David Campbell Sim

Contact categoryResearcher (past)
Job titleProfessor (Biblical Studies)
Research instituteSchool of Theology
Faculty of Theology and Philosophy

Research outputs

Jew Against Jew : The Reception of Paul in Matthew's Christian Jewish Community
Sim, David Campbell. (2019). Jew Against Jew : The Reception of Paul in Matthew's Christian Jewish Community. In In Boccaccini, Gabriele and Oliver, Isaac W. (Ed.). The Early Reception of Paul the Second Temple Jew: Text, Narrative and Reception History pp. 107 Bloomsbury T&T Clark. https://doi.org/10.5040/9780567675248.0014

Book chapter

N-terminal pro-B-type natriuretic peptide and prognosis in Caucasian vs. Asian patients with heart failure
Tromp, Jasper, Richards, Arthur Mark, Tay, Wan Ting, Teng, Tiew-Hwa Katherine, Yeo, Poh Shuan Daniel, Sim, David, Jaufeerally, Fazlur, Leong, Gerard, Ong, Hean Yee, Ling, Lieng Hsi, van Veldhuisen, Dirk J., Jaarsma, Tiny, Voors, Adriaan A., van der Meer, Peter, de Boer, Rudolf A. and Lam, Carolyn S. P.. (2018). N-terminal pro-B-type natriuretic peptide and prognosis in Caucasian vs. Asian patients with heart failure. ESC Heart Failure. 5(2), pp. 279 - 287. https://doi.org/10.1002/ehf2.12252

Journal article

Baseline characteristics of patients with heart failure and preserved ejection fraction in the PARAGON-HF Trial
Solomon, Scott, Rizkala, Adel R., Lefkowitz, Martin P., Shi, Victor C., Gong, Jianjian, Anavekar, Nagesh, Anker, Stefan D., Arango, Juan Luis, Arenas, Jose L., Atar, Dan, Ben-Gal, Turia, Boytsov, Sergey, Chen, -Huan Chen, Chopra, Vijay, Cleland, John G. F., Comin-Colet, Josep, Duengen, Hans-Dirk, Exheverria Correa, Luis E., Filippatos, Gerasimos S., ... Jr, Jiří Widimský. (2018). Baseline characteristics of patients with heart failure and preserved ejection fraction in the PARAGON-HF Trial. Circulation: Heart Failure. 11(7), pp. 1 - 10. https://doi.org/10.1161/CIRCHEARTFAILURE.118.004962

Journal article

The Gospel of Matthew and Galilee. An Evaluation of an Emerging Hypothesis
Sim, David Campbell. (2016). The Gospel of Matthew and Galilee. An Evaluation of an Emerging Hypothesis. Zeitschrift fur die Neutestamentliche Wissenschaft und die Kunde der Alteren Kirche. 107(2), pp. 141 - 169. https://doi.org/10.1515/znw-2016-0009

Journal article

Jews, Gentiles and the ethnic identity in the Gospel of Matthew
Sim, David. (2015). Jews, Gentiles and the ethnic identity in the Gospel of Matthew. In In G. D. Dunn and W. Mayer (Ed.). Christians shaping identity from the Roman Empire to Byzantium: Studies inspired by Pauline Allen pp. 25 - 47 Koninklijke Brill NV.

Book chapter

The Family of Jesus and the Disciples of Jesus in Paul and Mark: Taking Sides in the Early Church's Factional Dispute
Sim, David. (2014). The Family of Jesus and the Disciples of Jesus in Paul and Mark: Taking Sides in the Early Church's Factional Dispute. In In O. Wischmeyer, D. Sim and I. Elmer (Ed.). Paul and Mark: Comparative Essays Part I Two Authors at the Beginnings of Christianity pp. 73 - 99 De Gruyter Mouton.

Book chapter

Is Matthew 28 : 16-20 the Summary of the Gospel?
Sim, David. (2014). Is Matthew 28 : 16-20 the Summary of the Gospel? Hervormde Teologiese Studies. 70(1), pp. 1 - 7. https://doi.org/10.4102/hts.v70i1.2756

Journal article

Men and women in the Gospel of Matthew
Sim, David. (2014). Men and women in the Gospel of Matthew. In In W. Mayer and I. J. Elmer (Ed.). Men and women in the early Christian centuries pp. 55 - 71 St Pauls Publications.

