Jānis Tālivaldis Ozoliņš
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Research outputs
Body, mind, and spirit Education, gender wars, and personal identity
Ozoliņš, John. (2021). Body, mind, and spirit Education, gender wars, and personal identity. In The Body, Embodiment, and Education: An Interdisciplinary Approach pp. 12-40 Routledge. https://doi.org/10.4324/9781003142010-2Book chapter
Creating the civil society east and west: relationality, responsibility and the education of the humane person
Ozoliņš, Jānis (John) Tālivaldis. (2017). Creating the civil society east and west: relationality, responsibility and the education of the humane person. Educational Philosophy and Theory. 49(4), pp. 362 - 378. https://doi.org/10.1080/00131857.2015.1048666Journal article
A narrative approach exploring philosophy in education and educational research
Stolz, Steven A. and Ozoliņš, Jānis T.. (2017). A narrative approach exploring philosophy in education and educational research. Educational Studies. 44(5), pp. 578 - 593. https://doi.org/10.1080/03055698.2017.1388215Journal article
Faith, philosophy and the elemental: Beyond polarisation and synthesis
Colledge, Richard J.. (2016). Faith, philosophy and the elemental: Beyond polarisation and synthesis. In In Ozoliņš, Jānis Tālivaldis (Ed.). Religion and culture in dialogue : East and West perspectives pp. 41-56 Springer. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-25724-2_4Book chapter
God and conceptions of immanence and transcendence in Aquinas and Mengzi
Ozoliņš, Jānis Tālivaldis. (2016). God and conceptions of immanence and transcendence in Aquinas and Mengzi. In In Ozoliņš, Jānis Tālivaldis (Ed.). Religion and culture in dialogue: East and West Perspectives pp. 95 - 110 Springer.Book chapter
The hermeneutics of ethical research: A case study of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities
Ozoliņš, Jānis Tālivaldis. (2016). The hermeneutics of ethical research: A case study of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities. In N. A. Irudayadason (Ed.). India: Christian World imprints. pp. 91 - 108Conference item
Proglomena: Globalisation, cultural identity and diversity
Ozoliņš, Jānis Tālivaldis. (2016). Proglomena: Globalisation, cultural identity and diversity. In In J. T. Ozoliņš (Ed.). Religion and culture in dialogue: East and West Perspectives pp. 1 - 14 Springer.Book chapter
Reclaiming Paedeia in an Age of Crises : Education and the Necessity of Wisdom
Ozoliņš, Jānis (John) Tālivaldis. (2015). Reclaiming Paedeia in an Age of Crises : Education and the Necessity of Wisdom. Educational Philosophy and Theory. 47(9), pp. 870 - 882. https://doi.org/10.1080/00131857.2015.1035154Journal article
Personhood and human dignity
Kirchhoffer, David, Ozoliņš, Jãnis T. and Grainger, Joanne. (2015). Personhood and human dignity. In In J. T. Ozoliņš and J. Grainger (Ed.). Foundations of Healthcare Ethics: Theory to Practice pp. 51 - 69 Cambridge University Press. https://doi.org/10.1017/CBO9781107589834.004Book chapter
On the possibility of religious knowledge and the necessity of religious education
Ozoliņš, Jānis (John) Tālivaldis. (2014). On the possibility of religious knowledge and the necessity of religious education. Res Disputandae. 20, pp. 36 - 65.Journal article
What in the world is intercultural philosophy? A reflection
Ozoliņš, Jānis Tālivaldis. (2014). What in the world is intercultural philosophy? A reflection. In In Sweet, W. (Ed.). What is intercultural philosophy? pp. 19 - 37 The Council for Research in Values and Philosophy.Book chapter
Jacques Maritain and Critical Realism as a Feature of Philosophy in the Catholic Tradition
Ozoliņš, Jānis (John) Tālivaldis. (2014). Jacques Maritain and Critical Realism as a Feature of Philosophy in the Catholic Tradition. In In Duma, T., Maryniarczyk, A. and Sulenta, P. (Ed.). Szutka i Realism (Art and Reality) pp. 609 - 623 KUL - The John Paul II Catholic University of Lubin.Book chapter
R.S. Peters and J.H. Newman on aims of education
Ozoliņš, Janis (John). (2013). R.S. Peters and J.H. Newman on aims of education. Educational Philosophy and Theory. 45(2), pp. 153 - 170. https://doi.org/10.1080/00131857.2012.752990Journal article
A.D. Sertillanges on wisdom and the intellectual life
Ozoliņš, Jānis (John) Tālivaldis. (2013). A.D. Sertillanges on wisdom and the intellectual life. Res Disputandae. 19, pp. 61 - 77.Journal article
Aquinas and his understanding of teaching and learning
Ozoliņš, Jānis Tālivaldis. (2013). Aquinas and his understanding of teaching and learning. In In Mooney, T. B. and Nowacki, M. (Ed.). Aquinas, education and the East pp. 9 - 25 Springer.Book chapter
The body and the place of physical activity in education: Some classical perspectives
Ozoliņš, Jānis (John). (2013). The body and the place of physical activity in education: Some classical perspectives. Educational Philosophy and Theory. 45(9), pp. 892 - 907. https://doi.org/10.1080/00131857.2013.785356Journal article
Au coeur d'une société séculière: Quelle visibilité peut se permettre d'avoir une Université Catholique?
