Preaching poverty in late antiquity: Perceptions and realities


Allen, Pauline, Neil, Bronwen Jennifer and Mayer, Wendy Elizabeth. (2009). Preaching poverty in late antiquity: Perceptions and realities Evangelische Verlagsanstalt.
AuthorsAllen, Pauline, Neil, Bronwen Jennifer and Mayer, Wendy Elizabeth

In 2002 the influential scholar of Late Antiquity, Peter Brown, published a series of lectures as a monograph titled Poverty and Leadership in the Later Roman Empire. Brown set out to explain a trend in the late Roman world observed in the 1970s by French social and economic historians, especially Paul Veyne and Evelyn Patlagean, namely that prior to the fourth century and the rise in dominance of Christianity, the poor in society went unrecognized as an economic category. This corresponded with the Greco-Roman understanding of patronage, whereby the state and private donors concentrated their largesse upon the citizen body. Non-citizens, for instance, were excluded from the dole system, in which grain was distributed to citizens of a city regardless of their economic status. By the end of the sixth century, rich and poor were not only recognized economic categories, but the largesse of private citizens was now focused on the poor. Brown proposed that the Christian bishop lay at the heart of this change. The authors set out to test Brown's thesis amid growing interest in the poor and their role in early Christianity and in Late Antique society. They find that the development and its causes were more subtle and complex than Brown proposed and that his account is inadequate on a number of crucial points including rhetorical distortion of the realities of poverty in episcopal letters, homilies and hagiography, the episcopal emphasis on discriminate giving and self-interested giving, and the degree to which existing civic patronage structures adhered in the Later Roman Empire of the fourth and fifth centuries.

