Institute for Health and Ageing

FacultyFaculty of Health Sciences

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A FRAX® model for the assessment of fracture probability in Belgium
Johansson, Helena, Kanis, John, McCloskey, Eugene, Oden, Anders, Devogelaer, J. P., Kaufman, J-M, Neuprez, A., Hiligsmann, Mickaël, Bruyère, O. and Reginster, Jean Yves. (2011). A FRAX® model for the assessment of fracture probability in Belgium. Osteoporosis International. 22(2), pp. 453-461.

Journal article

Traditional birth attendant training and local birthing practices in India
Saravanan, Sheela, Turrell, Gavin, Johnson, Helen, Fraser, Jenny and Patterson, Carla. (2011). Traditional birth attendant training and local birthing practices in India. Evaluation and Program Planning. 34(3), pp. 254 - 265.

Journal article

International osteoporosis foundation and international federation of clinical chemistry and laboratory medicine position on bone marker standards in osteoporosis
Vasikaran, Samuel, Cooper, Cyrus, Eastell, Richard, Griesmacher, Andrea, Morris, Howard A., Trenti, Tommaso and Kanis, John A.. (2011). International osteoporosis foundation and international federation of clinical chemistry and laboratory medicine position on bone marker standards in osteoporosis. Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine. 49(8), pp. 1271 - 1274.

Journal article

A new financial budgetary system for community health services institutions in China
You, Chuanmei, Yao, Lan, Fu, Jiakang, Wang, Fang, Wang, Hongqing and Dai, Tao. (2011). A new financial budgetary system for community health services institutions in China. International Journal of Health Planning and Management. 26(4), pp. 436 - 448.

Journal article

Adult measures of general health and health-related quality of life: Medical Outcomes Study Short Form 36-Item (SF-36) and Short Form 12-Item (SF-12) Health Surveys, Nottingham Health Profile (NHP), Sickness Impact Profile (SIP), Medical Outcomes Study Short Form 6D (SF-6D), Health Utilities Index Mark 3 (HUI3), Quality of Well-Being Scale (QWB), and Assessment of Quality of Life (AQOL)
Busija, Lucy, Pausenberger, Eva, Haines, Terry P., Haymes, Sharon, Buchbinder, Rachelle and Osborne, Richard H.. (2011). Adult measures of general health and health-related quality of life: Medical Outcomes Study Short Form 36-Item (SF-36) and Short Form 12-Item (SF-12) Health Surveys, Nottingham Health Profile (NHP), Sickness Impact Profile (SIP), Medical Outcomes Study Short Form 6D (SF-6D), Health Utilities Index Mark 3 (HUI3), Quality of Well-Being Scale (QWB), and Assessment of Quality of Life (AQOL). Arthritis Care and Research. 63(S11), pp. S383 - S412.

Journal article

Habitual physical activity and the risk for depressive and anxiety disorders among older men and women
Pasco, Julie, Williams, Lana, Jacka, Felice, Henry, Margaret, Coulson, Carolyn, Brennan, Sharon, Leslie, Eva, Nicholson, Geoffrey, Kotowicz, Mark and Berk, Michael. (2011). Habitual physical activity and the risk for depressive and anxiety disorders among older men and women. International Psychogeriatrics. 23(2), pp. 292 - 298.

Journal article

Cost-effectiveness of bazedoxifene incorporating the FRAX® algorithm in a European perspective
Borgström, F., Ström, O., Kleman, M., McCloskey, Eugene, Johansson, Helena, Oden, Anders and Kanis, John A.. (2011). Cost-effectiveness of bazedoxifene incorporating the FRAX® algorithm in a European perspective. Osteoporosis International. 22(3), pp. 955 - 965.

Journal article

Mechanisms linking affective reactions to competition-related and competition-extraneous concerns in male martial artists
Cerin, Ester and Barnett, Anthony. (2011). Mechanisms linking affective reactions to competition-related and competition-extraneous concerns in male martial artists. Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports. 21(5), pp. 700 - 712.

