Bronwen Jennifer Neil
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Research outputs
Memories of utopia : The revision of histories and landscapes in Late Antiquity
In Neil, Bronwen and Simic, Kosta (Ed.). (2019). Memories of utopia : The revision of histories and landscapes in Late Antiquity Routledge.
Reading first Thessalonians as a consolatory letter in light of Seneca and ancient handbooks on letter-writing
Neil, Bronwen. (2016). Reading first Thessalonians as a consolatory letter in light of Seneca and ancient handbooks on letter-writing. New Testament Studies. 62(1), pp. 31 - 48. article
Studying dream interpretation from early Christianity to the rise of Islam
Neil, Bronwen Jennifer. (2016). Studying dream interpretation from early Christianity to the rise of Islam. Journal of Religious History. 40(1), pp. 44 - 64. article
Theophanes Confessor on the Arab Conquest: The Latin Version of Anastasius Bibliothecarius
Neil, Bronwen. (2016). Theophanes Confessor on the Arab Conquest: The Latin Version of Anastasius Bibliothecarius. Centre de Recherche d'Histoire et Civilisation de Byzance: Travaux et Memoires. 19, pp. 149 - 157.Journal article
De Profundis: The Letters and Archives of Pelagius I of Rome (556-561)
Neil, Bronwen. (2015). De Profundis: The Letters and Archives of Pelagius I of Rome (556-561). In In P. Allen and B. Neil (Ed.). Collecting Early Christian Letters: From the Apostle Paul to Late Antiquity pp. 206 - 220 Cambridge University Press.Book chapter
The Oxford handbook of Maximus the Confessor
Allen, Pauline and Neil, Bronwen. (2015). The Oxford handbook of Maximus the Confessor Oxford University Press.
Dream Interpretation and Christian Identity in Late Antique Rome and Byzantium
Neil, Bronwen. (2015). Dream Interpretation and Christian Identity in Late Antique Rome and Byzantium. In In G.D. Dunn and W. Mayer (Ed.). Christians Shaping Identity from the Roman Empire to Bysantium: Studies Inspired by Pauline Allen pp. 321 - 341 Brill.Book chapter
Collecting early Christian Letters: From the Apostle Paul to Late Antiquity
Neil, Bronwen and Allen, Pauline. (2015). Collecting early Christian Letters: From the Apostle Paul to Late Antiquity Cambridge University Press.
Continuities and changes in the practice of letter-collecting from Cicero to Late Antiquity
Neil, Bronwen. (2015). Continuities and changes in the practice of letter-collecting from Cicero to Late Antiquity. In In P. Allen and B. Neil (Ed.). Collecting Early Christian Letters: From the Apostle Paul to Late Antiquity pp. 3 - 17 Cambridge University Press.Book chapter
Divine Providence and the Gnomic Will Before Maximus
Neil, Bronwen. (2015). Divine Providence and the Gnomic Will Before Maximus. In In Pauline Allen and Bronwen Neil (Ed.). The Oxford Handbook of Maximus the Confessor pp. 235 - 249 Oxford University Press.Book chapter
Crisis in the Letters of Gelasius I (492-496): A New Model of Crisis Management?
Neil, Bronwen. (2015). Crisis in the Letters of Gelasius I (492-496): A New Model of Crisis Management? In In G.D. Dunn (Ed.). The Bishop of Rome in Late Antiquity pp. 155 - 174 Ashgate Publishing Limited.Book chapter
The Letters of Gelasius I (492-496) : Pastor and micro-manager of the Church of Rome
Neil, Bronwen and Allen, Pauline. (2014). The Letters of Gelasius I (492-496) : Pastor and micro-manager of the Church of Rome Brepols.Book
Crisis Management in Late Antiquity (410-590 CE): A Survey of the Evidence from Episcopal Letters
Allen, Pauline and Neil, Bronwen. (2013). Crisis Management in Late Antiquity (410-590 CE): A Survey of the Evidence from Episcopal Letters E.J. Brill Academic Publishers.Book
The Decretals of Gelasius 1: Making Canon Law in Late Antiquity
Neil, Bronwen. (2013). The Decretals of Gelasius 1: Making Canon Law in Late Antiquity. In V. Grossi (Ed.). XL Incontro di Studiosi del-Antichità Cristiana (Roma, 10-12 maggio 2012). Italy: Institutum Patristicum Augustinianum. pp. 657 - 667Conference item
A crisis of orthodoxy: Leo I's fight against the 'Deadly Disease' of Heresy
Neil, Bronwen. (2012). A crisis of orthodoxy: Leo I's fight against the 'Deadly Disease' of Heresy. In In DC Sim and P Allen (Ed.). pp. 144 - 158 T&T Clark International.Book chapter
Divine providence and free will in Gregory of Nyssa and his theological milieu
Neil, Bronwen. (2012). Divine providence and free will in Gregory of Nyssa and his theological milieu. Phronema. 27(2), pp. 35 - 51.Journal article
