transition
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Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) for psychological adjustment after traumatic brain injury : Reporting the protocol for a randomised controlled trial
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Contextual influences of parenting behaviors for children with neurodevelopmental disorders : results from a Canadian national survey
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Changes in social-cognitive variables are associated with stage transitions in physical activity
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The gendering of global citizenship: findings from a large-scale quantitative study on global citizenship education experiences
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Limiting opportunities to learn in upper-secondary schooling: Differentiation and performance assessment in the context of standards-based curriculum reform
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Enacting policy, curriculum and teacher conceptualisations of multimodal literacy and english in assessment and accountability
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Strategies for improving student outcomes in written expression
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Comparing students with extreme schematic beliefs in learning mathematics across two cultures
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Australian masculinities and popular song: the songs of sentimental blokes 1900-1930s
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Unpacking the connections between network and stakeholder management and their application to road infrastructure networks in Queensland
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Employee turnover, HRM and institutional contexts
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Effects of a multivitamin, mineral and herbal supplement on cognition and blood biomarkers in older men: A randomised, placebo-controlled trial
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Individualized guidelines for the management of aggression in dementia - Part 1: Key concepts
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Long-term treatment of osteoporosis in postmenopausal women: A review from the European Society for Clinical and Economic Aspects of Osteoporosis and Osteoarthritis (ESCEO) and the International Osteoporosis Foundation (IOF)
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Challenging symptoms in children with rare life-limiting conditions: Findings from a prospective diary and interview study with families
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European Guidelines on Cardiovascular Diseases prevention in clinical practice (version 2012)
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Correlates of physical activity: Why are some people physically active and others not?
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Is evangelization needed today? Some personal and sociological reflections
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Bullying of staff in schools
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'Advertising the work': Women's suffrage campaigns leading the way in modern media publicity
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Constructing otherness and past through creative mistakes : ancient initiation wars and contemporary human sacrifices
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Individual and environmental characteristics associated with cognitive development in down syndrome: a longitudinal study
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The relationship between lumbar mulitifidus muscle function and performance on the single-leg squat task
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Pragmatic abilities in children with congenital visual impairment: An exploration of non-literal language and advanced theory of mind understanding
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History trials : Can law decide history?
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Efficacy of a reading and language intervention for children with down syndrome : a randomized controlled trial
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The effects of work motivation on employee exhaustion and commitment : An extension of the JD-R model
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Internet-Based Interventions for Psychosis : A Sneak-Peek into the Future
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Longitudinal mental health impact among police responders to the 9/11 terrorist attack
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Understanding health decisions using critical realism : Home-dialysis decision-making during chronic kidney disease
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A colorimetric-based accurate method for the determination of enterovirus 71 titer
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Applying strategic configurations to demonstrate primary health care in Australia is not a swathe of vanilla
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Teaching experiments and professional learning
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The 3D model and media education
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Talipes equinovarus (clubfoot)
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Lifelong Learning and the Teaching Occupation: Tracking Policy Effects of Governing ideas on Occupational (Re)Ordering
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Does the Gospel of Matthew presuppose a canon of scriptures?
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Families and mental illness: Contested perspectives and implications for practice and policy
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Visual perceptual abilities of Chinese-speaking and English speaking children
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The connection between lymphangiogenic signalling and prostaglandin biology : A missing link in the metastatic pathway
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No improvement in endurance performance after a single dose of beetroot juice
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Foundational issues in educating young people for understanding and apprecation of the religions in their communities
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Creating a sustainable and supportive teaching practicum in rural and regional locations
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Efficacy of whole-body vibration on exercise tolerance and functional performance on the lower limbs of people with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
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While they were eating: Lukan mission through domestic hospitality and ministry as table-service, and implications for the contemporary church
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Agent-based transformation architecture for developing intelligent systems
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Face to Face Encounters: Education and Engagement for a Shared Humanity
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Ageing: The new ethical frontier
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Virtue ethics as a resource in business
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The way forward on state tax reform: an AFTSR perspective
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The extent to which the prerogative right of the crown to print and publish certain works exists in Australia
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A multi-metaphorical model for teacher knowledge and teacher learning
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Practical physical activity measurement in youth: A review of contemporary approaches
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Sports Nutrition
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e.ra.sure(noun) :still-life (8 piece series) / ab.a.cus (noun): map (single piece)
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Nurses' willingness to report medication administration errors in Saudi Arabia
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Three problems with the theory of cognitive therapy
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Relationship between self-care and health-related quality of life in older adults with moderate to advanced heart failure
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Voice outcomes after concurrent chemoradiotherapy for advanced nonlaryngeal head and neck cancer : A prospective study
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A new voice rating tool for clinical practice
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Cost-effective intervention thresholds against osteoporotic fractures based on FRAX® in Switzerland
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Feasibility of short message service to document bleeding episodes in children with haemophilia
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The "Down South Program"- Mutualism in university school partnerships
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Teaching threshold concepts in engineering mathematics using MathCasts
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Alcohol and other drug withrdrawal : Practice guidelines
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Christian spirituality in Oceania : an Australian perspective
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The ESL teacher as 'productive' pedagogical mentor
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Working memory and amnesia : The role of stimulus novelty
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Older academics' views of promotion
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Leucine induces myofibrillar protein accretion in cultured skeletal muscle through mTOR dependent and -independent control of myosin heavy chain mRNA levels
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AMPK enhances insulin-stimulated GLUT4 regulation via lowering membrane cholesterol
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Antidepressant medications and osteoporosis
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Should we SHIFT our thinking about digoxin? Observations on ivabradine and heart rate reduction in heart failure
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Prolonged exercise training increases intramuscular lipid content and perilipin 2 expression in type I muscle fibers of patients with type 2 diabetes
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Reverend Samuel Marsden and the Maori Mission
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Understanding organisational culture in the community health setting
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Using whole-body vibration training in patients affected with common neurological diseases: A systematic literature review
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Trihalomethanes, chlorite, chlorate in drinking water and risk of congenital anomalies: A population-based case-control study in Northern Italy
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Outcomes from the implementation of a facility-specific evidence-based falls prevention intervention program in residential aged care
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Teaching Teachers for the Future (TTF) Project: Development of the TTF TPACK Survey Instrument
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The utopia of science education
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Interventions for children's language and literacy difficulties
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Changing emotion dynamics: individual differences in the effect of anticipatory social stress on emotional inertia.
