Allison Weir

Contact categoryResearcher (past)

Research outputs

Freedom and listening : Islamic and secular feminist philosophies
Weir, Allison. (2018). Freedom and listening : Islamic and secular feminist philosophies. In In Dreher, Tanja and Mondal, Anshuman A. (Ed.). Ethical responsiveness and the politics of difference pp. 74-91

Book chapter

Feminism and freedom
Weir, Allison. (2017). Feminism and freedom. In In A. Garry, S. J. Khader and A. Stone (Ed.). The Routledge Companion to Feminist Philosophy pp. 665 - 677 Routledge.

Book chapter

Decolonizing feminist freedom: indigenous relationalities
Weir, Allison. (2017). Decolonizing feminist freedom: indigenous relationalities. In In M. A. McLaren (Ed.). Decolonizing Feminism: Transnational Feminism and Globalization pp. 257 - 288 Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.

Book chapter

Identities and freedom: power, love, and other dangers
Weir, Allison. (2017). Identities and freedom: power, love, and other dangers. Philosophy Today. 61(2), pp. 423 - 438.

Journal article

Collective love as public freedom: dancing resistance. Arendt, Kristeva, and idle no more
Weir, Allison. (2017). Collective love as public freedom: dancing resistance. Arendt, Kristeva, and idle no more. Hypatia: a journal of feminist philosophy. 32(1), pp. 19 - 34.

Journal article

Power, gender, and The politics of our selves
Weir, Allison. (2014). Power, gender, and The politics of our selves. Critical Horizons. 15(1), pp. 28 - 39.

Journal article

Feminism and the Islamic Revival: Freedom as a practice of belonging
Weir, Allison. (2013). Feminism and the Islamic Revival: Freedom as a practice of belonging. Hypatia. 28(2), pp. 323 - 340.

Journal article

Identities and freedom: Feminist theory between power and connection
Weir, Allison. (2013). Identities and freedom: Feminist theory between power and connection Oxford University Press.


Islamic feminisms and freedom
Weir, Allison. (2013). Islamic feminisms and freedom. Philosophical Topics. 41(2), pp. 97 - 119.

Journal article

Who are we? Modern identities between Taylor and Foucault
Weir, Allison. (2009). Who are we? Modern identities between Taylor and Foucault. Philosophy and Social Criticism. 35(5), pp. 533 - 553.

Journal article

Global feminism and transformative identity politics
Weir, Allison. (2008). Global feminism and transformative identity politics. Hypatia: a journal of feminist philosophy. 23(4), pp. 110 - 133.

Journal article

The subversion of identity: Luce Irigaray and the critique of phallogocentrism
Weir, Allison. (2008). The subversion of identity: Luce Irigaray and the critique of phallogocentrism. In In A.J. Cahill and J.L.Hansen (Ed.). French Feminists - Critical Evaluations in Cultural Theory pp. 160 - 178 Routledge.

Book chapter

Home and identity: In memory of Iris Marion Young
Weir, Allison. (2008). Home and identity: In memory of Iris Marion Young. Hypatia: a journal of feminist philosophy. 23(3), pp. 4 - 21.

Journal article

Global care chains: Freedom, responsibility, and solidarity
Weir, Allison. (2008). Global care chains: Freedom, responsibility, and solidarity. The Southern Journal of Philosophy. 46(S1), pp. 166 - 175.

Journal article

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