A crisis of orthodoxy: Leo I's fight against the 'Deadly Disease' of Heresy
Neil, Bronwen. (2012). A crisis of orthodoxy: Leo I's fight against the 'Deadly Disease' of Heresy. In In D Sim and P Allen (Ed.). pp. 144 - 159 T&T Clark International.Book chapter
Crisis and wealth in Byzantine Italy: the Libri Pontificales of Rome and Ravenna
Neil, Bronwen. (2012). Crisis and wealth in Byzantine Italy: the Libri Pontificales of Rome and Ravenna. Byzantion: revue internationale des etudes byzantines. 82, pp. 279 - 303.Journal article
Pagan ritual and Christian liturgy: Leo the Great's preaching on sun-worship
Neil, Bronwen. (2011). Pagan ritual and Christian liturgy: Leo the Great's preaching on sun-worship. In In W. Kinzig, U. Volp and J. Schmidt (Ed.). Liturgie und Ritual in der Alten Kirche pp. 127 - 140 Peeters Publishing.Book chapter
Displaced peoples: Reflections from Late Antiquity on a contemporary crisis
Neil, Bronwen and Allen, Pauline. (2011). Displaced peoples: Reflections from Late Antiquity on a contemporary crisis. Pacifica: Australasian theological studies (print version). 24(1), pp. 29 - 42. article
Discourses on the Poor in the Psalms : Augustine's Enarrationes in Psalmos
Allen, Pauline and Neil, Bronwen J.. (2011). Discourses on the Poor in the Psalms : Augustine's Enarrationes in Psalmos. In In A Andreopoulos, A Casiday and C Harrison (Ed.). Meditations of the Heart: The Psalms in Early Christian Thought and Practice pp. 181 - 204 Brepols.Book chapter
Imperial Benefactions to the Fifth-century Roman Church
Neil, Bronwen J.. (2011). Imperial Benefactions to the Fifth-century Roman Church. In In G Nathan and L Garland (Ed.). Basileia: Essays on Imperium and Culture in Honour of E.M. and M.J. Jeffreys pp. 55 - 66 Australian Association for Byzantine Studies.Book chapter
From Tristia to Gaudia : The exile and martyrdom of Pope Martin I
Neil, Bronwen. (2010). From Tristia to Gaudia : The exile and martyrdom of Pope Martin I. In In J. Leemans (Ed.). Martyrdom and Persecution in Late Antique Christianity: Festschrift in honour of Boudewijn Dehandschutter pp. 179 - 194 Peeters Publishing.Book chapter
Blessed are the rich: Leo the Great and the Roman poor
Neil, Bronwen. (2010). Blessed are the rich: Leo the Great and the Roman poor. In J Baun, A Cameron and M Edwards &M Vinzent (Ed.). Belgium: Peeters Publishing.Conference item
Crisis management in late antiquity: The evidence of Episcopal Letters
Allen, Pauline and Neil, Bronwen. (2010). Crisis management in late antiquity: The evidence of Episcopal Letters [Dataset]. Australian Catholic University.
Models of gift-giving in the preaching of Leo the Great
Neil, Bronwen. (2010). Models of gift-giving in the preaching of Leo the Great. Journal of Early Christian Studies. 18(2), pp. 225 - 259. article
Spiritual peace and civic harmony in Leo the Great's Sermo 95
Neil, Bronwen. (2010). Spiritual peace and civic harmony in Leo the Great's Sermo 95. In In David Luckensmeyer and Pauline Allen (Ed.). Studies of Religion and Politics in the Early Christian Centuries pp. 263 - 286 St Pauls Publications.Book chapter
Preaching poverty in late antiquity: Perceptions and realities
Allen, Pauline, Neil, Bronwen Jennifer and Mayer, Wendy Elizabeth. (2009). Preaching poverty in late antiquity: Perceptions and realities Evangelische Verlagsanstalt.Book
Anastasius bibliothecarius
Neil, Bronwen Jennifer. (2009). Anastasius bibliothecarius. In In D. Thomas, B Roggema and J. Sala et al. (Ed.). Christian-Muslim relations: a bibliographical history pp. 786 - 790 E.J. Brill Academic Publishers.Book chapter
Leo the Great
Neil, Bronwen. (2009). Leo the Great Routledge.Book
The politics of hagiography in ninth-century Rome
Neil, Bronwen Jennifer. (2007). The politics of hagiography in ninth-century Rome. In In C. Bishop (Ed.). Text and Transmission in Medieval Europe pp. 58 - 75 Cambridge Scholars Publishing.Book chapter
Blessed is poverty: Leo the great on almsgiving
Neil, Bronwen. (2007). Blessed is poverty: Leo the great on almsgiving. Sacris Erudiri: A Journal on the Inheritance of Early and Medieval Christianity. 46, pp. 143 - 156. article
Towards defining a Christian culture: The Christian transformation of classical literature
Neil, Bronwen. (2007). Towards defining a Christian culture: The Christian transformation of classical literature. In In A. Casiday and F. Norris (Ed.). The Cambridge History of Christianity; volume 2 pp. 317 - 342 Cambridge University Press. chapter
