Institute for Health and Ageing

FacultyFaculty of Health Sciences

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Physical activity, activity change, and their correlates in a population-based sample of colorectal cancer survivors
Lynch, Brigid M., Cerin, Ester, Newman, Beth and Owen, Neville. (2007). Physical activity, activity change, and their correlates in a population-based sample of colorectal cancer survivors. Annals of Behavioral Medicine. 34(2), pp. 135 - 143.

Journal article

Destinations that matter: Associations with walking for transport
Cerin, Ester, Leslie, Eva R., du Toit, Lorinne, Owen, Neville and Frank, Lawrence. (2007). Destinations that matter: Associations with walking for transport. Health and Place. 13(3), pp. 713 - 724.

Journal article

The independent contribution of neighborhood disadvantage and individual-level socioeconomic position to self-reported oral health: A multilevel analysis
Turrell, Gavin, Sanders, Anne E., Slade, Gary D., Spencer, A John and Marcenes, Wagner. (2007). The independent contribution of neighborhood disadvantage and individual-level socioeconomic position to self-reported oral health: A multilevel analysis. Community Dentistry and Oral Epidemiology. 35(3), pp. 195 - 206.

Journal article

Associations of leisure-time physical activity with quality of life in a large, population-based sample of colorectal cancer survivors
Lynch, Brigid M., Cerin, Ester, Owen, Neville and Aitken, Joanne. (2007). Associations of leisure-time physical activity with quality of life in a large, population-based sample of colorectal cancer survivors. Cancer Causes and Control. 18(7), pp. 735 - 742.

Journal article

Glucocorticoid-induced osteoporosis: a systematic review and cost-utility analysis.
Kanis, John, Stevenson, M., McCloskey, Eugene, Davis, S. and Lloyd-Jones, Myfanwy. (2007). Glucocorticoid-induced osteoporosis: a systematic review and cost-utility analysis. Health Technology Assessment. 11(7).

Journal article

outdoor environments, activity and the well-being of older people: Conceptualising environmental support
Sugiyama, Takemi and Thompson, Catharine Ward. (2007). outdoor environments, activity and the well-being of older people: Conceptualising environmental support. Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space. 39(8), pp. 1943 - 1960.

Journal article

Sun exposure concern, sun protection behaviors and physical activity among Australian adults
Lawler, Sheleigh, Sugiyama, Takemi and Owen, Neville. (2007). Sun exposure concern, sun protection behaviors and physical activity among Australian adults. Cancer Causes and Control. 18(9), pp. 1009 - 1014.

Journal article

Mechanical efficiency during repetitive vertical jumping
McCaulley, Grant O., Cormie, Prue, Cavill, Michael J., Nuzzo, James L., Urbiztondo, Zea G. and McBride, Jeffrey M.. (2007). Mechanical efficiency during repetitive vertical jumping. European Journal of Applied Physiology. 101(1), pp. 115 - 123.

Journal article

Socioeconomic inequalities in food purchasing: The contribution of respondent-perceived and actual (objectively measured) price and availability of foods
Giskes, Katrina, van Lenthe, Frank J., Mackenbach, Johan P. and Turrell, Gavin. (2007). Socioeconomic inequalities in food purchasing: The contribution of respondent-perceived and actual (objectively measured) price and availability of foods. Preventive Medicine. 45(1), pp. 41 - 48.

Journal article

Does psychological stress mediate social deprivation in tooth loss?
Sanders, Anne E., Slade, Gary D., Turrell, Gavin, Spencer, A John and Marcenes, Wagner. (2007). Does psychological stress mediate social deprivation in tooth loss? Journal of Dental Research. 86(12), pp. 1166 - 1170.

Journal article

Neighborhood Walkability and the Walking Behavior of Australian Adults
Owen, Neville, Cerin, Ester, Leslie, Eva R., Dutoit, Lorinne, Coffee, Neil, Frank, Lawrence, Bauman, Adrian, Hugo, Graeme, Saelens, Brian and Sallis, Jim. (2007). Neighborhood Walkability and the Walking Behavior of Australian Adults. American Journal of Preventive Medicine. 33(5), pp. 387 - 395.

Journal article

Measuring perceived neighbourhood walkability in Hong Kong
Cerin, Ester, Macfarlane, Duncan J., Ko, Hin Hei and Chan, Kwok Cheung A.. (2007). Measuring perceived neighbourhood walkability in Hong Kong. Cities. 24(3), pp. 209 - 217.

Journal article

Adherence to treatment of osteoporosis: A need for study
Lekkerkerker, F., Kanis, John, Alsayed, N., Bouvenot, G., Burlet, N., Cahall, D., Chines, A., Delmas, P. D., Dreiser, R. L., Ethgen, D., Hughes, N., Kaufman, J-M, Korte, S., Kreutz, G., Laslop, A., Mitlak, Bruce, Rabenda, V., Rizzoli, Rene, Santora, Arthur C., ... Reginster, Jean Yves. (2007). Adherence to treatment of osteoporosis: A need for study. Osteoporosis International. 18(10), pp. 1311 - 1317.