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Development of an outcome measurement system for service planning for children and youth with special needs
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Stroke clinicians' priorities for stroke research
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A survey of European intensive care nurses' knowledge levels
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Maximal power output and perceptual fatigue responses during a division I female collegiate soccer season
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Communication style and exercise compliance in physiotherapy (CONNECT). A cluster randomized controlled trial to test a theory-based intervention to increase chronic low back pain patients adherence to physiotherapists recommendations: Study rational
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The experiences of Australian lesbian couples becoming parents : Deciding, searching and birthing
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Soundtrack for 'The Bedroom'
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Self-determined motivational predictors of increases in dental behaviors, decreases in dental plaque, and improvement in oral health: A randomized clinical trial
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Age and gender differences in incidence and case fatality trends for myocardial infarction: A 30-year follow-up. The Tromsø Study
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Phase-adequate engagement at the post-school transition
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Auditory hallucinations in schizophrenia and nonschizophrenia populations : a review and integrated model of cognitive mechanisms
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Measuring what matters in delivering services to remote-dwelling Indigenous mothers and infants in the Northern Territory, Australia
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Translating intentions into sunscreen use : An interaction of self-efficacy and appearance norms
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Relationships between online gambling, mental health and substance use: A review
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Contextual and individual predictors of physical activity : interactions between environmental factors and health cognitions
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A person-centred lifestyle change intervention model : Working with older people experiencing chronic illness
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Carbon monoxide-induced death and toxicity from charcoal briquettes
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Influence of beverage temperature on palatability and fluid ingestion during endurance exercise : A systematic review
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Towards an integrative formative approach of data-driven decision making, assessment for learning, and diagnostic testing
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Officer perceptions of reward fairness and withdrawal behaviour
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Is injury occurrence associated with joint coupling variability during unanticipated movement tasks performed by netballers?
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Dynamic clustering with soft computing
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Exploring ICT integration as a tool to engage young people at a flexible learning centre
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Teaching ethics and religious culture in Quebec high schools: an overview, contextualization and some analytical comments
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Redesigning academic essays to promote teacher reflection on selected issues of learning and teaching related to the current educational reform in Hong Kong
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Numeracy across the curriculum
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Keeping on track: Experiences of postgraduate coursework Indigenous Australian students and their lecturers'. A case study
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Preparing high achieving English teachers to work in disadvantaged schools: 'I'll teach shakespeare when I'm 60'
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Maternal predictors of preschool child-eating behaviours, food intake and body mass index : A prospective study
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Knowledge exchange in the Pacific: The TROPIC (Translational Research into Obesity Prevention Policies for Communities) project
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Do adults with Autism Spectrum Disorders compensate in naturalistic prospective memory tasks?
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From Dusk to Dawn
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Destination and route attributes associated with adults' walking: A review
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Continuous chest compression cardiopulmonary resuscitation training promotes rescuer self-confidence and increased secondary training: A hospital-based randomized controlled trial*
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Epidemiological burden of postmenopausal osteoporosis in France from 2010 to 2020: Estimations from a disease model
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Are there symptom differences in patients with coronary artery disease presenting to the ED ultimately diagnosed with or without ACS?
