Maurice Halbwachs' ''Collective Memory'' and contemporary approaches to theology

Journal article

Lam Cong Quy, Joseph. (2011). Maurice Halbwachs' ''Collective Memory'' and contemporary approaches to theology. Australian Ejournal of Theology. 18(3), pp. 236 - 248.
AuthorsLam Cong Quy, Joseph

This article discusses Lieven Boeve's theology of particularity which is based upon the concept of interruption. Boeve considers the category of interruption as an alternative theological method which can enhance the openness of the Christian tradition, without dismissing its particularity. The theological foundations of interruption rest upon the incarnation and resurrection of Jesus Christ. While the latter warrants the openness, the former is seen as the embodiment of Christian particularity. This article argues that the focus on incarnation and resurrection is logical and indeed unavoidable. However, it falls short in recognizing the "perichoresis" of Revelation, Faith and Tradition. This tripartite "perichoresis" can be localized in memory which is the very place where Revelation, Faith and Tradition come together. In this regard Maurice Halbwachs' concept of "Collective Memory" can be very helpful. For that reason theology must be done from the Trinitarian perspective.

JournalAustralian Ejournal of Theology
Journal citation18 (3), pp. 236 - 248
PublisherSchool of Theology, Australian Catholic University
Web address (URL)
Open accessOpen access
Page range236 - 248
Research GroupSchool of Theology
Publisher's version
Place of publicationAustralia
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