Institute for Health and Ageing

FacultyFaculty of Health Sciences

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The association between objectively measured neighborhood features and walking in middle-aged adults
Wilson, Lee-Ann M., Giles-Corti, Billie, Burton, Nicola W., Giskes, Katrina, Haynes, Michele A. and Turrell, Gavin. (2011). The association between objectively measured neighborhood features and walking in middle-aged adults. American Journal of Health Promotion. 25(4), pp. e12 - e21.

Journal article

Physical activity recommendations, exercise intensity, and histological severity of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease
Kistler, Kristin D., Brunt, Elizabeth M., Clark, Jeanne M., Diehl, Anna Mae, Sallis, James F. and Schwimmer, Jeffrey B.. (2011). Physical activity recommendations, exercise intensity, and histological severity of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease. American Journal of Gastroenterology. 106(3), pp. 460 - 468.

Journal article

Plasma apolipoprotein E and Alzheimer disease risk: The AIBL study of aging
Gupta, V. B., Laws, Simon M., Villemagne, Victor L., Ames, David, Bush, Ashley I., Ellis, Kathryn A., Lui, J. K., Masters, Colin L., Rowe, Christopher C., Szoeke, Cassandra, Taddei, K. and Martins, Ralph N.. (2011). Plasma apolipoprotein E and Alzheimer disease risk: The AIBL study of aging. Neurology.

Journal article

Worksite physical activity policies and environments in relation to employee physical activity
Crespo, Noe C., Sallis, James F., Conway, Terry L., Saelens, Brian E. and Frank, Lawrence D.. (2011). Worksite physical activity policies and environments in relation to employee physical activity. American Journal of Health Promotion. 25(4), pp. 264 - 271.

Journal article

Effects of denosumab on bone turnover markers in postmenopausal osteoporosis
Eastell, Richard, Christiansen, Claus, Grauer, Andreas, Kutilek, Stepan, Libanati, Cesar, McClung, Michael R., Reid, Ian R., Resch, Heinrich, Siris, Ethel, Uebelhart, Daniel, Wang, Andrea, Weryha, Georges and Cummings, Steven R.. (2011). Effects of denosumab on bone turnover markers in postmenopausal osteoporosis. Journal of Bone and Mineral Research. 26(3), pp. 530 - 537.

Journal article

Outcomes of a 12-month web-based intervention for overweight and obese men
Patrick, Kevin, Calfas, Karen J., Norman, Gregory J., Rosenberg, Dori E., Zabinski, Marion F., Sallis, James F., Rock, Cheryl L. and Dillon, Lindsay W.. (2011). Outcomes of a 12-month web-based intervention for overweight and obese men. Annals of Behavioral Medicine. 42(3), pp. 391 - 401.

Journal article

The application of FRAX® to determine intervention thresholds in osteoporosis treatment in Poland
Badurski, Janusz E., Kanis, John A., Johansson, Helena, Dobrenko, Andrzej, Nowak, Nonna A., Daniluk, Stefan and Jezienicka, Elzbieta. (2011). The application of FRAX® to determine intervention thresholds in osteoporosis treatment in Poland. Polish Archives of Internal Medicine. 121(5), pp. 148 - 155.

Journal article

Cost-effectiveness of Denosumab for the treatment of postmenopausal osteoporosis
Jönsson, Bengt, Ström, O., Eisman, John A., Papaioannou, A., Siris, E. S., Tosteson, Anna N. A. and Kanis, John A.. (2011). Cost-effectiveness of Denosumab for the treatment of postmenopausal osteoporosis. Osteoporosis International. 22(3), pp. 967 - 982.

Journal article

Physical activity during youth sports practices
Leek, Desiree, Carlson, Jordan A., Cain, Kelli L., Henrichon, Sara, Rosenberg, Dori E., Patrick, Kevin and Sallis, James F.. (2011). Physical activity during youth sports practices. Archive of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine. 165(4), pp. 294 - 299.

Journal article

Adolescent screen time and rules to limit screen time in the home
Ramirez, Ernesto R., Norman, Gregory J., Rosenberg, Dori E., Kerr, Jacqueline, Saelens, Brian E., Durant, Nefertiti and Sallis, James F.. (2011). Adolescent screen time and rules to limit screen time in the home. Journal of Adolescent Health. 48(4), pp. 379 - 385.