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Pharmacist intervention in primary care to improve outcomes in patients with left ventricular systolic dysfunction
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Pandemic influenza: a global challenge for social marketing marketing
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Not by thoughts alone: How language supersizes the cognitive toolkit
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The universal work of the Holy Spirit in the missiology of Pope John Paul II
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The call to perfection, financial asceticism, and Jerome
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Newman and the Idea of a University
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Ethics and the Onus of Proof
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Christian Atonement
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Australia and Vatican II: Bringing home the vision
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The importance of social support for nurses in a general acute context
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Pre-service teacher education in the postmodern state
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'Worlds apart': Patients' and nurses' perspectives of factors that impact on nursing care of patients with pulmonary tuberculosis in Australia and Malawi
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Fighting on all fronts: Crisis management in the Gospel of Matthew
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The inluence of the Future in Youth (FIY) Soccer Program (East Timor) on motivation for coaching among the local Timorese coaches
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Reading skills in children with Down syndrome: A meta-analytic review
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Contexualizing chronicity : Perspectives from Malaysia
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Self-regulation of learning and relative age in elite youth soccer : International versus National level players
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An exploration of the previous teaching and learning experiences of overseas educated nurses from China, Korea and India
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Ideas of a Liberal Education an Essay on Elite and Mass Higher Education
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Transition programs for internationally educated nurses : What can the United States learn from the United Kingdom, Australia, and Canada
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Oxytocin increases amygdala reactivity to threatening scenes in females
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Effect of statins on venous thromboembolic events: A meta-analysis of published and unpublished evidence from randomised controlled trials
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Restraint of children with additional needs in motor vehicles : Knowledge and challenges of paediatric occupational therapists in Victoria, Australia
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Cortical surface mapping using topology correction, partial flattening and 3D shape context-based non-rigid registration for use in quantifying atrophy in Alzheimer's disease
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Use of snus during pregnancy is not without risk
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Predictors of trips to food destinations
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Impact of caffeine and protein on postexercise muscle glycogen synthesis
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What has faith got to do with classroom religious education?
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The effectiveness of simulation activities on the cognitive abilities of undergraduate third-year nursing students : A randomised control trial
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Dorothea Tanning Catalogue Report: Eine Kleine Nachtmusik
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Skeletal muscle respiratory capacity is enhanced in rats consuming an obesogenic Western diet
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Is reduction in pain catastrophizing a therapeutic mechanism specific to cognitive-behavioral therapy for chronic pain?
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Contribution of the human immunodeficiency virus/acquired immunodeficiency syndrome epidemic to de novo presentations of heart disease in the Heart of Soweto Study cohort
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Road to full recovery: Longitudinal relationship between symptomatic remission and psychosocial recovery in first-episode psychosis over 7.5 years
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Pathways from school suspension to adolescent nonviolent antisocial behavior in students in Victoria, Australia and Washington State, United States
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A single bout of exercise activates skeletal muscle satellite cells during subsequent overnight recovery
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Improved functional ability and independence in activities of daily living for older adults at high risk of hospital readmission : a randomised controlled trial
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A descriptive study of the experiences of lesbian, gay and transgender parents accessing health services for their children
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Time to level the playing field in teacher education
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Feeding the emergence of advanced heart disease in Soweto : A nutritional survey of black African patients with heart failure
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Managing projected midwifery workforce deficits through collaborative partnerships
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Huron Socialism: a new political system
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Addressing quality teaching in hard to staff settings: The exceptional teachers for disadvantaged schools project
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Evaluation of longitudinal 12 and 24 month cognitive outcomes in premanifest and early Huntington's disease
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AMPK-dependent inhibitory phosphorylation of ACC is not essential for maintaining myocardial fatty acid oxidation
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Director turnover : An Australian academic development study
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Counterfactual analysis in merger reviews
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Cross-sectional analysis of association between socioeconomic status and utilization of primary total hip joint replacements 2006-7: Australian Orthopaedic Association National Joint Replacement Registry
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Factors associated with undiagnosed obstructive sleep apnoea in hypertensive primary care patients
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Mineralocorticoid receptor antagonists for heart failure with reduced ejection fraction: Integrating evidence into clinical practice
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Incidence of hip fracture and prevalence of osteoporosis in Turkey: The FRACTURK study
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Developing a multi-agent architecture at the computational level to transform human-oriented solutions into computer-based artefacts
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Obesity prevalence for athletes participating in soccer at the world masters games
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Altered neuromotor control of the gluteus medius and gluteus maximus in male runners with achilles tendinopathy
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The 5 C's of literacy and literary skills development: Conversations, community, collaboration, creativity and connection
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Taking a risk with playful places for children: Removing 'surplus safety' from the school ground
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Breaking up prolonged sitting reduces postprandial glucose and insulin responses
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Recognition and referral of depression in patients with heart disease
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Multifidus muscle size and symmetry among elite weightlifters
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Development of a standardised Occupational Therapy - Driver Off-Road Assessment Battery to assess older and/or functionally impaired drivers
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Decolonising sociology curriculum: Using an online immersive learning environment to deliver cross-cultural training
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Editorial: To engage or not to engage
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'This is the Word of God': Acceptance Theatre and the Validation of a Gay Religious Sensibility - An Analysis of Terrence McNally's Corpus Christi
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Palivizumab : A debate about funding
Fitzgerald, Dominic, Isaacs, David and Tobin, Bernadette. (2012). Palivizumab : A debate about funding. Journal of Paediatrics and Child Health. 48(5), pp. 373 - 377.Journal article
Johannine Studies in the Australia-Pacific region
Moloney, Frank. (2012). Johannine Studies in the Australia-Pacific region. Australian Ejournal of Theology. 19(1), pp. 1 - 15.Journal article
Faith as Sight? Toward a phenomenology of revelation
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Michel Henry and The Idea of Phenomenology : Immanence, givenness and reflection
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Stage-Managing Crisis: Bishops' Liturgical Responses to Crisis (4th-6th Centuries)
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A Dialogue between Indigenous Australian Experience and Panikkar's cosmotheandric vision
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Neuromuscular electrical stimulation increases muscle protein synthesis in elderly type 2 diabetic men
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A Web-Based Intervention to Improve and Prevent low back pain among office workers: A randomized controlled trial
del Pozo Cruz, Borja, Adsuar, Jose C., Parraca, Jose A., del Pozo-Cruz, Jesus, Moreno, Antonio and Gusi, Narcis. (2012). A Web-Based Intervention to Improve and Prevent low back pain among office workers: A randomized controlled trial. Journal of Orthopaedic and Sports Physical Therapy. 42(10), pp. 831 - 841. https://doi.org/10.2519/jospt.2012.3980Journal article
Effect of intensive structured care on individual blood pressure targets in primary care : Multicentre randomised controlled trial
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Exercise prescriptions for patients with type 2 diabetes and pre-diabetes : A position statement from Exercise and Sports Science Australia
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Exploring reliability of scar rating scales using photographs of burns from children aged up to 15 years
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Theology in the Public University
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Trends in Australian Human Resource Management: What next?
