School of Theology

Latest research outputs

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Manifesting the assembly : Entrance procession "best practice"
McFarland, Jason James. (2024). Manifesting the assembly : Entrance procession "best practice". GIA Quarterly. 35(1), pp. 8-15.

Journal article

Graced encounters in the community of Creation : An Ignatian motif of “Finding God in All Things” for Twenty-First-Century theology
O'Beirne, Ann-Maree. (2024). Graced encounters in the community of Creation : An Ignatian motif of “Finding God in All Things” for Twenty-First-Century theology [PhD Thesis]. Australian Catholic University

PhD Thesis

Is Pope Francis social teching post-Cardijn?
Cornish, Sandie. (2024). Is Pope Francis social teching post-Cardijn? Irish Theological Quarterly. 89(4), pp. 340-359.

Journal article

Practices of religious and social constructions of gender
Casey, Damien and Neil, Bronwen. (2024). Practices of religious and social constructions of gender. In In Meyer, Mati and Messis, Charis (Ed.). The Routledge handbook of gender and sexuality in Byzantium pp. 96-113 Routledge.

Book chapter

Student Priorities for Topics, Pedagogies, and Outcomes in Senior Secondary Religious Education : An Australian Perspective
Sultmann, William Francis, Lamb, Janeen Therese, Ivers, Peter James and Craig, Mark. (2024). Student Priorities for Topics, Pedagogies, and Outcomes in Senior Secondary Religious Education : An Australian Perspective. Religions. 15(9), pp. 1-11.

Journal article

Interpreting the Signs of the Times : Fostering Social Goods and Historical Transitions
McEvoy, James. (2024). Interpreting the Signs of the Times : Fostering Social Goods and Historical Transitions. Theological Studies. 85(3), pp. 418-438.

Journal article

New trinitarian ontologies? Trinitarian theology, theological anthropology and contemporary critical consciousness in dialogue
Brown, Teresa Grace. (2024). New trinitarian ontologies? Trinitarian theology, theological anthropology and contemporary critical consciousness in dialogue. Modern Theology. pp. 1-24.

Journal article

The gift of joy
Horner, Robyn. (2024). The gift of joy. In In Rivera, Joseph and O'Leary, Joseph (Ed.). Theological fringes of phenomenology pp. 148-158 Routledge.

Book chapter

Jairus’s Daughter and the Female Body in Mark
Luttick, Janine. (2023). Jairus’s Daughter and the Female Body in Mark Society of Biblical Literature.


Re-imagining senior secondary religious education : Evaluating the religion, meaning and life curriculum
Sultmann, William, Lamb, Janeen, Ivers, Peter and Craig, Mark. (2023). Re-imagining senior secondary religious education : Evaluating the religion, meaning and life curriculum Springer Singapore.


Dialogue in religious education : Balancing theological and educational approaches
Goldburg, Peta. (2023). Dialogue in religious education : Balancing theological and educational approaches. In In Rayson, Dianne (Ed.). Education, religion, and ethics - A scholarly collection pp. 103-113 Springer.

Book chapter

Prison life in the eyes of Bediüzzaman Said Nursi and Aleksander Solzhenitsyn : A comparative study
Albayrak, Ismail. (2023). Prison life in the eyes of Bediüzzaman Said Nursi and Aleksander Solzhenitsyn : A comparative study. Australian Journal of Islamic Studies. 8(3), pp. 16-36.

Journal article

The habitus, reflexivity and an Ignatian spirituality that does justice
Cornish, Sandie. (2023). The habitus, reflexivity and an Ignatian spirituality that does justice. In In Dixon, Robert and Eastham, Mary (Ed.). Encountering God : Practical theology and the mission to heal pp. 129-150 Coventry Press.

Book chapter

Truth that brings abundance humanism and the renewal of Catholicity in Rowan Williams
Tawadrous, Beshoy. (2023). Truth that brings abundance humanism and the renewal of Catholicity in Rowan Williams. Louvain Studies. 46(1), pp. 30-51.

Journal article

Introduction : Revisiting the Complexity of Pre-conciliar Catholicism
Lamberigts, Mathijs, Pizzey, Antonia and Schelkens, Karim. (2023). Introduction : Revisiting the Complexity of Pre-conciliar Catholicism. In In Lamberigts, Mathijs, Pizzey, Antonia and Schelkens, Karim (Ed.). Vatican II after Sixty Years : Developments and Expectations Prior to the Council pp. 15 Brepols Publishers.

Book chapter

Contemplating Queer Futures for Liturgical Studies : A Conversation
Haldeman, W. Scott, Budwey, Stephanie, McFarland, Jason James and Valle-Ruiz, Lis. (2023). Contemplating Queer Futures for Liturgical Studies : A Conversation. Liturgy (print version). 38(1), pp. 24-32.

