Comparison of a single versus a four intradermal sterile water injection technique for the relief of lower back pain for women in labour: A mixed methods study


Lee, Nigel. (2013). Comparison of a single versus a four intradermal sterile water injection technique for the relief of lower back pain for women in labour: A mixed methods study [Thesis].
AuthorsLee, Nigel
Qualification nameDoctor of Philosophy (PhD)

Significant back pain is often experienced by women in labour and may increase the need for pharmacological pain relief, often with associated side effects including excessive sedation and restriction to mobility. Sterile water injections (SWIs) are a simple, safe, effective, non-pharmacological technique for relieving back pain in labour; however, the number of injections required to achieve optimal analgesia is unknown. Furthermore, administration of SWI causes a brief, but intense, pain which may influence the acceptability of the procedure to labouring women. There is limited data from previous trials on how women view SWI, and the benefits of this particular analgesic option, versus the pain associated with administration. No previous studies have examined how midwives regard the prospect of causing pain to labouring women; albeit to relieve pain. The aim of this research was to determine if a single injection of sterile water was clinically similar to four injections in terms of degree of analgesia and to examine the experiences of labouring women and midwives receiving, and administering, SWIs...

PublisherAustralian Catholic University
Digital Object Identifier (DOI)
Research GroupSchool of Nursing, Midwifery and Paramedicine
Final version
Publication dates01 Jan 2013
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