Matthew Sharpe

Contact categoryResearcher
Job titleNational Head of School
Research instituteSchool of Philosophy
Faculty of Theology and Philosophy

Research outputs

Good reasons to philosophize : On Hadot, Cooper, and ancient philosophical protreptic
Sharpe, Matthew. (2024). Good reasons to philosophize : On Hadot, Cooper, and ancient philosophical protreptic. Metaphilosophy. 55(2), pp. 231-248.

Journal article

Of Israel, Forst & Voltaire : Deism, Toleration, and Radicalism
Sharpe, Matthew. (2024). Of Israel, Forst & Voltaire : Deism, Toleration, and Radicalism. Critical Horizons. 25(2), pp. 129-152.

Journal article

On the misery of left Nietzscheanism, or philosophy as irrationalist ideology
Sharpe, Matthew. (2024). On the misery of left Nietzscheanism, or philosophy as irrationalist ideology. Monthly Review. 75(11), pp. 13-24.

Journal article

Giving Marx’s critique of law a fair trial : On Igor Shoikhedbrod’s revisiting of Marx’s critique of liberalism and the rule of lawaw a Fair Trial: On Igor Shoikhedbrod’s Revisiting of Marx’s Critique of Liberalism and the Rule of Law
King, Matthew and Sharpe, Matthew. (2024). Giving Marx’s critique of law a fair trial : On Igor Shoikhedbrod’s revisiting of Marx’s critique of liberalism and the rule of lawaw a Fair Trial: On Igor Shoikhedbrod’s Revisiting of Marx’s Critique of Liberalism and the Rule of Law. Critical Horizons. 25(2), pp. 168-181.

Journal article

Spiritual exercises and the question of religion in the work of Pierre Hadot
Sharpe, Matthew. (2023). Spiritual exercises and the question of religion in the work of Pierre Hadot. Religions. 14(8), p. Article 998.

Journal article

Philosophy as a way of life, spiritual exercises, and palliative care
Sharpe, Matt and Nolan, Robert P.. (2023). Philosophy as a way of life, spiritual exercises, and palliative care. Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice. 29(7), pp. 1171-1179.

Journal article

Reclaiming the differences : Three neglected Marxian theories of fascism in Lukács, Marcuse, and Bloch
Sharpe, Matthew and King, Matthew. (2023). Reclaiming the differences : Three neglected Marxian theories of fascism in Lukács, Marcuse, and Bloch. Socialism and Democracy. pp. 1-27.

Journal article

A process-based approach to health-related quality of life as a “way of living”
Nolan, R. P. and Sharpe, M. J.. (2023). A process-based approach to health-related quality of life as a “way of living”. Quality of Life Research. 32(9), pp. 2425-2434.

Journal article

Not Beyond Politics : The Metapolitical Dimensions of Nietzsche’s Anti-Democratism in Beyond Good and Evil
Sharpe, Matthew. (2023). Not Beyond Politics : The Metapolitical Dimensions of Nietzsche’s Anti-Democratism in Beyond Good and Evil. In Nietzsche and the Politics of Reaction Essays on Liberalism, Socialism, and Aristocratic Radicalism pp. 149-180 Springer International Publishing.

Book chapter

Politics, Religion, Hope : Contemporary Theoretical Perspectives
Sharpe, Matthew. (2022). Politics, Religion, Hope : Contemporary Theoretical Perspectives. Critical Research on Religion. 10(3), pp. 331-332.

Journal article

Giving the angel the benefit of law : Natural law and human dignity in Franz Neumann and Ernst Bloch
Sharpe, Matthew. (2022). Giving the angel the benefit of law : Natural law and human dignity in Franz Neumann and Ernst Bloch. Critical Research on Religion. 10(3), pp. 351-356.

Journal article

Unifying, comparative, critical and metacritical : Domenico Losurdo’s Nietzsche as aristocratic rebel
Sharpe, Matthew. (2022). Unifying, comparative, critical and metacritical : Domenico Losurdo’s Nietzsche as aristocratic rebel. Critical Horizons. 23(2), pp. 284-304.

Journal article

Wittgenstein’s Unglauben : Jacques Lacan and the Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus
Turner, Kirk and Sharpe, Matthew. (2022). Wittgenstein’s Unglauben : Jacques Lacan and the Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus. Psychoanalysis, Culture and Society. 27(2-3), pp. 201-217.

Journal article

Humanism and Philosophy as a Way of Life
Sharpe, Matthew. (2022). Humanism and Philosophy as a Way of Life. In Philosophy of Culture as Theory, Method, and Way of Life - Contemporary Reflections and Applications pp. 173-192 Brill.

Book chapter

Legado de um Philosophe: O Senece de Diderot : Entre Hypomnemata e Exercicios Espeirituais
Sharpe, Matthew. (2022). Legado de um Philosophe: O Senece de Diderot : Entre Hypomnemata e Exercicios Espeirituais. In In Testa, Federico and Fausto, Marta (Ed.). Filosofia Como Modo de Vida (Philosophy as a Way of Life) pp. 301 Ensaios Escolhidos (Chosen Essays).

