Institute for Health and Ageing

FacultyFaculty of Health Sciences

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Area variation in mortality in Tasmania (Australia): The contributions of socioeconomic disadvantage, social capital and geographic remoteness
Turrell, Gavin, Kavanagh, Anne M. and Subramanian, S. V.. (2006). Area variation in mortality in Tasmania (Australia): The contributions of socioeconomic disadvantage, social capital and geographic remoteness. Health and Place. 12(3), pp. 291 - 305.

Journal article

Whom to treat? The contribution of vertebral X-rays to risk-based algorithms for fracture prediction. Results from the European Prospective Osteoporosis Study
Kaptoge, Stephen, Armbrecht, Gabriele, Felsenberg, Dieter, Lunt, M., Weber, K., Boonen, Steven, Jajic, I., Stepan, Jan J., Banzer, D., Reisinger, W., Janott, J., Kragl, G., Scheidt-Nave, C., Felsch, B., Matthis, C., Raspe, H. H., Lyritis, G., Póor, G., Nuti, Ranuccio, ... Bhalla, A. (2006). Whom to treat? The contribution of vertebral X-rays to risk-based algorithms for fracture prediction. Results from the European Prospective Osteoporosis Study. Osteoporosis International. 17(9), pp. 1369 - 1381.

Journal article

Individual calibration for estimating free-living walking speed using the MTI monitor
Barnett, Anthony and Cerin, Ester. (2006). Individual calibration for estimating free-living walking speed using the MTI monitor. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise. 38(4), pp. 761 - 767.

Journal article

Neighborhood environment walkability scale: Validity and development of a short form
Cerin, Ester, Saelens, Brian, Sallis, Jim and Frank, Lawrence. (2006). Neighborhood environment walkability scale: Validity and development of a short form. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise. 38(9), pp. 1682 - 1691.

Journal article

Acute effects of whole-body vibration on muscle activity, strength, and power
Cormie, Prue, Deane, Russell, Triplett, N. Travis and McBride, Jeffrey M.. (2006). Acute effects of whole-body vibration on muscle activity, strength, and power. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research. 20(2), pp. 257 - 261.

Journal article

Socio-economic pathways to diet: Modelling the association between socio-economic position and food purchasing behaviour
Turrell, Gavin and Kavanagh, Anne M.. (2006). Socio-economic pathways to diet: Modelling the association between socio-economic position and food purchasing behaviour. Public Health Nutrition. 9(3), pp. 375 - 383.

Journal article

Isometric squat force output and muscle activity in stable and unstable conditions
McBride, Jeffrey M., Cormie, Prue and Deane, Russell. (2006). Isometric squat force output and muscle activity in stable and unstable conditions. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research. 20(4), pp. 915 - 918.

Journal article

Does area-based social capital matter for the health of Australians? A multilevel analysis of self-rated health in Tasmania
Kavanagh, Anne M., Turrell, Gavin and Subramanian, S. V.. (2006). Does area-based social capital matter for the health of Australians? A multilevel analysis of self-rated health in Tasmania. International Journal of Epidemiology. 35(3), pp. 607 - 613.

Journal article

A simple clinical score for estimating the long-term risk of fracture in post-menopausal women
van Staa, T. P., Geusens, P., Kanis, J. A., Leufkens, H. G. M., Gehlbach, S. and Cooper, C.. (2006). A simple clinical score for estimating the long-term risk of fracture in post-menopausal women. QJM: An International Journal of Medicine. 99(10), pp. 673-682.

Journal article

The shape of the socioeconomic-oral health gradient: Implications for theoretical explanations
Sanders, Anne E., Slade, Gary D., Turrell, Gavin, Spencer, A John and Marcenes, Wagner. (2006). The shape of the socioeconomic-oral health gradient: Implications for theoretical explanations. Community Dentistry and Oral Epidemiology. 34(4), pp. 310 - 319.

Journal article

An economic evaluation of strontium ranelate in the treatment of osteoporosis in a Swedish setting: Based on the results of the SOTI and TROPOS trials
Borgström, F., Jönsson, B., Ström, O. and Kanis, John. (2006). An economic evaluation of strontium ranelate in the treatment of osteoporosis in a Swedish setting: Based on the results of the SOTI and TROPOS trials. Osteoporosis International. 17(12), pp. 1781 - 1793.

Journal article

An estimate of the worldwide prevalence and disability associated with osteoporotic fractures
Johnell, O. and Kanis, John. (2006). An estimate of the worldwide prevalence and disability associated with osteoporotic fractures. Osteoporosis International. 17(12), pp. 1726 - 1733.

Journal article

Preservation of thoracic spine microarchitecture by alendronate: Comparison of histology and microCT
Hordon, L. D., Itoda, M., Shore, P. A., Shore, R. C., Heald, M., Brown, M., Kanis, John, Rodan, G. A. and Aaron, J. E.. (2006). Preservation of thoracic spine microarchitecture by alendronate: Comparison of histology and microCT. Bone. 38(3), pp. 444 - 449.

