Sustaining learning engagement in distance education: An achievement goal perspective

Book chapter

Ng, Chi-hung Clarence. (2016). Sustaining learning engagement in distance education: An achievement goal perspective. In In C. C. Ng, R. Fox and M. Nakano (Ed.). Reforming learning and teaching in Asia-Pacific universities: Influences of globalised processes in Japan, Hong Kong and Australia pp. 115 - 134 Springer Science and Business Media.
AuthorsNg, Chi-hung Clarence
EditorsC. C. Ng, R. Fox and M. Nakano

Globalised processes such as massification of higher education, promotion of lifelong learning and widespread use of computing technologies have contributed to the development of distance education in the higher education sector in the Asia-Pacific region. Distance education has become one of the most important forms of educational delivery in higher education within this region and distance learners have become a major new student group in the higher education sector. While the number of distance learners has substantially increased over the past few decades, distance educators battle continuously with the problem of retention and sustained participation. What motivates distance learners to engage in sustained periods of learning and how their motivation can be supported are important questions in the design of an effective distance learning environment. This chapter discusses research in distance learner motivation and retention. Based on achievement goal theory, it proposes a conceptual framework for designing an effective distance learning environment to sustain participation for distance learners.

Page range115 - 134
Book titleReforming learning and teaching in Asia-Pacific universities: Influences of globalised processes in Japan, Hong Kong and Australia
PublisherSpringer Science and Business Media
Place of publicationSingapore
Digital Object Identifier (DOI)
Research GroupInstitute for Learning Sciences and Teacher Education (ILSTE)
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