Ismail Albayrak
Contact category | Researcher |
Job title | Fethullah Gulen Chair in the Study of Islam and Muslim-Catholic R |
Research institute | School of Theology |
Faculty of Theology and Philosophy |
Research outputs
Prison life in the eyes of Bediüzzaman Said Nursi and Aleksander Solzhenitsyn : A comparative study
Albayrak, Ismail. (2023). Prison life in the eyes of Bediüzzaman Said Nursi and Aleksander Solzhenitsyn : A comparative study. Australian Journal of Islamic Studies. 8(3), pp. 16-36. article
Spiritual growth of Said Nursi and Aleksander Solzhenitsyn in prison
Albayrak, Ismail. (2023). Spiritual growth of Said Nursi and Aleksander Solzhenitsyn in prison. Religions. 14(7), p. Article 902. article
Revisiting the meaning of the Divine preservation of the Qur’an : With special references to Verse 15:9
Albayrak, Ismail. (2022). Revisiting the meaning of the Divine preservation of the Qur’an : With special references to Verse 15:9. Religions. 13(11), p. Article 1064. article
Re-evaluating the notion of isrâ and mi’râj in Ibadi tradition : With special references to the modern sirah readings
Albayrak, Ismail and Al Shueili, Sulayman. (2022). Re-evaluating the notion of isrâ and mi’râj in Ibadi tradition : With special references to the modern sirah readings. Religions. 13(10), p. Article 990. article
Use of religion in blame avoidance in a competitive authoritarian regime
Yilmaz, Ihsan, Albayrak, Ismail and Erturk, Omer. (2022). Use of religion in blame avoidance in a competitive authoritarian regime. Religions. 13(10), p. Article 876. article
Modernity, its impact on Muslim world and general characteristics of 19–20th-century revivalist–reformists’ re-reading of the Qur’an
Albayrak, Ismail. (2022). Modernity, its impact on Muslim world and general characteristics of 19–20th-century revivalist–reformists’ re-reading of the Qur’an. Religions. 13(5), p. Article 424. article
Populist and pro-violence state religion : The Diyanet’s construction of Erdoğanist Islam in Turkey
Albayrak, Ismail. (2022). Populist and pro-violence state religion : The Diyanet’s construction of Erdoğanist Islam in Turkey Palgrave Macmillan.
English qur’ān translators’ responses to pausing signs: al-waqf wa al-ʾibtidāʾ
Albayrak, Ismail. (2021). English qur’ān translators’ responses to pausing signs: al-waqf wa al-ʾibtidāʾ. Australian Journal of Islamic Studies. 6(3), pp. 14-35.Journal article
Are online fatwas credible? A critical analysis of fifty fatwas on organ donation and transplantation
Yucel, Salih and Albayrak, Ismail. (2021). Are online fatwas credible? A critical analysis of fifty fatwas on organ donation and transplantation. Religions. 12(10), p. Article 902. article
Instrumentalization of religious conspiracy theories in politics of victimhood : Narrative of Turkey’s Directorate of Religious Affairs
Yilmaz, Ihsan and Albayrak, Ismail. (2021). Instrumentalization of religious conspiracy theories in politics of victimhood : Narrative of Turkey’s Directorate of Religious Affairs. Religions. 12(841), p. Article 841. article
Religion as an authoritarian securitization and violence legitimation tool : The Erdoğanist Diyanet’s framing of a religious movement as an existential threat
Yilmaz, Ihsan and Albayrak, Ismail. (2021). Religion as an authoritarian securitization and violence legitimation tool : The Erdoğanist Diyanet’s framing of a religious movement as an existential threat. Religions. 12(8), p. Article 574. article
Re-evaluation of the notion of Jesus’ return in Ibāḍī exegetical tradition
Albayrak, İsmail. (2020). Re-evaluation of the notion of Jesus’ return in Ibāḍī exegetical tradition. In In Albayrak, İsmail (Ed.). Approaches to Ibāḍī exegetical tradition pp. 117-143 Harrassowitz Verlag. chapter
Ibāḍī Tafsīr, a historical survey
Albayrak, İsmail. (2020). Ibāḍī Tafsīr, a historical survey. In In Albayrak, İsmail (Ed.). Approaches to Ibāḍī exegetical tradition pp. 1-64 Harrassowitz Verlag. chapter
A Turkish Exegesis of the Early Twentieth Century: ELmalili Muhammad Yazir (D 1942 and his Hak Dini Ku'ran Dili
Albayrak, Ismail. (2015). A Turkish Exegesis of the Early Twentieth Century: ELmalili Muhammad Yazir (D 1942 and his Hak Dini Ku'ran Dili. In In S Taji-Farouki (Ed.). The Qur'an and its Readers Worldwide, Contemporary Commentaries and Translations pp. 163 - 194 Oxford University Press.Book chapter
