Institute for Health and Ageing

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Adaptation, test-retest reliability, and construct validity of the physical activity neighborhood environment scale in Nigeria (PANES-N)
Oyeyemi, Adewale L., Sallis, James F., Oyeyemi, Adetoyeje Y., Amin, Mariam M., De Bourdeaudhuij, Ilse and Deforche, Benedicte. (2013). Adaptation, test-retest reliability, and construct validity of the physical activity neighborhood environment scale in Nigeria (PANES-N). Journal of Physical Activity and Health. 10(8), pp. 1079 - 1090.

Journal article

Sharing good NEWS across the world: Developing comparable scores across 12 countries for the neighborhood environment walkability scale (NEWS)
Cerin, Ester, Conway, Terry, Cain, Kelli, Kerr, Jacqueline, De Bourdeaudhuij, Ilse, Owen, Neville, Reis, Rodrigo, Sarmiento, Olga, Hinckson, Erica, Salvo, Deborah, Christiansen, Lars, MacFarlane, Duncan, Davey, Rachel, Mitas, Josef, Aguinaga-Ontoso, Ines and Sallis, James. (2013). Sharing good NEWS across the world: Developing comparable scores across 12 countries for the neighborhood environment walkability scale (NEWS). BMC Public Health. 13(309), pp. 1 - 14.

Journal article

Longitudinal measurement invariance of psychosocial measures in physical activity research: An application to adolescent data
Roesch, Scott C., Norman, Gregory J., Merz, Erin L., Sallis, James F. and Patrick, Kevin. (2013). Longitudinal measurement invariance of psychosocial measures in physical activity research: An application to adolescent data. Journal of Applied Social Psychology. 43(4), pp. 721 - 729.

Journal article

Behavioral mediators of the association between neighborhood environment and weight status in Nigerian adults
Oyeyemi, Adewale L., Deforche, Benedicte, Sallis, James F., De Bourdeaudhuij, Ilse and Van Dyck, Delfien. (2013). Behavioral mediators of the association between neighborhood environment and weight status in Nigerian adults. American Journal of Health Promotion. 28(1), pp. 23 - 31.

Journal article

Standardized nomenclature, symbols, and units for bone histomorphometry: A 2012 update of the report of the ASBMR Histomorphometry Nomenclature Committee
Dempster, David W., Compston, Juliet E., Drezner, Marc K., Glorieux, Francis H., Kanis, John A., Malluche, Hartmut, Meunier, Pierre J., Ott, Susan M., Recker, Robert R. and Parfitt, A. Michael. (2013). Standardized nomenclature, symbols, and units for bone histomorphometry: A 2012 update of the report of the ASBMR Histomorphometry Nomenclature Committee. Journal of Bone and Mineral Research. 28(1), pp. 2 - 17.

Journal article

SCOPE: A scorecard for osteoporosis in Europe
Kanis, John A., Borgström, F., Compston, Juliet E., Dreinhöfer, K., Nolte, E., Jonsson, L., Le, Willem F., McCloskey, Eugene, Rizzoli, R. and Stenmark, J.. (2013). SCOPE: A scorecard for osteoporosis in Europe. Archives of Osteoporosis. 8(42767), pp. 1 - 63.

Journal article

A comparison study of children's independent mobility in England and Australia
Carver, Alison, Watson, Ben, Shaw, Ben and Hillman, Mayer. (2013). A comparison study of children's independent mobility in England and Australia. Children's Geographies. 11(4), pp. 461 - 475.

Journal article

Teriparatide improves bone quality and healing of atypical femoral fractures associated with bisphosphonate therapy
Chiang, Cherie Ying, Zebaze, Roger M.D., Ghasem-Zadeh, Ali, Iuliano-Burns, Sandra, Hardidge, Andrew and Seeman, Ego. (2013). Teriparatide improves bone quality and healing of atypical femoral fractures associated with bisphosphonate therapy. Bone. 52(1), pp. 360 - 365.

