It seems to matters not whether it is partitive or quotitive division when solving one step division problems

Conference item

Downton, Ann Patricia. (2009). It seems to matters not whether it is partitive or quotitive division when solving one step division problems. In Roberta Hunter, Brenda Bicknell and Tim Burgess (Ed.). Crossing Divides: Proceedings of the 32nd Annual Conference of the Mathematics Education Research Group of Australasia (MERGA). Palmerston North, New Zealand: Mathematics Education Research Group of Australasia. pp. 161 - 168
AuthorsDownton, Ann Patricia
KeywordsCurriculum and Pedagogy;--Mathematics and Numeracy;--Pedagogy;--Learner and Learning Processes;--Primary education (excl. Maori)
PublisherMathematics Education Research Group of Australasia
Web address (URL)
Open accessOpen access
Publisher's version
Page range161 - 168
Research GroupSchool of Education
Place of publicationPalmerston North, New Zealand
EditorsRoberta Hunter, Brenda Bicknell and Tim Burgess
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