Eleonore Stump

Contact categoryResearcher (past)
Job titleProfessorial Fellow
Research instituteInstitute for Religion and Critical Inquiry
Faculty of Theology and Philosophy

Research outputs

Knowledge through Narrative : Philosophical and Theological Explorations of Biblical Stories
Stump, Eleonore and Wolfe, Judith. (2024). Knowledge through Narrative : Philosophical and Theological Explorations of Biblical Stories. In Biblical Narratives and Human Flourishing: Knowledge Through Narrative pp. 1-6 Routledge. https://doi.org/10.4324/9781003422587-1

Book chapter

Suffering and Flourishing : Ecclesiastes
Stump, Eleonore. (2024). Suffering and Flourishing : Ecclesiastes. In Paradox and Contradiction in Theology pp. 130-153 Routledge. https://doi.org/10.4324/9781003319221-10

Book chapter

Aquinas's Theory of Goodness
Stump, Eleonore. (2022). Aquinas's Theory of Goodness. The Monist. 105(3), pp. 321-336. https://doi.org/10.1093/monist/onac003

Journal article

Revelation and the veridicality of narratives
Stump, Eleonore. (2021). Revelation and the veridicality of narratives. European Journal for Philosophy of Religion. 13(4), pp. 27-43. https://doi.org/10.24204/EJPR.2021.3734

Journal article

The true self and life after death in heaven
Stump, Eleonore. (2021). The true self and life after death in heaven. In Death, Immortality and Eternal Life pp. 65-81 Routledge. https://doi.org/10.4324/9781003058380

Book chapter

Analytic theology and the richness of classical theism: An interview with eleonore stump
Agustín Echavarría and Eleonore Stump. (2017). Analytic theology and the richness of classical theism: An interview with eleonore stump. Scripta Theologica. 49(1), pp. 85-95. https://doi.org/10.15581/

Journal article

The sunflower : Guilt, forgiveness, and reconciliation
Stump, Eleonore. (2021). The sunflower : Guilt, forgiveness, and reconciliation. In In Warmke, Brandon, Nelkin, Dana and McKenna, Michael (Ed.). Forgiveness and Its Moral Dimensions pp. 172 Oxford University Press. https://doi.org/10.1093/oso/9780190602147.003.0008

Book chapter

Atonement : Response to critics
Stump, Eleonore. (2021). Atonement : Response to critics. Religious Studies. 57(1), pp. 165-178. https://doi.org/10.1017/S0034412519000660

Journal article

Atonement : An overview
Stump, Eleonore. (2021). Atonement : An overview. Religious Studies : an international journal for the philosophy of religion and theology. 57(1), pp. 136-140. https://doi.org/10.1017/S0034412519000532

Journal article

Moral responsibility without alternative possibilities
Stump, Eleonore. (2017). Moral responsibility without alternative possibilities. In Moral Responsibility and Alternative Possibilities: Essays on the Importance of Alternative Possibilities pp. 139-158 Routledge. https://doi.org/10.4324/9781315199924

Book chapter

The doctrine of the atonement : Response to Michael Rea, Trent Dougherty, and Brandon Warmke
Stump, Eleonore. (2019). The doctrine of the atonement : Response to Michael Rea, Trent Dougherty, and Brandon Warmke. European Journal for Philosophy of Religion. 11(1), pp. 165-186. https://doi.org/10.24204/EJPR.V11I1.2710

Journal article

Aquinas's ethics - The infused virtues and the indwelling of the Holy Spirit
Stump, Eleonore. (2019). Aquinas's ethics - The infused virtues and the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. Ephemerides Theologicae Lovanienses. 95(2), pp. 269-281. https://doi.org/10.2143/ETL.95.2.3286476

Journal article

The Personal God of Classical Theism
Stump, Eleonore. (2019). The Personal God of Classical Theism. In In Hazony, Yoram and Johnson, Dru (Ed.). The Question of God's Perfection pp. 65-81 Brill - Rodopi. https://doi.org/10.1163/9789004387980_006

Book chapter

Natural Law, Metaphysics, and the Creator
Stump, Eleonore. (2017). Natural Law, Metaphysics, and the Creator. In In Glas, Gerrit and de Ridder, Jeroen (Ed.). The Future of Creation Order pp. 33-49 Springer International Publishing. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-70881-2_2