The Ibadi approach to the methodology of Qur'anic exegesis
Albayrak, Ismail and al-Shueili, Sulayman. (2015). The Ibadi approach to the methodology of Qur'anic exegesis. Muslim World. 105(2), pp. 163 - 193. article
Life's beginnings and end with reference to the Fethullah Gülen
Albayrak, Ismail. (2013). Life's beginnings and end with reference to the Fethullah Gülen. The Islamic Quarterly. 57(2), pp. 85 - 116.Journal article
Harici - Ibadi Tefsir Uzerine Genel Bir Degerlendirme
Albayrak, Ismail. (2013). Harici - Ibadi Tefsir Uzerine Genel Bir Degerlendirme. In In M. A. Koc and I. Albayrak (Ed.). Tefsire Akademik Yaklasimlar pp. 133 - 181 Otto Publications.Book chapter
Ikili/Coklu Aidiyet Ve Bediuzzaman Said Nursi'nin Konuya Yaklasimi / Bediuzzaman Said Nursi's Approach to Dual-Multiple Belonging
Albayrak, Ismail. (2013). Ikili/Coklu Aidiyet Ve Bediuzzaman Said Nursi'nin Konuya Yaklasimi / Bediuzzaman Said Nursi's Approach to Dual-Multiple Belonging. Journal of Faculty of Theology, Sakarya University. 15(27), pp. 29 - 47.Journal article
The other' among us: The perception of Khariji and Ibadi Islam in the Muslim exegetical traditions
Albayrak, Ismail. (2013). The other' among us: The perception of Khariji and Ibadi Islam in the Muslim exegetical traditions. Ankara Universitesi Ilahiyat Fakultesi Dergisi. 54(1), pp. 35 - 63. article
Friday sermons and the question of home-trained Imams in Australia
Albayrak, Ismail. (2012). Friday sermons and the question of home-trained Imams in Australia. Australian Ejournal of Theology. 19(1), pp. 29 - 42.Journal article
Reading the Bible in the Light of Muslim Sources : From Isra'iliyyat to Islamiyyat
Albayrak, Ismail. (2012). Reading the Bible in the Light of Muslim Sources : From Isra'iliyyat to Islamiyyat. Islam and Christian-Muslim Relations. 23(2), pp. 113 - 127.Journal article
The Reception of Toshihiko Izutsu's Qur'anic Studies in the Muslim World : With Special Reference to Turkish Qur'anic Scholarship
Albayrak, Ismail. (2012). The Reception of Toshihiko Izutsu's Qur'anic Studies in the Muslim World : With Special Reference to Turkish Qur'anic Scholarship. Journal of Qur'anic Studies. XIV(1), pp. 73 - 106.Journal article
Risâle-i Nur'da nükte ve latifeler
Albayrak, Ismail. (2011). Risâle-i Nur'da nükte ve latifeler. Köprü.Journal article
Fethullah Gulen's Approach to Qur'anic Exegesis
Albayrak, Ismail. (2011). Fethullah Gulen's Approach to Qur'anic Exegesis. In In I Albayarak (Ed.). Mastering Knowledge in Modern Times - Fethullah Gulen as an Islamic Scholar pp. 13 - 16 Blue Dome Press.Book chapter
The exegesis and place of the Qur'an in Muslim Societies [Musluman Toplumlarda Kur'an-I Kerim' in Yeri Ve Tefsiri]
Albayrak, Ismail. (2011). The exegesis and place of the Qur'an in Muslim Societies [Musluman Toplumlarda Kur'an-I Kerim' in Yeri Ve Tefsiri]. Diyanet Ilmi Dergi. 46(1), pp. 91 - 106.Journal article
Albayrak, Ismail. (2011). Introduction. In In I Albayrak (Ed.). Mastering Knowledge in Modern Times - Fethullah Gulen as an Islamic Scholar pp. ix - xix Blue Dome Press.Book chapter
Milestones and signposts in inter-faith relations: Constitution of medina
Albayrak, Ismail. (2010). Milestones and signposts in inter-faith relations: Constitution of medina. Australian Ejournal of Theology. 16, pp. 1 - 9.Journal article
Avustralya'da muslumanlarin tarihi uzerine - on the history of Muslims in Australia
Albayrak, Ismail. (2010). Avustralya'da muslumanlarin tarihi uzerine - on the history of Muslims in Australia. Islam Ulkeleri Tarih ve cografya etutleri.Journal article
The veneration of saints and sanctity in the Islamic tradition
Albayrak, Ismail. (2010). The veneration of saints and sanctity in the Islamic tradition. In In the land of larks and heroes: Australian reflections on St Mary MacKillop pp. 121 - 139 Australasian Theological Forum Ltd.Book chapter
The Gulen Educational Movement and its contribution to global peace and tolerance
Albayrak, Ismail. (2010). The Gulen Educational Movement and its contribution to global peace and tolerance. In International Handbook of Inter-Religious Education pp. 743 - 758 Springer.Book chapter
Milestones and signposts in interfaith relations: The view from Christianity