Journal article

Stigma Toward Mental Illness : A Cross-Cultural Comparison of Taiwanese, Chinese Immigrants to Australia and Anglo-Australians
Mellor, David, Carne, Lucy, Shen, Yu-Chun, McCabe, Marita Patricia and Wang, Liwei. (2013). Stigma Toward Mental Illness : A Cross-Cultural Comparison of Taiwanese, Chinese Immigrants to Australia and Anglo-Australians. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology. 44(3), pp. 352 - 364.

Journal article

Residential dissonance and mode choice
Kamruzzaman, M D., Baker, Douglas, Washington, Simon P. and Turrell, Gavin. (2013). Residential dissonance and mode choice. Journal of Transport Geography. 33, pp. 12 - 28.

Journal article

Participants' perceptions of a knowledge-brokering strategy to facilitate evidence-informed policy-making in Fiji
Waqa, Gade, Mavoa, Helen, Snowdon, Wendy, Moodie, Marjory, Nadakuitavuki, Rigieta, McCabe, Marita and Swinburn, Boyd. (2013). Participants' perceptions of a knowledge-brokering strategy to facilitate evidence-informed policy-making in Fiji. BMC Public Health. 13(725), pp. 1 - 9.

Journal article

The Health Literacy Management Scale (HeLMS): A measure of an individual's capacity to seek, understand and use health information within the healthcare setting
Jordan, Joanne E., Buchbinder, Rachelle, Briggs, Andrew M., Elsworth, Gerald R., Busija, Lucy, Batterham, Roy and Osborne, Richard H.. (2013). The Health Literacy Management Scale (HeLMS): A measure of an individual's capacity to seek, understand and use health information within the healthcare setting. Patient Education and Counseling. 91(2), pp. 228 - 235.

Journal article

Outcomes of a 12-month technology-based intervention to promote weight loss in adolescents at risk for type 2 diabetes
Patrick, Kevin, Norman, Gregory J., Davila, Evelyn P., Calfas, Karen J., Raab, Fred, Gottschalk, Michael, Sallis, James F., Godbole, Suni and Covin, Jennifer R.. (2013). Outcomes of a 12-month technology-based intervention to promote weight loss in adolescents at risk for type 2 diabetes. Journal of Diabetes Science and Technology. 7(3), pp. 759 - 770.

Journal article

Denosumab densitometric changes assessed by quantitative computed tomography at the spine and hip in postmenopausal women with osteoporosis
McClung, Michael R., Zanchetta, Jose Ruben, Høiseth, Arne, Kendler, David L., Yuen, Chui Kin, Brown, Jacques P., Stonkus, Sigtas, Goemaere, Stefan, Recknor, Christopher, Woodson, Grattan C., Bolognese, Michael A., Franek, Edward, Brandi, Maria Luisa, Wang, Andrea and Libanati, Cesar. (2013). Denosumab densitometric changes assessed by quantitative computed tomography at the spine and hip in postmenopausal women with osteoporosis. Journal of Clinical Densitometry. 16(2), pp. 250 - 256.

Journal article

Knowledge brokering between researchers and policymakers in Fiji to develop policies to reduce obesity : A process evaluation
Waqa, Gade, Mavoa, Helen, Snowdon, Wendy, Moodie, Marj, Schultz, Jimaima, McCabe, Marita, Kremer, Peter and Swinburn, Boyd. (2013). Knowledge brokering between researchers and policymakers in Fiji to develop policies to reduce obesity : A process evaluation. Implementation Science. 8(1), pp. 1 - 11.

Journal article

Can the built environment reduce health inequalities? A study of neighbourhood socioeconomic disadvantage and walking for transport
Turrell, Gavin, Haynes, Michele A., Wilson, Lee-Ann and Giles-Corti, Billie. (2013). Can the built environment reduce health inequalities? A study of neighbourhood socioeconomic disadvantage and walking for transport. Health and Place. 19(1), pp. 89 - 98.

