Institute for Social Justice

FacultyFaculty of Education and Arts

Latest research outputs

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"Every man must do his work with love". Littell's Provocations [„Każdy człowiek powinien wykonywać swoją pracę z miłością”. Prowokacje Jonathana Litella]
Zolkos, Magdalena. (2011). "Every man must do his work with love". Littell's Provocations [„Każdy człowiek powinien wykonywać swoją pracę z miłością”. Prowokacje Jonathana Litella]. In In Z. Majchrowski and W. Owczarski (Ed.). War and post-memory [Wojna i postpamięć] pp. 453 - 463 Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Gdanskiego.

Book chapter

"In the Beginning All the World Was . . .": Political Vision, Critical History, and the Possibilities of the Present
Morefield, Jeanne. (2009). "In the Beginning All the World Was . . .": Political Vision, Critical History, and the Possibilities of the Present. Political Theory. 37(4), pp. 571 - 581.

Journal article

"It's the 'We', Stupid", or reflections toward an ecology of radical democratic theory and practice
Coles, Romand. (2013). "It's the 'We', Stupid", or reflections toward an ecology of radical democratic theory and practice. Theory and Event: an online journal of political theory. 16(1), pp. 1 - 7.

Journal article

"Un petit geste": Affect and silence in Claude Lanzmann's Shoah
Zolkos, Magdalena. (2013). "Un petit geste": Affect and silence in Claude Lanzmann's Shoah. In In M. Atkinson and M. Richardson (Ed.). Traumatic affect pp. 59 - 79 Cambridge Scholars Publishing.

Book chapter

'An education to Greece': The round table, imperial theory and the uses of history
Morefield, Jeanne. (2007). 'An education to Greece': The round table, imperial theory and the uses of history. History of Political Thought. 28(2), pp. 328 - 361.

Journal article

A defence of public reason: A Kantian reading of Rawls’s Ideal Theory
Yalcin, Ozgur. (2015). A defence of public reason: A Kantian reading of Rawls’s Ideal Theory [Thesis].


A legal phenomenology of images
Douzinas, Costas. (2011). A legal phenomenology of images. In In O. Ben-Dor (Ed.). Law and Art: Justice, Ethics and Aesthetics pp. 247 - 258 Routledge.

Book chapter

A liberal in the muddle: Alfred Zimmern über nationalität, internationalität und Commonwealth
Morefield, Jeanne. (2014). A liberal in the muddle: Alfred Zimmern über nationalität, internationalität und Commonwealth. In In J. Steffek and L. Holthaus (Ed.). Jenseits der Anarchie: Weltordnungsentwürfe im frühen 20. Jahrhundert pp. 96 - 123 Campus Verlag Frankfurt/New York.

Book chapter

A life of commitment and inquiry
Bilgrami, Akeel. (2016). A life of commitment and inquiry. Economic & Political Weekly. 51(53), pp. 16 - 19.

Journal article

A multiculturalism-feminism dispute: Muslim women and the Sharia debate in Canada and Australia
Ghobadzadeh, Naser. (2010). A multiculturalism-feminism dispute: Muslim women and the Sharia debate in Canada and Australia. Commonwealth & Comparative Politics. 48(3), pp. 301 - 319.

Journal article

A multiculturalism-feminism dispute: Muslim women and the Sharia debate in Canada and Australia
Ghobadzadeh, Naser. (2010). A multiculturalism-feminism dispute: Muslim women and the Sharia debate in Canada and Australia. Commonwealth & Comparative Politics. 48(3), pp. 301 - 319.

Journal article

A short history of the British Critical Legal Conference or, the responsibility of the critic
Douzinas, Costas. (2014). A short history of the British Critical Legal Conference or, the responsibility of the critic. Law and Critique: Journal of Critical Legal Studies. 25(2), pp. 187 - 198.

Journal article

A state occasion in all but name
Rose, Jacqueline. (2013). A state occasion in all but name. Women: a cultural review. 24(2-3), pp. 167 - 168.

Journal article

Action and appearance: An introduction
Barbour, Charles and Zolkos, Magdalena. (2011). Action and appearance: An introduction. In In A. Yeatman, P. Hansen and M. Zolkos (Ed.). Action and Appearance : Ethics and the Politics of Writing in Hannah Arendt pp. 1 - 9 Continuum International Publishing Group Ltd.

Book chapter

Affective ontologies: post-humanist perspectives on the self, feeling and intersubjectivity
Roelvink, Gerda and Zolkos, Magdalena. (2015). Affective ontologies: post-humanist perspectives on the self, feeling and intersubjectivity. Emotion, Space and Society. 14(1), pp. 47 - 49.

Journal article

Afterword The Black/White Binary and Antiblack Racism
Alcoff, Linda. (2013). Afterword The Black/White Binary and Antiblack Racism. Critical Philosophy of Race. 1(1), pp. 121 - 124.

Journal article

Akeel Bilgrami
Bilgrami, Akeel. (2013). Akeel Bilgrami. In In M. Baghramian (Ed.). Donald Davidson: Life and Words pp. 18 - 22 Routledge.

Book chapter

Alien and alienated
Alcoff, Linda. (2012). Alien and alienated. In In G. Yancy (Ed.). Reframing the practice of philosophy: Bodies of color, bodies of knowledge pp. 23 - 44 State University of New York Press.

Book chapter

Aliens and Citizens: The Case for Open Borders
Carens, Joseph. (2011). Aliens and Citizens: The Case for Open Borders. In In A Geddes (Ed.). pp. 33 - 351 Sage Publications Ltd..

