Benjamin Frydlender Mentiplay

Contact categoryResearcher (past)

Research outputs

Force during functional exercises on land and in water in older adults with and without knee osteoarthritis: Implications for rehabilitation
Heywood, Sophie, McClelland, Jodie A., Geigle, Paula, Rahmann, Ann, Villalta, Elizabeth, Mentiplay, Benjamin and Clark, Ross. (2019). Force during functional exercises on land and in water in older adults with and without knee osteoarthritis: Implications for rehabilitation. The Knee. 26(1), pp. 61 - 72.

Journal article

Gait velocity and joint power generation after stroke: Contribution of strength and balance
Mentiplay, Benjamin F., Williams, Gavin, Tan, Dawn, Adair, Brooke, Yong-Hao, Pua, Bok, Chek Wai, Bower, Kelly J., Cole, Michael H., Ng, Yee Sien, Lim, Lek Syn and Clark, Ross A.. (2019). Gait velocity and joint power generation after stroke: Contribution of strength and balance. American Journal of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. 98(10), pp. 841 - 849.

Journal article

Assessment of isometric muscle strength and rate of torque development with hand-held dynamometry: Test-retest reliability and relationship with gait velocity after stroke
Mentiplay, Benjamin F., Tan, Dawn, Williams, Gavin, Adair, Brooke, Pua, Yong Hao, Bower, Kelly J. and Clark, Ross A.. (2018). Assessment of isometric muscle strength and rate of torque development with hand-held dynamometry: Test-retest reliability and relationship with gait velocity after stroke. Journal of Biomechanics. 75, pp. 171 - 175.

Journal article

Associations between gait and isometric lower limb strength following stroke
Mentiplay, Benjamin Frydlender. (2017). Associations between gait and isometric lower limb strength following stroke [Thesis].


Exercise interventions for the prevention and treatment of groin pain and injury in athletes: A critical and systematic review
Charlton, Paula C., Drew, Michael K., Mentiplay, Benjamin F., Grimaldi, Alison and Clark, Ross A.. (2017). Exercise interventions for the prevention and treatment of groin pain and injury in athletes: A critical and systematic review. Sports Medicine. 47(10), pp. 2011 - 2026.

Journal article

The effectiveness of aquatic exercise in improving lower limb strength in musculoskeletal conditions: A systematic review and meta-analysis
Heywood, Sophie, McClelland, Jodie A., Mentiplay, Benjamin, Geigle, Paula, Rahmann, Ann and Clark, Ross. (2017). The effectiveness of aquatic exercise in improving lower limb strength in musculoskeletal conditions: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. 98(1), pp. 173 - 186.

Journal article

The reliability of a maximal isometric hip strength and simultaneous surface EMG screening protocol in elite, junior rugby league athletes
Charlton, Paula C., Mentiplay, Benjamin F., Grimaldi, Alison, Pua, Yong-Hao and Clark, Ross A.. (2017). The reliability of a maximal isometric hip strength and simultaneous surface EMG screening protocol in elite, junior rugby league athletes. Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport. 20(2), pp. 139-145.

Journal article

Methods of assessing associated reactions of the upper limb in stroke and traumatic brain injury: A systematic review
Kahn, Michelle B., Mentiplay, Benjamin F., Clark, Ross Allan, Bower, Kelly J. and Williams, Gavin. (2016). Methods of assessing associated reactions of the upper limb in stroke and traumatic brain injury: A systematic review. Brain Injury. 30(3), pp. 252 - 266.

Journal article

Predicting dynamic foot function from static foot posture : Comparison between visual assessment, motion analysis, and a commercially available depth camera
Paterson, Kade, Clark, Ross, Mullins, Alexandra, Bryant, Adam and Mentiplay, Benjamin. (2015). Predicting dynamic foot function from static foot posture : Comparison between visual assessment, motion analysis, and a commercially available depth camera. Journal of Orthopaedic and Sports Physical Therapy. 45(10), pp. 789 - 798.