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Football (soccer) players
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Technology in mathematics education
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Is fear of strangers related to physical activity among youth?
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Endogenous parathyroid hormone is associated with reduced cartilage volume in vivo in a population-based sample of adult women
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Dyadic coping, insecure attachment, and cortisol stress recovery following experimentally induced stress
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Prevalence of vitamin D deficiency and its determinants in Australian adults aged 25 years and older : A national, population-based study
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Manualized treatment programs for FSD: Research challenges and recommendations
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Research review: Associations between leaving out-of-home care, post-transition support and psychosocial outcomes
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Designing informal learning spaces using student perspectives
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Supporting primary school principals as literacy leaders: The role of Literacy Achievement Advisors
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Moving beyond an 'instrumental' role for the first languages of English language learners
Coleman, Jacqueline. (2012). Moving beyond an 'instrumental' role for the first languages of English language learners. TESOL in Context. 22(1), pp. 18 - 37.Journal article
The building bridges through interfaith dialogue in schools programme: An investigation into the effectiveness of a model of interfaith education
McCowan, Timothy Ross. (2012). The building bridges through interfaith dialogue in schools programme: An investigation into the effectiveness of a model of interfaith education [Thesis]. https://doi.org/10.4226/66/5a9751b33baa0Thesis
God and the market : Adam Smith's invisible hand
Oslington, Paul. (2012). God and the market : Adam Smith's invisible hand. Journal of Business Ethics. 108, pp. 429 - 438.Journal article
Greek Tragedy and Contemporary Democracy
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Valuing Students with Impairment: International Comparisons of Pratice in Educational Accountability
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Questioning desire: Lonergan, Girard and Buddhism
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Female perceptions of organizational justice
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Hinduism and Social Democratization: A Preliminary Sketch
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Prolonged sedentary time and physical activity in workplace and non-work contexts : A cross-sectional study of office, customer service and call centre employees
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How well do clinical tests predict future falls in older people?
Kerr, Graham K., Wood, Joanne M., Lacherez, Philippe F. and Cole, Michael H.. (2012). How well do clinical tests predict future falls in older people?Conference item
Use of virtual reality in rehabilitation of movement in children with hemiplegia : A multiple case study evaluation
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European Academy for Childhood Disability (EACD) : Recommendations on the definition, diagnosis and intervention of developmental coordination disorder (long version)
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Facilitating chlamydia testing among young people : A randomised controlled trial in cyberspace
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Parenting styles, communication and child/adolescent diets andweight status : let's talk about it
Parletta, Natalie, Peters, Jacqueline, Owen, Amber, Tsiros, Margarita and Brennan, Leah. (2012). Parenting styles, communication and child/adolescent diets andweight status : let's talk about it. Early Child Development and Care. 182(8), pp. 1089 - 1103. https://doi.org/10.1080/03004430.2012.678597Journal article
Comparison of indices of movement discrimination :Psychometric function, information theory, and signal detection analysis
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Heart failure in 2011: Heart failure therapy - Technology to the fore
McMurray, John J. V.. (2012). Heart failure in 2011: Heart failure therapy - Technology to the fore. Nature Reviews Cardiology. 9(2), pp. 73 - 74. https://doi.org/10.1038/nrcardio.2011.212Journal article
Paramedic empathy levels: Results from seven Australian universities
Williams, Brett, Boyle, Malcolm, Brightwell, Richard, Devenish, Scott, Hartley, Peter, McCall, Michael, McMullen, Paula, Munro, Graham George, O'Meara, Peter and Webb, Vanessa. (2012). Paramedic empathy levels: Results from seven Australian universities. International Journal of Emergency Services. 1(2), pp. 111 - 121. https://doi.org/10.1108/20470891211275902Journal article
