Neil James Ormerod
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Research outputs
The quest for the historical Jesus as an experiment in theological method : A Lonerganian perspective
Ormerod, Neil. (2020). The quest for the historical Jesus as an experiment in theological method : A Lonerganian perspective. Irish Theological Quarterly. 85(4), pp. 389-404. article
Sacred heart, beatific mind : Exploring the consciousness of Jesus
Ormerod, Neil and Jacobs-Vandegeer, Christiaan. (2018). Sacred heart, beatific mind : Exploring the consciousness of Jesus. Theological Studies. 79(4), pp. 729-744. article
Social science and ideological critiques of ecclesiology
Ormerod, Neil. (2018). Social science and ideological critiques of ecclesiology. In In Avis, Paul (Ed.). The Oxford handbook of ecclesiology pp. 553-572 Oxford University Press. chapter
Doing the will of the father : Jesus’ freedom and the beatific vision
Ormerod, Neil. (2018). Doing the will of the father : Jesus’ freedom and the beatific vision. Irish Theological Quarterly. 83(3), pp. 203-216. article
John Henry Newman and trajectories for the development of doctrine
Ormerod, Neil. (2018). John Henry Newman and trajectories for the development of doctrine. Louvain Studies. 41(1), pp. 3-18. article
A trajectory from Augustine to Aquinas and Lonergan: Contingent predication and the Trinity
Ormerod, Neil. (2017). A trajectory from Augustine to Aquinas and Lonergan: Contingent predication and the Trinity. Irish Theological Quarterly. 82(3), pp. 208 - 221. article
Gilson and Lonergan and the possibility of a Christian philosophy
Ormerod, Neil. (2016). Gilson and Lonergan and the possibility of a Christian philosophy. The Heythrop Journal. 57(3), pp. 532 - 541. article
The place of the Papacy in a historically concious ecclesiology
Ormerod, Neil James. (2016). The place of the Papacy in a historically concious ecclesiology. In In J. Chryssavgis (Ed.). Primacy in the Church: The Office of Primate and the Authority of Councils pp. 767 - 783 St Vladimir's Seminary Press.Book chapter
Sensus Fidei and sociology: How do we find the normative in the empirical?
Ormerod, Neil James. (2016). Sensus Fidei and sociology: How do we find the normative in the empirical? In In B. Hinze and P. Phan (Ed.). Learning from All the Faithful: A Contemporary Theology of the Sensus Fidei pp. 89 - 102 Wipf & Stock Publishers.Book chapter
"for in him the whole fullness of Deity dwells bodily": The Trinitarian Depths of the Incarnation
Ormerod, Neil. (2016). "for in him the whole fullness of Deity dwells bodily": The Trinitarian Depths of the Incarnation. Theological Studies. 77(4), pp. 803 - 822. article
Ecological conversion: What does it mean?
Ormerod, Neil and Vanin, Cristina. (2016). Ecological conversion: What does it mean? Theological Studies. 77(2), pp. 328 - 352. article
Global pentecostal consultations - Receptive ecumenism in practice or, 'any friend of Jesus is a friend of mine'
Ormerod, Neil. (2015). Global pentecostal consultations - Receptive ecumenism in practice or, 'any friend of Jesus is a friend of mine'. Pacifica: Australasian theological studies. 28(2), pp. 149 - 159. article
Bernard Lonergan's Contribution to Inter-Religious Dialogue
Ormerod, Neil. (2015). Bernard Lonergan's Contribution to Inter-Religious Dialogue. In G. Whelan (Ed.). Revisiting Lonergan's Anthropology. Italy: Gregorian and Biblical Press. pp. 205 - 220Conference item
Foundational theology: A new approach to Catholic fundamental theology
Ormerod, Neil and Jacobs-Vandegeer, Christiaan. (2015). Foundational theology: A new approach to Catholic fundamental theology Fortress Press.Book
A public God: Natural theology reconsidered
Ormerod, Neil. (2015). A public God: Natural theology reconsidered Fortress Press.Book
A (non- communio) Trinitarian ecclesiology: Grounded in grace, lived in faith, hope, and charity
Ormerod, Neil. (2015). A (non- communio) Trinitarian ecclesiology: Grounded in grace, lived in faith, hope, and charity. Theological Studies: a jesuit-sponsored journal of theology. 76(3), pp. 448 - 467. article
On the maturation of Receptive Ecumenism: The connection between Receptive Ecumenism and Spiritual Ecumenism
