James Stuart McLaren
Contact category | Staff |
Job title | Emeritus Professor |
Research institute | Faculty of Theology and Philosophy |
Faculty of Theology and Philosophy |
Research outputs
b. Josephus
McLaren, James Stuart. (2018). b. Josephus. In In Brooke, George J. and Hempel, Charlotte (Ed.). T&T Clark Companion to the Dead Sea Scrolls pp. 148 Bloomsbury Publishing plc.Book chapter
SGLT2 inhibition and cardiovascular events: why did EMPA-REG outcomes surprise and what were the likely mechanisms?
Sattar, Naveed, McLaren, James, Kristensen, Søren L., Preiss, David and McMurray, John. (2016). SGLT2 inhibition and cardiovascular events: why did EMPA-REG outcomes surprise and what were the likely mechanisms? Diabetologia. 59(7), pp. 1333 - 1339. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00125-016-3956-xJournal article
The importance of perspective: The Jewish-Roman conflict of 66-70 CE as a revolution
McLaren, James and Goodman, Martin. (2016). The importance of perspective: The Jewish-Roman conflict of 66-70 CE as a revolution. In In J. J. Collins and J. G. Manning (Ed.). Revolt and resistance in the ancient Classical world and the Near East: In the crucible of empire pp. 205 - 218 Brill.Book chapter
The perspective of a Jewish priest on the Johannine Timing of the Action in the Temple
McLaren, James. (2016). The perspective of a Jewish priest on the Johannine Timing of the Action in the Temple. In In P. N. Anderson and F. Just (Ed.). John, Jesus, and history, Volume 3: Glimpse of Jesus through the Johannine lens pp. 201 - 204 SBL Press.Book chapter
Josephus and the Priesthood
McLaren, James Stuart. (2015). Josephus and the Priesthood. In A Companion to Josephus pp. 273 Wiley. https://doi.org/10.1002/9781118325162.ch17Book chapter
Josephus and the Gentiles
McLaren, James. (2013). Josephus and the Gentiles. In In DC Sim and JS McLaren (Ed.). Attitudes to gentiles in ancient Judaism and early Christianity pp. 62 - 72 Bloomsbury T & T Clark.Book chapter
Exploring the first century
McLaren, James. (2013). Exploring the first century [Dataset]. Australian Catholic University. https://doi.org/10.26199/acu.8q3yqDataset
The Jews in Rome during the Flavian period
McLaren, James. (2013). The Jews in Rome during the Flavian period. Antichthon: journal of ancient world studies. 47(2013), pp. 156 - 172.Journal article
Early Christian polemic against Jews and the persecution of Christians in Rome by Nero
McLaren, James S.. (2013). Early Christian polemic against Jews and the persecution of Christians in Rome by Nero. In In W. Mayer and B. Neil (Ed.). Religious Conflict from Early Christianity to the Rise of Islam pp. 39 - 50 Walter de Gruyter.Book chapter
The Temple and Gentiles
McLaren, James. (2013). The Temple and Gentiles. In In DC Sim and JS McLaren (Ed.). Attitudes to gentiles in ancient Judaism and early Christianity pp. 92 - 108 Bloomsbury T & T Clark.Book chapter
McLaren, James. (2013). Introduction. In In DC Sim and JS McLaren (Ed.). Attitudes to gentiles in ancient Judaism and early Christianity pp. 1 - 8 Bloomsbury T & T Clark.Book chapter
Mason, Steve, McLaren, James and Barclay, John. (2012). Josephus. In In J J Collins and D C Harlow (Ed.). Early Judaism: A Comprehensive Overview pp. 209 - 321 William Eerdmans Publishing.Book chapter
The Jewish War as a Response to the Crisis of Flavian Propaganda
McLaren, James. (2012). The Jewish War as a Response to the Crisis of Flavian Propaganda. In In D Sim and P Allen (Ed.). Ancient Jewish and Christian Texts as Crisis Management Literature pp. 46 - 67 T&T Clark International.Book chapter
Searching for Rome and the imperial cult in Galilee : Reassessing Galilee-Rome relations (63 B.C.E. to 70 C.E.)