Journal article

Evaluation of an alcohol intervention training program for nurses in rural Australia
Mellor, David, McCabe, Marita, Ricciardelli, Lina, Brumby, Susan, Head, Alexandra, Mercer-Grant, Catherine and Kennedy, Alison. (2013). Evaluation of an alcohol intervention training program for nurses in rural Australia. Journal of Research in Nursing. 18(6), pp. 561 - 575.

Journal article

Effect of denosumab on bone mineral density and biochemical markers of bone turnover: 8-year results of a phase 2 clinical trial
McClung, Michael R., Lewiecki, E. Michael, Geller, M. L. and Bolognese, Michael A.. (2013). Effect of denosumab on bone mineral density and biochemical markers of bone turnover: 8-year results of a phase 2 clinical trial. Osteoporosis International. 24(1), pp. 227 - 235.

Journal article

Inflammatory bowel disease and the risk of fracture after controlling for FRAX
Targownik, Laura E., Bernstein, Charles N., Nugent, Zoann, Johansson, Helena, Oden, Anders, McCloskey, Eugene, Kanis, John A. and Leslie, William D.. (2013). Inflammatory bowel disease and the risk of fracture after controlling for FRAX. Journal of Bone and Mineral Research. 28(5), pp. 1007 - 1013.

Journal article

Three-month stability of the cogstate brief battery in healthy older adults, mild cognitive impairment, and alzheimer's disease: Results from the Australian imaging, biomarkers, and lifestyle-rate of change substudy (AIBL-ROCS)
Lim, Yen Ying, Jaeger, Judith, Harrington, Karra J., Ashwood, Tim J., Ellis, Kathryn A., Stoffler, Albrecht, Szoeke, Cassandra, -, Rebecca Lachovitzki, Martins, Ralph N., Villemagne, Victor L., Bush, Ashley I., Masters, Colin L., Rowe, Christopher C., Ames, David, Darby, David and Maruff, Paul Thomas. (2013). Three-month stability of the cogstate brief battery in healthy older adults, mild cognitive impairment, and alzheimer's disease: Results from the Australian imaging, biomarkers, and lifestyle-rate of change substudy (AIBL-ROCS). Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology.

Journal article

Environmental and demographic correlates of bicycling
Sallis, James F., Conway, Terry L., Dillon, Lianne I., Frank, Lawrence D., Adams, Mark A., Cain, Kelli L. and Saelens, Brian E.. (2013). Environmental and demographic correlates of bicycling. Preventive Medicine. 57(5), pp. 456 - 460.

Journal article

Advancing science and policy through a coordinated international study of physical activity and built environments: IPEN adult methods
Kerr, Jacqueline, Sallis, James, Owen, Neville, De Bourdeaudhuij, Ilse, Cerin, Ester, Sugiyama, Takemi, Reis, Rodrigo, Sarmiento, Olga, Fromel, Karel, Mitas, Josef, Troelsen, Jens, Christiansen, Lars Breum, Macfarlane, Duncan J., Salvo, Deborah, Schofield, Grant, Badland, Hannah, Guillen-Grima, Fransisco, Aguinaga-Ontoso, Ines, Davey, Rachel, ... Bracy, Nicole. (2013). Advancing science and policy through a coordinated international study of physical activity and built environments: IPEN adult methods. Journal of Physical Activity and Health. 10(4), pp. 581 - 601.

Journal article

Amyloid ß deposition, neurodegeneration, and cognitive decline in sporadic Alzheimer's disease: A prospective cohort study
Villemagne, Victor L., Burnham, Samantha, Bourgeat, Pierrick, Brown, Belinda M., Ellis, Kathryn A., Salvado, Olivier, Szoeke, Cassandra, Macaulay, S. Lance, Martins, Ralph N., Maruff, Paul Thomas, Ames, David, Rowe, Christopher C. and Masters, Colin L.. (2013). Amyloid ß deposition, neurodegeneration, and cognitive decline in sporadic Alzheimer's disease: A prospective cohort study. The Lancet Neurology.

