Mike Climstein

Contact categoryResearcher (past)

Research outputs

The effect of high-intensity power training on habitual, intervention and total physical activity levels in older adults with type 2 diabetes : Secondary outcomes of the GREAT2DO randomized controlled trial
Mosalman Haghighi, Marjan, Mavros, Yorgi, Kay, Shelley, Simpson, Kylie A., Baker, Michael K., Wang, Yi, Zhao, Ren R., Meiklejohn, Jacinda, Climstein, Mike, O’Sullivan, Anthony J., De Vos, Nathan, Baune, Bernhard T., Blair, Steven N., Simar, David, Singh, Nalin, Schlicht, Jeffrey and Fiatarone Singh, Maria A.. (2021). The effect of high-intensity power training on habitual, intervention and total physical activity levels in older adults with type 2 diabetes : Secondary outcomes of the GREAT2DO randomized controlled trial. Geriatrics. 6(1), p. Article 15. https://doi.org/10.3390/geriatrics6010015

Journal article

Body mass index for athletes participating in swimming at the World Masters Games
Walsh, Joe, Climstein, Mike, Heazlewood, Ian Timothy, Kettunen, Jyrki, Burke, Stephen, DeBeliso, Mark and Adams, Kent. (2013). Body mass index for athletes participating in swimming at the World Masters Games. The Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness.

Journal article

Changes in insulin resistance and HbA1c are related to exercise-mediated changes in body composition in older adults with Type 2 Diabetes : Interim outcomes from the GREAT2DO trial
Mavros, Yorgi, Kay, Shelley, Anderberg, Kylie, Baker, Michael K., Wang, Yi, Zhao, Renru, Meiklejohn, Jacinda, Climstein, Mike, O'Sullivan, Anthony and De Vos, Nathan. (2013). Changes in insulin resistance and HbA1c are related to exercise-mediated changes in body composition in older adults with Type 2 Diabetes : Interim outcomes from the GREAT2DO trial. Diabetes Care. 36(8), pp. 2372 - 2379. https://doi.org/10.2337/dc12-2196

Journal article

Exercise to reduce effects of sarcopenia
Henwood, Timothy, Keogh, Justin and Climstein, Mike. (2012). Exercise to reduce effects of sarcopenia. Australian Nursing Journal. 19(9), pp. 39 - 40.

Journal article

Obesity prevalence for athletes participating in soccer at the world masters games
Walsh, Joe, Climstein, Mike, Burke, Stephen, Kettunen, Jyrki, Heazlewood, Ian, DeBeliso, Mark and Ada, Kent. (2012). Obesity prevalence for athletes participating in soccer at the world masters games. International SportMed Journal. 13(2), pp. 76 - 84.

Journal article

Improved Body Mass Index classification for football code masters athletes, a comparison to the Australian national population
Walsh, Joe, Climstein, Mike, Heazlewood, Tim, Burke, Stephen, Kettunen, Jyrki, Adams, Kent and DeBeliso, Mark. (2011). Improved Body Mass Index classification for football code masters athletes, a comparison to the Australian national population. International Journal of Biological and Medical Sciences. 1(1), pp. 37 - 40.

Journal article

A random control trial of contrast baths and ice baths for recovery during competition in U/20 rugby union
Higgins, Trevor R., Heazlewood, Ian Timothy and Climstein, Mike. (2011). A random control trial of contrast baths and ice baths for recovery during competition in U/20 rugby union. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research. 25(4), pp. 1046 - 1051. https://doi.org/10.1519/JSC.0b013e3181cc269f

Journal article

Incidence of chronic disease and lipid profile in veteran rugby athletes
Climstein, Mike, Walsh, Joe, Heazlewood, Tim, Burke, Stephen, Kettunen, Jyrki, Adams, Kent and DeBeliso, Mark. (2011). Incidence of chronic disease and lipid profile in veteran rugby athletes. International Journal of Biological and Medical Sciences. 1(1), pp. 41 - 45.

Journal article

Sydney 2009 World Masters Games: Paricipants medicaland health history survey
Climstein, Mike, Burke, Stephen, Walsh, Joe, Heazlewood, Tim and Brock, Kim. (2010). Sydney 2009 World Masters Games: Paricipants medicaland health history survey. Be Active 2012 : Australian Conference of Science and Medicine in Sport. Sydney Convention and Exhibition Centre, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia 31 Oct - 03 Nov 2012 Australia: Elsevier. pp. 79 - 79

Conference item

Metabolic demands of "junkyard" training: Pushing and pulling a motor vehicle
Berning, Joseph, Ada, Kent, Climstein, Mike and Stamford, Bryant. (2007). Metabolic demands of "junkyard" training: Pushing and pulling a motor vehicle. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research. 21(3), pp. 853 - 856. https://doi.org/10.1519/R-18335.1

Journal article

Effectiveness of a 10 week 'heart moves' exercise program in Australian Vietnam veterans
Climstein, Mike, Currie, Janet, Otter, Leanne, De Beliso, M. and Ada, Kent. (2005). Effectiveness of a 10 week 'heart moves' exercise program in Australian Vietnam veterans. Sports Health (print version). 22(4), pp. 25 - 28.

Journal article

The effects of anabolic-androgenic steroids upon resting and peak exercise left ventricular heart wall motion kinetics in male strength and power athletes
Climstein, Mike, O'Shea, Pat, Ada, Kent and DeBeliso, Mark. (2003). The effects of anabolic-androgenic steroids upon resting and peak exercise left ventricular heart wall motion kinetics in male strength and power athletes. Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport. 6(4), pp. 387 - 397. https://doi.org/10.1016/S1440-2440(03)80265-7

Journal article

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