Institute for Religion and Critical Inquiry

Latest research outputs

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Is Philo committed to the doctrine of reincarnation?
Runia, David T.. (2019). Is Philo committed to the doctrine of reincarnation? In In Runia, David T. and Sterling, Gregory E. (Ed.). The studia philonica annual XXXI, 2019 : studies in hellenistic judaism pp. 107-125 Society of Biblical Literature.

Book chapter

Philo, quaestiones in Genesim 2.62 and the problem of Deutero-theology
Runia, David T.. (2019). Philo, quaestiones in Genesim 2.62 and the problem of Deutero-theology. In In Weitenberg, Joseph, Johannes Sicco and Bläsing, Uwe (Ed.). Armenian, Hittite, and Indo-European studies : A commemoration volume for Jos J.S. Weitenberg pp. 259-269 Leuven Peeters.

Book chapter

Philo of Alexandria on Planting: Introduction, Translation, and Commentary
Geljon, Albert and Runia, David. (2019). Philo of Alexandria on Planting: Introduction, Translation, and Commentary Brill.


Bonaventure, the Body, and the Aesthetics of Salvation
Davies, Rachel. (2019). Bonaventure, the Body, and the Aesthetics of Salvation Cambridge University Press.


Stop Kissing Me: Reading Mother Teresa with Bonaventure's Help
Davies, Rachel. (2019). Stop Kissing Me: Reading Mother Teresa with Bonaventure's Help. In Suffering and the Christian Life pp. 95-104 Bloomsbury T & T Clark.

Book chapter

Poverty and interiority in Mother Teresa
Davies, Rachel. (2019). Poverty and interiority in Mother Teresa. Theological Studies. 80(4), pp. 967-985.

Journal article

Becoming female : Marrowy semen and the formative mother in Methodius of Olympus' Symposium
LaValle Norman, Dawn. (2019). Becoming female : Marrowy semen and the formative mother in Methodius of Olympus' Symposium. Journal of Early Christian Studies. 27(2), pp. 185-209.

Journal article

Active and contemplative lives in a changing climate: The Emersonian roots of Thoreau’s political asceticism
Balthrop-Lewis, Alda. (2019). Active and contemplative lives in a changing climate: The Emersonian roots of Thoreau’s political asceticism. Journal of the American Academy of Religion. 87(2), pp. 311 - 332.

Journal article

The reception of Paul and early Christian initiation: History and hermeneutics
Edsall, Benjamin A.. (2019). The reception of Paul and early Christian initiation: History and hermeneutics Cambridge University Press.


Introduction: Bodies, Fluidity, and Change
Barbezat, Michael David and Scott, Anne M.. (2019). Introduction: Bodies, Fluidity, and Change. In In A. M. Scott and M. D. Barbezat (Ed.). Fluid Bodies and Bodily Fluids in Premodern Europe: Bodies, Blood, and Tears in Literature, Theology, and Art pp. 1 - 12 Amsterdam University Press.

Book chapter

Luke/Acts and the end of history
Crabbe, Kylie. (2019). Luke/Acts and the end of history De Gruyter.


‘The Jenny and the Colt’ in Matthew’s messianic entry, Part 1: Matthew 21:5 as a reading of Zechariah 9:9 in Light of Mark 11:1-10
Carlson, Stephen C.. (2019). ‘The Jenny and the Colt’ in Matthew’s messianic entry, Part 1: Matthew 21:5 as a reading of Zechariah 9:9 in Light of Mark 11:1-10. Catholic Biblical Quarterly. 81(1), pp. 62 - 84.

Journal article

Genealogy as a heuristic device for Franciscan Order history in the Middle Ages and Early Modernity: Texts and trees
Ritsema van Eck, Marianne P.. (2019). Genealogy as a heuristic device for Franciscan Order history in the Middle Ages and Early Modernity: Texts and trees. Franciscan Studies. 77, pp. 135 - 169.

Journal article

Tradition and habituation in rhetorical and monastic education at Gaza
Champion, Michael W.. (2019). Tradition and habituation in rhetorical and monastic education at Gaza. In In J. R. Stenger (Ed.). Learning Cities in Late Antiquity: The Local Dimension of Education pp. 212 - 229 Routledge.