Journal article

Independent and combined effects of calcium-vitamin D3 and exercise on bone structure and strength in older men: An 18-month factorial design randomized controlled trial
Kukuljan, Sonja, Nowson, Caryl, Sanders, Kerrie, Nicholson, Geoffrey, Seibel, Markus, Salmon, Jo and Daly, Robin. (2011). Independent and combined effects of calcium-vitamin D3 and exercise on bone structure and strength in older men: An 18-month factorial design randomized controlled trial. The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism. 96(4), pp. 955 - 963.

Journal article

An RCT to evaluate the utility of a clinical protocol for staff in the management of behavioral and psychological symptoms of dementia in residential aged-care settings
McCabe, Jo, Arundell, Lauren, Hume, Clare, Brown, Helen, Hesketh, Kylie, Dunstan, David, Daly, Robin, Pearson, Natalie, Cerin, Ester, Moodie, Marj, Sheppard, Lauren, Paw, Mai Chin and Crawford, David. (2011). An RCT to evaluate the utility of a clinical protocol for staff in the management of behavioral and psychological symptoms of dementia in residential aged-care settings. Aging and Mental Health. 11, pp. 1 - 14.

Journal article

Geographic remoteness and risk of advanced colorectal cancer at diagnosis in Queensland: a multilevel study
Baade, Peter, Dasgupta, Paramita, Aitken, Joanne and Turrell, Gavin. (2011). Geographic remoteness and risk of advanced colorectal cancer at diagnosis in Queensland: a multilevel study. British Journal of Cancer. 105(7), pp. 1039 - 1041.

Journal article

Association of plasma Aß peptides with blood pressure in the elderly
Lambert, Jean C., Dallongeville, Jean, Ellis, Kathryn A., Schraen-Maschke, Susanna, Lui, James, Laws, Simon M., Dumont, Julie, Richard, Florence, Cottel, Dominique C., Berr, Claudine, Ames, David, Masters, Colin L., Rowe, Christopher C., Szoeke, Cassandra, Tzourio, Christophe, Dartigues, Jean-Francois, Buee, Luc, Martins, Ralph N. and Amouyel, Phillippe. (2011). Association of plasma Aß peptides with blood pressure in the elderly. PLoS ONE. 6(4), pp. 1 - 6.

Journal article

Compliance with behavioral guidelines for diet, physical activity and sedentary behaviors is related to insulin resistance among overweight and obese youth
Huang, Jeannie S., Gottschalk, Michael, Norman, Gregory J., Calfas, Karen J., Sallis, James F. and Patrick, Kevin. (2011). Compliance with behavioral guidelines for diet, physical activity and sedentary behaviors is related to insulin resistance among overweight and obese youth. BMC Research Notes. 4(9), pp. 1 - 4.

Journal article

Influence of muscle-tendon unit structure on rate of force development during the squat, countermovement, and drop jumps
Earp, Jacob E., Kraemer, William J., Cormie, Prue, Volek, Jeffery S., Maresh, Carl M., Joseph, Michael and Newton, Robert U.. (2011). Influence of muscle-tendon unit structure on rate of force development during the squat, countermovement, and drop jumps. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research. 25(2), pp. 340 - 347.

Journal article

Attitudes and experiences: Qualitative perspectives on erectile dysfunction from the female partner
O'Connor, Elodie J., McCabe, Marita P., Conaglen, Helen M. and Conaglen, John P.. (2011). Attitudes and experiences: Qualitative perspectives on erectile dysfunction from the female partner. Journal of Health Psychology. 17(1), pp. 3 - 13.

Journal article

Osteoporosis: Burden, health care provision and opportunities in the EU
Ström, O., Borgström, F., Kanis, John A., Compston, Juliet E., Cooper, Cyrus, McCloskey, Eugene V. and Jönsson, B.. (2011). Osteoporosis: Burden, health care provision and opportunities in the EU. Archives of Osteoporosis. 6(42767), pp. 59 - 155.

Journal article

Examining the validity and reliability of the Chinese version of the International Physical Activity Questionnaire, long form (IPAQ-LC)
MacFarlane, Duncan, Chan, Anson and Cerin, Ester. (2011). Examining the validity and reliability of the Chinese version of the International Physical Activity Questionnaire, long form (IPAQ-LC). Public Health Nutrition. 14(3), pp. 443 - 450.

Journal article

Developing maximal neuromuscular power: Part 1 - Biological basis of maximal power production
Cormie, Prue, McGuigan, Michael R. and Newton, Robert U.. (2011). Developing maximal neuromuscular power: Part 1 - Biological basis of maximal power production. Sports Medicine. 41(1), pp. 17 - 38.