Pizzey, Antonia, Lenehan, Kevin and Ormerod, Neil. (2015). On the maturation of Receptive Ecumenism: The connection between Receptive Ecumenism and Spiritual Ecumenism. Pacifica: Australasian theological studies. 28(2), pp. 108 - 125. article
Operative and cooperative grace and the question of justification by faith: A contemporary transposition
Ormerod, Neil. (2015). Operative and cooperative grace and the question of justification by faith: A contemporary transposition. Irish Theological Quarterly. 80(3), pp. 248 - 258. article
Gilson and Lonergan : A test case on science and metaphysics
Ormerod, Neil. (2022). Gilson and Lonergan : A test case on science and metaphysics. The Heythrop Journal. 63(4), pp. 796-806. article
Re-visioning the Church: An experiment in systematic-historical ecclesiology
Ormerod, Neil. (2014). Re-visioning the Church: An experiment in systematic-historical ecclesiology Fortress Press.Book
Doran's The Trinity in History: The Girardian Connection
Ormerod, Neil. (2014). Doran's The Trinity in History: The Girardian Connection. Method: Journal of Lonergan Studies. 4(1), pp. 47 - 59.Journal article
Addendum to the grace-nature distinction
Ormerod, Neil. (2014). Addendum to the grace-nature distinction. Theological Studies. 75(4), pp. 890 - 898. article
The metaphysics of holiness: Created participation in the divine nature
Ormerod, Neil. (2014). The metaphysics of holiness: Created participation in the divine nature. Irish Theological Quarterly. 79(1), pp. 68 - 82. article
The grace-nature distinction and the construction of a systematic theology
Ormerod, Neil. (2014). The grace-nature distinction and the construction of a systematic theology. Theological Studies. 75(3), pp. 515 - 536. article
Bernard Lonergan and the recovery of a metaphysical frame
Ormerod, Neil. (2013). Bernard Lonergan and the recovery of a metaphysical frame. Theological Studies. 74(4), pp. 960 - 982.Journal article
Creator God, evolving world
Ormerod, Neil and Crysdale, Cynthia. (2013). Creator God, evolving world Fortress Press.Book
Christ, globalization and the Church
Ormerod, Neil. (2013). Christ, globalization and the Church. Journal of Moral Theology. 2(1), pp. 98 - 112.Journal article
Soul of a poet, mind of a theologian: exploring science and religion
Ormerod, Neil. (2013). Soul of a poet, mind of a theologian: exploring science and religion. In In N Ormerod and R Gascoigne (Ed.). Priest, poet and theologian: essays in honour of Anthony Kelly CSsR pp. 60 - 76 Mosaic Press.Book chapter
Mission driven and identity shaped: Ex Corde Ecclesiae revisited
Ormerod, Neil. (2013). Mission driven and identity shaped: Ex Corde Ecclesiae revisited. Irish Theological Quarterly. 78(4), pp. 325 - 337. article
Desire and cultural origins: Lonergan and Girard in conversation
Ormerod, Neil. (2013). Desire and cultural origins: Lonergan and Girard in conversation. The Heythrop Journal. 54(5), pp. 784 - 795. article
Theology and the new atheism: Science, religion and metaphysics
Ormerod, Neil. (2013). Theology and the new atheism: Science, religion and metaphysics. Theology. 116(3), pp. 187 - 194. article
For what are we responsible? Gaudium et Spes 34 and the human project
Ormerod, Neil. (2013). For what are we responsible? Gaudium et Spes 34 and the human project. In In DG Kirchhoffer, R Horner and P McCardle (Ed.). Being human: groundwork for a theological anthropology for the 21st century pp. 191 - 202 Mosaic Press.Book chapter
The debate over light in darkness and the Catholicity of Hans Urs Von Balthasar
Ormerod, Neil. (2013). The debate over light in darkness and the Catholicity of Hans Urs Von Balthasar. Australian Ejournal of Theology. 20(3), pp. 207 - 220.Journal article
Does Scientific Inquiry Preclude Belief in God? : Science and religion in Australian Media
Ormerod, Neil. (2012). Does Scientific Inquiry Preclude Belief in God? : Science and religion in Australian Media. Uniting Church Studies. 18(2), pp. 75 - 82.Journal article
The laity in the Australian Church
Ormerod, Neil. (2012). The laity in the Australian Church. In In N Ormerod, O Rush and D Pascoe (Ed.). Vatican II: Reception and implementation in the Australian Church pp. 62 - 75 Garratt Publishing.Book chapter