Journal article

Adherence, preference, and satisfaction of postmenopausal women taking denosumab or alendronate
Kendler, D. L., McClung, M. R., Freemantle, N., Lillestol, M., Moffett, A. H., Borenstein, J., Satram-Hoang, S., Yang, Y.-C., Kaur, P., Macarios, D. and Siddhanti, S.. (2011). Adherence, preference, and satisfaction of postmenopausal women taking denosumab or alendronate. Osteoporosis International. 22(6), pp. 1725 - 1735.

Journal article

Identifying cost-effective treatment with raloxifene in postmenopausal women using risk algorithms for fractures and invasive breast cancer
Ivergãrd, M., Ström, O., Borgström, F., Burge, R., Tosteson, Anna N. A. and Kanis, John. (2010). Identifying cost-effective treatment with raloxifene in postmenopausal women using risk algorithms for fractures and invasive breast cancer. Bone. 47(5), pp. 966 - 974.

Journal article

The cost-effectiveness of strontium ranelate in the UK for the management of osteoporosis
Borgström, F., Ström, O., Coelho, J., Johansson, Helena, Oden, Anders, McCloskey, Eugene and Kanis, John. (2010). The cost-effectiveness of strontium ranelate in the UK for the management of osteoporosis. Osteoporosis International. 21(2), pp. 339 - 349.

Journal article

Self-concept clarity and women's sexual well-being
Hucker, Alice, Mussap, Alexander J. and McCabe, Marita. (2010). Self-concept clarity and women's sexual well-being. Canadian Journal of Human Sexuality, The. 19(3), pp. 67 - 77.

Journal article

Perceived barriers to leisure-time physical activity in adults: An ecological perspective
Cerin, Ester, Leslie, Eva R., Sugiyama, Takemi and Owen, Neville. (2010). Perceived barriers to leisure-time physical activity in adults: An ecological perspective. Journal of Physical Activity and Health. 7(4), pp. 451 - 459.

Journal article

Annual feedback is an effective tool for a sustained increase in calcium intake among older women
Sanders, Kerrie, Stuart, Amanda L., Kotowicz, Mark and Nicholson, Geoff. (2010). Annual feedback is an effective tool for a sustained increase in calcium intake among older women. Nutrients. 2(9), pp. 1018 - 1025.

Journal article

Preference and relative importance for environmental attributes of neighbourhood open space in older people
Aspinall, Peter A., Thompson, Catharine Ward, Alves, Susana, Sugiyama, Takemi, Brice, Roger and Vickers, Adrian. (2010). Preference and relative importance for environmental attributes of neighbourhood open space in older people. Environment and Planning B: Planning and Design. 37(6), pp. 1022 - 1039.

Journal article

Patterns of alcohol use and associated physical and lifestyle characteristics according to new Australian guidelines
Coulson, Carolyn E., Williams, Lana J., Henry, Margaret, Berk, Michael, Lubman, Dan, Brennan-Olsen, Sharon, Nicholson, Geoff, Kotowicz, Mark, Korn, S and Pasco, Julie. (2010). Patterns of alcohol use and associated physical and lifestyle characteristics according to new Australian guidelines. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry. 44(10), pp. 946 - 951.

Journal article

Independent clinical validation of a Canadian FRAX tool: Fracture prediction and model calibration
Leslie, William D., Lix, Lisa, Johansson, Helena, Oden, Anders, McCloskey, Eugene and Kanis, John. (2010). Independent clinical validation of a Canadian FRAX tool: Fracture prediction and model calibration. Journal of Bone and Mineral Research. 25(11), pp. 2350 - 2358.

Journal article

Associations between recreational walking and attractiveness, size, and proximity of neighborhood open spaces
Sugiyama, Takemi, Francis, Jacinta, Middleton, Nicholas J., Owen, Neville and Giles-Corti, Billie. (2010). Associations between recreational walking and attractiveness, size, and proximity of neighborhood open spaces. American Journal of Public Health. 100(9), pp. 1752 - 1757.

Journal article

Influence of strength on magnitude and mechanisms of adaptation to power training
Cormie, Prue, McGuigan, Michael and Newton, Robert U.. (2010). Influence of strength on magnitude and mechanisms of adaptation to power training. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise. 42(8), pp. 1566 - 1581.