Journal article

Migrant Remittances, Development, and Catholic Social Teaching
Sobreviñas, Alellie B. and Cruz, Gemma. (2023). Migrant Remittances, Development, and Catholic Social Teaching. In Catholicism in Migration and Diaspora: Cross-Border Filipino Perspectives pp. 89-102 Routledge.

Book chapter

Marginalia in New Testament Greek Papyri : Implications for Scribal Practice and Textual Transmission
Theophilos, Michael Peter. (2023). Marginalia in New Testament Greek Papyri : Implications for Scribal Practice and Textual Transmission. In Studies on the Paratextual Features of Early New Testament Manuscripts pp. 330-357 Brill.

Book chapter

Receiving the Vision of Vatican II in Oceania
Rush, Ormond Gerard. (2023). Receiving the Vision of Vatican II in Oceania. In The Oxford Handbook of Vatican II pp. 735-753 Oxford University Press.

Book chapter

Some Pre-Conciliar Background to Dei Verbum
Rush, Ormond Gerard. (2023). Some Pre-Conciliar Background to Dei Verbum. In Vatican II after Sixty Years: Developments and Expectations Prior to the Council pp. 47-66 Brepols Publishers.

Book chapter

Dei verbum and the roots of synodality
Rush, Ormond. (2023). Dei verbum and the roots of synodality. Theological Studies. 84(4), pp. 570-591.

Journal article

Rereading the Hudaybiyya Treaty : With special reference to Ibn ʿUmar’s role in fitan †
Farman, Mursal and Yucel, Salih. (2023). Rereading the Hudaybiyya Treaty : With special reference to Ibn ʿUmar’s role in fitan †. Religions. 14(5), p. Article 666.

Journal article

Is anxiety fundamental? Lacoste’s reading of Heidegger
Horner, Robyn. (2023). Is anxiety fundamental? Lacoste’s reading of Heidegger. In In Hopkins, Burt C. and De Santis, Daniele (Ed.). The new yearbook for phenomenology and phenomenological philosophy ; volume 21 pp. 394-408 Routledge.

Book chapter

Josselyn-Cranson, Heather and McFarland, Jason J.. (2023). Preface. In In Josselyn-Cranson, Heather and McFarland, Jason J. (Ed.). Living the Church’s song : Propositions for an ecumenical theology of liturgical music pp. 7-10 GIA Publications, Inc..

Book chapter

Liturgy is inherently musical — Music is integral to liturgical celebration
McFarland, Jason J.. (2023). Liturgy is inherently musical — Music is integral to liturgical celebration. In In Josselyn-Cranson, Heather and McFarland, Jason J. (Ed.). Living the Church’s song : Propositions for an ecumenical theology of liturgical music pp. 11-20 GIA Publications, Inc..

Book chapter

Numismatic insights into Pauline ethics : EΥEPΓ - on Roman Provincial, Parthian and Seleucid coinage
Theophilos, Michael P.. (2023). Numismatic insights into Pauline ethics : EΥEPΓ - on Roman Provincial, Parthian and Seleucid coinage. New Testament Studies. 69(3), pp. 313-331.

Journal article

The why and how of liturgical theology : Dissecting a method
McFarland, Jason J.. (2023). The why and how of liturgical theology : Dissecting a method. Studia Liturgica. 53(2), pp. 265-290.

Journal article

Spiritual growth of Said Nursi and Aleksander Solzhenitsyn in prison
Albayrak, Ismail. (2023). Spiritual growth of Said Nursi and Aleksander Solzhenitsyn in prison. Religions. 14(7), p. Article 902.

Journal article

Paul's unexpected words : A register and semantic study of selected epistolary formulae in Paul's letter openings in light of documentary papyri
Asquith, Gillian. (2023). Paul's unexpected words : A register and semantic study of selected epistolary formulae in Paul's letter openings in light of documentary papyri [PhD Thesis]. Australian Catholic University

PhD Thesis

Enhancing Catholic School Identity : A response to Peter McGregor
Horner, Robyn. (2023). Enhancing Catholic School Identity : A response to Peter McGregor. Irish Theological Quarterly. 88(2), pp. 112-136.

Journal article

Pope Francis on the practice of synodality and the Fifth Australian Plenary Council
McEvoy, James Gerard. (2023). Pope Francis on the practice of synodality and the Fifth Australian Plenary Council. Theological Studies. 84(1), pp. 79-94.

Journal article

Australian Muslim identities and the question of intra-Muslim dialogue
Yucel, Salih and Whyte, Shaheen. (2023). Australian Muslim identities and the question of intra-Muslim dialogue. Religions. 14, p. Article 233.

Journal article

School influences on adolescent depression : A 6-year longitudinal study amongst Catholic, government and independent schools, in Victoria, Australia
Rowland, Bosco C., Mohebbi, Mohammadreza, Kelly, Adrian B., Benstead, Michelle L., Herde, Jess A., Clancy, Elizabeth M., Bailey, Jennifer A., Hallam, Bill, Sharkey, Paul, Horner, Robyn and Toumbourou, John W.. (2023). School influences on adolescent depression : A 6-year longitudinal study amongst Catholic, government and independent schools, in Victoria, Australia. Journal of Religion and Health. 62(2), pp. 1136-1156.

