Joseph Robert Perry
Contact category | Researcher (past) |
Job title | Senior Lecturer (Nursing) |
Research institute | School of Nursing, Midwifery and Paramedicine |
Faculty of Health Sciences |
Research outputs
Leading from within: Distributing leadership to enhance eLearning at ACU
Schneider, Annette, Applebee, Andrelyn and Perry, Joseph. (2008). Leading from within: Distributing leadership to enhance eLearning at ACU. In R. Atkinson and C. McBeath (Ed.). Ascilite 2008 Melbourne; Hello! Where are you in the landscape of educational technology?. Geelong, Australia: Deakin University Press. pp. 895 - 899Conference item
Powerful Mathematical Ideas, Numeracy Matrix and Learning Stories :Assessing and Celebrating the Mathematical Capabilities of Preschool Children and their Teachers
Howard, Peter, Harley, Elspeth, Dockett, Sue and Perry, Joseph Robert. (2007). Powerful Mathematical Ideas, Numeracy Matrix and Learning Stories :Assessing and Celebrating the Mathematical Capabilities of Preschool Children and their Teachers. In Lim Chap Sam, Fatimah Saleh and Munirah Ghazali (Ed.). Proceedings of EARCOME4 2007- 4th East Asia Regional Conference on Mathematics Education. Penang, Malaysia: School of Educational Studies, Universiti Sains Malaysia. pp. 98 - 105Conference item
Enhancing Mathematics Learning Through Effective Community Capacity Building
Howard, Peter and Perry, Joseph Robert. (2007). Enhancing Mathematics Learning Through Effective Community Capacity Building. In Lim Chap Sam, Fatimah Saleh and Munirah Ghazali (Ed.). Proceedings of EARCOME4 2007- 4th East Asia Regional Conference on Mathematics Education. Penang, Malaysia: School of Educational Studies, Universiti Sains Mal.... pp. 404 - 410Conference item
A School-Community Model for Enhancing Aboriginal Students' Mathematical Learning
Perry, Joseph Robert and Howard, Peter. (2007). A School-Community Model for Enhancing Aboriginal Students' Mathematical Learning. In Jane Watson and Kim Beswick (Ed.). 30th annual conference of the Mathematics Education Research Group of Australasia. Wrest Point Hotel Casino, Hobart, Tasmania, Australia 02 - 06 Jul 2007 Adelaide,Australia: Mathematics Education Research Group of Australasia. pp. 402 - 411Conference item
Comparing primary and secondary mathematics teachers' beliefs about mathematics: Mathematics learning and mathematics teaching in Hong Kong and Australia
Howard, Peter, Perry, Joseph Robert and Wong, Ngai-Ying. (2006). Comparing primary and secondary mathematics teachers' beliefs about mathematics: Mathematics learning and mathematics teaching in Hong Kong and Australia. In In K. Frederick, K. Graf and F. J. Lopez-Real (Ed.). Mathematics Education in Different Cultural Traditions - A comparative study of East Asia and the West pp. 435 - 448 Springer.Book chapter
Shared Ownership and Community Capacity Building
Butcher, Jude, Howard, Peter and Perry, Joseph Robert. (2006). Shared Ownership and Community Capacity Building. Australian Association for Research in Education 2006 Conference Papers. ,Australia: Australian Association for Research in Education. pp. 1 - 12Conference item
Successful transition programs from prior-to-school to school for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Island children: Methodological considerations
Mason, Terry, Whitton, Diana, Skattebol, Linda, Howard, Peter, Perry, Joseph Robert, Dockett, Sue, Woodrow, Christine, Gilbert, Shirley and Simpson, Tracey. (2005). Successful transition programs from prior-to-school to school for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Island children: Methodological considerations. Australian Association for Research in Education Conference - 2005. Sydney, Australia: Australian Association for Research in Education. pp. 1 - 16Conference item
Young children starting school: A fine example of home-school partnership
Howard, Peter, Dockett, Sue and Perry, Joseph Robert. (2004). Young children starting school: A fine example of home-school partnership. In In J. Chi-kin Lee, L.N. Lo and A. Walker (Ed.). Partnership and Change: Toward School Development pp. 223 - 238 Chinese University Press, the.Book chapter
Mathematics in Indigenous contexts: A case study
Perry, Joseph Robert, Howard, Peter, Lowe, Kevin, McKnight, Anthony and Ziems, Suzanne. (2003). Mathematics in Indigenous contexts: A case study. In L. Bragg, C. Campbell and G Herbert (Ed.). Mathematics Education Research: Innovation Networking; Opportunity Proceedings of the 26th Annual Conference of the MERGA. Melbourne, Australia: Mathematics Education Research Group of Australasia. pp. 436 - 443Conference item
Working together to enhance Australian Aboriginal students' mathematics learning
Matthews, Sue, Howard, Peter and Perry, Joseph Robert. (2003). Working together to enhance Australian Aboriginal students' mathematics learning. In L. Bragg, G. Campbell and G Herbert (Ed.). Mathematics Education Research: Innovation Networking; Opportunity Proceedings of the 26th Annual Conference of the MERGA. Melbourne, Australia: Mathematics Education Research Group of Australasia. pp. 17 - 28Conference item
A systemic program for students who are experiencing difficulty with mathematics
Perry, Joseph Robert and Howard, Peter. (2002). A systemic program for students who are experiencing difficulty with mathematics. In B. Barton, K. Irwin and M. Pfaunkuch (Ed.). Mathematics Education in the South Pacific: Proceedings of the 25th Annual Conference of the Mathematics Education Research Group of Australiasia. Auckland, New Zealand: Mathematics Education Research Group of Australasia. pp. 543 - 550Conference item
Beliefs of primary teachers about mathematics and its teaching and learning
Perry, Joseph Robert, Vistro-Yu, Catherine, Howard, Peter, Wong, Ngai-Ying and Keowg, Fong Ho. (2002). Beliefs of primary teachers about mathematics and its teaching and learning. In B. Barton, K. Irwin and M. Pfannkuch (Ed.). Mathematics Education in the South Pacific: Proceedings of the 25th Annual Conference of the Mathematics Education Research Group of Australiasia. Auckland, New Zealand: Mathematics Education Research Group of Australasia. pp. 551 - 558Conference item
Local partnerships in the early childhood field: The importance of context
Dockett, Sue, Perry, Joseph Robert and Howard, Peter. (2002). Local partnerships in the early childhood field: The importance of context. In J. Clark (Ed.). Partners in Learning Voices in the Field: Field Based Learning Conference proceedings; 2001. Sydney, Australia: Australian Catholic University. pp. 174 - 177Conference item
Researching the field: An experience in early childhood education
Dockett, Sue, Perry, Joseph Robert and Howard, Peter. (2002). Researching the field: An experience in early childhood education. In J. Clark (Ed.). Partners in Learning Voices in the Field: Field Based Learning Conference proceedings; 2001. Sydney, Australia: Australian Catholic University. pp. 74 - 80Conference item
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