Ozoliņš, Jānis (John). (2013). Au coeur d'une société séculière: Quelle visibilité peut se permettre d'avoir une Université Catholique? Annales de l'ICES. 3, pp. 207 - 228.Journal article
Rola autorytetu w etyce (The role of authority in ethics)
Ozoliņš, Jānis (John). (2012). Rola autorytetu w etyce (The role of authority in ethics). Czlowiek w kulturze. 22, pp. 45 - 65.Journal article
Newman and the Idea of a University
Ozoliņš, Jānis (John) Tālivaldis. (2012). Newman and the Idea of a University. Etudes newmaniennes. 28, pp. 97 - 117.Journal article
Latvia's future in the time of crisis: Is there a prospect for hope?
Ozoliņš, Jānis. (2012). Latvia's future in the time of crisis: Is there a prospect for hope? In In Kule, M. (Ed.). Modernitates veidosanas Latvija filosofiskaja un ideju vestures skatijuma: Idejas un teorijas pp. 89 - 108 University of Latvia Institute of Philosophy and Socio....Book chapter
Peer review : A Key Component of the Reseach Ethics Approval Process
Ozoliņš, Jānis Tālivaldis. (2012). Peer review : A Key Component of the Reseach Ethics Approval Process. In In Vijupe, L., Kulis, M. and Dundurs, M. (Ed.). Zinatnieka Etika: Latvija, Baltija, Eiropa [Ethics of a Scientist: Latvia, Baltics, Europe] pp. 60 - 81 University of Latvia Institute of Philosophy and Socio....Book chapter
Thomism and East Asian Philosophy: Comparing Aquinas and Mengzi on Human nature
Ozoliņš, Jānis. (2012). Thomism and East Asian Philosophy: Comparing Aquinas and Mengzi on Human nature. In In A Co and P Bolanos (Ed.). Thomism and East Asian Cultures: Celebrating 400 Years of Dialogue Across Civilizations pp. 55 - 68 University of Santo Tomas Publishing House.Book chapter
What makes a Catholic University Catholic?
Ozoliņš, Jānis (John). (2012). What makes a Catholic University Catholic? Ethics Education. 18(1 and 2), pp. 77 - 93.Journal article
What is research ethics?
Ozoliņš, Jānis (John). (2011). What is research ethics? Ethics Education. 17(1), pp. 32 - 49.Journal article
A Christian Perspective on the Consumer Society
Ozoliņš, Jānis (John) Tālivaldis. (2011). A Christian Perspective on the Consumer Society. In In Buksinski, T. (Ed.). Religions in the Public Spheres pp. 115 - 134 Peter Lang Publishing.Book chapter
Ethics in a globalized world
Ozoliņš, Jānis (John). (2011). Ethics in a globalized world. In Globalization: an interdisciplinary perspective Institut Catholique d'Etudes Superieures.Book chapter
Dementia and empathy: A Steinian perspective
Ozoliņš, Jānis (John). (2011). Dementia and empathy: A Steinian perspective. Ethics Education. 17(2), pp. 25 - 35.Journal article
The international theological commission and its new look at natural law
Ozoliņš, Jānis (John). (2010). The international theological commission and its new look at natural law. Ethics Education: a journal for applied philosophy and ethics in the Christian tradition. 16(2), pp. 13 - 34.Journal article
Religion, science and the culture of credulity
Ozoliņš, Jānis (John). (2010). Religion, science and the culture of credulity. Philosophy Culture and Traditions. 5, pp. 11 - 29.Journal article
Universal values and harmony between peoples
Ozoliņš, Jānis (John). (2010). Universal values and harmony between peoples. Ethics Education: a journal for applied philosophy and ethics in the Christian tradition. 16(1), pp. 20 - 39.Journal article
The natural law tradition: Introduction
Ozoliņš, Jānis (John). (2010). The natural law tradition: Introduction. Ethics Education: a journal for applied philosophy and ethics in the Christian tradition. 16(2), pp. 5 - 12.Journal article