Vatican II : Reception and implementation in the Australian church
Ormerod, Neil, Rush, Ormond, Pascoe, David James, Johnson, Clare and Hodge, Joel. (2012). Vatican II : Reception and implementation in the Australian church Garrett Publishing.Book
Questioning desire: Lonergan, Girard and Buddhism
Ormerod, Neil. (2012). Questioning desire: Lonergan, Girard and Buddhism. Louvain Studies. 36(4), pp. 356 - 371. article
Ecclesiology and exclusion : setting boundaries for the Church
Ormerod, Neil. (2012). Ecclesiology and exclusion : setting boundaries for the Church. In In D M Doyle, T J Furry and P D Bazzell (Ed.). Ecclesiology and Exclusion: Boundaries of Being and Belonging in Postmodern Times pp. 215 - 220 Orbis Books.Book chapter
The development of Catholic social teaching on economics : Bernard Lonergan and Benedict XVI
Ormerod, Neil, Oslington, Paul and Koning, Robin. (2012). The development of Catholic social teaching on economics : Bernard Lonergan and Benedict XVI. Theological Studies. 73(2), pp. 391 - 421.Journal article
Clergy sexual abuse : what difference did Vatican II make?
Ormerod, Neil. (2012). Clergy sexual abuse : what difference did Vatican II make? In In N Ormerod, O Rush and D Pascoe (Ed.). Vatican II: Reception and implementation in the Australian Church pp. 213 - 225 Garratt Publishing.Book chapter
The four point hypothesis : transpositions and complications
Ormerod, Neil. (2012). The four point hypothesis : transpositions and complications. Irish Theological Quarterly. 77(2), pp. 127 - 140.Journal article
Intellectual Conversion in Book 7 of the Confessions
Ormerod, Neil. (2012). Intellectual Conversion in Book 7 of the Confessions. Pacifica: Australasian theological studies. 25(1), pp. 12 - 22.Journal article
Is all desire mimetic? : Lonergan and Girard on the nature of desire and authenticity
Ormerod, Neil. (2012). Is all desire mimetic? : Lonergan and Girard on the nature of desire and authenticity. In In S Cowdell, C Fleming and J Hodge (Ed.). Violence, desire, and the sacred: Girard's mimetic theory across the disciplines pp. 251 - 262 Continuum International Publishing Group Ltd.Book chapter
Virtues in a globalized context
Ormerod, Neil. (2011). Virtues in a globalized context. In In L. Anceschi, J. A. Camilleri and R. Palapathwala & A. Wicking (Ed.). Religion and ethics in a globalizing world: Conflict, dialogue, and transformation pp. 67 - 83 Palgrave Macmillan.Book chapter
Transposing theology into the categories of meaning
Ormerod, Neil. (2011). Transposing theology into the categories of meaning. Gregorianum. 92(3), pp. 517 - 532.Journal article
Contingent Predication and the Four-Point Hypothesis
Ormerod, Neil. (2011). Contingent Predication and the Four-Point Hypothesis. In In N Ormerod, O Rush and D Pascoe (Ed.). Fifty years of Insight: Bernard Lonergan's contribution to philosophy and theology pp. 109 - 118 Australasian Theological Forum Ltd.Book chapter
Heresy or orthodoxy: A question of theological style
Ormerod, Neil. (2011). Heresy or orthodoxy: A question of theological style. St. Mark's Review. 215(1), pp. 63 - 70.Journal article
Globalisation and Catholic Social Teaching
Ormerod, Neil. (2011). Globalisation and Catholic Social Teaching. In In N Ormerod and P Oslington (Ed.). Globalisation and the Church: Reflections on Caritas in Veritate pp. 149 - 158 St Pauls Publications.Book chapter
Preliminary steps towards a natural theology
Ormerod, Neil. (2011). Preliminary steps towards a natural theology. Irish Theological Quarterly. 76(2), pp. 115 - 127.Journal article
The knowledge and authority of Jesus: A response to Bishop Robinson
Ormerod, Neil. (2011). The knowledge and authority of Jesus: A response to Bishop Robinson. Australasian Catholic Record. 88(1), pp. 88 - 97.Journal article
Creator God, evolving world
Ormerod, Neil. (2010). Creator God, evolving world. St Mark's Review: a journal of Christian thought and opinion. 211(1), pp. 76 - 82.Journal article
A Trinitarian Primer
Ormerod, Neil. (2010). A Trinitarian Primer St Pauls Publications.Book
Identity and mission in Catholic agencies
Ormerod, Neil. (2010). Identity and mission in Catholic agencies. Australasian Catholic Record. 87(4), pp. 430 - 439.Journal article
