The principle ancient sources on hypatia, translated

Book chapter

La Valle Norman, Dawn and Petkas, Alex. (2020). The principle ancient sources on hypatia, translated. In In La Valle Norman, Dawn and Petkas, Alex (Ed.). Hypatia of Alexandria : Her context and legacy pp. 239-253 Mohr Siebeck.
AuthorsLa Valle Norman, Dawn and Petkas, Alex
EditorsLa Valle Norman, Dawn and Petkas, Alex

[Extract] Synesius’ epistolary corpus is an important source on Hypatia’s school, especially her students. Seven letters are addressed to his teacher, and are included below in full. Several other letters mention her explicitly, and we have excerpted relevant sections of them below. For these, we have followed the editorial choices of Henriette Harich-Schwarzbauer in Hypatia: die spätantiken Quellen, eingeleitet, kommentiert und interpretiert, Sapheneia 16 (Bern: Peter Lang, 2011). The translations are based on the two-volume Budé edition of Garzya and Roques, Synésios de Cyrène, Correspondance (Paris: Collection des universités de France, 2000). More extensive commentary on these letters is available in both. References to Synesius can be found throughout this volume, especially in the essays of Harich-Schwarzbauer, Petkas, and Seng. Synesius’ works are the only sources on Hypatia which predate her death.

Page range239-253
Book titleHypatia of Alexandria : Her context and legacy
PublisherMohr Siebeck
Place of publicationTübingen
SeriesStudies and texts in Antiquity and Christianity
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Deposited22 Jul 2021
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