Book chapter

The Openness of God : Eternity and free will
Stump, Eleonore. (2019). The Openness of God : Eternity and free will. In In Arbour, Benjamin (Ed.). Philosophical Essays Against Open Theism pp. 21 Routledge. https://doi.org/10.4324/9781315755700

Book chapter

The problem of suffering : A Thomistic approach
Stump, Eleonore. (2018). The problem of suffering : A Thomistic approach. In In Trakakis, N. N. (Ed.). The problem of evil : Eight views in dialogue pp. 12-25 Oxford University Press. https://doi.org/10.1093/oso/9780198821625.003.0002

Book chapter

Theology and the knowledge of persons
Stump, Eleonore. (2017). Theology and the knowledge of persons. In In Ellis, Fiona (Ed.). New models of religious understanding pp. 172-190 Oxford University Press. https://doi.org/10.1093/oso/9780198796732.003.0010

Book chapter

Love and forgiveness: Swinburne on atonement
Stump, Eleonore. (2016). Love and forgiveness: Swinburne on atonement. In In M. Bergmann and J.E. Brower (Ed.). Reason and faith: themes from Richard Swinburne pp. 148 - 170 Oxford University Press. https://doi.org/10.1093/acprof:oso/9780198732648.003.0007

Book chapter

The atonement and the problem of shame
Stump, Eleonore. (2016). The atonement and the problem of shame. Journal of Philosophical Research. 41, pp. 111 - 129. https://doi.org/10.5840/jpr201641859

Journal article

Atonement and Eucharist
Stump, Eleonore. (2015). Atonement and Eucharist. In O D Crisp and F Sanders (Ed.). Los Angeles Theology Conference. pp. 209 - 226

Conference item

Augustine on free will
Stump, Eleonore. (2014). Augustine on free will. In In Meconi, David and Stump, E. (Ed.). The Cambridge Companion to Augustine pp. 166 Cambridge University Press. https://doi.org/10.1017/CCO9781139178044.014

Book chapter

Faith, wisdom, and the transmission of knowledge through testimony
Stump, Eleonore. (2014). Faith, wisdom, and the transmission of knowledge through testimony. In In L.F. Callahan and T. O'Connor (Ed.). Religious faith and intellectual virtue pp. 1 - 38 Oxford University Press. https://doi.org/10.1093/acprof:oso/9780199672158.003.0010

Book chapter

Narrative and the knowledge of persons
Stump, Eleonore. (2013). Narrative and the knowledge of persons. Euresis journal. 5, pp. 153 - 169.

Journal article

Narrative and the knowledge of persons
Stump, Eleonore. (2013). Narrative and the knowledge of persons. Euresis. 5, pp. 153 - 169.

Journal article

Not my will but thy will be done: Aquinas and Eckhart on willing what God wills
Stump, Eleonore. (2013). Not my will but thy will be done: Aquinas and Eckhart on willing what God wills. Medieval Mystical Theology. 22(2), pp. 155 - 171. https://doi.org/10.1179/2046572613Z.00000000011

Journal article

Athens and Jerusalem: The relationship of philosophy and theology
Stump, Eleonore. (2013). Athens and Jerusalem: The relationship of philosophy and theology. The Journal of Analytic Theology. 1(1), pp. 45 - 59.

Journal article

Atonement and the Cry of Dereliction from the Cross
Stump, Eleonore. (2013). Atonement and the Cry of Dereliction from the Cross. In In S. T. Kolodziejcyk and J. Salamon (Ed.). Knowledge, action, pluralism: Contemporary perspectives in philosophy of religion pp. 167 - 181 Peter Lang Edition.

Book chapter

Christianity and the contemporary challenge
Stump, Eleonore. (2013). Christianity and the contemporary challenge. In In R. Lundin (Ed.). Christ across the disciplines: Past, present, future pp. 117 - 132 William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company.

Book chapter

The nature of the atonement
Stump, Eleonore. (2012). The nature of the atonement. In In K. Clark and M. Rea (Ed.). Reason, Metaphysics, and Mind: New Essays on the Philosophy of Alvin Plantinga pp. 128 - 144 Oxford University Press. https://doi.org/10.1093/acprof:oso/9780199766864.001.0001

Book chapter

The problem of suffering: A Thomistic approach
Stump, Eleonore. (2012). The problem of suffering: A Thomistic approach. In In J. McEvoy, M. Dunne and J. Hynes (Ed.). Thomas Aquinas Teacher and Scholar pp. 101 - 119 Four Courts Press.