Secularisation and the "rise" of atheism
Ormerod, Neil. (2010). Secularisation and the "rise" of atheism. Australian Ejournal of Theology. 17, pp. 13 - 22.Journal article
Vatican II - continuity or discontinuity? Towards an ontology of meaning
Ormerod, Neil. (2010). Vatican II - continuity or discontinuity? Towards an ontology of meaning. Theological Studies. 71(3), pp. 609 - 636. article
Conversation on Paul Oslington's Deus Economicus
Kelly, Anthony and Ormerod, Neil. (2009). Conversation on Paul Oslington's Deus Economicus. Australian Ejournal of Theology.Journal article
What is the goal of systematic theology?
Ormerod, Neil. (2009). What is the goal of systematic theology? Irish Theological Quarterly. 74(1), pp. 38 - 52. article
Charles Taylor and Bernard Lonergan on natural theology
Ormerod, Neil. (2009). Charles Taylor and Bernard Lonergan on natural theology. Irish Theological Quarterly. 74(4), pp. 419 - 433. article
Catholics and Pentecostals - a shared mission in a globalising world
Ormerod, Neil. (2009). Catholics and Pentecostals - a shared mission in a globalising world. Australasian Pentecostal Studies.Journal article
Globalization and the mission of the Church
Ormerod, Neil J. and Clifton, Shane. (2009). Globalization and the mission of the Church T&T Clark International.Book
History and theology in dialogue on the Trinity
Ormerod, Neil. (2008). History and theology in dialogue on the Trinity. Pacifica: Journal of the Melbourne College of Divinity. 21(2), pp. 146 - 159.Journal article
The argument has vast implications: Part II of deus caritas est
Ormerod, Neil James. (2008). The argument has vast implications: Part II of deus caritas est. In In N. Ormerod (Ed.). Identity and Mission in Catholic Agencies pp. 67 - 81 St Pauls Publications.Book chapter
Recent ecclesiology: A survey
Ormerod, Neil. (2008). Recent ecclesiology: A survey. Pacifica: Australasian theological studies. 21(1), pp. 57 - 67.Journal article
Ecclesiology and the social sciences
Ormerod, Neil James. (2008). Ecclesiology and the social sciences. In In G Mannion and L. Mudge (Ed.). The Routledge Companion to the Christian Church pp. 639 - 654 Routledge.Book chapter
Catholic schools: Ministry or mission?
Ormerod, Neil. (2008). Catholic schools: Ministry or mission? Australasian Catholic Record. 85(2), pp. 212 - 219.Journal article
John Paul II and interfaith dialogue
Ormerod, Neil James. (2007). John Paul II and interfaith dialogue. In In R. Gascoigne (Ed.). John Paul II: legacy and witness pp. 113 - 118 St Pauls Publications.Book chapter
God and politics
Ormerod, Neil. (2007). God and politics. Australasian Catholic Record. 84(1), pp. 3 - 10.Journal article
Creation, grace, and redemption
Ormerod, Neil James. (2007). Creation, grace, and redemption Orbis Books.Book
Two points or four? - Rahner and Lonergan on trinity, incarnation, grace, and beatific vision
Ormerod, Neil. (2007). Two points or four? - Rahner and Lonergan on trinity, incarnation, grace, and beatific vision. Theological Studies. 68(3), pp. 661 - 673. article
In defence of natural theology: Bringing God into the public realm
Ormerod, Neil. (2007). In defence of natural theology: Bringing God into the public realm. Irish Theological Quarterly. 72(3), pp. 227 - 241. article
On the divine institution of the three-fold ministry
Ormerod, Neil. (2007). On the divine institution of the three-fold ministry. Ecclesiology: the journal for ministry, mission and unity. 4(1), pp. 38 - 51. article
Resurrection and cosmic eschatology
Ormerod, Neil James. (2007). Resurrection and cosmic eschatology. In In J. Haire, C. Ledger and S. Pickard (Ed.). From Resurrection to Return: Perspectives from Theology and Science on Christian Eschatology pp. 157 - 171 Australian Theological Forum Press.Book chapter
Theology, history and globalization
Ormerod, Neil. (2007). Theology, history and globalization. Gregorianum. 88(1), pp. 23 - 48.Journal article
"The times they are a 'changin'": A response to O'Malley and Schloesser
Ormerod, Neil. (2006). "The times they are a 'changin'": A response to O'Malley and Schloesser. Theological Studies. 67(4), pp. 834 - 855. article
What is the task of systematic theology?
