Tony Ciro

Contact categoryResearcher
Job titleProfessor
Research instituteThomas More Law School
Faculty of Law and Business

Research outputs

Tax history and philanthropy : a tribute to John Taylor
Murray, Ian, Ciro, Antonio, Haskett, Alistair and Walpole, Michael. (2024). Tax history and philanthropy : a tribute to John Taylor. E-Journal of Tax Research. 22(2), pp. 300-323.

Journal article

Green and ESG Derivatives: Financial Innovation in the Global Fight Against Climate Change
Ciro, Antonio, Leshinsky, Rebecca and Mariappanadar, Sugumar. (2024). Green and ESG Derivatives: Financial Innovation in the Global Fight Against Climate Change. Journal of International Banking Law and Regulation. 39(1), pp. 1-13.

Journal article

R&D intensity within corporate Australia : Evidence from large ASX-listed entities
Ciro, Tony, Terzioglu, Bülend and Lam, Ian. (2022). R&D intensity within corporate Australia : Evidence from large ASX-listed entities. Australian Tax Forum. 37(4), pp. 601-624.

Journal article

Countdown 2021 and the end of an era : Mystique, scandals and the Endgame for the LIBOR market
Ciro, Tony. (2021). Countdown 2021 and the end of an era : Mystique, scandals and the Endgame for the LIBOR market. Journal of Banking and Finance: Law and Practice. 32(4), pp. 232-253.

Journal article

Insights into the collateralisation of intangible and intellectual property assets by non-financial listed entities on the ASX/S&P 200
Ciro, Tony and Terzioglu, Bülend. (2021). Insights into the collateralisation of intangible and intellectual property assets by non-financial listed entities on the ASX/S&P 200. Company and Securities Law Journal. 38(4), pp. 233-249.

Journal article

Regulating Australia's benchmark interest rate market: A review of recent litigation and market reforms
Ciro, Tony. (2020). Regulating Australia's benchmark interest rate market: A review of recent litigation and market reforms. Journal of Banking and Finance: Law and Practice. 31, pp. 141 - 161.

Journal article

An empirical analysis of intangible asset reporting practices
Ciro, Tony and Terzioglu, Bulend. (2019). An empirical analysis of intangible asset reporting practices. Company and Securities Law Journal. 36(6), pp. 481-496.

Journal article

Disclosures and reporting of financial derivatives : Evidence from Australia’s S&P/ASX 50 listed firms
Ciro, Tony and Terzioglu, Bulend. (2018). Disclosures and reporting of financial derivatives : Evidence from Australia’s S&P/ASX 50 listed firms. Journal of Banking and Finance: Law and Practice. 29, pp. 92-108.

Journal article

Misleading and deceptive conduct in global financial markets : Implications for regulators, financial intermediaries and credit rating agencies
Ciro, Tony. (2018). Misleading and deceptive conduct in global financial markets : Implications for regulators, financial intermediaries and credit rating agencies. Company and Securities Law Journal. 36(5), pp. 434-454.

Journal article

Corporate philanthropy in Australia: Evidence from Australia's top 100 listed firms
Ciro, Antonio and Terzioglu, Bulend. (2017). Corporate philanthropy in Australia: Evidence from Australia's top 100 listed firms. Australian Journal of Corporate Law. 32(1), pp. 27 - 48.

Journal article

Fallout from the global financial crisis: Credit rating agencies in the frame
Ciro, Antonio. (2016). Fallout from the global financial crisis: Credit rating agencies in the frame. Journal of Banking and Finance: Law and Practice.

Journal article

Fair value measurement and reporting of financial assets in the United States
Ciro, Antonio and Speight, Geoffrey. (2011). Fair value measurement and reporting of financial assets in the United States. Journal of International Banking Law and Regulation. 26(12), pp. 587 - 593.

Journal article

Mark-to-Market Accounting of Illiquid Assets during the Global Financial Crisis
Ciro, Antonio and Speight, Geoffrey. (2011). Mark-to-Market Accounting of Illiquid Assets during the Global Financial Crisis. Journal of International Banking Law. 26(11), pp. 531 - 537.

Journal article

Machinations in the global automotive industry: The Fiat and Chrysler deal examined
Ciro, Antonio and Mascitelli, B.. (2010). Machinations in the global automotive industry: The Fiat and Chrysler deal examined. Derivatives and Financial instruments. 12(2), pp. 35 - 42.

Journal article

The Global Financial Crisis part 2: Causes and implications for regulation 9-18 (UK)
Ciro, Antonio and Longo, M.. (2010). The Global Financial Crisis part 2: Causes and implications for regulation 9-18 (UK). Journal of International Banking Law and Regulation. 25(1), pp. 9 - 18.

Journal article

International and Australian financial markets
Ciro, Antonio. (2009). International and Australian financial markets. In In T.Ciro, B. Mascitelli and S. Muthaly (Ed.). Australia and the Global Economy pp. 126 - 142 Connor Court Publishing.

Book chapter

Global frontiers and global challenges
Ciro, Antonio and Longo, Michael. (2009). Global frontiers and global challenges. In In T.Ciro, B. Mascitelli and S. Muthaly (Ed.). Australia and the Global Economy pp. 233 - 255 Connor Court Publishing.

Book chapter

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