Book chapter

Alternative Approaches to Political Theory: A Response to Miller, Bauboeck, and Abizadeh
Carens, Joseph. (2015). Alternative Approaches to Political Theory: A Response to Miller, Bauboeck, and Abizadeh. Political Theory. 43(3), pp. 401 - 411.

Journal article

An ancient Indian secular age?
Bhargava, Rajeev. (2016). An ancient Indian secular age? In In A. Bilgrami (Ed.). Beyond the secular West pp. 188 - 214 Columbia University Press.

Book chapter

An epistemology for the next revolution
Alcoff, Linda Martin. (2011). An epistemology for the next revolution. Transmodernity: Journal of Peripheral Cultural Production of the Luso-Hispanic World. 1(2), pp. 67 - 78.

Journal article

An overview of the ethics of immigration
Carens, Joseph. (2014). An overview of the ethics of immigration. Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy. 17(5), pp. 538 - 559.

Journal article

An overview of the ethics of immigration
Carens, Joseph H.. (2014). An overview of the ethics of immigration. Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy. 17(5), pp. 538 - 559.

Journal article

Ancestral guilt: Childhood as redemption and the descendants of Nazis in German cultural memory
Zolkos, Magdalena. (2016). Ancestral guilt: Childhood as redemption and the descendants of Nazis in German cultural memory. In In J. Faulkner and M. Zolkos (Ed.). Critical childhood studies and the practice of interdisciplinarity: Disciplining the child pp. 39 - 59 Lexington Books.

Book chapter

Anti-Latino racism
Alcoff, Linda. (2012). Anti-Latino racism. In In A. M. Isasi-Diaz and E. Mendieta (Ed.). Decolonizing epistemologies: Latina/o theology and philosophy pp. 107 - 126 Fordham University Press.

Book chapter

Apocalyptic themes in Jonathan Littell's The Kindly Ones (2009)
Zolkos, Magdalena. (2014). Apocalyptic themes in Jonathan Littell's The Kindly Ones (2009). In In M. Germanà and A. Mousoutzanis (Ed.). Apocalyptic discourse in contemporary culture: Post-millennial perspectives on the end of the world pp. 148 - 161 Routledge.

Book chapter

Apocalyptic writing, trauma and community in Imre Kertesz's fateless
Zolkos, Magdalena. (2010). Apocalyptic writing, trauma and community in Imre Kertesz's fateless. Angelaki. 15(3), pp. 87 - 98.

Journal article

Aporias of belonging: Jean Améry on 'being a Jew without Judaism' and the tradition of conscious pariah
Zolkos, Magdalena. (2014). Aporias of belonging: Jean Améry on 'being a Jew without Judaism' and the tradition of conscious pariah. Journal of European Studies. 44(4), pp. 362 - 377.

Journal article

Approaching the phenomenon of federal failure
Kavalski, Emilian and Zolkos, Magdalena. (2008). Approaching the phenomenon of federal failure. In In E. Kavalski and M Zolkos (Ed.). Defunct Federalisms: Critical Perspectives on Federal Failure pp. 1 - 17 Ashgate Publishing Limited.

Book chapter

Arendt's metamorphic figurations in 'The Jew as Pariah'
Zolkos, Magdalena. (2011). Arendt's metamorphic figurations in 'The Jew as Pariah'. In In A. Yeatman, P. Hansen and M. Zolkos & C. Barbour (Ed.). Action and appearance: Ethics and the politics of writing in Hannah Arendt pp. 197-213 - 213 Continuum International Publishing Group Ltd.

Book chapter

Arthur Danto has just died
Bilgrami, Akeel. (2015). Arthur Danto has just died. Critical Inquiry. 41(2), pp. 468 - 471.

Journal article

Athens revolting : Three meditations on sovereignty and one on its (possible) dismantelment
Douzinas, Costas. (2010). Athens revolting : Three meditations on sovereignty and one on its (possible) dismantelment. Law and Critique: Journal of Critical Legal Studies. 21(3), pp. 261 - 275.

Journal article

Athens revolting: Three meditations on sovereignty and one on its (possible) dismantelment
Douzinas, Costas. (2010). Athens revolting: Three meditations on sovereignty and one on its (possible) dismantelment. Law and Critique: Journal of Critical Legal Studies. 21(3), pp. 261 - 275.

Journal article

Athens rising
Douzinas, Costas. (2013). Athens rising. European Urban and Regional Studies. 20(1), pp. 134 - 138.

Journal article

Australia, the Feminist Nation?: Discourses of Gender, 'Culture' and Nation in the 'K Brothers' Gang Rapes
Grewal, Kiran. (2012). Australia, the Feminist Nation?: Discourses of Gender, 'Culture' and Nation in the 'K Brothers' Gang Rapes. Journal of Intercultural Studies. 33(5), pp. 509 - 528.

Journal article

Autonomism in theory and practice
Martin Alcoff, Linda Sharon and Alcoff, Jose. (2015). Autonomism in theory and practice. Science and Society. 79(2), pp. 221 - 242.

Journal article

Between revenge and reconciliation: The significance of truth commissions
Bhargava, Rajeev. (2016). Between revenge and reconciliation: The significance of truth commissions. In In R. C. Tripathi and P. Singh (Ed.). Perspectives on violence and othering in India pp. 197 - 214 Springer India.

Book chapter

Beyond moderate secularism
Bhargava, Rajeev. (2015). Beyond moderate secularism. In In P. Losonczi and W. Van Herck (Ed.). Secularism, religion, and politics: India and Europe Routledge.

Book chapter

Beyond the anthropocentric partitioning of the world
Kavalski, Emilian. (2018). Beyond the anthropocentric partitioning of the world. In In E. Cudworth, S. Hobden and E. Kavalski (Ed.). Posthuman Dialogues in International Relations pp. 277 - 289 Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group.

Book chapter

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