Journal article

Exercise therapy for sexual dysfunction after prostate cancer
Cormie, Prue, Newton, Robert U., Taaffe, Dennis R., Spry, Nigel A. and Galvao, Daniel A.. (2013). Exercise therapy for sexual dysfunction after prostate cancer. Nature Reviews Urology. 10(12), pp. 731 - 736.

Journal article

Associations between measures of adiposity over 10 years and patella cartilage in population-based asymptomatic women
Gunardi, A. J., Brennan, Sharon L., Wang, Yuanyuan, Cicuttini, Flavia M., Pasco, Julie A., Kotowicz, Mark A., Nicholson, Geoffrey Charles and Wluka, Anita E.. (2013). Associations between measures of adiposity over 10 years and patella cartilage in population-based asymptomatic women. International Journal of Obesity. 37(12), pp. 1586 - 1589.

Journal article

A qualitative study of preadolescent boys' and girls' body image: Gendered ideals and sociocultural influences
Tatangelo, Gemma Louise and Ricciardelli, Lina A.. (2013). A qualitative study of preadolescent boys' and girls' body image: Gendered ideals and sociocultural influences. Body Image. 10(4), pp. 591 - 598.

Journal article

The association of ABeta amyloid and composite cognitive measures in healthy older adults and MCI
Harrington, Karra J., Lim, Yen Ying, Ellis, Kathryn A., Copolov, Carly, Darby, D, Weinborn, M., Ames, David, Martins, R. N., Savage, G., Szoeke, Cassandra, Rowe, C. C., Villemagne, V. L., Masters, C. L. and Maruff, Paul Thomas. (2013). The association of ABeta amyloid and composite cognitive measures in healthy older adults and MCI. International Psychogeriatrics.

Journal article

Engineering online and in-person social networks to sustain physical activity: Application of a conceptual model
Rovniak, Liza S., Sallis, James F., Kraschnewski, Jennifer L., Sciamanna, Christopher N., Kiser, Elizabeth J., Ray, Chester A., Chinchilli, Vernon M., Ding, Ding, Matthews, Stephen A., Bopp, Melissa, George, Daniel R. and Hovell, Melbourne F.. (2013). Engineering online and in-person social networks to sustain physical activity: Application of a conceptual model. BMC Public Health. 13(1), pp. 1 - 15.

Journal article

Near-vision impairment and unresolved vision problems in Indigenous Australian adults
Arnold, Anna-Lena M. R., Goujon, Nicolas, Busija, Lucy, Fox, Sarah, Xie, Jing, Dunn, Ross A., Keeffe, Jill E. and Taylor, Hugh R.. (2013). Near-vision impairment and unresolved vision problems in Indigenous Australian adults. Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology. 41(3), pp. 223 - 230.

Journal article

Valid and reliable assessment of wellness among adolescents: Do you know what you're measuring?
Rachele, Jerome N., Washington, Tracy L., Cuddihy, Thomas F., Barwais, Faisal A. and McPhail, Steven M.. (2013). Valid and reliable assessment of wellness among adolescents: Do you know what you're measuring? International Journal of Wellbeing. 3(2), pp. 162 - 172.

Journal article

Who does well where? Exploring how self-rated health differs across diverse people and neighborhoods
Badland, Hannah, Turrell, Gavin and Giles-Corti, Billie. (2013). Who does well where? Exploring how self-rated health differs across diverse people and neighborhoods. Health and Place. 22, pp. 82 - 89.

Journal article

Television viewing time is associated with overweight/obesity among older adults, independent of meeting physical activity and health guidelines: Reply to stabler and colleagues
Inoue, Shigeru, Sugiyama, Takemi, Takamiya, Tomoko, Oka, Koichiro, Owen, Neville and Shimomitsu, Teruichi. (2013). Television viewing time is associated with overweight/obesity among older adults, independent of meeting physical activity and health guidelines: Reply to stabler and colleagues. Journal of Epidemiology. 23(5), pp. 398 - 398.