Ormerod, Neil. (2006). What is the task of systematic theology? Australian Ejournal of Theology.Journal article
A dialectic engagement with the social sciences in an ecclesiological context
Ormerod, Neil. (2005). A dialectic engagement with the social sciences in an ecclesiological context. Theological Studies. 66(4), pp. 815 - 840. article
Faith and reason: Perspectives from Macintyre and Lonergan
Ormerod, Neil. (2005). Faith and reason: Perspectives from Macintyre and Lonergan. Heythrop Journal: a Quarterly Review of Philosophy and Theology. 46(1), pp. 11 - 22. article
Intelligent design or divine providence
Ormerod, Neil. (2005). Intelligent design or divine providence. Ethics Education: a journal for applied philosophy and ethics in the Christian tradition. 11(2), pp. 25 - 31.Journal article
Power and authority - a response to bishop Cullinane
Ormerod, Neil. (2005). Power and authority - a response to bishop Cullinane. Australasian Catholic Record. 82(2), pp. 154 - 162.Journal article
The Trinity: Retrieving the western tradition
Ormerod, Neil James. (2005). The Trinity: Retrieving the western tradition Marquette University Press.Book
Chance and necessity; providence and God
Ormerod, Neil. (2005). Chance and necessity; providence and God. Irish Theological Quarterly. 70, pp. 263 - 278.Journal article
The dual language of sacrifice
Ormerod, Neil. (2004). The dual language of sacrifice. Pacifica: Australasian theological studies. 17(2), pp. 159 - 169.Journal article
One God, many paths?
Ormerod, Neil James. (2004). One God, many paths? In In R. Lennan (Ed.). The Possibility of Belief: The Challenges and Prospects of Catholic Faith pp. 51 - 66 St Pauls Publications.Book chapter
Can Christian marriage survive?
Ormerod, Neil James. (2004). Can Christian marriage survive? In In R. Lennan (Ed.). The Possibility of Belief: The Challenges and Prospects of Catholic Faith pp. 207 - 220 St Pauls Publications.Book chapter
Reconciliation and the paschal mystery
Ormerod, Neil James. (2004). Reconciliation and the paschal mystery. In In G. Moore (Ed.). Reconciliation: A Hunger in Society and the Church pp. 41 - 53 St Pauls Publications.Book chapter
Mission and ministry in the wake of Vatican II
Ormerod, Neil. (2003). Mission and ministry in the wake of Vatican II. Australian Ejournal of Theology.Journal article
Wrestling with Rahner on the trinity
Ormerod, Neil. (2003). Wrestling with Rahner on the trinity. Irish Theological Quarterly. 68(3), pp. 213 - 227.Journal article
The evangelising diocese: A response to Martin Teulan
Ormerod, Neil. (2003). The evangelising diocese: A response to Martin Teulan. Australasian Catholic Record. 80(1), pp. 62 - 69.Journal article
Augustine and the trinity: Whose crisis?
Ormerod, Neil. (2003). Augustine and the trinity: Whose crisis? Pacifica: Australasian theological studies. 16(1), pp. 17 - 32.Journal article
Augustine's de trin1tate and Lonergan's realms of meaning
Ormerod, Neil. (2003). Augustine's de trin1tate and Lonergan's realms of meaning. Theological Studies. 64(4), pp. 773 - 794. article
The structure of a systematic ecclesiology
Ormerod, Neil. (2002). The structure of a systematic ecclesiology. Theological Studies. 63(1), pp. 3 - 30.Journal article
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