McLaren, James. (2011). Searching for Rome and the imperial cult in Galilee : Reassessing Galilee-Rome relations (63 B.C.E. to 70 C.E.). In In J Brodd and JL Reed (Ed.). Rome and religion: a cross-disciplinary dialogue on the imperial cult pp. 111 - 136 Society of Biblical Literature.Book chapter
Going to war against Rome : the motivation of the Jewish rebels
McLaren, James S.. (2011). Going to war against Rome : the motivation of the Jewish rebels. In In M Popovic (Ed.). The Jewish revolt against Rome: interdisciplinary perspectives pp. 129 - 153 E.J. Brill Academic Publishers.Book chapter
Rome and the Jerusalem Temple
McLaren, James S.. (2010). Rome and the Jerusalem Temple. In Studies of Religion and Politics in the Early Christian Centuries pp. 79 - 79 St Pauls Publications.Book chapter
Corruption among the high priesthood: A matter of perspective
McLaren, James S.. (2009). Corruption among the high priesthood: A matter of perspective. In In Z. Rodgers, M. Daly-Denton and A.F. McKinley (Ed.). A Wandering Galilean: Essays in Honour of Sean Freyne pp. 141 - 157 Koninklijke Brill NV.Book chapter
Poverty and the world of Jesus
McLaren, James Stuart. (2009). Poverty and the world of Jesus. In In G. D. Dunn, D. Luckensmeyer and L. Cross (Ed.). Prayer and Spirituality in the Early Church V: Poverty and Riches pp. 37 - 49 St Pauls Publications.Book chapter
Rendering to God not Caesar: The Jewish revolt of 66-70 AD
McLaren, James. (2009). Rendering to God not Caesar: The Jewish revolt of 66-70 AD. Leidschrift. 24(1), pp. 15 - 31.Journal article
A note on method in historical Jesus studies
McLaren, James. (2009). A note on method in historical Jesus studies. Australian Biblical Review. 57, pp. 61 - 71.Journal article
McLaren, James Stuart. (2008). Introduction. In In J. McLaren (Ed.). Judaism in Transition 175 BCE-150 CE. Christian and Jewish Perspectives pp. 8 - 13 Council of Christians and Jews.Book chapter
Jews and foreign rule
McLaren, James Stuart. (2008). Jews and foreign rule. In In J. McLaren (Ed.). Judaism in Transition 175 BCE-150 CE. Christian and Jewish Perspectives pp. 52 - 74 Council of Christians and Jews.Book chapter
Delving into the dark side: Josephus' foresight as hindsight
McLaren, James Stuart. (2007). Delving into the dark side: Josephus' foresight as hindsight. In In Z. Rodgers (Ed.). Making History. Josephus and Historical Method (Supplements to the Journal for the Study of Judaism 110) pp. 49 - 68 Koninklijke Brill NV.Book chapter
Between the desert and the temple: Finding God in first-century Judea
McLaren, James Stuart. (2006). Between the desert and the temple: Finding God in first-century Judea. In In W. Mayer, P. Allen and L. Cross (Ed.). Prayer and Spirituality in the Early Church IV: The Spiritual Life pp. 73 - 84 St Pauls Publications.Book chapter
A reluctant provincial: Josephus and the roman empire in Jewish war
McLaren, James S.. (2005). A reluctant provincial: Josephus and the roman empire in Jewish war. In In J. Riches and D.C. Sim (Ed.). The Gospel of Matthew in its Roman Imperial Context pp. 34 - 48 T&T Clark International.Book chapter
Jews and the imperial cult: From Augustus to Domitian
McLaren, James. (2005). Jews and the imperial cult: From Augustus to Domitian. Journal for the Study of the New Testament. 27(3), pp. 257 - 278.Journal article
Josephus on Titus: The vanquished writing about the victor
McLaren, James S.. (2005). Josephus on Titus: The vanquished writing about the victor. In In J. Sievers and G. Lembi (Ed.). Josephus and Jewish History in Flavian Rome and Beyond pp. 279 - 295 E.J. Brill Academic Publishers.Book chapter
The census in Judea
McLaren, James. (2005). The census in Judea. Australian Biblical Review. 53, pp. 70 - 75.Journal article
Constructing Judean history in the diaspora: Josephus’s accounts of Judas
McLaren, James Stuart. (2004). Constructing Judean history in the diaspora: Josephus’s accounts of Judas. In In J.M.G. Barclay (Ed.). Negotiating Diaspora: Jewish strategies in the Roman Empire pp. 90 - 108 T&T Clark International.Book chapter
The coinage of the first year as a point of reference for the Jewish revolt (66-70 CE)
McLaren, James. (2003). The coinage of the first year as a point of reference for the Jewish revolt (66-70 CE). Scripta Classica Israelica. 22, pp. 135 - 152.Journal article
The Jerusalem temple in the life of the early Christian community
McLaren, James Stuart. (2003). The Jerusalem temple in the life of the early Christian community. In In Dr B Neil and Dr G.D. Dunn (Ed.). Prayer and Spirituality in the Early Church III: Liturgy and Life pp. 43 - 51 St Pauls Publications.Book chapter
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