Popper's Third World: Moral Habits and Moral Habitat
Ozoliņš, J. T.. (2010). Popper's Third World: Moral Habits and Moral Habitat. Educational Philosophy and Theory. 42(7). https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1469-5812.2008.00433.xJournal article
Liberal arts, generic skills and the aims of education
Ozoliņš, Jānis (John) Tālivaldis. (2010). Liberal arts, generic skills and the aims of education. In B. Haynes (Ed.). Australia: Philosophy of Education Society of Australasia.Conference item
Poppers third world: Moral habits, moral habitat and their maintenance
Ozoliņš, Jānis (John) T.. (2010). Poppers third world: Moral habits, moral habitat and their maintenance. Educational Philosophy and Theory. 42(7), pp. 742 - 761. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1469-5812.2008.00433.xJournal article
Creating public values: Schools as moral habitats
Ozoliņš, Jānis (John) T.. (2010). Creating public values: Schools as moral habitats. Educational Philosophy and Theory. 42(4), pp. 410 - 423. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1469-5812.2008.00491.xJournal article
Degisen Bir Dunyada Kuresellesme, Egitim ve Degerler (Globalisation, Education and Values in a Changing World)
Ozoliņš, Jānis (John) T.. (2010). Degisen Bir Dunyada Kuresellesme, Egitim ve Degerler (Globalisation, Education and Values in a Changing World). In In Rahman, A. H. (Ed.). Kuresellesme Surecinde Egitim Sorunlarinin Felsefi Boyutu: Philosophical Dimension of Educational Problems in the Globalization Process pp. 98 - 107 Egitim-Bir Sen.Book chapter
Philosophy of Education and its place in the Academy
Ozoliņš, Jānis (John) Tālivaldis. (2009). Philosophy of Education and its place in the Academy. 2008 Philosophy of Education Society of Australasia (PESA) Conference Proceedings. Brisbane, Australia: Queensland University of Technology. pp. 1 - 9Conference item
Human beings as resources: The ethics of buying and selling human tissues and organs
Ozoliņš, Jānis (John) T.. (2009). Human beings as resources: The ethics of buying and selling human tissues and organs. Ethics Education: a journal for applied philosophy and ethics in the Christian tradition. 15(1), pp. 5 - 19.Journal article
La etica en un mundo de globalizado
Ozoliņš, Jānis (John) T.. (2009). La etica en un mundo de globalizado. In In J. Camacho (Ed.). Efectos de la Globalizacion: un enfoque interdisciplinar pp. 21 - 33 Universidad Santo Tomas Colombia.Book chapter
On the Possibility of Religious Knowledge
Ozoliņš, Jānis (John) Tālivaldis. (2009). On the Possibility of Religious Knowledge. 37th Philosophy of Education Society of Australasia Conference 2008: The Ownership and Dissemination of Knowledge. Brisbane, Australia: Queensland University of Technology.Conference item
Guerra justa. Soberania y guerra justa
Ozoliņš, Jānis (John) Tālivaldis. (2009). Guerra justa. Soberania y guerra justa. In In J. Camacho (Ed.). Efectos de la Globalizacion: un enfoque interdisciplinar pp. 186 - 196 Universidad Santo Tomas Colombia.Book chapter
A response to the era paper
Ozoliņš, Jānis (John) T.. (2008). A response to the era paper. Educational Philosophy and Theory. 40(7), pp. 816 - 818. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1469-5812.2008.00513.xJournal article
Globalisation, citizenship and Latvian identity in a time of change
Ozoliņš, Jānis (John) T.. (2008). Globalisation, citizenship and Latvian identity in a time of change. Humanities and Social Sciences Latvia. 55(2), pp. 75 - 95.Journal article
Is the anthropic principle a poor man's intelligent design?