Soluble ST2 is associated with adverse outcome in patients with heart failure of ischaemic aetiology
Broch, Kaspar, Ueland, Thor, Nymo, Ståle H., Kjekshus, John, Hulthe, Johannes, Muntendam, Pieter, McMurray, John J. V., Wikstrand, John, Cleland, John G. F., Aukrust, Pål and Gullestad, Lars. (2012). Soluble ST2 is associated with adverse outcome in patients with heart failure of ischaemic aetiology. European Journal of Heart Failure. 14(3), pp. 268 - 277. https://doi.org/10.1093/eurjhf/hfs006Journal article
Going mobile: Each small change requires another
Albion, Peter, Jamieson-Proctor, Romina, Redmond, Petrea, Larkin, Kevin and Maxwell, Andrew. (2012). Going mobile: Each small change requires another. In M. Brown (Ed.). Future Changes, Sustainable Future. Proceedings of ascilite 2012. New Zealand: Australasian Society for Computers in Learning in Tertiary Education (ASCILITE). pp. 1 - 11Conference item
The role of partnerships in the delivery of transformational international service learning
Campbell, Matthew and Long, Jan. (2012). The role of partnerships in the delivery of transformational international service learning. In K E Zegwaard (Ed.). New Zealand Association for Cooperative Education 2012 Conference Proceedings - Nuturing Good Practice: Getting Stuck In Together. New Zealand: New Zealand Association for Cooperative Education. pp. 25 - 29Conference item
Functional neuroimaging of hallucinations
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Practicum assessment of culturally and linguistically diverse early childhood pre-service teachers
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Cognitive function and postural instability in people with Parkinson's disease
Xu, Dong, Cole, Michael, Mengersen, Kerrie, Silburn, Peter and Kerr, Graham. (2012). Cognitive function and postural instability in people with Parkinson's disease.Conference item
Friday sermons and the question of home-trained Imams in Australia
Albayrak, Ismail. (2012). Friday sermons and the question of home-trained Imams in Australia. Australian Ejournal of Theology. 19(1), pp. 29 - 42.Journal article
High serum adiponectin predicts incident fractures in elderly men: Osteoporotic fractures in men (MrOS) Sweden
Johansson, Helena, Oden, Anders, Lerner, Ulf H., Jutberger, Hans, Lorentzon, Mattias, Barrett-Connor, Elizabeth, Karlsson, Magnus, Ljunggren, Östen, Smith, Ulf, McCloskey, Eugene, Kanis, John A., Ohlsson, Claes and Mellstrom, Dan. (2012). High serum adiponectin predicts incident fractures in elderly men: Osteoporotic fractures in men (MrOS) Sweden. Journal of Bone and Mineral Research. 27(6), pp. 1390 - 1396. https://doi.org/10.1002/jbmr.1591Journal article
A combined planning and self-efficacy intervention to promote physical activity : A multiple mediation analysis
Koring, M, Richert, J, Parschau, L, Ernsting, A, Lippke, S and Schwarzer, Ralf. (2012). A combined planning and self-efficacy intervention to promote physical activity : A multiple mediation analysis. Psychology, Health & Medicine. 17(4), pp. 488 - 498. https://doi.org/10.1080/13548506.2011.608809Journal article
The quality of planning scholarship and doctoral education
Goldstein, Harvey A.. (2012). The quality of planning scholarship and doctoral education. Journal of Planning Education and Research. 32(4), pp. 493 - 496. https://doi.org/10.1177/0739456X12449484Journal article
The dual endothelin converting enzyme/neutral endopeptidase inhibitor SLV-306 (daglutril), inhibits systemic conversion of big endothelin-1 in humans
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A comparison of augmented low-dye taping and ankle bracing on lower limb muscle activity during walking in adults with flat-arched foot posture
Smith, Melinda, Murley, George, David, Bianca and Bird, Adam. (2012). A comparison of augmented low-dye taping and ankle bracing on lower limb muscle activity during walking in adults with flat-arched foot posture. Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport. 15(1), pp. 8 - 13. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jsams.2011.05.009Journal article
Rotational knee load predicts cartilage loss over 12 months in knee osteoarthritis
Henriksen, Marius, Hinman, Rana, Creaby, Mark, Cicuttini, Flavia, Metcalf, Ben, Bowles, Kelly-Ann and Bennell, Kim. (2012). Rotational knee load predicts cartilage loss over 12 months in knee osteoarthritis. 2012 World Congress on Osteoarthritis. United Kingdom: Elsevier. pp. S17 - S18 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.joca.2012.02.528Conference item
Balance training reduces fear of falling and improves dynamic balance and isometric strength in institutionalised older people: A randomised trial