Journal article

Votive offerings, graffiti, or scribal exercises? A note on the grmlqr[t] inscription from Sarepta and the “Blessings” from Kuntillet ʿAjrud
Wearne, Gareth J.. (2023). Votive offerings, graffiti, or scribal exercises? A note on the grmlqr[t] inscription from Sarepta and the “Blessings” from Kuntillet ʿAjrud. Vetus Testamentum. 73(1), pp. 139-154.

Journal article

Art, Power, and Patronage in the Principality of Epirus, 1204-1318
Fundic, Leonela. (2022). Art, Power, and Patronage in the Principality of Epirus, 1204-1318 Routledge.


Sinodalità, tradizione e consenso
Rush, Ormond. (2022). Sinodalità, tradizione e consenso. In In Luciani, Rafael, Noceti, Serena and Schickendantz, Carlos Federico (Ed.). Sinodalità e riforma : una sfida ecclesiale pp. 225-238 Editrice Queriniana.

Book chapter

Spirituality, Mission, And Liturgy : A Sacramental Perspective
Chia, Kee-Fook. (2022). Spirituality, Mission, And Liturgy : A Sacramental Perspective. In The Oxford Handbook of Mission Studies pp. 202-218 Oxford University Press.

Book chapter

Women in Mission
Cruz, Gemma. (2022). Women in Mission. In In Kim, Kersteem and Fitchett-Climenhaga, Alison (Ed.). The Oxford Handbook of Mission Studies pp. 652 Oxford University Press.

Book chapter

Rethinking the world in front of the text : When children and young people read the Bible in Australian RE classrooms
Luttick, Janine. (2022). Rethinking the world in front of the text : When children and young people read the Bible in Australian RE classrooms. In In Reed, Brendan and Sharkey, Paul (Ed.). Embracing the Vatican II Mission for Education : Essays in honour of Tom Doyle AO pp. 139 - 154 Garratt Publishing.

Book chapter

Between a Rock and a Hard Place : Filipinas in International Marriage Migration
Cruz, Gemma. (2022). Between a Rock and a Hard Place : Filipinas in International Marriage Migration. In Catholicism in Migration and Diaspora: Cross-Border Filipino Perspectives pp. 134-151 Routledge.

Book chapter

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Albayrak, Ismail

Bermudez-Goldman, Sacha Alejandro

Brown, Gavin

Brown, Teresa Grace

Browning, Anne

Byers, Catherine Philippa

Caddy, Evan

Carroll, Therese

Carswell, Margaret Frances

Casey, Damien Francis

Cassar, Carmen

Chambers, Michael

Chase, Andrew

Chia, Kee-Fook

Cook, Sarah

Cornish, Sandra

Craig, Mark

Cruz, Gemma

Dabbah, Thomas

Dizdar, Drasko

Dowling, Elizabeth Ann

Duke, Zachariah

Dunne, William

Dyball, Fiona

Elkington, Catherine

Fayemi, Ademola Kazeem

Femia, Maria

Fundic, Leonela

Gardner, Fiona

Ghosn, Margaret

Goldburg, Peta

Hall, Gerard Vincent

Heaney, Maeve Louise

Hemmings, Maureen Margaret

Hodge, Joel David

Horner, Robyn Lesley

Ivers, Peter James

Jacobs-Vandegeer, Christiaan

Kearney, Richard

Kelly, Anthony

Kent, Deborah

Kevill, Carmel

Laffin, Josephine

Long, Brendan

Loughnane, Michael

Luttick, Janine

Lynch, Bernadette

Lynch, Danielle

Madigan, Daniel

Marshall Calder SJ, Jamie Timothy

Martis, John

McDonald, Carmel

McDonald, Lisa

McEvoy, James

McFarland, Jason James

McGovern, Kevin

McInerney, Patrick

Mellor, Anthony

Mitchell, Roderick

Monro, Michelle

Mylonas, Natalie

Nathan, Emmanuel

Noseda, Mary Josephine

O'Beirne, Ann-Maree

O'Neill, Brett

O'Neill, Christopher

Obst, Jason

Parkinson, Joseph

Pascoe, David

Pizzey, Antonia

Pollard, Eamonn

Reed, Christopher

Remond, Jacqueline

Rush, Ormond Gerard

Schoer, John

Seseikaite-Nathan, Agne

Sharkey, Paul

Sim, David Campbell

Smith, Michael

Smoothy, Pauline

Strickler, Ryan Wayne

Theophilos, Michael Peter

Tilly, Frances

Trainor, Michael

Veling, Terry Andrew

Wearne, Gareth James

Webb, Nathan Patrick

Wegner, Samantha

Westphal, Merold

Wilson, Janiene

Young, Ian

Yucel, Salih