Journal article

Body Image and Gestational Weight Gain: A Prospective Study
Hill, Briony, Skouteris, Helen, McCabe, Marita Patricia and Fuller-Tyszkiewicz, Matthew. (2013). Body Image and Gestational Weight Gain: A Prospective Study. Journal of Midwifery & Womens Health. 58(2), pp. 189 - 194.

Journal article

Osteoporosis in the European Union: Medical management, epidemiology and economic burden: A report prepared in collaboration with the International Osteoporosis Foundation IOF and the European Federation of Pharmaceutical Industry Associations EFPIA
Hernlund, E., Svedbom, A., Ivergård, M., Compston, Juliet E., Cooper, Cyrus, Stenmark, J., McCloskey, Eugene V., Jönsson, Bengt and Kanis, John A.. (2013). Osteoporosis in the European Union: Medical management, epidemiology and economic burden: A report prepared in collaboration with the International Osteoporosis Foundation IOF and the European Federation of Pharmaceutical Industry Associations EFPIA. Archives of Osteoporosis. 8(1-2), pp. 1 - 115.

Journal article

Comparison of three models of actigraph accelerometers during free living and controlled laboratory conditions
Lee, Ka-Yiu, MacFarlane, Duncan J. and Cerin, Ester. (2013). Comparison of three models of actigraph accelerometers during free living and controlled laboratory conditions. European Journal of Sport Science. 13(3), pp. 332 - 339.

Journal article

Increased risk of cognitive impairment in patients with diabetes is associated with metformin
Moore, Eileen, Mander, Alastair, Ames, David, Kotowicz, Mark A., Carne, Ross, Brodaty, Henry, Woodward, Michael Clifford, Boundy, Karen, Ellis, Kathryn A., Bush, Ashley I., Faux, Noel G., Martins, Ralph N., Szoeke, Cassandra, Rowe, Christopher C. and Watters, David. (2013). Increased risk of cognitive impairment in patients with diabetes is associated with metformin. Diabetes Care.

Journal article

Elementary school practices and children's objectively measured physical activity during school
Carlson, Jordan A., Sallis, James F., Norman, Gregory J., McKenzie, Thomas L., Kerr, Jacqueline, Arredondo, Elva M., Madanat, Hala, Mignano, Alex M., Cain, Kelli L., Elder, John P. and Saelens, Brian E.. (2013). Elementary school practices and children's objectively measured physical activity during school. Preventive Medicine. 57(5), pp. 591 - 595.

Journal article

Standardising the descriptive epidemiology of osteoporosis: Recommendations from the Epidemiology and Quality of Life Working Group of IOF
Kanis, John A., Adachi, Jonathan D., Cooper, Cyrus, Clark, P., Cummings, Steven R., Diaz-Curiel, M., Harvey, Nicholas C., Hiligsmann, Mickaël, Papaioannou, A., Pierroz, D. D., Silverman, S. L. and Szulc, P.. (2013). Standardising the descriptive epidemiology of osteoporosis: Recommendations from the Epidemiology and Quality of Life Working Group of IOF. Osteoporosis International. 24(11), pp. 2763 - 2764.

Journal article

What Hispanic parents do to encourage and discourage 3-5 year old children to be active: A qualitative study using nominal group technique
O'Connor, Teresia, Cerin, Ester, Hughes, Sheryl, Robles, Jessica, Thompson, Debbe, Baranowski, Tom, Lee, Rebecca, Nicklas, Theresa and Shewchuk, Richard. (2013). What Hispanic parents do to encourage and discourage 3-5 year old children to be active: A qualitative study using nominal group technique. International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity. 10(93), pp. 1 - 9.

Journal article

Development and application of FRAX in the management of osteoporosis in Ireland
McGowan, B., Kanis, John A., Johansson, Helena, Silke, C. and Whelan, B.. (2013). Development and application of FRAX in the management of osteoporosis in Ireland. Archives of Osteoporosis. 8(2017-02-01), pp. 1 - 6.

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