Journal article

Does living in a disadvantaged area entail limited opportunities to purchase fresh fruit and vegetables in terms of price, availability, and variety? Findings from the Brisbane Food Study
Winkler, Elizabeth A. H., Turrell, Gavin and Patterson, Carla. (2006). Does living in a disadvantaged area entail limited opportunities to purchase fresh fruit and vegetables in terms of price, availability, and variety? Findings from the Brisbane Food Study. Health and Place. 12(4), pp. 741 - 748.

Journal article

Levels of physical activity for colon cancer prevention compared with generic public health recommendations: Population prevalence and sociodemographic correlates
Cerin, Ester, Leslie, Eva R., Bauman, Adrian and Owen, Neville. (2005). Levels of physical activity for colon cancer prevention compared with generic public health recommendations: Population prevalence and sociodemographic correlates. Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers and Prevention. 14(4), pp. 1000 - 1002.

Journal article

Lifetime risk of suicide ideation and attempts in an Australian community: Prevalence, suicidal process, and help-seeking behaviour
De Leo, D., Cerin, Ester, Spathonis, Kym and Burgis, Shelley. (2005). Lifetime risk of suicide ideation and attempts in an Australian community: Prevalence, suicidal process, and help-seeking behaviour. Journal of Affective Disorders. 86(43892), pp. 215 - 224.

Journal article

Anthropometric and physical abilities profiles: US National Skeleton Team.
Sands, William A., Smith, L. Sarah L., Kivi, Derek M. R., McNeal, Jeni R., Dorman, Jason, Stone, Michael H. and Cormie, Prue. (2005). Anthropometric and physical abilities profiles: US National Skeleton Team. Sports Biomechanics. 4(2), pp. 197 - 214.

Journal article

Urban area disadvantage and physical activity: A multilevel study in Melbourne, Australia
Kavanagh, Anne M., Goller, Jane L., King, Tania, Jolley, Damien, Crawford, David and Turrell, Gavin. (2005). Urban area disadvantage and physical activity: A multilevel study in Melbourne, Australia. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health. 59(11), pp. 934 - 940.

Journal article

Environmental support for outdoor activities and older people's quality of life
Sugiyama, Takemi and Thompson, Catherine Ward. (2005). Environmental support for outdoor activities and older people's quality of life. Journal of Housing for the Elderly. 19(43924), pp. 167 - 185.

Journal article

Predictors of competitive anxiety direction in male Tae Kwon Do practitioners: A multilevel mixed idiographic/nomothetic interactional approach
Cerin, Ester. (2004). Predictors of competitive anxiety direction in male Tae Kwon Do practitioners: A multilevel mixed idiographic/nomothetic interactional approach. Psychology of Sport and Exercise. 5(4), pp. 497 - 516.

Journal article

Single-subject research designs and data analyses for assessing elite athletes' conditioning
Kinugasa, Taisuke, Cerin, Ester and Hooper, Sue. (2004). Single-subject research designs and data analyses for assessing elite athletes' conditioning. Sports Medicine. 34(15), pp. 1035 - 1050.

Journal article

Childhood and Adult Socioeconomic Conditions and 31-Year Mortality Risk in Women
Beene-Dimmer, Jennifer, Lynch, John, Turrell, Gavin, Lustgarten, Stephanie, Raghunathan, Trivellore and Kaplan, George A.. (2004). Childhood and Adult Socioeconomic Conditions and 31-Year Mortality Risk in Women. American Journal of Epidemiology. 159(5), pp. 481 - 490.

Journal article

Muscle metabolism during sprint exercise in man: Influence of sprint training
Barnett, C., Carey, M., Proietto, J., Cerin, Ester, Febbraio, M A. and Jenkins, David. (2004). Muscle metabolism during sprint exercise in man: Influence of sprint training. Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport. 7(3), pp. 314 - 322.

Journal article

Utilisation of general practitioner services by socio-economic disadvantage and geographic remoteness
Turrell, Gavin, Oldenburg, Brian, Harris, Elizabeth and Jolley, Damien. (2004). Utilisation of general practitioner services by socio-economic disadvantage and geographic remoteness. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health. 28(2), pp. 152 - 158.

Journal article

A multilevel analysis of socioeconomic (small area) differences in household food purchasing behaviour
Turrell, Gavin, Blakely, Tony, Patterson, Carla and Oldenburg, Brian. (2004). A multilevel analysis of socioeconomic (small area) differences in household food purchasing behaviour. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health. 58(3), pp. 208-215.

Journal article

Peak oxygen uptake of 12 to 18-year-old boys living in a densely populated urban environment
Barnett, Anthony, Bacon-Shone, John, Tam, K. H., Leung, Mauriceping and Armstrong, Neil. (1995). Peak oxygen uptake of 12 to 18-year-old boys living in a densely populated urban environment. Annals of Human Biology. 22(6), pp. 525 - 532.

Journal article

Response of unacclimatized males to repeated weekly bouts of exercise in the heat
Barnett, Anthony. (1993). Response of unacclimatized males to repeated weekly bouts of exercise in the heat. British Journal of Sports Medicine.

Journal article

Leg muscle pH following sprint running
Costill, Davlid L., Barnett, Anthony, Sharp, Rick, Fink, William J. and Katz, Abram. (1983). Leg muscle pH following sprint running. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise. 15(4), pp. 325 - 329.

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