Anthony Kelly

Contact categoryResearcher (past)
Job titleProfessor (Theology)
Research instituteSchool of Theology
Faculty of Theology and Philosophy

Research outputs

Human consciousness, God and creation
Kelly, Anthony. (2015). Human consciousness, God and creation. Pacifica: Australasian theological studies. 28(1), pp. 3 - 22.

Journal article

Vatican II: Spirit and Letter
Kelly, Anthony. (2015). Vatican II: Spirit and Letter. In In N. Zimmerman (Ed.). The great grace: Receiving Vatican II today pp. 75 - 88 Bloomsbury T & T Clark.

Book chapter

Human Conciousness, God and Creation
Kelly, Anthony. (2015). Human Conciousness, God and Creation. Pacifica: Australasian theological studies. 28(1), pp. 3 - 22.

Journal article

The ascension and the eucharist
Kelly, Anthony. (2013). The ascension and the eucharist. Irish Theological Quarterly. 78(4), pp. 338 - 350.

Journal article

God is love : the heart of Christian faith
Kelly, Anthony. (2012). God is love : the heart of Christian faith Liturgical Press, the.


Making the resurrection reasonable : or reason 'resurrectional'?
Kelly, Anthony. (2012). Making the resurrection reasonable : or reason 'resurrectional'? In In J Bloechl (Ed.). Christianity and secular reason: classical themes and modern developments pp. 187 - 216 University of Notre Dame Press.

Book chapter

Christian spirituality in Oceania : an Australian perspective
Kelly, Anthony. (2012). Christian spirituality in Oceania : an Australian perspective. In In P Tyler and R Woods (Ed.). The Bloomsbury Guide to Christian Spirituality pp. 315 - 325 Bloomsbury Publishing.

Book chapter

Beyond locked doors : The breath of the risen One
Kelly, Anthony. (2012). Beyond locked doors : The breath of the risen One. In In S Cowdell, C Fleming and J Hodge (Ed.). Violence, desire, and the sacred: Girard's mimetic theory across the disciplines pp. 69 - 85 Continuum International Publishing Group Ltd.

Book chapter

Faith as Sight? Toward a phenomenology of revelation
Kelly, Anthony. (2012). Faith as Sight? Toward a phenomenology of revelation. Australian Ejournal of Theology. 19(3), pp. 180 - 194.

Journal article

Theology and theological education in Australia in the wake of Vatican II
Kelly, Anthony. (2012). Theology and theological education in Australia in the wake of Vatican II. In In N Ormerod, O Rush and D Pascoe (Ed.). Vatican II: Reception and implementation in the Australian Church pp. 258 - 273 Garratt Publishing.

Book chapter

Refreshing Experience : The Christ-Event as Fact, Classic, and Phenomenon
Kelly, Anthony. (2012). Refreshing Experience : The Christ-Event as Fact, Classic, and Phenomenon. Irish Theological Quarterly (online version). 77(4), pp. 335 - 348.

Journal article

The risen Christ and interfaith dialogue
Kelly, Anthony. (2012). The risen Christ and interfaith dialogue. In In G Hall and J Hendriks (Ed.). Dreaming a New Earth: Raimon Panikkar and Indigenous Spiritualities pp. 116 - 126 Mosaic Press.

Book chapter

Be Attentive : Theological Method and the Christian Phenomenon
Kelly, Anthony. (2011). Be Attentive : Theological Method and the Christian Phenomenon. In In N Ormerod, R Koning and D Braithwaite (Ed.). Fifty years of Insight: Bernard Lonergan's contribution to philosophy and theology pp. 93 - 107 Australasian Theological Forum Ltd.

Book chapter

'A Luminousness of Explanation which is New' : A Fresh Presentation of Faith?
Kelly, Anthony. (2011). 'A Luminousness of Explanation which is New' : A Fresh Presentation of Faith? In In B Leahy and S O'Connell (Ed.). Having Life in His Name: Living, Thinking and Communicating the Christian Life of Faith pp. 123 - 136 Veritas Publications.