Book chapter

The Reception of Paul and Mark in the Gospel of Matthew
Sim, David. (2014). The Reception of Paul and Mark in the Gospel of Matthew. In In O. Wischmeyer, D. Sim and I. Elmer (Ed.). Paul and Mark: Comparative Essays Part I Two Authors at the Beginnings of Christianity pp. 589 - 615 De Gruyter Mouton.

Book chapter

The attitude to Gentiles in the Gospel of Matthew
Sim, David. (2013). The attitude to Gentiles in the Gospel of Matthew. In In DC Sim and JS McLaren (Ed.). Attitudes to gentiles in ancient Judaism and early Christianity pp. 173 - 191 Bloomsbury T & T Clark.

Book chapter

Conflict in the canon: the Pauline literature and the Gospel of Matthew
Sim, David. (2013). Conflict in the canon: the Pauline literature and the Gospel of Matthew. In In W Mayer and B Neil (Ed.). Religious conflict from early Christianity to the rise of Islam pp. 71 - 87 De Gruyter.

Book chapter

Gentiles, God-fearers and proselytes
Sim, David. (2013). Gentiles, God-fearers and proselytes. In In DC Sim and JS McLaren (Ed.). Attitudes to gentiles in ancient Judaism and early Christianity pp. 9 - 27 Bloomsbury T & T Clark.

Book chapter

Jews, Christians and Gentiles: observations and some concluding remarks
Sim, David. (2013). Jews, Christians and Gentiles: observations and some concluding remarks. In In DC Sim and JS McLaren (Ed.). Attitudes to gentiles in ancient Judaism and early Christianity pp. 259 - 266 Bloomsbury T & T Clark.

Book chapter

Does the Gospel of Matthew presuppose a canon of scriptures?
Sim, David. (2012). Does the Gospel of Matthew presuppose a canon of scriptures? In In E. M. Becker and S. Scholz (Ed.). Kanon in Konstruktion und Dekonstruktion: Kanonisierungsprozesse religioser Texte von der Antike bis zur Gegenwart. Ein Handbuch pp. 449 - 468 Walter de Gruyter.

Book chapter

Fighting on all fronts: Crisis management in the Gospel of Matthew
Sim, David. (2012). Fighting on all fronts: Crisis management in the Gospel of Matthew. In In D. Sim and P. Allen (Ed.). Ancient Jewish and Christian Texts as Crisis Management Literature pp. 62 - 78 T&T Clark International.

Book chapter

Coping with the Present by Inventing the Future : Jewish Apocalyptic Texts as Crisis Management Literature
Sim, David. (2012). Coping with the Present by Inventing the Future : Jewish Apocalyptic Texts as Crisis Management Literature. In In D Sim and P Allen (Ed.). Ancient Jewish and Christian Texts as Crisis Management Literature pp. 29 - 45 T&T Clark International.

Book chapter

Fighting on All Fronts : Crisis Management in the Gospel of Matthew
Sim, David. (2012). Fighting on All Fronts : Crisis Management in the Gospel of Matthew. In In D Sim and P Allen (Ed.). Ancient Jewish and Christian Texts as Crisis Management Literature pp. 62 - 78 T&T Clark International.

Book chapter

Conclusions to Ancient Jewish and Christian texts as crisis management literature
Sim, David. (2012). Conclusions to Ancient Jewish and Christian texts as crisis management literature. In In D C Sim and P Allen (Ed.). Ancient Jewish and Christian Texts as Crisis Management Literature pp. 173 - 176 T&T Clark International.

Book chapter

Ancient Jewish and Christian texts as crisis management literature: Thematic studies from the Centre for Early Christian Studies
Sim, David C. and Allen, Pauline. (2012). Ancient Jewish and Christian texts as crisis management literature: Thematic studies from the Centre for Early Christian Studies T&T Clark International.


Matthew: The current state of research
Sim, David. (2011). Matthew: The current state of research. In In EM Becker and A Runesson (Ed.). Mark and Matthew I Comparative Readings: Understanding the Earliest Gospels in their First-Century Settings pp. 33 - 51 Mohr Siebeck.