Journal article

Socioeconomic disadvantage in childhood and across the life course and all-cause mortality and physical function in adulthood: Evidence from the Alameda County Study
Turrell, Gavin, Lynch, John, Leite, Claudia, Raghunathan, Trivellore and Kaplan, George A.. (2007). Socioeconomic disadvantage in childhood and across the life course and all-cause mortality and physical function in adulthood: Evidence from the Alameda County Study. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health. 61(8), pp. 723 - 730.

Journal article

Residential proximity to school and the active travel choices of parents
Cole, Rachel, Leslie, Eva R., Donald, Maria, Cerin, Ester and Owen, Neville. (2007). Residential proximity to school and the active travel choices of parents. Health Promotion Journal of Australia. 18(2), pp. 127 - 134.

Journal article

Does walking in the neighbourhood enhance local sociability?
Du Toit, Lorinne, Cerin, Ester, Leslie, Eva R. and Owen, Neville. (2007). Does walking in the neighbourhood enhance local sociability? Urban Studies. 44(9), pp. 1677 - 1695.

Journal article

The cost-effectiveness of bisphosphonates in postmenopausal women based on individual long-term fracture risks
van Staa, T. P., Kanis, John, Geusens, P., Boonen, Annelies, Leufkens, H. G. M. and Cooper, Cyrus. (2007). The cost-effectiveness of bisphosphonates in postmenopausal women based on individual long-term fracture risks. Value in Health. 10(5), pp. 348 - 357.

Journal article

Optimal loading for maximal power output during lower-body resistance exercises
Cormie, Prue, McCaulley, Grant O., Triplett, N. Travis and McBride, Jeffrey M.. (2007). Optimal loading for maximal power output during lower-body resistance exercises. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise. 39(2), pp. 340 - 349.

Journal article

Methodological concerns for determining power output in the jump squat
Cormie, Prue, Deane, Russell and McBride, Jeffrey M.. (2007). Methodological concerns for determining power output in the jump squat. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research. 21(2), pp. 424 - 430.

Journal article

Herbert Andre Fleisch, MD : 22 July 1933-15 May 2007.
Martin, T. John, Christiansen, Claus, Kanis, John and Russell, Graham. (2007). Herbert Andre Fleisch, MD : 22 July 1933-15 May 2007. Osteoporosis International. 18(8), pp. 1019 - 1021.

Journal article

Cost-effectiveness of the treatment and prevention of osteoporosis - A review of the literature and a reference model
Zethraeus, N., Borgström, F., Ström, O., Kanis, John and Jönsson, B.. (2007). Cost-effectiveness of the treatment and prevention of osteoporosis - A review of the literature and a reference model. Osteoporosis International. 18(1), pp. 9 - 23.

Journal article

Latitude, socioeconomic prosperity, mobile phones and hip fracture risk
Johnell, O., Borgström, F., Jönsson, B. and Kanis, John. (2007). Latitude, socioeconomic prosperity, mobile phones and hip fracture risk. Osteoporosis International. 18(3), pp. 333 - 337.

Journal article

Power versus strength-power jump squat training: Influence on the load-power relationship
Cormie, Prue, McCaulley, Grant O. and McBride, Jeffrey M.. (2007). Power versus strength-power jump squat training: Influence on the load-power relationship. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise. 39(6), pp. 996 - 1003.

Journal article

Older people's health, outdoor activity and supportiveness of neighbourhood environments
Sugiyama, Takemi and Thompson, Catharine Ward. (2007). Older people's health, outdoor activity and supportiveness of neighbourhood environments. Landscape and Urban Planning. 83(43892), pp. 168 - 175.

Journal article

Validation of power measurement techniques in dynamic lower body resistance exercises
Cormie, Prue, McBride, Jeffrey M. and McCaulley, Grant O.. (2007). Validation of power measurement techniques in dynamic lower body resistance exercises. Journal of Applied Biomechanics. 23(2), pp. 103 - 118.

Journal article

Cost-effectiveness of alendronate in the treatment of postmenopausal women in 9 European countries - An economic evaluation based on the fracture intervention trial
Ström, O., Borgström, Frederick, Sen, S. S., Boonen, Steven, Haentjens, P., Johnell, O. and Kanis, John. (2007). Cost-effectiveness of alendronate in the treatment of postmenopausal women in 9 European countries - An economic evaluation based on the fracture intervention trial. Osteoporosis International. 18(8), pp. 1047 - 1061.

Journal article

At what hip fracture risk is it cost-effective to treat? International intervention thresholds for the treatment of osteoporosis
Borgström, F., Johnell, O., Kanis, John, Jönsson, B. and Rehnberg, C.. (2006). At what hip fracture risk is it cost-effective to treat? International intervention thresholds for the treatment of osteoporosis. Osteoporosis International. 17(10), pp. 1459 - 1471.