Book chapter

Ammianus Marcellinus' future signs: A historiographical study
Hanaghan, Michael P.. (2019). Ammianus Marcellinus' future signs: A historiographical study. Historia: Zeitschrift fuer Alte Geschichte. 68(2), pp. 233 - 255.

Journal article

From affectus to affect theory and back again
Champion, Michael. (2019). From affectus to affect theory and back again. In In J. F. Ruys, M. W. Champion and K. Essary (Ed.). Before Emotion: The Language of Feeling, 400-1800 pp. 240 - 255 Routledge.

Book chapter

The aesthetics of hope in Late Greek Imperial Literature: Methodius of Olympus' Symposium and the Crisis of the Third Century
Lavalle Norman, Dawn. (2019). The aesthetics of hope in Late Greek Imperial Literature: Methodius of Olympus' Symposium and the Crisis of the Third Century Cambridge University Press.


Reading with a Forger: Christoph Pfaff and the reception of Colossians 2:16
Edsall, Benjamin A.. (2019). Reading with a Forger: Christoph Pfaff and the reception of Colossians 2:16. Journal of Biblical Literature. 138(4), pp. 845 - 862.

Journal article

The Roman Curia
Pattenden, Miles. (2019). The Roman Curia. In In P. M. Jones, B. Wisch and S. Ditchfield (Ed.). A Companion to Early Modern Rome, 1492-1692 pp. 44 - 59 Brill.

Book chapter

A conjuration of Patrick: A legacy of doubt and imagining in Hamlet
Barbezat, Michael D.. (2019). A conjuration of Patrick: A legacy of doubt and imagining in Hamlet. In In P. Megna, B. Phillips and R. S. White (Ed.). Hamlet and Emotions pp. 41 - 59 Palgrave Macmillan.

Book chapter

Exemplarist environmental ethics: Thoreau’s political ascetism against solution thinking
Balthrop-Lewis, Alda. (2019). Exemplarist environmental ethics: Thoreau’s political ascetism against solution thinking. Journal of Religious Ethics. 47(3), pp. 525 - 550.

Journal article

Origen's use of papias
Carlson, Stephen. (2019). Origen's use of papias. In B. Bitton-Ashkelony, O. Irshai and A. Kofsky, H. Newman and L. Perrone (Ed.). 12th International Origen Congress, Jerusalem, 25-29 June 2017. Leuven, Belgium: Peeters. pp. 535 - 545

Conference item

The Eusebian Canon Tables: Ordering textual knowledge in Late Antiquity
Crawford, Matthew R.. (2019). The Eusebian Canon Tables: Ordering textual knowledge in Late Antiquity Oxford University Press.


Augustine on the Flesh of the Resurrection Body in the De fide et symbolo: Origen, Manichaeism, and Augustine's developing thought regarding human physical perfection
Barbezat, Michael David. (2019). Augustine on the Flesh of the Resurrection Body in the De fide et symbolo: Origen, Manichaeism, and Augustine's developing thought regarding human physical perfection. In In A. M. Scott and M. D. Barbezat (Ed.). Fluid Bodies and Bodily Fluids in Premodern Europe: Bodies, Blood, and Tears in Literature, Theology, and Art pp. 175 - 192 Amsterdam University Press.

Book chapter

‘The Jenny and the Colt’ in Matthew’s messianic entry, Part 2: Matthew 21:7 as a reading of Mark 11:7 in Light of Zechariah 9:9
Carlson, Stephen C.. (2019). ‘The Jenny and the Colt’ in Matthew’s messianic entry, Part 2: Matthew 21:7 as a reading of Mark 11:7 in Light of Zechariah 9:9. Catholic Biblical Quarterly. 81(2), pp. 235 - 251.

Journal article

Knowledge of objective modality
Strohminger, Margot and Yli-Vakkuri, Juhani. (2019). Knowledge of objective modality. Philosophical Studies. 176(5), pp. 1155 - 1175.