KeywordsReligion and Religious Studies
Research GroupCentre for Biblical and Early Christian Studies
PublisherEvangelische Verlagsanstalt
Place of publicationGermany
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Neil, Bronwen. (2006). The miracles of Saints Cyrus and John: The Greek text and its transmission. Journal of the Australian Early Medieval Association. 2, pp. 183 - 193.
On true humility: An anonymous letter on poverty and the female ascetic
Neil, Bronwen Jennifer. (2006). On true humility: An anonymous letter on poverty and the female ascetic. In In W. Mayer, P. Allen and L. Cross (Ed.). Prayer and Spirituality in the Early Church IV: The Spiritual Life pp. 233 - 246 St Pauls Publications.
Narrating the Trials and Deaths of Martin I and Maximus the Confessor
Neil, Bronwen Jennifer. (2006). Narrating the Trials and Deaths of Martin I and Maximus the Confessor. In J. Burke (Ed.). Byzantine Narrative: Papers in Honour of Roger Scott. Canberra, Australia: Australian Association for Byzantine Studies. pp. 71 - 83
Letter of Vigilius to John
Neil, Bronwen Jennifer. (2006). Letter of Vigilius to John. In In J. Behr (Ed.). John Chrysostom. The Cult of the Saints pp. 265 - 280 St Vladmir's Seminary Press.
Commemorating Pope Martin 1 :his trial in Constantinople
Neil, Bronwen Jennifer. (2006). Commemorating Pope Martin 1 :his trial in Constantinople. Studia Patristica 39. Leuven, Belgium: Peeters Publishing.
Seventh-century popes and martyrs: The political hagiography of Anastasius Bibliothecarius
Neil, Bronwen Jennifer. (2006). Seventh-century popes and martyrs: The political hagiography of Anastasius Bibliothecarius Turnhout.
The horizons of a bishop's world: The letters of Augustine of Hippo
Allen, Pauline. (2006). The horizons of a bishop's world: The letters of Augustine of Hippo. In In W. Mayer, P. Allen and L. Cross (Ed.). Prayer and Spirituality in the Early Church IV: The Spiritual Life pp. 327 - 337 St Pauls Publications.
The International Mariology Project: A case-study of Augustine's letters
Allen, Pauline. (2006). The International Mariology Project: A case-study of Augustine's letters. Vigiliae Christinane. 60(2), pp. 209 - 230.
The life and thought of a heretic: The case of Severus of Antioch
Allen, Pauline. (2005). The life and thought of a heretic: The case of Severus of Antioch. Patristica: Proceedings of the Colloquia of the Japanese Society for Patristic Studies. 9, pp. 5 - 37.
Progress in the Field of Chrysostom Studies (1984-2004)
Mayer, Wendy Elizabeth. (2005). Progress in the Field of Chrysostom Studies (1984-2004). In Vittorino Grossi (Ed.). Studia Ephemeridis Augustinianum. Rome, Italy: Institutum Patristicum Augustinianum.
The Homilies of St John Chrysostom: Provenance: Reshaping the foundations
Mayer, Wendy. (2005). The Homilies of St John Chrysostom: Provenance: Reshaping the foundations Pontificio Istituto Orientale.
"The blessed passion of holy love": Maximus the confessor's spiritual psychology
Neil, Bronwen. (2004). "The blessed passion of holy love": Maximus the confessor's spiritual psychology. Australian Ejournal of Theology. February(2), pp. 1 - 8.
It is I who am a man; you who are women: Sayings of the desert mothers
Neil, Bronwen. (2004). It is I who am a man; you who are women: Sayings of the desert mothers. Women-Church. 35(Spring), pp. 11 - 15.
Severus of Antioch
Allen, Pauline and Hayward, C. T. R.. (2004). Severus of Antioch Routledge.
The introduction of old church Slavonic to the first Bulgarian empire: The role of St. Cyril and Methodius
Neil, Bronwen Jennifer. (2004). The introduction of old church Slavonic to the first Bulgarian empire: The role of St. Cyril and Methodius. In In B. Janssens, B. Roosen and P. Van Deun (Ed.). Orientalia Lovaniensia Analecta pp. 455 - 474 Peeters Publishing.
John Chrysostom as bishop: The view from Antioch
Mayer, Wendy. (2004). John Chrysostom as bishop: The view from Antioch. Journal of Ecclesiastical History. 55(3), pp. 455 - 466.
Basil of Caesarea
Allen, Pauline. (2003). Basil of Caesarea. In In J. Leemans and P. Allen (Ed.). Let us die that we may live': Greek Homilies on Christian Martyrs from Asia Minor; Palestine and Syria pp. 55 - 76 Routledge.
The life of Maximus the Confessor: Recension 3
Allen, Pauline and Neil, Bronwen Jennifer. (2003). The life of Maximus the Confessor: Recension 3 St Pauls Publications.
Hesychius of Jerusalem
Allen, Pauline. (2003). Hesychius of Jerusalem. In In J. Lemmans, W. Mayer and P. Allen et al. (Ed.). Let us die that we may live': Greek Homilies on Christian Martyrs from Asia Minor; Palestine and Syria pp. 194 - 213 Routledge.
John Chrysostom
Mayer, Wendy Elizabeth. (2003). John Chrysostom. In In J. Leemans, W. Mayer and P. Allen et al. (Ed.). Let us die that we may live': Greek Homilies on Christian Martyrs from Asia Minor; Palestine and Syria pp. 111 - 161 Routledge.
Two views of vice and virtue: Augustine of Hippo and Maximus the Confessor
Neil, Bronwen Jennifer. (2003). Two views of vice and virtue: Augustine of Hippo and Maximus the Confessor. In In B. Neil, G. Dunn and L. Cross (Ed.). Prayer and Spirituality in the Early Church III: Liturgy and Life pp. 261 - 271 St Pauls Publications.
The cult of Pope Clement in ninth-century Rome
Neil, Bronwen. (2003). The cult of Pope Clement in ninth-century Rome. Ephemerides Liturgicae: commentarium trimestre de re liturgica. 117, pp. 103 - 113.
Rufinus' translation of the epistola clementis ad iacobum
Neil, Bronwen. (2003). Rufinus' translation of the epistola clementis ad iacobum. Augustinianum. 43, pp. 25 - 39.
Basil of Caesarea
Allen, Pauline. (2003). Basil of Caesarea. In 'Let us die that we may live': Greek homilies on Christian martyrs from Asia Minor, Palestine and Syria (c. AD 350 - AD 450) pp. 55 - 77 Routledge.
Antioch and the west in late antiquity
Mayer, Wendy. (2003). Antioch and the west in late antiquity. Byzantinoslavica: revue internationale des etudes byzantines. 61, pp. 5 - 32.
Maximus the Confessor and his companions: Documents from exile
Allen, Pauline and Neil, Bronwen Jennifer. (2002). Maximus the Confessor and his companions: Documents from exile Oxford University Press.
A critical edition of Anastasius Bibliothecarius' Latin Translation of Greek Documents Pertaining to the Life of Maximus the Confessor, with an analysis of Anastasius' translation methodology, and an english translation of the latin text
Neil, Bronwen. (1998). A critical edition of Anastasius Bibliothecarius' Latin Translation of Greek Documents Pertaining to the Life of Maximus the Confessor, with an analysis of Anastasius' translation methodology, and an english translation of the latin text [Thesis].