Book chapter

The resurrection and the foundations of moral theology
Kelly, Anthony. (2010). The resurrection and the foundations of moral theology. Studia Moralia. 48(2), pp. 349 - 369.

Journal article

The exegete and the theologian: Is collaboration possible?
Kelly, Anthony. (2010). The exegete and the theologian: Is collaboration possible? Australian Ejournal of Theology.

Journal article

The body of Christ: Amen!: The expanding incarnation
Kelly, Anthony. (2010). The body of Christ: Amen!: The expanding incarnation. Theological Studies. 71(4), pp. 792 - 816.

Journal article

Conversation on Paul Oslington's Deus Economicus
Kelly, Anthony and Ormerod, Neil. (2009). Conversation on Paul Oslington's Deus Economicus. Australian Ejournal of Theology.

Journal article

Mary: Icon of Trinitarian love
Kelly, Anthony. (2009). Mary: Icon of Trinitarian love. Australian Ejournal of Theology.

Journal article

The art and architecture of faith
Kelly, Anthony. (2009). The art and architecture of faith. Australasian Catholic Record. 86(4), pp. 416 - 425.

Journal article

Hope for unbaptised infants: Holy innocents after all?
Kelly, Anthony. (2008). Hope for unbaptised infants: Holy innocents after all? In In P. McKinley Brennan (Ed.). The vocation of the child pp. 215 - 239 William Eerdmans Publishing.

Book chapter

A tradition of hopeful intelligence
Kelly, Anthony. (2008). A tradition of hopeful intelligence. Compass: a review of topical theology. 42(1), pp. 20 - 34.

Journal article

The resurrection effect: Transforming Christian life and thought
Kelly, Anthony. (2008). The resurrection effect: Transforming Christian life and thought Orbis Books.


The global significance of natural law: Opportunities, quandaries and directions
Kelly, Anthony. (2008). The global significance of natural law: Opportunities, quandaries and directions. Australian Ejournal of Theology. 12, pp. 1 - 31.

Journal article

The intentionality of Christian dialogue
Kelly, Anthony. (2008). The intentionality of Christian dialogue. Irish Theological Quarterly. 73(April), pp. 263 - 281.

Journal article

Face, flesh, fire and spirit: John Paul II’s eucharistic vision
Kelly, Anthony. (2007). Face, flesh, fire and spirit: John Paul II’s eucharistic vision. In In R. Gascoigne (Ed.). John Paul II: legacy and witness pp. 94 - 110 St Pauls Publications.

Book chapter

The resurrection and moral theology: Does it make any difference
Kelly, Anthony. (2007). The resurrection and moral theology: Does it make any difference. Australian Ejournal of Theology.

Journal article

The Italian experience: Lessons in catholicity for the emerging multi-cultural church in Australia
Kelly, Anthony. (2007). The Italian experience: Lessons in catholicity for the emerging multi-cultural church in Australia. In In A. Paganoni (Ed.). The Pastoral Care of Italians in Australia: Memory and Prophecy pp. 145 - 168 Connor Court Publishing.

Book chapter

Easter and the empty tomb
Kelly, Anthony. (2006). Easter and the empty tomb. Australian Ejournal of Theology. 7(1), pp. 1 - 7.

Journal article

Dimensions of adult religious education
Kelly, Anthony. (2006). Dimensions of adult religious education. In In M. de Souza et al (Ed.). International Handbook of the Religious, Moral and Spiritual Dimensions in Education pp. 815 - 830 Springer Academic Publishers.

Book chapter

Eschatology and hope
Kelly, Anthony. (2006). Eschatology and hope Orbis Books.


Subjectivity, objectivity, and the resurrection
Kelly, Anthony. (2006). Subjectivity, objectivity, and the resurrection. Australian Ejournal of Theology.

Journal article

Intelligent design-or design of intelligence?
Kelly, Anthony J.. (2005). Intelligent design-or design of intelligence? Ethics Education. 11(2), pp. 3-9.