Journal article

Psychosocial correlates of leisure-time walking among Australian adults of lower and higher socio-economic status
Janssen, Eva, Sugiyama, Takemi, Winkler, Elizabeth A. H., De Vries, Hein, Poel, Fam Te and Owen, Neville. (2010). Psychosocial correlates of leisure-time walking among Australian adults of lower and higher socio-economic status. Health Education Research. 25(2), pp. 316 - 324.

Journal article

The effects of training on performance and performance-related states in individual elite athletes: A dynamic approach
Barnett, Anthony, Cerin, Ester, Reaburn, Peter and Hooper, Sue. (2010). The effects of training on performance and performance-related states in individual elite athletes: A dynamic approach. Journal of Sports Sciences. 28(10), pp. 1117 - 1126.

Journal article

Socioeconomic status, obesity and lifestyle in men: The Geelong Osteoporosis Study
Brennan-Olsen, Sharon, Henry, Margaret, Nicholson, Geoff, Kotowicz, Mark and Pasco, Julie. (2010). Socioeconomic status, obesity and lifestyle in men: The Geelong Osteoporosis Study. Journal of Men's Health. 7(1), pp. 31 - 41.

Journal article

Birthing practices of traditional birth attendants in South Asia in the context of training programmes
Saravanan, Sheela, Turrell, Gavin, Johnson, Helen and Fraser, Jennifer. (2010). Birthing practices of traditional birth attendants in South Asia in the context of training programmes. Journal of Health Management. 12(2), pp. 93 - 121.

Journal article

Adolescents' physical activity: Competition between perceived neighborhood sport facilities and home media resources
Wong, Bonny Yee-Man, Cerin, Ester, Ho, Sai-yin, Mak, Kwok-Kei, Lo, Wing-Sze and Lam, Tai-Hing. (2010). Adolescents' physical activity: Competition between perceived neighborhood sport facilities and home media resources. Pediatric Obesity. 5(2), pp. 169 - 176.

Journal article

Perceived neighborhood environment and park use as mediators of the effect of area socio-economic status on walking behaviors
Leslie, Eva R., Cerin, Ester and Kremer, Peter. (2010). Perceived neighborhood environment and park use as mediators of the effect of area socio-economic status on walking behaviors. Journal of Physical Activity and Health. 7(6), pp. 802 - 810.

Journal article

Effect of oral clodronate on bone mass, bone turnover and subsequent metastases in women with primary breast cancer
McCloskey, Eugene, Paterson, Alexander, Kanis, John, Tähtelä, Rita and Powles, Trevor. (2010). Effect of oral clodronate on bone mass, bone turnover and subsequent metastases in women with primary breast cancer. European Journal of Cancer. 46(3), pp. 558 - 565.

Journal article

Does an increase in body mass index over 10 years affect knee structure in a population-based cohort study of adult women?
Brennan-Olsen, Sharon, Cicuttini, Flavia, Pasco, Julie, Henry, Margaret, Wang, Yuanyuan, Kotowicz, Mark, Nicholson, Geoff and Wluka, Anita. (2010). Does an increase in body mass index over 10 years affect knee structure in a population-based cohort study of adult women? Arthritis Research and Therapy. 12(4), pp. 1 - 7.

Journal article

FRAX® and its applications in health economics-Cost-effectiveness and intervention thresholds using bazedoxifene in a Swedish setting as an example
Ström, O., Borgström, F., Kleman, M., McCloskey, Eugene, Oden, Anders, Johansson, Helena and Kanis, John. (2010). FRAX® and its applications in health economics-Cost-effectiveness and intervention thresholds using bazedoxifene in a Swedish setting as an example. Bone. 47(2), pp. 430 - 437.

Journal article

Bicycle use for transport in an Australian and a Belgian city: Associations with built-environment attributes
Owen, Neville, De Bourdeaudhuij, Ilse, Sugiyama, Takemi, Leslie, Eva R., Cerin, Ester, Van Dyck, Delfien and Bauman, Adrian. (2010). Bicycle use for transport in an Australian and a Belgian city: Associations with built-environment attributes. Journal of Urban Health: Bulletin of the New York Academy of Medicine. 87(2), pp. 189 - 198.