Journal article

Financial interests and the secularization of Church property
Ocker, Christopher. (2019). Financial interests and the secularization of Church property. In In G. Melville, G. Melville and J. I. Saranyana Closa (Ed.). Lutero 500 anni dopo: Una rilettura della Riforma luterana nel suo contesto storico ed ecclesiale: Raccolta di Studi in occasione del V centenario (1517-2017) pp. 209 - 238 Libreria Editrice Vaticana.

Book chapter

The Eusebian Canon Tables as a corpus - Organizing paratext within the multiple-text manuscript of the Fourfold Gospel
Crawford, Matthew. (2019). The Eusebian Canon Tables as a corpus - Organizing paratext within the multiple-text manuscript of the Fourfold Gospel. In In A. Bassi, M. Friedrich and M. Maniaci (Ed.). The Emergence of Multiple-Text Manuscripts pp. 107 - 124 De Gruyter.

Book chapter

Spirit, writers, and biblical readers in "the Practical Circumstances of Life": A political hermeneutic
Ocker, Christopher. (2019). Spirit, writers, and biblical readers in "the Practical Circumstances of Life": A political hermeneutic. In In S. Alkier (Ed.). Sola Scriptura 1517-2017 pp. 59 - 82 Mohr Sieback.

Book chapter

Chrysostom's use of origen: Interpreting 1 Corinthians 4:6, gospel proof-texts, and a case for direct dependence
Edsall, Benjamin A.. (2019). Chrysostom's use of origen: Interpreting 1 Corinthians 4:6, gospel proof-texts, and a case for direct dependence. Journal of Theological Studies. 70(1), pp. 239 - 250.

Journal article

Operator arguments revisited
Fritz, Peter, Hawthorne, John and Yli-Vakkuri, Juhani. (2019). Operator arguments revisited. Philosophical Studies. 176(11), pp. 2933 - 2959.

Journal article

Theological interpretation of non-biblical texts
Sarisky, Darren. (2019). Theological interpretation of non-biblical texts. Scottish Journal of Theology. 72(4), pp. 385 - 397.

Journal article

Les repères éblouissants: Renouveler la phénoménologie
Romano, Claude. (2019). Les repères éblouissants: Renouveler la phénoménologie Presses Universitaires de France.


The ontology of scripture and the ethics of interpretation in the theology of John Webster
Sarisky, Darren. (2019). The ontology of scripture and the ethics of interpretation in the theology of John Webster. International Journal of Systematic Theology. 21(1), pp. 59 - 77.

Journal article

Hope in a secular age: Deconstruction, negative theology, and the future of faith
Newheiser, David. (2019). Hope in a secular age: Deconstruction, negative theology, and the future of faith Cambridge University Press.


Sexual crime and political conflict: An Alsatian nobleman is burned to death with his male lover in 1482
Ocker, Christopher. (2019). Sexual crime and political conflict: An Alsatian nobleman is burned to death with his male lover in 1482. In In U. Lotz-Heumann (Ed.). A Sourcebook of Early Modern History: Life, Death, and Everything in Between pp. 115 - 117 Routledge.

Book chapter

Desire to enjoy something thoroughly: The Use of the Latin affectus in Hugh of Saint Victor’s De archa Noe
Barbezat, Michael. (2019). Desire to enjoy something thoroughly: The Use of the Latin affectus in Hugh of Saint Victor’s De archa Noe. In In J. F. Ruys, M. W. Champion and K. Essary (Ed.). Before Emotion: The Language of Feeling, 400-1800 pp. 76 - 85 Routledge.

Book chapter

How the gospels became history: Jesus and mediterranean myths
Litwa, M. David. (2019). How the gospels became history: Jesus and mediterranean myths Yale University Press.


Musicalising history
Champion, Matthew S. and Stanyon, Miranda. (2019). Musicalising history. Transactions of the Royal Historical Society. 29, pp. 79 - 103.

Journal article

Migratie en de christelijke identiteit van Europa
van Erp, Stephan. (2018). Migratie en de christelijke identiteit van Europa Amersfoort, Netherlands: Het Wetenschappelijk Instituut van de ChristenUnie.
