Outcome evaluation in nursing in Australia, 1960-1980
Middleton, Sandy and Lumby, Judy. (1998). Outcome evaluation in nursing in Australia, 1960-1980. Australian Health Review. 21(4), pp. 72-79. https://doi.org/10.1071/AH980072

Journal article

Exploring the precursors of outcome evaluation in Australia : Linking structure, process and outcome by peer review
Middleton, Sandy and Lumby, Judy. (1998). Exploring the precursors of outcome evaluation in Australia : Linking structure, process and outcome by peer review. International Journal of Nursing Practice. 4(3), pp. 151-155. https://doi.org/10.1046/j.1440-172X.1998.00086.x

Journal article

Wages policy and wage determination in 1997
Buchanan, John, Woodman, Murray, O'Keeffe, Shannon and Frino, Elizabeth. (1998). Wages policy and wage determination in 1997. Industrial Relations : a journal of economy and society. 40(1), pp. 88-118. https://doi.org/10.1177/002218569804000106

Journal article

The spiritual revolution: Re-forming the nature and purpose of the Catholic school
Coughlan, Pat. (1998). The spiritual revolution: Re-forming the nature and purpose of the Catholic school [Thesis]. https://doi.org/10.26199/5d65c4f9a4a36


Ministries in the Catholic church today: The Nigerian situation
Ekot, Basil A.. (1998). Ministries in the Catholic church today: The Nigerian situation [Thesis]. https://doi.org/10.4226/66/5a8e255801c28


Psychological correlates of flow in sport
Jackson, S. L., Ford, Stephen K., Kimiecik, Jay C. and Marsh, Herb. (1998). Psychological correlates of flow in sport. Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology. 20(4), pp. 358 - 378. https://doi.org/10.1123/jsep.20.4.358

Journal article

Role of the Catholic school principal in the face of modern day challenges and demands: Key behaviours, issues, perceptions, challenges and dilemmas facing Catholic school principals in the late 1990s
Slattery, Michael Joseph. (1998). Role of the Catholic school principal in the face of modern day challenges and demands: Key behaviours, issues, perceptions, challenges and dilemmas facing Catholic school principals in the late 1990s [Thesis]. https://doi.org/10.4226/66/5a8e40f14b782


Effects of a short-term circuit weight training program on glycaemic control in NIDDM
Dunstan, David Wayne, Puddey, Ian B., Beilin, Lawrie J., Burke, Valerie, Morton, Alan R. and Stanton, K. G.. (1998). Effects of a short-term circuit weight training program on glycaemic control in NIDDM. Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice. 40(1), pp. 53 - 61. https://doi.org/10.1016/S0168-8227(98)00027-8

Journal article

Evolution of Language Education within Official Accounts of Queensland Curriculum
Doig, Shani, Wyatt-Smith, Claire, Cumming, Joy and Ryan, Jill. (1998). Evolution of Language Education within Official Accounts of Queensland Curriculum. Issues in Educational Research. 14(1), pp. 4 - 44.

Journal article

Karl Rahner and the option of grace in freedom: A critical examination of Rahner's understanding of both fundamental option and virtue ethics and the link between them in the light of their classical antecedents and contemporary developments in moral theo
Warner, James Jonathan. (1998). Karl Rahner and the option of grace in freedom: A critical examination of Rahner's understanding of both fundamental option and virtue ethics and the link between them in the light of their classical antecedents and contemporary developments in moral theo [Thesis]. https://doi.org/10.4226/66/5a8e2747d84e6


A critical edition of Anastasius Bibliothecarius' Latin Translation of Greek Documents Pertaining to the Life of Maximus the Confessor, with an analysis of Anastasius' translation methodology, and an english translation of the latin text
Neil, Bronwen. (1998). A critical edition of Anastasius Bibliothecarius' Latin Translation of Greek Documents Pertaining to the Life of Maximus the Confessor, with an analysis of Anastasius' translation methodology, and an english translation of the latin text [Thesis]. https://doi.org/10.4226/66/5a8e26b4d84e5


Flannery O'Connor's letters and fiction: A corresponding identity
Rosbrook, Bernadette. (1998). Flannery O'Connor's letters and fiction: A corresponding identity [Thesis]. https://doi.org/10.4226/66/5a8e27d74b780


Structure, Stability, and Development of Young Children's Self-Concepts: A Multicohort-Multioccasion Study
Marsh, Herb, Craven, Rhonda and Debus, R.. (1998). Structure, Stability, and Development of Young Children's Self-Concepts: A Multicohort-Multioccasion Study. Child Development. 69(4), pp. 1030 - 1053. https://doi.org/10.2307/1132361

Journal article

Standardised Testing: In Whose Interests?
Wyatt-Smith, Claire. (1998). Standardised Testing: In Whose Interests? English in Australia. 122, pp. 89-93.