Journal article

Inflammatory cytokine responses to progressive resistance training and supplementation with fortified milk in men aged 50+ years: An 18-month randomized controlled trial
Peake, Jonathan, Kukuljan, Sonja, Nowson, Caryl, Sanders, Kerrie and Daly, Robin. (2011). Inflammatory cytokine responses to progressive resistance training and supplementation with fortified milk in men aged 50+ years: An 18-month randomized controlled trial. European Journal of Applied Physiology. 111(12), pp. 3079 - 3088.

Journal article

Improving services for individuals with a dual diagnosis: A qualitative study reporting on the views of service users
Staiger, Petra K., Thomas, Anna C., Ricciardelli, Lina A., McCabe, Marita Patricia, Cross, Wendy and Young, Greg. (2011). Improving services for individuals with a dual diagnosis: A qualitative study reporting on the views of service users. Addiction Research and Theory. 19(1), pp. 47 - 55.

Journal article

Guidance for the adjustment of FRAX according to the dose of glucocorticoids
Kanis, John A., Johansson, Helena, Oden, Anders and McCloskey, Eugene V.. (2011). Guidance for the adjustment of FRAX according to the dose of glucocorticoids. Osteoporosis International. 22(3), pp. 809 - 816.

Journal article

Executive functions in recently postmenopausal women: Absence of strong association with serum gonadal steroids
Ryan, Joanne L., Stanczyk, Frank Z., Dennerstein, Lorraine, Mack, Wendy J., Clark, Margaret S., Szoeke, Cassandra and Henderson, Victor W.. (2011). Executive functions in recently postmenopausal women: Absence of strong association with serum gonadal steroids. Brain Research.

Journal article

Perceived neighborhood environment and walking for specific purposes among elderly Japanese
Inoue, Shigeru, Ohya, Yumiko, Odagiri, Yuko, Takamiya, Tomoko, Kamada, Masamitsu, Okada, Shinpei, Oka, Koichiro, Kitabatake, Yoshinori, Nakaya, Tomoki, Sallis, James F. and Shimomitsu, Teruichi. (2011). Perceived neighborhood environment and walking for specific purposes among elderly Japanese. Journal of Epidemiology. 21(6), pp. 481 - 490.

Journal article

Role of media and peers on body change strategies among adult men: Is body size important?
McCabe, Marita and McGreevy, Shauna. (2011). Role of media and peers on body change strategies among adult men: Is body size important? European Eating Disorders Review. 19(5), pp. 438 - 446.

Journal article

Income disparities in perceived neighborhood built and social environment attributes
Sallis, James F., Slymen, Donald J., Conway, Terry L., Frank, Lawrence D., Saelens, Brian E., Cain, Kelli L. and Chapman, James E.. (2011). Income disparities in perceived neighborhood built and social environment attributes. Health and Place. 17(6), pp. 1274 - 1283.

Journal article

Paracetamol (acetaminophen) use, fracture and bone mineral density
Williams, Lana, Pasco, Julie, Henry, Margaret, Sanders, Kerrie, Nicholson, Geoffrey, Kotowicz, Mark and Berk, Michael. (2011). Paracetamol (acetaminophen) use, fracture and bone mineral density. Bone. 48(6), pp. 1277 - 1281.

Journal article

An evaluation of the Shanghai mental health service schizophrenia rehabilitation program
Pan, Lingyi, Mellor, David, McCabe, Marita Patricia, Hill, Briony, Tan, Wenzhong and Xu, Yifeng. (2011). An evaluation of the Shanghai mental health service schizophrenia rehabilitation program. American Journal of Psychiatric Rehabilitation. 14(4), pp. 287 - 306.

Journal article

Active children use more locations for physical activity
Corder, Kirsten, Sallis, James F., Crespo, Noe C. and Elder, John P.. (2011). Active children use more locations for physical activity. Health and Place. 17(4), pp. 911 - 919.

Journal article

Perceived environmental correlates of physical activity and walking in African young adults
Oyeyemi, Adewale L., Adegoke, Babatunde O., Oyeyemi, Adetoyeje Y. and Sallis, James F.. (2011). Perceived environmental correlates of physical activity and walking in African young adults. American Journal of Health Promotion. 25(5), pp. 10 - 19.

Journal article

Official positions for FRAX® Bone Mineral Density and FRAX® Simplification. From Joint official positions Development Conference of the International Society for Clinical Densitometry and International Osteoporosis Foundation on FRAX
Lewiecki, E. Michael, Compston, Juliet E., Miller, Paul D., Adachi, Jonathan D., Adams, Judith E., Leslie, William D., Kanis, John A., Moayyeri, Alireza, Adler, Robert A., Hans, Didier B., Kendler, David L., Diez-Perez, Adolfo, Krieg, Marc-Antoine, Masri, Basel K., Lorenc, Roman R., Bauer, Douglas C., Blake, Glen M., Josse, Robert G., Clark, Patricia and Khan, Aliya A.. (2011). Official positions for FRAX® Bone Mineral Density and FRAX® Simplification. From Joint official positions Development Conference of the International Society for Clinical Densitometry and International Osteoporosis Foundation on FRAX. Journal of Clinical Densitometry. 14(3), pp. 226 - 236.