Book chapter

Of Cartesianism and spiritual exercises : Reading Descartes through Hadot, and Hadot through Descartes
Stettler, Matteo J. and Sharpe, Matthew. (2022). Of Cartesianism and spiritual exercises : Reading Descartes through Hadot, and Hadot through Descartes. Philosophy Today. 66(3), pp. 471-489.

Journal article

Pressing questions for the philosophical life in a time of crisis
Sharpe, Matthew, Kramer, Eli and Chase, Michael. (2021). Pressing questions for the philosophical life in a time of crisis. Eidos: a journal for philosophy of culture. 5(2), pp. 1-6.

Journal article

Sharpe, Matthew. (2021). Bacon. In In Gaukroger, Stephen and Hetherington, Stephen (Ed.). Knowledge in Modern Philosophy pp. 7-26 Bloomsbury Academic.

Book chapter

A good person for a crisis? On the wisdom of the stoic sage (in himself & for us)
Sharpe, Matthew. (2021). A good person for a crisis? On the wisdom of the stoic sage (in himself & for us). Eidos : A journal for philosophy of culture. 5(1), pp. 32-49.

Journal article

Pushing against an open door : Agamben on Hadot and Foucault
Sharpe, Matthew J. and Stettler, Matteo J.. (2022). Pushing against an open door : Agamben on Hadot and Foucault. Classical Receptions Journal. 14(1), pp. 120-139.

Journal article

A disturbance of vision on the Capitol : Philosophy and the Far-Right – Towards an interdisciplinary inquiry
Sharpe, Matthew. (2021). A disturbance of vision on the Capitol : Philosophy and the Far-Right – Towards an interdisciplinary inquiry. Thesis Eleven. 163(1), pp. 5-28.

Journal article

Between too intellectualist and not intellectualist enough : Hadot’s spiritual exercises and Annas’ virtues as skills
Sharpe, Matthew. (2021). Between too intellectualist and not intellectualist enough : Hadot’s spiritual exercises and Annas’ virtues as skills. The Journal of Value Inquiry. 55(2), pp. 269-287.

Journal article

Golden calf : Deleuze's Nietzsche in the time of Trump
Sharpe, Matthew. (2021). Golden calf : Deleuze's Nietzsche in the time of Trump. Thesis Eleven. 163(1), pp. 71-88.

Journal article

On politics, irony, and Plato’s Socrates as Derrida’s pharmakon
Sharpe, Matthew. (2021). On politics, irony, and Plato’s Socrates as Derrida’s pharmakon. The Review of Politics. 83(2), pp. 153-173.

Journal article

Philosophy as a way of life : History, dimensions, directions
Sharpe, Matthew and Ure, Michael. (2021). Philosophy as a way of life : History, dimensions, directions Bloomsbury Academic.


Purloined Letters : Lacan avec Strauss
Sharpe, Matthew. (2021). Purloined Letters : Lacan avec Strauss. In Leo Strauss and Contemporary Thought Reading Strauss Outside the Lines pp. 29-50 State University of New York Press.

Book chapter

Solitaire/Solidaire : Camus, contemplation, and the vita mixta
Sharpe, Matthew. (2021). Solitaire/Solidaire : Camus, contemplation, and the vita mixta. Telos. 2021(196), pp. 31-43.

Journal article

Pierre Hadot, Albert Camus and the orphic view of nature
Sharpe, Matthew. (2021). Pierre Hadot, Albert Camus and the orphic view of nature. Continental Philosophy Review. 54(1), pp. 17-39.

Journal article

Ilsetraut Hadot’s Seneca : Spiritual Direction and the Transformation of the Other
Sharpe, Matthew. (2018). Ilsetraut Hadot’s Seneca : Spiritual Direction and the Transformation of the Other. In Ethics and Self-Cultivation: Historical and Contemporary Perspectives pp. 104-123 Routledge.

Book chapter

Pierre Hadot : Stoicism as a Way of Life
Sharpe, Matthew. (2020). Pierre Hadot : Stoicism as a Way of Life. In French and Italian Stoicisms - From Sartre to Agamben pp. 215-233 Bloomsbury Academic.

Book chapter

In the crosshairs of the fourfold : Critical thoughts on Aleksandr Dugin’s Heidegger
Sharpe, Matthew. (2020). In the crosshairs of the fourfold : Critical thoughts on Aleksandr Dugin’s Heidegger. Critical Horizons. 21(2), pp. 167-187.

Journal article

Introduction : Situating Hadot Today
Sharpe, Matthew. (2020). Introduction : Situating Hadot Today. In Selected Writings of Pierre Hadot: Philosophy as Practice pp. 1-30 Bloomsbury Academic.