Journal article

Instrumenting gait assessment using the Kinect in people living with stroke : Reliability and association with balance tests
Clark, Ross, Vernon, Stephanie, Mentiplay, Benjamin, Miller, Kimberley, McGinley, Jennifer, Hao Pua, Yong, Paterson, Kade and Bower, Kelly. (2015). Instrumenting gait assessment using the Kinect in people living with stroke : Reliability and association with balance tests. Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation. 12(15), pp. 2 - 9.

Journal article

Reliability and concurrent validity of a smartphone, bubble inclinometer and motion analysis system for measurement of hip joint range of motion
Charlton, Paula, Mentiplay, Benjamin, Pua, Yong-Hao and Clark, Ross. (2015). Reliability and concurrent validity of a smartphone, bubble inclinometer and motion analysis system for measurement of hip joint range of motion. Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport. 18(3), pp. 262 - 267.

Journal article

Gait assessment using the Microsoft Xbox One Kinect : Concurrent validity and inter-day reliability of spatiotemporal and kinematic variables
Mentiplay, Benjamin, Perraton, Luke, Bower, Kelly, Pua, Yong-Hao, McGaw, Rebekah, Heywood, Sophie and Clark, Ross. (2015). Gait assessment using the Microsoft Xbox One Kinect : Concurrent validity and inter-day reliability of spatiotemporal and kinematic variables. Journal of Biomechanics. 48(10), pp. 2166 - 2170.

Journal article

Associations between lower limb strength and gait velocity following stroke: A systematic review
Mentiplay, Benjamin, Adair, Brooke, Bower, Kelly, Williams, Gavin, Tole, Genevieve and Clark, Ross Allan. (2015). Associations between lower limb strength and gait velocity following stroke: A systematic review. Brain Injury. 29(4), pp. 409 - 422.

Journal article

Reliability and concurrent validity of the Microsoft Xbox One Kinect for assessment of standing balance and postural control
Clark, Ross, Pua, Yong-Hao, Oliveira, Cristino, Bower, Kelly, Thilarajah, Shamala, McGaw, Rebekah, Hasanki, Ksaniel and Mentiplay, Benjamin. (2015). Reliability and concurrent validity of the Microsoft Xbox One Kinect for assessment of standing balance and postural control. Gait & Posture. 42(2), pp. 210 - 213.

Journal article

Validity and intra-rater reliability of an Android phone application to measure cervical range-of-motion
Quek, June, Brauer, Sandy, Treleaven, Julia, Pua, Yong-Hao, Mentiplay, Benjamin and Clark, Ross. (2014). Validity and intra-rater reliability of an Android phone application to measure cervical range-of-motion. Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation. 11(65), pp. 1 - 6.

Journal article

Assessment of lower limb muscle strength and power using hand-held and fixed dynamometry: A reliability and validity study
Mentiplay, Benjamin F., Perraton, Luke G., Bower, Kelly J., Adair, Brooke, Pua, Yong-Hao, Williams, Gavin P., McGaw, Rebekah and Clark, Ross A.. (2014). Assessment of lower limb muscle strength and power using hand-held and fixed dynamometry: A reliability and validity study. PLoS ONE. 10(10), pp. 1 - 18.

Journal article

Reliability and validity of the Microsoft Kinect for evaluating static foot posture
Mentiplay, Benjamin, Clark, Ross, Mullins, Alexandra, Bryant, Adam, Bartold, Simon and Paterson, Kade. (2013). Reliability and validity of the Microsoft Kinect for evaluating static foot posture. Journal of Foot and Ankle Research.

Journal article

Concurrent validity of the Microsoft Kinect for assessment of spatiotemporal gait variables
Clark, Ross Allan, Bower, Kelly, Mentiplay, Benjamin, Paterson, Kade L. and Hao Pua, Yong. (2013). Concurrent validity of the Microsoft Kinect for assessment of spatiotemporal gait variables. Journal of Biomechanics.

Journal article

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