Journal article

Active video games for youth: A systematic review
Barnett, Anthony, Cerin, Ester and Baranowski, Tom. (2011). Active video games for youth: A systematic review. Journal of Physical Activity and Health. 8(5), pp. 724 - 737.

Journal article

Improving health through policies that promote active travel: A review of evidence to support integrated health impact assessment
de Nazelle, Audrey, Nieuwenhuijsen, Mark J., Antó, Josep M., Brauer, Michael, Briggs, David, Braun-Fahrlander, Charlotte, Cavill, Nick, Cooper, Ashley R., Desqueyroux, Hélène, Fruin, Scott, Hoek, Gerard, Panis, Luc Int, Janssen, Nicole, Jerrett, Michael, Joffe, Michael, Andersen, Zorana Jovanovic, van Kempen, Elise, Kingham, Simon, Kubesch, Nadine, ... Lebret, Erik. (2011). Improving health through policies that promote active travel: A review of evidence to support integrated health impact assessment. Environment International. 37(4), pp. 766 - 777.

Journal article

Homocysteine, vitamin B12, and folic acid levels in Alzheimer's disease, mild cognitive impairment, and healthy elderly: Baseline characteristics in subjects of the Australian imaging biomarker lifestyle study
Faux, Noel G., Ellis, Kathryn A., Porter, Lorine, Fowler, Chris J., Laws, Simon M., Martins, Ralph N., Pertile, Kelly K., Rembach, Alan R., Rowe, Christopher C., Rumble, Rebecca L., Szoeke, Cassandra, Taddei, Kevin, Taddei, Tania, Trounson, Brett, Villemagne, Victor L., Ward, Vanessa R., Ames, David, Masters, Colin L. and Bush, Ashley I.. (2011). Homocysteine, vitamin B12, and folic acid levels in Alzheimer's disease, mild cognitive impairment, and healthy elderly: Baseline characteristics in subjects of the Australian imaging biomarker lifestyle study. Journal of Alzheimer's Disease.

Journal article

Adverse reactions and drug-drug interactions in the management of women with postmenopausal osteoporosis
Rizzoli, Rene, Reginster, Jean-Yves, Boonen, Steven, Bréart, Gérard, Diez-Perez, Adolfo, Felsenberg, Dieter, Kaufman, Jean-Marc, Kanis, John A. and Cooper, Cyrus. (2011). Adverse reactions and drug-drug interactions in the management of women with postmenopausal osteoporosis. Calcified Tissue International. 89(2), pp. 91 - 104.

Journal article

Commuting by public transit and physical activity: Where you live, where you work, and how you get there
Lachapelle, Ugo, Frank, Lawrence, Saelens, Brian E., Sallis, James F. and Conway, Terry L.. (2011). Commuting by public transit and physical activity: Where you live, where you work, and how you get there. Journal of Physical Activity and Health. 8(Supplement 1), pp. S72 - S81.

Journal article

Body image, weight loss and muscle building among Tongan adolescents in Tonga and New Zealand
McCabe, Marita P., Fotu, Kalasita and Dewes, Ofa. (2011). Body image, weight loss and muscle building among Tongan adolescents in Tonga and New Zealand. Journal of Health Psychology. 16(7), pp. 1101 - 1108.

Journal article

Osteoporosis update from the 2010 Santa Fe Bone Symposium
Lewiecki, E. Michael, Bilezikian, John P., Khosla, Sundeep, Marcus, Robert, McClung, Michael R., Miller, Paul D., Watts, Nelson B. and Maricic, Michael. (2011). Osteoporosis update from the 2010 Santa Fe Bone Symposium. Journal of Clinical Densitometry. 14(1), pp. 1 - 21.

Journal article

Hip fracture risk in older US adults by treatment eligibility status based on new National Osteoporosis Foundation guidance
Looker, A. C., Dawson-Hughes, B., Tosteson, Anna N. A., Johansson, Helena, Kanis, John A. and Melton, Lisa J.. (2011). Hip fracture risk in older US adults by treatment eligibility status based on new National Osteoporosis Foundation guidance. Osteoporosis International. 22(2), pp. 541 - 549.

Journal article

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