Journal article

An investigation of sexual dysfunction in female partners of men with erectile dysfunction: How interviews expand on questionnaire responses
Conaglen, Helen, O'Connor, Elodie, McCabe, Marita and Conaglen, John. (2010). An investigation of sexual dysfunction in female partners of men with erectile dysfunction: How interviews expand on questionnaire responses. International Journal of Impotence Research. 22(6), pp. 355 - 362.

Journal article

Detecting and treating depression in people with mild intellectual disability: The views of key stakeholders
McGillvray, Jane and McCabe, Marita. (2010). Detecting and treating depression in people with mild intellectual disability: The views of key stakeholders. British Journal of Learning Disabilities. 38(1), pp. 68 - 76.

Journal article

Smoking predicts incident fractures in elderly men: Mr OS Sweden
Jutberger, Hans, Lorentzon, Mattias, Barrett-Connor, Elizabeth, Johansson, Helena, Kanis, John, Ljunggren, Östen, Karlsson, Magnus, Rosengren, Björn E., Redlund-Johnell, Inga, Orwoll, E, Ohlsson, Claes and Mellström, Dan. (2010). Smoking predicts incident fractures in elderly men: Mr OS Sweden. Journal of Bone and Mineral Research. 25(5), pp. 1010 - 1016.

Journal article

Psychological and interpersonal dimensions of sexual function and dysfunction
Althof, Stanley, Assalian, Pierre, Chevret-Measson, Marie, Leiblum, Sandra, Simonelli, Chiara and Wylie, Kevan. (2010). Psychological and interpersonal dimensions of sexual function and dysfunction. Journal of Sexual Medicine. 7(1), pp. 327 - 336.

Journal article

Ways of unraveling how and why physical activity influences mental health through statistical mediation analyses
Cerin, Ester. (2010). Ways of unraveling how and why physical activity influences mental health through statistical mediation analyses. Mental Health and Physical Activity. 3(2), pp. 51 - 60.

Journal article

A multilevel study of the determinants of area-level inequalities in colorectal cancer survival
Baade, Peter D., Turrell, Gavin and Aitken, Joanne F.. (2010). A multilevel study of the determinants of area-level inequalities in colorectal cancer survival. BMC Cancer. 10(1), p. Article 24.

Journal article

Physical activity as a mediator of the associations between neighborhood walkability and adiposity in Belgian adults
Van Dyck, Delfien, Cerin, Ester, Cardon, Greet, Deforche, Benedicte, Sallis, Jim, Owen, Neville and De Bourdeaudhuij, Ilse. (2010). Physical activity as a mediator of the associations between neighborhood walkability and adiposity in Belgian adults. Health and Place. 16(5), pp. 952 - 960.

Journal article

The economic impact of progressive neurological illness on quality of life in Australia
McCabe, Marita and O'Connor, Elodie. (2010). The economic impact of progressive neurological illness on quality of life in Australia. Journal of Family and Economic Issues. 31(1), pp. 82 - 89.

Journal article

Towards understanding the new food environment for refugees from the Horn of Africa in Australia
Wilson, Alyce, Renzaho, Andre, McCabe, Marita and Swinburn, Boyd. (2010). Towards understanding the new food environment for refugees from the Horn of Africa in Australia. Health and Place. 16(5), pp. 969 - 976.

Journal article

Body Image and Self-Esteem Across Age and Gender: A Short-Term Longitudinal Study
Mellor, David, Fuller-Tyszkiewicz, Matthew, McCabe, Marita and Ricciardelli, Lina A.. (2010). Body Image and Self-Esteem Across Age and Gender: A Short-Term Longitudinal Study. Sex Roles: A Journal of research. 63(44113), pp. 672 - 681.

Journal article

Impact of a healthy body image program among adolescent boys on body image, negative affect, and body change strategies
McCabe, Marita, Ricciardelli, Lina A. and Karantzas, Gery. (2010). Impact of a healthy body image program among adolescent boys on body image, negative affect, and body change strategies. Body Image. 7(2), pp. 117 - 123.

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