Senior secondary school assessment and standard-setting in Queensland, Australia: Social context and paradigmatic change

Journal article

Cumming, J. Joy. (2019). Senior secondary school assessment and standard-setting in Queensland, Australia: Social context and paradigmatic change. Assessment in Education: Principles, Policy & Practice.
AuthorsCumming, J. Joy

This article draws on three assessment paradigms – psychometrics, outcomes-based and curriculum-based assessment – to discuss paradigmatic changes in senior school assessment and achievement standard-setting in Queensland, Australia, over the last 50 years. These include radical reforms in 1970 from university-controlled examinations to school-based assessments applying normative standard-setting, to subsequent reforms in 1978 introducing competence(curriculum)-based assessment and standards. From 2019, a new reform introduces a combination of school-based and external assessment with procedures for establishing standards still in progress. Changes to Queensland assessment and standard-setting are discussed in terms of three preconditions for paradigm change – dissatisfaction, an alternative acceptable paradigm, and majority acceptance of change. Influence of paradigmatic origins of reformers is discussed. The amalgam of curriculum-based assessment and psychometric paradigms in the new Queensland system is considered in terms of theoretical compatibility and potential impact on the new standards.

Keywordsassessment; standards; paradigm change; dissatisfaction; media
JournalAssessment in Education: Principles, Policy & Practice
Digital Object Identifier (DOI)
Scopus EID2-s2.0-85074908620
Page range1 - 18
Research GroupInstitute for Learning Sciences and Teacher Education (ILSTE)
Publisher's version
File Access Level
Place of publicationUnited Kingdom
EditorsT. N. Hopfenbeck
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