Book chapter

The pacifist Jesus and the violent Jesus in the Gospel of Matthew
Sim, David C.. (2011). The pacifist Jesus and the violent Jesus in the Gospel of Matthew. Hervormde Teologiese Studies. 67(1), pp. 1 - 6. https://doi.org/10.4102/hts.v67i1.860

Journal article

Polemical strategies in the Gospel of Matthew
Sim, David C.. (2011). Polemical strategies in the Gospel of Matthew. In In Oda Wischmeyer and Lorenzo Scornaienchi (Ed.). Polemik in der Fruhchristlichen Literatur: texte and kontexte pp. 475 - 491 Walter de Gruyter.

Book chapter

Matthew's use of Mark: Did Matthew intend to supplement or to replace his primary source?
Sim, David. (2011). Matthew's use of Mark: Did Matthew intend to supplement or to replace his primary source? New Testament Studies. 57(2), pp. 176 - 192. https://doi.org/10.1017/S0028688510000366

Journal article

Matthew and the Synoptic problem
Sim, David C.. (2011). Matthew and the Synoptic problem. In In P Foster, A Gregory and JS Kloppenborg (Ed.). New Studies in the Synoptic Problem : Oxford conference, April 2008 : essays in honour of Christopher M. Tuckett pp. 187 - 208 Peeters Publishing.

Book chapter

The Gospels and the politics of replacement
Sim, David C.. (2010). The Gospels and the politics of replacement. In Studies of Religion and Politics in the Early Christian Centuries pp. 29 - 43 St Pauls Publications.

Book chapter

Jesus as role model in the gospel of Matthew: Does the Matthean Jesus practise what he preaches?
Sim, David. (2010). Jesus as role model in the gospel of Matthew: Does the Matthean Jesus practise what he preaches? Australian Ejournal of Theology. 16, pp. 1 - 21.

Journal article

Matthew and the Pauline corpus: A preliminary intertextual study
Sim, David. (2009). Matthew and the Pauline corpus: A preliminary intertextual study. Journal for the Study of the New Testament. 31(4), pp. 401 - 422. https://doi.org/10.1177/0142064X09104958

Journal article

Wealth and poverty in the gospel of Matthew
Sim, David Campbell. (2009). Wealth and poverty in the gospel of Matthew. In In G. D. Dunn, D. Luckensmeyer and L. Cross (Ed.). Prayer and Spirituality in the Early Church V: Poverty and Riches pp. 75 - 88 St Pauls Publications.

Book chapter

The rise and fall of the gospel of Matthew
Sim, David. (2009). The rise and fall of the gospel of Matthew. Expository Times. 120(10), pp. 478 - 485. https://doi.org/10.1177/0014524609106580

Journal article

Paul and Matthew on the Torah: Theory and practice
Sim, David C.. (2009). Paul and Matthew on the Torah: Theory and practice. In In P. Middleton, A. Paddison and K.J. Wenell (Ed.). Paul, Grace and Freedom: Essays in honour of John K.Riches pp. 50 - 64 T&T Clark International.

Book chapter

The gospel of Matthew, John the elder and the Papias tradition: A response to R H Gundry
Sim, David. (2007). The gospel of Matthew, John the elder and the Papias tradition: A response to R H Gundry. Hervormde Teologiese Studies. 63(1), pp. 283 - 299. https://doi.org/10.4102/hts.v63i1.200

Journal article

The synoptic gospels
Sim, David. (2008). The synoptic gospels. Expository Times. 119(7), pp. 313 - 319. https://doi.org/10.1177/0014524608091089

Journal article

Sim, David Campbell. (2008). Introduction. In In D. Sim and B. Repschinski (Ed.). Matthew and His Christian Contemporaries pp. 1 - 10 T&T Clark International.

Book chapter

Reconstructing the social and religious milieu of Matthew: Methods, sources, and possible results
Sim, David C.. (2008). Reconstructing the social and religious milieu of Matthew: Methods, sources, and possible results. In In J. K. Zangenberg and H.W.M. van de Sandt (Ed.). Matthew, James and Didache: Three Related Documents in their Jewish and Christian Settings pp. 13 - 32 Society of Biblical Literature.

Book chapter

Matthew and Ignatious of Antioch
Sim, David Campbell. (2008). Matthew and Ignatious of Antioch. In In D. Sim and B. Repschinski (Ed.). Matthew and His Christian Contemporaries pp. 139 - 154 T&T Clark International.