Journal article

Theology and religious education
Kelly, Anthony. (2005). Theology and religious education. Journal of Religious Education. 53(4), pp. 1 - 3.

Journal article

Teaching and learning in the university: A theological perspective
Kelly, Anthony. (2005). Teaching and learning in the university: A theological perspective. Australian Ejournal of Theology. 4(February), pp. 1 - 15.

Journal article

Dimensions of meaning: Theology and exegesis
Kelly, Anthony. (2005). Dimensions of meaning: Theology and exegesis. In In R. M. Chennattu and M. L. Coloe (Ed.). Transcending boundaries: Contemporary readings of the New Testament pp. 41 - 55 Libreria Ateneo Salesiano.

Book chapter

The life of wisdom
Kelly, Anthony. (2005). The life of wisdom. In In M.A.Kelly and M.A. O'Brien (Ed.). Wisdom for Life pp. 139 - 151 Australian Theological Forum Press.

Book chapter

A tradition of hopeful intelligence: The Catholic intellectual tradition
Kelly, Anthony. (2005). A tradition of hopeful intelligence: The Catholic intellectual tradition. Australian Ejournal of Theology. 5(August), pp. 1 - 32.

Journal article

An instructive conflict (John 7:1-8:59)
Kelly, Anthony. (2005). An instructive conflict (John 7:1-8:59). Scripture in Church (print version). 35(139), pp. 116 - 128.

Journal article

Was Thomas Aquinas a deconstructionist? The gift of the spirit and the experience of grace
Kelly, Anthony. (2004). Was Thomas Aquinas a deconstructionist? The gift of the spirit and the experience of grace. In In A. Fisher and H. Ramsay (Ed.). Faith and reason : Friends or Foes in the New Millennium? pp. 285 - 299 Australian Theological Forum Press.

Book chapter

Mary and the Creed: Icon of Trinitarian Love
Kelly, Anthony. (2004). Mary and the Creed: Icon of Trinitarian Love. Irish Theological Quarterly. 69, pp. 17 - 30.

Journal article

Making sense of tradition
Kelly, Anthony. (2004). Making sense of tradition. In In R. Lennan (Ed.). The possibility of belief : The Challenges and Prospects of Catholic Faith pp. 119 - 136 St Pauls Publications.

Book chapter

Reflections on Spirituality and the Church
Kelly, Anthony. (2004). Reflections on Spirituality and the Church. Compass: a review of topical theology. 38(3), pp. 19 - 27.

Journal article

A multidimensional disclosure: Aspects of Aquinas's theological intentionality
Kelly, Anthony. (2003). A multidimensional disclosure: Aspects of Aquinas's theological intentionality. Thomist. 67(3), pp. 335 - 374.

Journal article

Augustine's trinitarian interiority: The truth in the heart
Kelly, Anthony. (2003). Augustine's trinitarian interiority: The truth in the heart. In In B. Neil, Geoffrey D. Dunn and L. Cross (Ed.). Prayer and Spirituality in the Early Church III: Liturgy and Life pp. 273 - 289 St Pauls Publications.

Book chapter

Experiencing God in the Gospel of John
Kelly, Anthony and Moloney, Francis. (2003). Experiencing God in the Gospel of John Paulist Press.


Faith seeking fantasy: Tolkien on Fairy-Stories
Kelly, Anthony. (2002). Faith seeking fantasy: Tolkien on Fairy-Stories. Global Change, Peace and Security. 15, pp. 190 - 208.

Journal article

Grace: Meaning and Catholic Education
Kelly, Anthony. (2002). Grace: Meaning and Catholic Education. In In Deirdre J. Duncan and Dan Riley (Ed.). pp. 1 - 16 Harper Collins.

Book chapter

Passing through history and the experience of selfhood: An issue for education and ministry
Kelly, Anthony. (2002). Passing through history and the experience of selfhood: An issue for education and ministry. Journal of Religious Education. 50(3), pp. 14 - 20.

Journal article

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