The testimony of the spirit and moral knowledge

Book chapter

Evans, C. Stephen. (2017). The testimony of the spirit and moral knowledge. In In R. D. Geivett and P. K. Moser (Ed.). The testimony of the Spirit: New essays pp. 87 - 108 Oxford University Press.
AuthorsEvans, C. Stephen
EditorsR. D. Geivett and P. K. Moser

This chapter explores the multiple roles the Spirit plays in giving humans moral knowledge—more precisely, how the Spirit makes possible an understanding of God’s requirements for his human creatures. The author works with a “divine command theory” of moral obligations, according to which our moral duties are grounded in God’s will, insofar as that will has been communicated. He recounts several significant theological and philosophical advantages of this perspective. This divine command theory is no rival to natural law accounts of the good or to virtue ethics. Rather, the three approaches are complementary aspects of a Christian ethic.

KeywordsGod; Spirit; God’s will; divine command theory; moral obligations; moral duties
Page range87 - 108
Book titleThe testimony of the Spirit: New essays
PublisherOxford University Press
Place of publicationOxford, United Kingdom
Digital Object Identifier (DOI)
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