Book chapter

Introduction : Camus as Philosopher amongst Philosophers
Kaluza, Maciej, Francev, Peter and Sharpe, Matthew. (2020). Introduction : Camus as Philosopher amongst Philosophers. In Brill's Companion to Camus: Camus among the Philosophers pp. 1-28 Brill.

Book chapter

Drafted into a foreign war? On the very idea of ancient philosophy as a way of life
Sharpe, Matthew. (2020). Drafted into a foreign war? On the very idea of ancient philosophy as a way of life. Rhizomata. 8(2), pp. 183-217.

Journal article

Modern Rebellion, before the Terror : Reading Diderot after Camus
Sharpe, Matthew. (2019). Modern Rebellion, before the Terror : Reading Diderot after Camus. In Brill's Companion to Camus: Camus among the Philosophers pp. 91-112 Brill.

Book chapter

Sharpe, Matthew and Turner, Kirk. (2019). Fantasy. In Routledge Handbook of Psychoanalytic Political Theory pp. 187-198 Routledge.

Book chapter

After the fall : Camus on evil
Sharpe, Matthew. (2019). After the fall : Camus on evil. In The Routledge Handbook of the Philosophy of Evil pp. 163-174 Routledge.

Book chapter

From Amy Allen to Abbé Raynal : Critical theory, enlightenment, and colonialism
Sharpe, Matthew. (2019). From Amy Allen to Abbé Raynal : Critical theory, enlightenment, and colonialism. Critical Horizons. 20(2), pp. 178-199.

Journal article

Wherewith to draw us to the left and right : on reading Heidegger in the new millennium
Sharpe, Matthew. (2019). Wherewith to draw us to the left and right : on reading Heidegger in the new millennium. In Confronting Heidegger: a critical dialogue on politics and philosophy pp. 77-109 Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.

Book chapter

Into the heart of darkness or : Alt-stoicism? actually, no…
Sharpe, Matthew. (2018). Into the heart of darkness or : Alt-stoicism? actually, no…. Eidos: a journal for philosophy of culture. 4(6), pp. 106-113.

Journal article

Bibliopolitics : The history of notation and the birth of the citational academic subject
Sharpe, Matthew and Turner, Kirk. (2018). Bibliopolitics : The history of notation and the birth of the citational academic subject. Foucault Studies. 25, pp. 146-174.

Journal article

Camus and Forgiveness : After the Fall
Sharpe, Matthew. (2018). Camus and Forgiveness : After the Fall. In Phenomenology and Forgiveness pp. 149-164 Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.

Book chapter

Heidegger in 2018 : Editor-translator’s introduction
Sharpe, Matthew. (2018). Heidegger in 2018 : Editor-translator’s introduction. Critical Horizons. 19(4), pp. 271-273.

Journal article

On reading Heidegger—After the ‘Heidegger Case’?
Sharpe, Matthew. (2018). On reading Heidegger—After the ‘Heidegger Case’? Critical Horizons. 19(4), pp. 334-360.

Journal article

Home to men’s business and bosoms : Philosophy and rhetoric in Francis Bacon’s Essayes
Sharpe, Matthew. (2019). Home to men’s business and bosoms : Philosophy and rhetoric in Francis Bacon’s Essayes. British Journal for the History of Philosophy. 27(3), pp. 492-512.

Journal article

The demise of grand narratives? Postmodernism, power-knowledge, and applied epistemology
Sharpe, Matthew. (2018). The demise of grand narratives? Postmodernism, power-knowledge, and applied epistemology. In Routledge Handbook of Applied Epistemology pp. 318-331 Routledge.

Book chapter

The topics transformed : Rethinking Francis Bacon’s prerogative instances
Sharpe, Matthew. (2018). The topics transformed : Rethinking Francis Bacon’s prerogative instances. Journal of the History of Philosophy. 56(3), pp. 429-454.

Journal article

Towards a phenomenology of sagesse : Uncovering the unique philosophical problematic of Pierre Hadot
Sharpe, Matthew. (2018). Towards a phenomenology of sagesse : Uncovering the unique philosophical problematic of Pierre Hadot. Angelaki: Journal of the Theoretical Humanities. 23(2), pp. 125-138.

Journal article

Rhetorical action in Rektoratsrede : Calling Heidegger’s Gefolgschaft
Sharpe, Matthew. (2018). Rhetorical action in Rektoratsrede : Calling Heidegger’s Gefolgschaft. Philosophy and Rhetoric. 51(2), pp. 176-201.

Journal article

Fearless? Peter Weir, the sage, and the fragility of goodness
Sharpe, Matthew. (2017). Fearless? Peter Weir, the sage, and the fragility of goodness. Philosophy and Literature. 41(1), pp. 136-157.

Journal article

Killing the father, Parmenides : On Lacan’s anti-philosophy
Sharpe, Matthew. (2019). Killing the father, Parmenides : On Lacan’s anti-philosophy. Continental Philosophy Review. 52(1), pp. 51-74.

Journal article

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