Judith Bessant
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Research outputs
Youth participation; a new mode of government
Bessant, Judith. (2003). Youth participation; a new mode of government. Policy Studies. 24(March), pp. 87 - 100.Journal article
Discovery risk: Social research and policy making
Bessant, Judith, Hil, Richard and Watts, Rob. (2003). Discovery risk: Social research and policy making Peter Lang Publishing.Book
Precursors to the media frenzy: Supervised chroming; young people in cat and Victoria drug policy
Bessant, Judith. (2003). Precursors to the media frenzy: Supervised chroming; young people in cat and Victoria drug policy. Youth Studies Australia. 22(3), pp. 11 - 17.Journal article
Stories of disenchantment: Supervised chroming; the press and policy making
Bessant, Judith. (2003). Stories of disenchantment: Supervised chroming; the press and policy making. Media International Australia Incorporating Culture and Policy: quarterly journal of media research and resources. 108, pp. 50 - 66.Journal article
The 'science of risk' and the epistemology of human service practice
Bessant, Judith. (2003). The 'science of risk' and the epistemology of human service practice. Just Policy: a journal of Australian social policy. 31(December), pp. 31 - 38.Journal article
Violent acts: Why do they do it?
Webber, Ruth, Bessant, Judith and Watts, Rob. (2003). Violent acts: Why do they do it? Australian Social Work. 56(3), pp. 247 - 257.Journal article
Youth workers; professional identities and narratives of workplace change: A preliminary report
Bessant, Judith and Webber, Ruth. (2003). Youth workers; professional identities and narratives of workplace change: A preliminary report. Journal of Australian Studies. 78, pp. 25 - 38.Journal article
In defence of Australian youth studies - a response to Wyn and White
Bessant, Judith and Hil, Richard. (2003). In defence of Australian youth studies - a response to Wyn and White. Journal of Australian Studies. 78, pp. 111 - 122.Journal article
Pregnancy in the brotherhood bin: Housing and drug-treatment options for pregnant young women
Bessant, Judith. (2003). Pregnancy in the brotherhood bin: Housing and drug-treatment options for pregnant young women. Australian Social Work. 56(3), pp. 234 - 246.Journal article
The problem of poverty amongst tertiary students: Why it's missing from the poverty agenda
Bessant, Judith. (2003). The problem of poverty amongst tertiary students: Why it's missing from the poverty agenda. Critical Studies in Education. 44(2), pp. 69 - 88.Journal article
Normal rules of law; child protection legislation and Australia’s detention of child asylum seekers
Bessant, Judith. (2002). Normal rules of law; child protection legislation and Australia’s detention of child asylum seekers. Alternative Law Journal. 27(4), pp. 165 - 170.Journal article
The camps; a site of exceptionality: Australia’s detention of asylum seekers
Bessant, Judith. (2002). The camps; a site of exceptionality: Australia’s detention of asylum seekers. Australian Journal of Social Issues. 37(1), pp. 1 - 30.Journal article
The policies of official talk about welfare reform in Australia
Bessant, Judith. (2002). The policies of official talk about welfare reform in Australia. Just Policy: a journal of Australian social policy. 28(December), pp. 12 - 22.Journal article
Left, right or straight ahead: Contemporary prospects for progressive and critical criminology
Bessant, Judith. (2002). Left, right or straight ahead: Contemporary prospects for progressive and critical criminology. In In K. Carrington and R. Hogg (Ed.). Critical Criminology: Issues; Debates; Challenges pp. 218 - 242 Willan Publishing.Book chapter
Rights; obligations and public sphere: Arguments and options for securing just policies for young people
Bessant, Judith. (2002). Rights; obligations and public sphere: Arguments and options for securing just policies for young people. Children Australia. 27(3), pp. 33 - 44.Journal article
Generative metaphor; problem setting in policy and the discovery of youth at risk
Bessant, Judith. (2002). Generative metaphor; problem setting in policy and the discovery of youth at risk. Youth and Policy: the journal of critical analysis. 77(Autumn), pp. 33 - 46.Journal article
Dawkin's higher education reforms and how metaphors work in policy making
Bessant, Judith. (2002). Dawkin's higher education reforms and how metaphors work in policy making. Journal of Higher Education Policy and Management. 24(1), pp. 87 - 100.Journal article
Risk and nostalgia: The problem of education and youth unemployment in Australia - a case study
Bessant, Judith. (2002). Risk and nostalgia: The problem of education and youth unemployment in Australia - a case study. Journal of Education and Work. 15(1), pp. 31 - 52.Journal article
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