Book chapter

Emergence, Causal Powers, and Aristotelianism in Metaphysics
Stump, Eleonore. (2012). Emergence, Causal Powers, and Aristotelianism in Metaphysics. In In R Groff and J Greco (Ed.). Powers and Capacities in Philosophy: The New Aristotelianism pp. 48 - 68 Routledge.

Book chapter

Providence and the problem of evil
Stump, Eleonore. (2012). Providence and the problem of evil. In In B. Davies and E. Stump (Ed.). The Oxford Handbook of Aquinas pp. 401 - 417 Oxford University Press. https://doi.org/10.1093/oxfordhb/9780195326093.013.0030

Book chapter

God's simplicity
Stump, Eleonore. (2012). God's simplicity. In In B. Davies and E. Stump (Ed.). The Oxford Handbook of Aquinas pp. 135 - 146 Oxford University Press. https://doi.org/10.1093/oxfordhb/9780195326093.013.0011

Book chapter

Resurrection and the separated soul
Stump, Eleonore. (2012). Resurrection and the separated soul. In In B. Davies and E. Stump (Ed.). The Oxford Handbook of Aquinas pp. 458 - 466 Oxford University Press. https://doi.org/10.1093/oxfordhb/9780195326093.013.0035

Book chapter

The non-Aristotelian character of Aquinas's ethics: Aquinas on the Passions
Stump, Eleonore. (2011). The non-Aristotelian character of Aquinas's ethics: Aquinas on the Passions. Faith and Philosophy. 28(1), pp. 29 - 43.

Journal article

Eternity, simplicity, and presence
Stump, Eleonore. (2011). Eternity, simplicity, and presence. In In G. T. Doolan (Ed.). The Science of Being as Being: Metaphysical Investigations pp. 243 - 263 Catholic University of America Press.

Book chapter

The problem of evil and the history of peoples: Think Amalek
Stump, Eleonore. (2011). The problem of evil and the history of peoples: Think Amalek. In In M. Bergmann, M. Murray and M. Rea (Ed.). Divine evil? The moral character of the God of Abraham pp. 179 - 197 Oxford University Press. https://doi.org/10.1093/acprof:oso/9780199576739.003.0018

Book chapter

Wandering in darkness: Narrative and the problem of suffering
Stump, Eleonore. (2010). Wandering in darkness: Narrative and the problem of suffering Oxford University Press. https://doi.org/10.1093/acprof:oso/9780199277421.001.0001


The problem of evil
Stump, Eleonore. (2010). The problem of evil. In In R. Pasnau (Ed.). Cambridge History of Medieval Philosophy pp. 773 - 784 Cambridge University Press.

Book chapter

Modes of knowing: Autism, fiction, and second-person perspectives
Stump, Eleonore. (2009). Modes of knowing: Autism, fiction, and second-person perspectives. Faith and Philosophy. 26(5), pp. 553 - 565.

Journal article

The problem of evil: Analytic philosophy and narrative
Stump, Eleonore. (2009). The problem of evil: Analytic philosophy and narrative. In In O. Crisp and M. Rea (Ed.). Analytic Theology: New Essays in the Philosophy of Theology pp. 251 - 264 Oxford University Press. https://doi.org/10.1093/acprof:oso/9780199203567.003.0013

Book chapter

Samson and self-destroying evil
Stump, Eleonore. (2008). Samson and self-destroying evil. In In B. D. Cooperman (Ed.). Philosophers and the Jewish Bible pp. 199 - 218 University Press of Maryland.

Book chapter

Goodness and the nature of faith: Abraham, Isaac, and Ishmael
Stump, Eleonore. (2008). Goodness and the nature of faith: Abraham, Isaac, and Ishmael. Archivio di Filosofia. 76(1/2), pp. 133 - 140.

Journal article

The problem of evil and the desires of the heart
Stump, Eleonore. (2008). The problem of evil and the desires of the heart. In In J. Kvanvig (Ed.). Oxford Studies in Philosophy of Religion pp. 196 - 215

Book chapter

Presence and omnipresence
Stump, Eleonore. (2008). Presence and omnipresence. In In P. Weithman (Ed.). Liberal Faith: Essays in honor of Philip Quinn pp. 59 - 82 University of Notre Dame Press.

Book chapter

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