Ozoliņš, Jānis (John) T.. (2008). Is the anthropic principle a poor man's intelligent design? Ethics Education: a journal for applied philosophy and ethics in the Christian tradition. 14(1), pp. 25 - 37.Journal article
Avoiding bad company: The importance of moral habitat and moral habits in moral education
Ozoliņš, Jānis (John) T.. (2007). Avoiding bad company: The importance of moral habitat and moral habits in moral education. In In Aspin, D. and Chapman, J. (Ed.). Values Education and Lifelong Learning: Principles, Policies, Programmes pp. 107 - 126 Springer.Book chapter
Spirituality- a conceptual analysis
Ozoliņš, Jānis (John) T.. (2007). Spirituality- a conceptual analysis. Ethics Education: a journal for applied philosophy and ethics in the Christian tradition. 13(1), pp. 21 - 32.Journal article
A brief survey of Australian philosophy
Ozoliņš, Jānis (John) Tālivaldis. (2007). A brief survey of Australian philosophy. In In M. Kule and Maija (Ed.). Philosophy Worldwide: Current Situation, Materials for International Cooperation and philosophical Encounters pp. 220 - 236 University of Latvia Institute of Philosophy and Sociology.Book chapter
Creativity, education and subversion of the state
Ozoliņš, Jānis (John) Tālivaldis. (2007). Creativity, education and subversion of the state. In Robert Shaw and John Codd (Ed.). Creativity, Enterprise, Policy - New Directions in Education. Proceedings of the 2007 Conference of the Philosophy of Education Society of Australasia. Wellington, New Zealand: Philosophy of Education Society of Australasia. pp. 1 - 14Conference item
Mohammed; multiculturalism and cartoons
Ozoliņš, Jānis (John) T.. (2006). Mohammed; multiculturalism and cartoons. Ethics Education: a journal for applied philosophy and ethics in the Christian tradition. 12(2), pp. 4 - 12.Journal article
Education as encounter
Ozoliņš, Jānis (John) Tālivaldis. (2006). Education as encounter. In In J. David and G.Evans (Ed.). Proceedings of the Twenty-First World Congress of Philosophy; Vol.4 Philosophy of Education pp. 111 - 115 Turkish Society of Philosophy.Book chapter
Is the saving of embryos by altruistic surrogacy morally wrong?
Ozoliņš, Jānis (John) T.. (2006). Is the saving of embryos by altruistic surrogacy morally wrong? Australian Ejournal of Theology.Journal article
Brothers and sisters together :On the idea of a common human nature
Ozoliņš, Jānis (John) Tālivaldis. (2006). Brothers and sisters together :On the idea of a common human nature. In M. Freund, J.Mackenzie and M.O'Laughlin (Ed.). 35th Annual Conference of the Philosophy of Education Society of Australasia. Sydney, Australia: Philosophy of Education Society of Australasia.Conference item
The second draft of the national statement on ethical conduct in human research a response and discussion
Ozoliņš, Jānis (John) T.. (2006). The second draft of the national statement on ethical conduct in human research a response and discussion. Ethics Education: a journal for applied philosophy and ethics in the Christian tradition. 12(1), pp. 18 - 36.Journal article
Teaching ethics in higher education:
Ozoliņš, Jānis (John) Tālivaldis. (2005). Teaching ethics in higher education: In In A. Brewer and C. Asmar (Ed.). Higher Education; in a Changing World: Research and Development in Higher Education pp. 358 - 364 Higher Education Research and Development Society of Australasia.Book chapter
Locating the self: Community; relationships and identity
Ozoliņš, Jānis (John) T.. (2005). Locating the self: Community; relationships and identity. Philosophy Culture and Traditions. 3, pp. 1 - 13.Journal article
Popper's Third World; Moral Habits and Moral Habitat
Jānis (John) T.. (2005). Popper's Third World; Moral Habits and Moral Habitat. 34th Annual Philosophy of Education Society Australasia Conference. Hong Kong, China: Philosophy of Education Society of Australasia. pp. 376 - 388Conference item
Latviska identitate Australija: Filosofiskas pardomas (Latvian identity in Australia: a philosophical reflection)
Ozoliņš, Jānis (John) Tālivaldis. (2004). Latviska identitate Australija: Filosofiskas pardomas (Latvian identity in Australia: a philosophical reflection). In In Kule, M. (Ed.). Filosofija Almanahs 4 pp. 178 - 190 University of Latvia Institute of Philosophy and Sociology.Book chapter
Debating educational values: Good citizen or good person?
Ozoliņš, Jānis (John) Tālivaldis. (2004). Debating educational values: Good citizen or good person? In John Ozolins (Ed.). 33rd Annual PESA Conference Education and Values: Refereed Conference Proceedings. Melbourne, Australia: Philosophy of Education Society of Australasia. pp. 97 - 106Conference item
Whose faith? Which reason?
Ozoliņš, Jānis (John) Tālivaldis. (2004). Whose faith? Which reason? In In Fisher OP, A. and Ramsay, H. (Ed.). Faith and Reason: Friends or Foes in the New Millennium pp. 187 - 214 Australian Theological Forum Press.Book chapter
Boat people: Why the queue jumping argument fails
Ozoliņš, Jānis (John) T.. (2004). Boat people: Why the queue jumping argument fails. Australian Ejournal of Theology. August(3), pp. 1 - 23.Journal article
Justice and virtue: Critiquing communitarianism
Ozoliņš, Jānis (John) T.. (2004). Justice and virtue: Critiquing communitarianism. Ethics Education: a journal for applied philosophy and ethics in the Christian tradition. 10(2), pp. 2 - 9.Journal article
Love your enemies
Ozoliņš, Jānis (John) T.. (2003). Love your enemies. Compass: a review of topical theology. 37(Winter), pp. 29 - 31.Journal article
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