Journal article

Smokers living in deprived areas are less likely to quit: A longitudinal follow-up
Giskes, Katrina, van Lenthe, Frank J., Turrell, Gavin, Brugemann, Johan and Mackenbach, Johan P.. (2006). Smokers living in deprived areas are less likely to quit: A longitudinal follow-up. Tobacco Control. 15(6), pp. 485 - 488.

Journal article

Using recovery modalities between training sessions in elite athletes: Does it help?
Barnett, Anthony. (2006). Using recovery modalities between training sessions in elite athletes: Does it help? Sports Medicine. 36(9), pp. 781 - 796.

Journal article

Bone fragility in men - Where are we?
Seeman, Ego, Bianchi, Georges, Khosla, Sundeep, Kanis, John and Orwoll, E. (2006). Bone fragility in men - Where are we? Osteoporosis International. 17(11), pp. 1577 - 1583.

Journal article

Small-scale randomized controlled trials need more powerful methods of mediational analysis than the Baron-Kenny method
Cerin, Ester, Taylor, Lorian M., Leslie, Eva R. and Owen, Neville. (2006). Small-scale randomized controlled trials need more powerful methods of mediational analysis than the Baron-Kenny method. Journal of Clinical Epidemiology. 59(5), pp. 457 - 464.

Journal article

The cost-effectiveness of risedronate in the treatment of osteoporosis: An international perspective
Borgström, F., Carlsson, Å., Sintonen, H., Boonen, Steven, Haentjens, P., Burge, R., Johnell, O., Jönsson, B. and Kanis, John. (2006). The cost-effectiveness of risedronate in the treatment of osteoporosis: An international perspective. Osteoporosis International. 17(7), pp. 996 - 1007.

Journal article

The use of multiple sites for the diagnosis of osteoporosis
Kanis, John, Johnell, O., Oden, Anders, Johansson, Helena, Eisman, John A., Fujiwara, S., Kröger, Heikki, Honkanen, Risto, Melton, Lisa, O'Neill, T. W., Reeve, Jonathan, Silman, A. and Tenenhouse, A.. (2006). The use of multiple sites for the diagnosis of osteoporosis. Osteoporosis International. 17(4), pp. 527 - 534.

Journal article

Weight and place: A multilevel cross-sectional survey of area-level social disadvantage and overweight/obesity in Australia
King, Tania, Kavanagh, Anne M., Jolley, Damien, Turrell, Gavin and Crawford, David. (2006). Weight and place: A multilevel cross-sectional survey of area-level social disadvantage and overweight/obesity in Australia. International Journal of Obesity. 30(2), pp. 281 - 287.

Journal article

Physical activity of young children
Ziviani, Jenny, MacDonald, Doune, Jenkins, David, Rodger, Sylvia, Batch, Jenny and Cerin, Ester. (2006). Physical activity of young children. Occupation Participation and Health. 26(1), pp. 4 - 14.

Journal article

Does living in a disadvantaged area mean fewer opportunities to purchase fresh fruit and vegetables in the area? Findings from the Brisbane food study
Winkler, Elizabeth A. H., Turrell, Gavin and Patterson, Carla. (2006). Does living in a disadvantaged area mean fewer opportunities to purchase fresh fruit and vegetables in the area? Findings from the Brisbane food study. Health and Place. 12(3), pp. 306 - 319.

Journal article

A processual analysis of basic emotions and sources of concerns as they are lived before and after a competition
Cerin, Ester and Barnett, Anthony. (2006). A processual analysis of basic emotions and sources of concerns as they are lived before and after a competition. Psychology of Sport and Exercise. 7(3), pp. 287 - 307.

Journal article

A multilevel study of socio-economic inequalities in food choice behaviour and dietary intake among the Dutch population : The GLoBE study
Giskes, Katrina, Turrell, Gavin, van Lenthe, Frank J., Brugemann, Johan and Mackenbach, Johan P.. (2006). A multilevel study of socio-economic inequalities in food choice behaviour and dietary intake among the Dutch population : The GLoBE study. Public Health Nutrition. 9(1), pp. 75-83.

Journal article

Does gender modify associations between self rated health and the social and economic characteristics of local environments?
Kavanagh, Anne M., Bentley, Rebecca J., Turrell, Gavin, Broom, Dorothy H. and Subramanian, S V.. (2006). Does gender modify associations between self rated health and the social and economic characteristics of local environments? Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health. 60(6), pp. 490 - 495.

Journal article

Reduction in bone relapse and improved survival with oral clodronate for adjuvant treatment of operable breast cancer [ISRCTN83688026]
Powles, Trevor, Paterson, Alexander, McCloskey, Eugene, Schein, Phil, Scheffler, Bobbi, Tidy, Alwynne, Ashley, Sue, Smith, Ian, Ottestad, Lars and Kanis, John. (2006). Reduction in bone relapse and improved survival with oral clodronate for adjuvant treatment of operable breast cancer [ISRCTN83688026]. Breast Cancer Research. 8(2).

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