Dupuche, John and Albayrak, Ismail. (2010). Milestones and signposts in interfaith relations: The view from Christianity. Australian Ejournal of Theology. 16, pp. 10 - 17.Journal article
The prophet (peace be on him)'s strategy while winning over Makkah (fath makkah): A paradigm for tolerance and conflict resolution
Albayrak, Ismail. (2009). The prophet (peace be on him)'s strategy while winning over Makkah (fath makkah): A paradigm for tolerance and conflict resolution. Insights: Focused on Faith Studies. 2(1), pp. 101 - 112.Journal article
Fethullah Gülen Hocaefendi Tefsir Anlayışı
Albayrak, Ismail. (2009). Fethullah Gülen Hocaefendi Tefsir Anlayışı Ufuk Publishing.Book
Five classical exegetes' commentarties on Ma'idah (the heavenly table) episode 5:111-115
Albayrak, Ismail. (2008). Five classical exegetes' commentarties on Ma'idah (the heavenly table) episode 5:111-115. Ankara Universitesi Ilahiyat Fakultesi Dergisi. 48(1), pp. 93 - 121.Journal article
The juxtaposition of Islam and violence
Albayrak, Ismail. (2006). The juxtaposition of Islam and violence. In In R.A.Hunt and Y.A.Aslogan (Ed.). Muslim Citizens of the Globalised World pp. 119 - 130 The Light, Inc & IID Press.Book chapter
The historical status of the Qur'an: Modern discussion among Turkish academics
Albayrak, Ismail. (2006). The historical status of the Qur'an: Modern discussion among Turkish academics. Islam and Christian-Muslim Relations. 17(4), pp. 457 - 469. article
Dogulu bir oryantalist: Toshihiko izutsu ve kavram calismalari (kufur kavrami ozelinde)
Albayrak, Ismail. (2005). Dogulu bir oryantalist: Toshihiko izutsu ve kavram calismalari (kufur kavrami ozelinde). Islami Arastirmalar. 18(1), pp. 108 - 121.Journal article
Turkish exegeses of the twentieth century: Hak Dini Quran Dili
Albayrak, Ismail. (2004). Turkish exegeses of the twentieth century: Hak Dini Quran Dili. Islamic Studies. 43(3), pp. 391 - 413.Journal article
Erken donem kurra igili oryantalistik bakisagisin elestiver degerlendirmesi
Albayrak, Ismail. (2004). Erken donem kurra igili oryantalistik bakisagisin elestiver degerlendirmesi. Marife: Bilimsel Birikim. 4(2), pp. 129 - 154.Journal article
Klasik modernizmde Kur'an'a yaklaşımlar (Approaches to the Qur'an in classical modernism)
Albayrak, Ismail. (2004). Klasik modernizmde Kur'an'a yaklaşımlar (Approaches to the Qur'an in classical modernism) Ensar Nesriyat.Book
Bati da son Donem Kuran Galismalarina Genel Bir Bakis
Albayrak, Ismail. (2003). Bati da son Donem Kuran Galismalarina Genel Bir Bakis. In Ismail Albayrak, Addullah Aydinli and Erdina Ahah (Ed.). Oryantalizmi Yenidne Okumark; Batilda Islam Galismalari Sempozyumu. Ankara,Turkey: Diyanet Isteri Baskonligi Yayinlari (TDU).Conference item
Kuran ve Tetst Agisindan Hzir Kissas, ve Ledun iimi
Albayrak, Ismail. (2003). Kuran ve Tetst Agisindan Hzir Kissas, ve Ledun iimi. Istanbul,Turkey: Flimlr Arastirma Vakfi.Conference item
A general outlook for orientalistic discourse on the chronology of the Quran
Albayrak, Ismail. (2003). A general outlook for orientalistic discourse on the chronology of the Quran. Marife: Bilimsel Birikim. 1, pp. 155 - 164.Journal article
The nation of Muhkam and Anutashabih in the commentary of Elmalili Muhammad Harndi Yazir
Albayrak, Ismail. (2003). The nation of Muhkam and Anutashabih in the commentary of Elmalili Muhammad Harndi Yazir. Journal of Qur'anic Studies. 5(1), pp. 19 - 34.Journal article
The classical exegetes' analysis of the Quranic narrative 18:60-82
Albayrak, Ismail. (2003). The classical exegetes' analysis of the Quranic narrative 18:60-82. Islamic Studies. 42(R-602), pp. 289 - 315.Journal article
Israiliyyat and classical exegetes' comments on the calf with a hallow sound on 22:33-98 1 7:147-155 with special reference to 16n Attiyya
Albayrak, Ismail. (2002). Israiliyyat and classical exegetes' comments on the calf with a hallow sound on 22:33-98 1 7:147-155 with special reference to 16n Attiyya. Journal of Semitic Studies. 47(1), pp. 39 - 65.Journal article
Metinsel diyalog: Islamiyat
Albayrak, Ismail. (2002). Metinsel diyalog: Islamiyat. Islamiyat. 5(3), pp. 109 - 122.Journal article
Private collection of secondary sources
Albayrak, Ismail. (1970). Private collection of secondary sources [Dataset]. Australian Catholic University.
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