Third stream activities at Australian Catholic University

Book chapter

Webber, Ruth and Jones, Kate. (2010). Third stream activities at Australian Catholic University. In In N. Riseman, S. Rechter and E. Warne (Ed.). Learning, teaching and social justice in higher education pp. 137 - 151 University of Melbourne eScholarship Research Centre....
AuthorsWebber, Ruth and Jones, Kate
EditorsN. Riseman, S. Rechter and E. Warne

This chapter reports on some results of a research project conducted between October 2008 and August 2009 with the aim of mapping third stream activities at Australian Catholic University (ACU). The impetus for the project was a request from the Vice Chancellor for a report on the number, type and incidence of third stream activities in which ACU staff were involved. As part of the project, the researchers developed an online survey that asked respondents about the number and type of third stream activities they were involved in and their perceptions of factors that either encouraged or discouraged participation. The answers to the survey were analysed with the intention of determining the characteristics of staff likely to participate in third stream activities, the barriers to such participation and reasons for participation and non-participation.

Keywordseducation and training systems policies and development; community service; higher education; sociology of education
Page range137 - 151
Book titleLearning, teaching and social justice in higher education
PublisherUniversity of Melbourne eScholarship Research Centre...
Place of publicationAustralia
Web address (URL)
Research GroupSchool of Arts
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