Kylie Crabbe

Contact categoryResearcher
Job titlePrincipal Research Fellow
Research instituteInstitute for Religion and Critical Inquiry
Faculty of Theology and Philosophy

Research outputs

Luke, Acts, and Their Generic Conversation Partners
Crabbe, K.. (2024). Luke, Acts, and Their Generic Conversation Partners. Early Christianity. 15(1), pp. 27-49.

Journal article

Oneness, Unity, and Josephus's Theological Politics
Crabbe, Kylie Lynette. (2023). Oneness, Unity, and Josephus's Theological Politics. In In Barton, S. and Byers, A. (Ed.). One God, One People : Oneness and Unity in Early Christianity pp. 145 Society of Biblical Literature.

Book chapter

The anti-father and his silent sons : Disability, healing, and critique in the Acts of John
Crabbe, Kylie. (2023). The anti-father and his silent sons : Disability, healing, and critique in the Acts of John. Harvard Theological Review. pp. 1-25.

Journal article

Character and conflict : Who parts company in acts?
Crabbe, Kylie. (2021). Character and conflict : Who parts company in acts? In In Schröter, Jens, Edsall, Benjamin A. and Verheyden, Joseph (Ed.). Jews and Christians – Parting Ways in the First Two Centuries CE : Reflections on Gains and Losses of a Model pp. 151-183 De Gruyter.

Book chapter

The Gospels and Acts
Crabbe, Kylie. (2021). The Gospels and Acts. In In Dell, Katharine J. (Ed.). The Biblical World pp. 206-232 Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group.

Book chapter

'The blind and the lame' : An adapted category in early Christian communal self-understanding
Crabbe, Kylie. (2021). 'The blind and the lame' : An adapted category in early Christian communal self-understanding. In In Barclay, John M.G. and Crabbe, Kylie (Ed.). The reception of Jewish tradition in the social imagination of the early Christians pp. 107-128 Bloomsbury T & T Clark.

Book chapter

The Generation of Iron and the Final Stumbling Block: The Present Time in Hesiod’s Works and Days 106–201 and Barnabas 4 
Crabbe, Kylie. (2020). The Generation of Iron and the Final Stumbling Block: The Present Time in Hesiod’s Works and Days 106–201 and Barnabas 4 . In In Andrew B. Perrin and Loren T. Stuckenbruck (Ed.). Four Kingdom Motifs before and beyond the Book of Daniel pp. 142-166 Brill.

Book chapter

Introduction to the reception of Jesus in the first three centuries
Barclay, John M.G. and Crabbe, Kylie. (2021). Introduction to the reception of Jesus in the first three centuries. In In Barclay, John M.G. and Crabbe, Kylie (Ed.). The reception of Jewish tradition in the social imagination of the early Christians pp. 1-11 Bloomsbury T & T Clark.

Book chapter

Luke/Acts and the end of history
Crabbe, Kylie. (2019). Luke/Acts and the end of history De Gruyter.


Accepting Prophecy: Paul’s Response to Agabus with Insights from Valerius Maximus and Josephus
Crabbe, Kylie. (2016). Accepting Prophecy: Paul’s Response to Agabus with Insights from Valerius Maximus and Josephus. Journal for the Study of the New Testament. 39(2), pp. 188 - 208.

Journal article

Being found fighting against god: Luke's Gamaliel and Josephus on human responses to divine providence
Crabbe, Kylie. (2015). Being found fighting against god: Luke's Gamaliel and Josephus on human responses to divine providence. Zeitschrift fuer die Neutestamentliche Wissenschaft und die Kunde der Aelteren Kirche. 106(1), pp. 21 - 39.

Journal article

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