Gusi, Narcis, Adsuar, Jose Carmelo, Corzo, Héctor, del Pozo Cruz, Borja, Olivares, Pedro R. and Parraca, Jose A.. (2012). Balance training reduces fear of falling and improves dynamic balance and isometric strength in institutionalised older people: A randomised trial. Journal of Physiotherapy. 58(2), pp. 97 - 104. https://doi.org/10.1016/S1836-9553(12)70089-9Journal article
Vatican II : An encouragement for all Christians to go forward boldly in the name of Christ
Briese, Russell. (2012). Vatican II : An encouragement for all Christians to go forward boldly in the name of Christ. Lutheran Theological Journal. 46(3), pp. 189 - 198.Journal article
Dorothea Tanning Catalogue: A Mi-Voix
Carruthers, Victoria. (2012). Dorothea Tanning Catalogue: A Mi-VoixCreative work
Trophic shifts involving native and exotic fish during hydrologic recession in floodplain wetlands
Mazumder, Debashish, Johansen, M, Saintilan, Neil, Iles, J., Kobayashi, T., Knowles, Lisa Jane and Wen, L.. (2012). Trophic shifts involving native and exotic fish during hydrologic recession in floodplain wetlands. Wetlands. 32(2), pp. 267 - 275. https://doi.org/10.1007/s13157-011-0262-8Journal article
Pharmacist directed home medication reviews in patients with chronic heart failure : a randomised clinical trial
Barker, Anna, Barlis, Peter, Berlowitz, David, Page, Karen Nicola, Jackson, Bruce and Lim, Wen. (2012). Pharmacist directed home medication reviews in patients with chronic heart failure : a randomised clinical trial. International Journal of Cardiology. 159(2), pp. 139 - 143. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijcard.2011.02.034Journal article
Supporting rural and remote area nurses to utilise and conduct research : An intervention study
Gardner, Anne, Smyth, Wendy, Renison, Bronia, Cann, Tina and Vicary, Mary. (2012). Supporting rural and remote area nurses to utilise and conduct research : An intervention study. Collegian. 19(2), pp. 97 - 105. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.colegn.2011.09.005Journal article
Peer supporters for cardiac patients with diabetes : A randomized controlled trial
Wu, Chiung-Jung, Chang, Anne M., Courtney, Mary and Kostner, Karam. (2012). Peer supporters for cardiac patients with diabetes : A randomized controlled trial. International Nursing Review. 59(3), pp. 345 - 352. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1466-7657.2012.00998.xJournal article
Anatomical location of injury in Stage I and Stage II heel pressure injuries : a pilot study
Dunk, Ann Marie, Gardner, Anne and Waddington, Gordon. (2012). Anatomical location of injury in Stage I and Stage II heel pressure injuries : a pilot study. Wound Practice & Research. 20(3), pp. 130 - 141.Journal article
Sprinting patterns of National Rugby League competition
Gabbett, Tim. (2012). Sprinting patterns of National Rugby League competition. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research. 26(1), pp. 121 - 130. https://doi.org/10.1519/JSC.0b013e31821e4c60Journal article
Mobility has a non-linear association with falls risk among people in residential aged care : an observational study
Barker, Anna, Nitz, Jennifer, Low Choy, Nancy and Haines, Terry. (2012). Mobility has a non-linear association with falls risk among people in residential aged care : an observational study. Journal of Physiotherapy. 58(2), pp. 117 - 125. https://doi.org/10.1016/S1836-9553(12)70092-9Journal article
Dual-task assessment of a sporting skill : influence of task complexity and relationship with competitive performances
Gabbett, Timothy and Abernethy, Bruce. (2012). Dual-task assessment of a sporting skill : influence of task complexity and relationship with competitive performances. Journal of Sports Sciences. 30(16), pp. 1735 - 1745. https://doi.org/10.1080/02640414.2012.713979Journal article
Elevated risk factors but low burden of heart disease in urban African primary care patients : A fundamental role for primary prevention
Stewart, Simon, Carrington, Melinda, Pretorius, Sandra, Ogah, Okechukwu, Blauwet, Lori, Antras-Ferry, Jocelyn and Sliwa, Karen. (2012). Elevated risk factors but low burden of heart disease in urban African primary care patients : A fundamental role for primary prevention. International Journal of Cardiology. 158(2), pp. 205 - 210. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijcard.2011.01.022Journal article
Hi4D-ADSiP 3-D dynamic facial articulation database
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The dopamine b-hydroxylase 19 bp insertion/deletion polymorphism was associated with first-episode but not medicated chronic schizophrenia
Hui, Li, Zhang, Xuan, Huang, Xu Feng, Han, Mei, Fernandez, Francesca, Yu, Yaqin, Sun, ShiLong, Li, Wenjun, Chen, Da Chun, Xiu, Mei Hong, Kosten, Thomas R. and Zhang, Xiang Yang. (2012). The dopamine b-hydroxylase 19 bp insertion/deletion polymorphism was associated with first-episode but not medicated chronic schizophrenia. Journal of Psychiatric Research. 46(6), pp. 733 - 737. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jpsychires.2012.02.016Journal article
Why are some people with neurological illness more resilient than others?