Journal article

Using the internet to enhance literacy curriculum
Johnson, Greer, Wyatt-Smith, Claire and Garton, James. (1998). Using the internet to enhance literacy curriculum. Literacy Learning: The Middle Years. 6(2), p. 10.

Journal article

Longitudinal structural equation models of academic self-concept and achievement: Gender differences in the development of math and English constructs
Marsh, Herb and Yeung, Alex. (1998). Longitudinal structural equation models of academic self-concept and achievement: Gender differences in the development of math and English constructs. American Educational Research Journal. 35(4), pp. 705 - 738. https://doi.org/10.3102/00028312035004705

Journal article

Is more ever too much? The number of indicators per factor in confirmatory factor analysis
Marsh, Herb, Hau, Kit Tai, Balla, John R. and Grayson, David. (1998). Is more ever too much? The number of indicators per factor in confirmatory factor analysis. Multivariate Behavioral Research. 33(2), pp. 181 - 220. https://doi.org/10.1207/s15327906mbr3302_1

Journal article

The dialogue of theology and education: Clarifying the role of Lutheran confessional theology for Australian Lutheran school education
Bartsch, Malcolm Ian. (1998). The dialogue of theology and education: Clarifying the role of Lutheran confessional theology for Australian Lutheran school education [Thesis]. https://doi.org/10.4226/66/5a8e42a24b784


Interrogating the benchmarks
Wyatt-Smith, Claire. (1998). Interrogating the benchmarks. English in Australia. 123, pp. 20-28.

Journal article

Intracytoplasmic sperm injection, zona drilling and zona removal of the human oocyte and embryo
Okuma, Y., Lacham-Kaplan, Orly and Trounson, Alan. (1998). Intracytoplasmic sperm injection, zona drilling and zona removal of the human oocyte and embryo. Zygote. 6(Supplement 1), pp. 51 - 51.

Journal article

Age and gender effects in physical self-concepts for adolescent elite athletes and nonathletes: A multicohort-multioccasion design
Marsh, Herb. (1998). Age and gender effects in physical self-concepts for adolescent elite athletes and nonathletes: A multicohort-multioccasion design. Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology. 20(3), pp. 237 - 259.

Journal article

Top-Down, Bottom-Up, and Horizontal Models: The Direction of Causality in Multidimensional, Hierarchical Self-Concept Models
Marsh, Herb and Yeung, Alex. (1998). Top-Down, Bottom-Up, and Horizontal Models: The Direction of Causality in Multidimensional, Hierarchical Self-Concept Models. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. 75(2), pp. 509 - 527. https://doi.org/10.1037/0022-3514.75.2.509

Journal article

Mentoring as a professional development activity for administrators in Catholic education
Hill, Peter Anthony. (1998). Mentoring as a professional development activity for administrators in Catholic education [Thesis]. https://doi.org/10.26199/5d7af9851b74f


Dicey in Cambodia: Droit Administratif Meets the Common Law
Reynolds, Rocque. (1998). Dicey in Cambodia: Droit Administratif Meets the Common Law. Australian Law Journal. 72, pp. 204 - 215.

Journal article

Confirmatory factor analyses of Chinese students' evaluations of university teaching
Marsh, Herb, Hau, Kit Tai, Chung, Choi Man and Siu, Teresa L. P.. (1998). Confirmatory factor analyses of Chinese students' evaluations of university teaching. Structural Equation Modeling: A Multidisciplinary Journal. 5(2), pp. 143 - 164. https://doi.org/10.1080/10705519809540097

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Teachers, clergy and Catholic schools: A study of perceptions of the religious dimension of the mission of Catholic schools and relationships between teachers and clergy in the Lismore Diocese
Tinsey, Wayne Maurice. (1998). Teachers, clergy and Catholic schools: A study of perceptions of the religious dimension of the mission of Catholic schools and relationships between teachers and clergy in the Lismore Diocese [Thesis]. https://doi.org/10.4226/66/5a8e42e64b785


The Impact of Computer Technology on Primary Education
Romeo, Geoff. (1998). The Impact of Computer Technology on Primary Education. In The Primary School in Changing Times: The Australian Experience pp. 177 - 194 Routledge.