Book chapter

Matthew and Jesus of Nazareth
Sim, David Campbell. (2008). Matthew and Jesus of Nazareth. In In D. C. Sim and B.Repschinski (Ed.). Matthew and His Christian Contemporaries pp. 155 - 172 T&T Clark International.

Book chapter

Jewish literature of the period
Sim, David Campbell. (2008). Jewish literature of the period. In In J. McLaren (Ed.). Judaism in Transition 175 BCE-150 CE. Christian and Jewish Perspectives pp. 15 - 30 Council of Christians and Jews.

Book chapter

Matthew, Paul and the origin and nature of the gentile mission: The great commission in Matthew 28:16-20 as an anti-Pauline tradition
Sim, David. (2008). Matthew, Paul and the origin and nature of the gentile mission: The great commission in Matthew 28:16-20 as an anti-Pauline tradition. Hervormde Teologiese Studies. 64(1), pp. 377 - 392. https://doi.org/10.4102/hts.v64i1.28

Journal article

Matthew 7.21-23: Further evidence of its anti-Pauline perspective
Sim, David. (2007). Matthew 7.21-23: Further evidence of its anti-Pauline perspective. New Testament Studies. 53(3), pp. 325 - 343. https://doi.org/10.1017/S0028688507000161

Journal article

The appearances of the risen Christ to Paul: Identifying their implications and complications
Sim, David. (2006). The appearances of the risen Christ to Paul: Identifying their implications and complications. Australian Biblical Review. 54, pp. 1 - 12.

Journal article

The failed Christian mission to the Jews: A historical and theological defence of the Jewish position
Sim, David Campbell. (2006). The failed Christian mission to the Jews: A historical and theological defence of the Jewish position. In In W. Mayer, P. Allen and L. Cross (Ed.). Prayer and Spirituality in the Early Church IV: The Spiritual Life pp. 37 - 48 St Pauls Publications.

Book chapter

How many Jews became Christians in the first century? The failure of the Christian mission to the Jews
Sim, David. (2005). How many Jews became Christians in the first century? The failure of the Christian mission to the Jews. Hervormde Teologiese Studies. 61(February), pp. 417 - 440. https://doi.org/10.4102/hts.v61i1/2.430

Journal article

Sim, David Campbell. (2005). Conclusions. In In J. Riches and D. Sim (Ed.). The Gospel of Matthew in its Roman Imperial Context pp. 166 - 169 T&T Clark International.

Book chapter

Christian Judaism: A reconstruction and evaluation of the original Christian tradition
Sim, David Campbell. (2005). Christian Judaism: A reconstruction and evaluation of the original Christian tradition. In In E. Kessler and M.J. Wright (Ed.). Themes in Jewish Christian relations pp. 39 - 58 Orchard Academic.

Book chapter

Rome in Matthew’s eschatology
Sim, David Campbell. (2005). Rome in Matthew’s eschatology. In In J. Riches and D. Sim (Ed.). The Gospel of Matthew in its Roman Imperial Context pp. 91 - 106 T&T Clark International.

Book chapter

The defensibility of Christian Judaism
Sim, David Campbell. (2003). The defensibility of Christian Judaism. In In B. Neil, G.D. Dunn and L. Cross (Ed.). Prayer and Spirituality in the Early Church III: Liturgy and Life pp. 57 - 72 St Paul's Press.

Book chapter

Matthew's anti-Paulinism: A neglected feature of Matthean studies
Sim, David. (2002). Matthew's anti-Paulinism: A neglected feature of Matthean studies. Hervormde Teologiese Studies. 58(2), pp. 767 - 783. https://doi.org/10.4102/hts.v58i2.557

Journal article

The dissection of the wicked servant in Matthew 24:51
Sim, David. (2002). The dissection of the wicked servant in Matthew 24:51. Hervormde Teologiese Studies. 58(1), pp. 172 - 184. https://doi.org/10.4102/hts.v58i1.542

Journal article

Matthew and the gentiles: A response to Brendan Byrne - and Byrne responds
Sim, David. (2002). Matthew and the gentiles: A response to Brendan Byrne - and Byrne responds. Australian Biblical Review. 50, pp. 74 - 79.

Journal article

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