McCabe, Marita P. and O'Connor, Elodie J.. (2012). Why are some people with neurological illness more resilient than others? Psychology, Health & Medicine. 17(1), pp. 17 - 34. https://doi.org/10.1080/13548506.2011.564189Journal article
A comparative risk assessment of burden of disease and injury attributable to 67 risk factors and risk factor clusters in 21 regions, 1990-2010: A systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2010
Lim, Stephen S., Vos, Theo, Flaxman, Abraham D., Danaei, Goodarz, Shibuya, Kenji, Adair-Rohani, Heather, AlMazroa, Mohammad A., Amann, Markus, Anderson, H. Ross, Andrews, Kathryn G., Aryee, Martin, Atkinson, Charles, Bacchus, Loraine J., Bahalim, Adil N., Balakrishnan, Kalpana, Balmes, John, Barker-Collo, Suzanne, Baxter, Amanda, Bell, Michelle L., ... Ezzati, Majid. (2012). A comparative risk assessment of burden of disease and injury attributable to 67 risk factors and risk factor clusters in 21 regions, 1990-2010: A systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2010. The Lancet. 380, pp. 2224 - 2260. https://doi.org/10.1016/S0140-6736(12)61766-8Journal article
Personal risk and resilience factors in the context of daily stress
Diehl, Manfred, Hay, Elizabeth L. and Chui, Helena. (2012). Personal risk and resilience factors in the context of daily stress. Annual Review of Gerontology and Geriatrics. 32(1), pp. 251 - 274. https://doi.org/10.1891/0198-8794.32.251Journal article
Engaging the Disengaged?: A Longitudinal Analysis of the Relations Between Indigenous and Non-Indigenous Australian Students' Academic Self-Concept and Disengagement
Bodkin-Andrews, Gawaian, O'Rourke, Virginia, Dillon, Anthony, Craven, Rhonda and Yeung, See. (2012). Engaging the Disengaged?: A Longitudinal Analysis of the Relations Between Indigenous and Non-Indigenous Australian Students' Academic Self-Concept and Disengagement. Journal of Cognitive Education and Psychology. 11(2), pp. 179 - 195. https://doi.org/10.1891/1945-8959.11.2.179Journal article
Translating intentions into sunscreen use : An interaction of self-efficacy and appearance norms
Craciun, C, Schuz, N, Lippke, S and Schwarzer, Ralf. (2012). Translating intentions into sunscreen use : An interaction of self-efficacy and appearance norms. Psychology, Health & Medicine. 17(4), pp. 447 - 456. https://doi.org/10.1080/13548506.2011.613941Journal article
Psychometric properties of the Chinese translation of the mindful attention awareness scale (MAAS)
Deng, Yu-Qin, Li, Song, Tang, Yi-Yuan, Zhu, Lian-Hua, Ryan, Richard and Brown, Kirk. (2012). Psychometric properties of the Chinese translation of the mindful attention awareness scale (MAAS). Mindfulness. 3(1), pp. 10 - 14. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12671-011-0074-1Journal article
Personal Agency as a Primary Focus of University-Community Engagement: A case study of Clemente Australia
Butcher, Jude, O'Gorman, John and Howard, Peter. (2012). Personal Agency as a Primary Focus of University-Community Engagement: A case study of Clemente Australia. The Australasian Journal of University Community Engagement. 7(2), pp. 39 - 55.Journal article
Health-specific optimism mediates between objective and perceived physical functioning in older adults
Schwarzer, Ralf, Schuz, B, Wurm, S, Warner, Lisa and Tesch-R├â┬Âmer, Clemens. (2012). Health-specific optimism mediates between objective and perceived physical functioning in older adults. Journal of Behavioral Medicine. 35(4), pp. 400 - 406. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10865-011-9368-yJournal article
Current evidence regarding non-compliance with personal protective equipment : An integrative review to illuminate implications for nursing practice
Rong Xi, Felicia Neo, Edward, Karen-Leigh and Mills, Cally. (2012). Current evidence regarding non-compliance with personal protective equipment : An integrative review to illuminate implications for nursing practice. ACORN : The Journal of Perioperative Nursing in Australia. 25(4), pp. 22 - 28.Journal article
High performance school-age athletes: A study of conflicting demands
O'Neill, Maureen, Allen, B. and Calder, A.. (2012). High performance school-age athletes: A study of conflicting demands. Australia: Elsevier Australia. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jsams.2012.11.376Conference item
Why do Emirati males become teachers and how do cultural factors influence this decision?
Dickson, Martina and Le Roux, Johann. (2012). Why do Emirati males become teachers and how do cultural factors influence this decision? Learning and Teaching in Higher Education: Gulf Perspectives. 9(2), pp. 1 - 16.Journal article
Hamstring asymmetry: The key to recurring injury
Hill, Cameron and Cole, Michael. (2012). Hamstring asymmetry: The key to recurring injury.Conference item
Parsing the Australian curriculum English : Grammar, multimodality and cross-cultural texts
Exley, Beryl and Mills, Kathy A.. (2012). Parsing the Australian curriculum English : Grammar, multimodality and cross-cultural texts. Australian Journal of Language and Literacy. 35(2), pp. 192-205.Journal article
Expanding the situationist challenge to responsibilist virtue epistemology
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Heterogeneous atrophy occurs within individual lower limb muscles during 60 days of bed rest
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A randomized, placebo-controlled study of the effects of denosumab for the treatment of men with low bone mineral density
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An investigation into the role of a footwear intervention program for professional footballers : an intra-club control and intervention study
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Efficacy of manual therapy treatments for people with cervicogenic dizziness and pain : Protocol of a randomised controlled trial
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A Landscape Design for E-Business in Developing Countries
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Psychosocial aspects of anal cancer screening : A review and recommendations
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Inter-relationships of functional status in cerebral palsy : analyzing gross motor function, manual ability, and communication function classification systems in children
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The Scientific Challenge for the Church in the Work of Arthur Peacocke
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Cingulum microstructure predicts cognitive control in older age and mild cognitive impairment
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Ketamine use: A review
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A deep and vast renewal of the Church's inmost life
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Modelled and measured arsenic exposure around a power station in Slovakia
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Some thoughts on the diseconomy of the NSW technology education curriculum
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Differences Between Sexually Functional and Dysfunctional Women in Childhood Experiences and Individual and Relationship Domains
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Spatial inequalities in colorectal and breast cancer survival: Premature deaths and associated factors
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The rights of psychiatric patients in China : A survey of medical staff and consumers' attitudes toward patient participation in clinical trials
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A pragmatic cluster randomized controlled trial of early intervention for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease by practice nurse-general practitioner teams : Study Protocol
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Divergent skeletal muscle respiratory capacities in rats artificially selected for high and low running ability : A role for Nor1?