Book chapter

Teachers' Roles in Large Scale Literacy Assessment
Wyatt-Smith, Claire and Ludwig, Christine. (1998). Teachers' Roles in Large Scale Literacy Assessment. Curriculum Perspectives. 18(3), pp. 1 - 14.

Journal article

Beyond reading and writing
Wyatt-Smith, Claire and Cumming, Joy. (1998). Beyond reading and writing. EQ Australia. 2(Winter), pp. 42-44.

Journal article

The equal correlation baseline model: Comment and constructive alternatives
Marsh, Herb. (1998). The equal correlation baseline model: Comment and constructive alternatives. Structural Equation Modeling: A Multidisciplinary Journal. 5(1), pp. 78 - 86. https://doi.org/10.1080/10705519809540090

Journal article

Is parsimony always desirable: Response to Sivo and Willson, Hoyle, Markus, Mulaik, Tweedledee, Tweedledum, the Cheshire Cat, and others
Marsh, Herb and Hau, Kit Tai. (1998). Is parsimony always desirable: Response to Sivo and Willson, Hoyle, Markus, Mulaik, Tweedledee, Tweedledum, the Cheshire Cat, and others. Journal of Experimental Education. 66(3), pp. 274 - 285. https://doi.org/10.1080/00220979809604412

Journal article

Fear under their feet: An icon of heroes, regional perspectives
Fox, Noela Mary. (1998). Fear under their feet: An icon of heroes, regional perspectives [Thesis]. https://doi.org/10.4226/66/5a8e24e72e567


Simulation study of nonequivalent group-matching and regression-discontinuity designs: Evaluations of gifted and talented programs
Marsh, Herb. (1998). Simulation study of nonequivalent group-matching and regression-discontinuity designs: Evaluations of gifted and talented programs. Journal of Experimental Education. 66(2), pp. 163 - 192. https://doi.org/10.1080/00220979809601402

Journal article

Holistic perspective of depression and anxiety among a community palliative care population
McVey, Peta K.. (1998). Holistic perspective of depression and anxiety among a community palliative care population [Thesis]. https://doi.org/10.4226/66/5a8e436e4b787


Prevalence of symptoms of posttraumatic stress disorder in German professional firefighters
Wagner, D., Heinrichs, Markus and Ehlert, Ulrike. (1998). Prevalence of symptoms of posttraumatic stress disorder in German professional firefighters. American Journal of Psychiatry. 155(12), pp. 1727 - 1732. https://doi.org/10.1176/ajp.155.12.1727

Journal article

Pairwise deletion for missing data in structural equation models: Nonpositive definite matrices, parameter estimates, goodness of fit, and adjusted sample sizes
Marsh, Herb. (1998). Pairwise deletion for missing data in structural equation models: Nonpositive definite matrices, parameter estimates, goodness of fit, and adjusted sample sizes. Structural Equation Modeling: A Multidisciplinary Journal. 5(1), pp. 22 - 36. https://doi.org/10.1080/10705519809540087

Journal article

Communication of school culture in an Anglican grammar school
Scott, Peter Terence. (1998). Communication of school culture in an Anglican grammar school [Thesis]. https://doi.org/10.4226/66/5a8e43284b786


Effects of a short-term circuit weight training program on glycaemic control in NIDDM
Dunstan, David, Puddey, Ian, Beilin, Lawrie, Burke, Valerie, Morton, Alan and Stanton, K.. (1998). Effects of a short-term circuit weight training program on glycaemic control in NIDDM. Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice. 40(1), pp. 53 - 61. https://doi.org/10.1016/S0168-8227(98)00027-8

Journal article

Collaborative leadership: Leading educational organizations into the next millennium
Mayes, Christopher J.. (1998). Collaborative leadership: Leading educational organizations into the next millennium [Thesis]. https://doi.org/10.26199/5cb6b2e499d03