Exploring the limits of literal exegesis: Augustine's reading of gen 1:26
Neil, Bronwen. (2006). Exploring the limits of literal exegesis: Augustine's reading of gen 1:26. Pacifica: Australasian theological studies. 19, pp. 144 - 155.Journal article
The miracles of Saints Cyrus and John: The Greek text and its transmission
Neil, Bronwen. (2006). The miracles of Saints Cyrus and John: The Greek text and its transmission. Journal of the Australian Early Medieval Association. 2, pp. 183 - 193.Journal article
On true humility: An anonymous letter on poverty and the female ascetic
Neil, Bronwen Jennifer. (2006). On true humility: An anonymous letter on poverty and the female ascetic. In In W. Mayer, P. Allen and L. Cross (Ed.). Prayer and Spirituality in the Early Church IV: The Spiritual Life pp. 233 - 246 St Pauls Publications.Book chapter
Narrating the Trials and Deaths of Martin I and Maximus the Confessor
Neil, Bronwen Jennifer. (2006). Narrating the Trials and Deaths of Martin I and Maximus the Confessor. In J. Burke (Ed.). Byzantine Narrative: Papers in Honour of Roger Scott. Canberra, Australia: Australian Association for Byzantine Studies. pp. 71 - 83Conference item
Letter of Vigilius to John
Neil, Bronwen Jennifer. (2006). Letter of Vigilius to John. In In J. Behr (Ed.). John Chrysostom. The Cult of the Saints pp. 265 - 280 St Vladmir's Seminary Press.Book chapter
Commemorating Pope Martin 1 :his trial in Constantinople
Neil, Bronwen Jennifer. (2006). Commemorating Pope Martin 1 :his trial in Constantinople. Studia Patristica 39. Leuven, Belgium: Peeters Publishing.Conference item
Seventh-century popes and martyrs: The political hagiography of Anastasius Bibliothecarius
Neil, Bronwen Jennifer. (2006). Seventh-century popes and martyrs: The political hagiography of Anastasius Bibliothecarius Turnhout.Book
"The blessed passion of holy love": Maximus the confessor's spiritual psychology
Neil, Bronwen. (2004). "The blessed passion of holy love": Maximus the confessor's spiritual psychology. Australian Ejournal of Theology. February(2), pp. 1 - 8.Journal article
It is I who am a man; you who are women: Sayings of the desert mothers
Neil, Bronwen. (2004). It is I who am a man; you who are women: Sayings of the desert mothers. Women-Church. 35(Spring), pp. 11 - 15.Journal article
The introduction of old church Slavonic to the first Bulgarian empire: The role of St. Cyril and Methodius
Neil, Bronwen Jennifer. (2004). The introduction of old church Slavonic to the first Bulgarian empire: The role of St. Cyril and Methodius. In In B. Janssens, B. Roosen and P. Van Deun (Ed.). Orientalia Lovaniensia Analecta pp. 455 - 474 Peeters Publishing.Book chapter
The life of Maximus the Confessor: Recension 3
Allen, Pauline and Neil, Bronwen Jennifer. (2003). The life of Maximus the Confessor: Recension 3 St Pauls Publications.Book
Two views of vice and virtue: Augustine of Hippo and Maximus the Confessor
Neil, Bronwen Jennifer. (2003). Two views of vice and virtue: Augustine of Hippo and Maximus the Confessor. In In B. Neil, G. Dunn and L. Cross (Ed.). Prayer and Spirituality in the Early Church III: Liturgy and Life pp. 261 - 271 St Pauls Publications.Book chapter
The cult of Pope Clement in ninth-century Rome
Neil, Bronwen. (2003). The cult of Pope Clement in ninth-century Rome. Ephemerides Liturgicae: commentarium trimestre de re liturgica. 117, pp. 103 - 113.Journal article
Rufinus' translation of the epistola clementis ad iacobum
Neil, Bronwen. (2003). Rufinus' translation of the epistola clementis ad iacobum. Augustinianum. 43, pp. 25 - 39.Journal article
Maximus the Confessor and his companions: Documents from exile
Allen, Pauline and Neil, Bronwen Jennifer. (2002). Maximus the Confessor and his companions: Documents from exile Oxford University Press.Book
A critical edition of Anastasius Bibliothecarius' Latin Translation of Greek Documents Pertaining to the Life of Maximus the Confessor, with an analysis of Anastasius' translation methodology, and an english translation of the latin text
Neil, Bronwen. (1998). A critical edition of Anastasius Bibliothecarius' Latin Translation of Greek Documents Pertaining to the Life of Maximus the Confessor, with an analysis of Anastasius' translation methodology, and an english translation of the latin text [Thesis].
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