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A systematic review of the quality of burn scar rating scales for clinical and research use
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An examination of the contextual determinants of self-objectification
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Older persons' transitions in care (OPTiC): A study protocol
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Preventing inadvertent hypothermia : comparing two protocols for preoperative forced-air warming
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Relationship of social factors including trust, control over life decisions, problems with transport and safety, to psychological distress in the community
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Religious values and the development of trait hope and self-esteem in adolescents
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Plasticity of executive control through task switching training in adolescents
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Generic patient-reported outcomes in child health research : a review of conceptual content using World Health Organization definitions
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A qualitative study of stakeholder views of the conditions for and outcomes of successful clinical networks
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Is there any association between use of smokeless tobacco products and coronary heart disease in Bangladesh?
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Coordination of dynamic balance during gait training in people with acquired brain injury
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Assessment and management of dysphagia in patients with head and neck cancer who receive radiotherapy in the United Kingdom : A web-based survey
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Officer perceptions of reward fairness and withdrawal behaviour
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Relations of freedom and law's relations
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Numeracy in health and physical education
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Intergenerational differences in food, physical activity, and body size perceptions among African migrants
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An observational approach to testing bi-directional parent-child interactions as influential to child eating and weight
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Confidence: a better predictor of academic achievement than self-efficacy, self-concept and anxiety?
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Australian students with disabilities accessing NAPLAN: Lessons from a decade of inclusive assessment in the United States
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End-user friendly UI modelling language for creation and supporting evolution of RIA
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Chronic pain and the family: The experience of the partners of people living with chronic pain
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Microstructural organization of corpus callosum projections to prefrontal cortex predicts bimanual motor learning
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Achy breaky makey wakey heart? A randomised crossover trial of musical prompts
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Text4Diet: A randomized controlled study using text messaging for weight loss behaviors
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Evaluation of the MAIIA dipstick test to detect recombinant human erythropoietin in plasma
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Review : Psychosocial interventions addressing sexual or relationship functioning in men with prostate cancer
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Planned vaginal birth or elective repeat caesarean: Patient preference restricted cohort with nested randomised trial
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Applying the ecological model of behavior change to a physical activity trial in retirement communities: Description of the study protocol
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Individualized guidelines for the management of aggression in dementia - Part 2: Appraisal of current guidelines
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Enforcement of Singapore's Competition Act 2004: Financial Penalties for Infringement of Section 34 Prohibition on Anti-competitive Agreements
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Doing ethical research with children
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Feeling bad about being sad: The role of social expectancies in amplifying negative mood
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Bilingual asynchronous online discussion groups: Design and delivery of an eLearning distance study module for nurse academics in a developing country
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Anaemia and iron deficiency in cardiac patients : what do nurses and allied professionals know?
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Mechanisms of increased passive compliance of hamstring muscle-tendon units after spinal cord injury
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Ecosystem-Based Agriculture Combining Production and Conservation-A Viable Way to Feed the World in the Long Term?
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The role of seasonal grass pollen on childhood asthma emergency department presentations
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Motivation for dental home care: Testing a self-determination theory model
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Translation and validation of the Chinese version of the Acute Coronary Syndrome Response Index (C-ACSRI)
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White matter microstructural abnormalities in the frontal lobe of adults with antisocial personality disorder
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Integrative and semantic relations equally alleviate age-related associative memory deficits
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Affective and health-related outcome expectancies for physical activity in older adults
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Sex-specific time trends in first admission to hospital for peripheral artery disease in Scotland 1991-2007
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Determinants of successful clinical networks : The conceptual framework and study protocol
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Achievement, agency, gender, and socioeconomic background as predictors of postschool choices : A multicontext study
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Apoptosis and microRNA aberrations in cancer
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Mandatory use of technology in teaching: Who cares and so what?
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Intentions to quit work among care staff working in the aged care sector
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Doing Harm While Doing Good: The Child Protection Paradox
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Epidemiology of fracture in the Russian Federation and the development of a FRAX model
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John Chrysostom
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What are they fighting about? Research into disputes in Victorian owners corporations
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Should Indian Federalism Be Called Multinational?
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