Robert Audi
Contact category | Researcher (past) |
Job title | Professorial Fellow |
Research institute | Dianoia Institute of Philosophy |
Faculty of Theology and Philosophy |
Research outputs
The phenomenology of moral intuition
Audi, Robert. (2022). The phenomenology of moral intuition. Ethical Theory and Moral Practice. 25, pp. 53-69. article
Are reasons normatively basic?
Audi, Robert. (2022). Are reasons normatively basic? Noûs. 56(3), pp. 639-653. article
Religious accommodation in bioethics and the practice of medicine
Smith, William R. and Audi, Robert. (2021). Religious accommodation in bioethics and the practice of medicine. The Journal of Medicine and Philosophy. 46(2), pp. 188-218. article
Acting rightly : Three dimensions of moral conduct
Audi, Robert. (2021). Acting rightly : Three dimensions of moral conduct. Ratio. 34(1), pp. 56-67. article
Toward an epistemology of moral principles
Audi, Robert. (2020). Toward an epistemology of moral principles. Res Philosophica. 97(1), pp. 69-92. article
Doxasticism: Belief and the information-responsiveness of mind
Audi, Robert. (2019). Doxasticism: Belief and the information-responsiveness of mind. Episteme. article
Faith, belief, and will: Toward a volitional stance theory of faith
Audi, Robert. (2019). Faith, belief, and will: Toward a volitional stance theory of faith. Sophia: international journal of philosophy and traditions. 58(3), pp. 409 - 422. article
On intellectualism in the theory of action
Audi, Robert. (2018). On intellectualism in the theory of action. Journal of the American Philosophical Association. 3(3), pp. 284-300. article
Religious disagreement structure, content, and prospects for resolution
Audi, Robert. (2018). Religious disagreement structure, content, and prospects for resolution. Philosophia Christi. 20(1), pp. 277-288. article
Methodological reflections on Kant’s ethical theory
Audi, Robert. (2018). Methodological reflections on Kant’s ethical theory. Synthese. article
Understanding, self-evidence, and justification
Audi, Robert. (2018). Understanding, self-evidence, and justification. Philosophy and Phenomenological Research. 99(2), pp. 358 - 381. article
Role modeling and reasons: Developmental and normative grounds of moral virtues
Audi, Robert. (2017). Role modeling and reasons: Developmental and normative grounds of moral virtues. Journal of Moral Philosophy. 14(6), pp. 646 - 668. article
Trust, but verify: A language and the role of trust in corporate culture
Audi, Robert, Loughran, Tim and McDonald, Bill. (2016). Trust, but verify: A language and the role of trust in corporate culture. Journal of Business Ethics. 139(3), pp. 551 - 561. article
Intuition and its place in ethics
Audi, Robert. (2015). Intuition and its place in ethics . Journal of the American Philosophical Association. 1(1), pp. 57-77. article
Normative disagreement as a challenge to moral philosophy and philosophical theology
Audi, Robert. (2014). Normative disagreement as a challenge to moral philosophy and philosophical theology. In In M. Bergmann and P. Kain (Ed.). Challenges to moral and religious belief: Disagreement and evolution pp. 61 - 79 Oxford University Press. chapter
Normativity and generality in ethics and aesthetics
Audi, Robert. (2014). Normativity and generality in ethics and aesthetics. Journal of Ethics. 18(4), pp. 373 - 390. article
Faith as attitude, trait, and virtue
Audi, Robert. (2014). Faith as attitude, trait, and virtue. In In K. Timpe and C. Boyd (Ed.). Virtues and their vices pp. 327 - 348 Oxford University Press. chapter
Normality and generality in ethics and aesthetics
Audi, Robert. (2014). Normality and generality in ethics and aesthetics. The Journal of Ethics: An International Philosophical Review. 18(4), pp. 373 - 390. article
Intuition, agency detection, and social coordination as analytical and explanatory constructs in the cognitive science of religion
Audi, Robert. (2014). Intuition, agency detection, and social coordination as analytical and explanatory constructs in the cognitive science of religion. In In R. Trigg and J. L. Barratt (Ed.). The roots of religion: Exploring the cognitive science of religion pp. 17 - 36 Ashgate Publishing Limited.Book chapter
Church-State separation healthcare policy and religious liberty
Audi, Robert. (2014). Church-State separation healthcare policy and religious liberty. Journal of Practical Ethics. 2(1), pp. 1 - 23.Journal article
Ethical naturalism as a challenge to theological ethics
Audi, Robert. (2014). Ethical naturalism as a challenge to theological ethics. Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics. 34(1), pp. 21 - 39. article
The scientific study of religion and the pillars of human dignity
Audi, Robert. (2013). The scientific study of religion and the pillars of human dignity. The Monist- An International Journal of General Philosophical Inquiry. 96(3), pp. 462 - 479.Journal article
Doxastic innocence: phenomenal conservatism and epistemological common sense
Audi, Robert. (2013). Doxastic innocence: phenomenal conservatism and epistemological common sense. In In C. Tucker (Ed.). Seemings and justification: new essays on dogmatism and phenomenal conservatism pp. 181 - 201 Oxford University Press. chapter
Knowledge, justification, and the normativity of epistemology
Audi, Robert. (2013). Knowledge, justification, and the normativity of epistemology. Modern Schoolman. 90(2), pp. 127 - 145. article
Belief: A study of form, content, and reference
Audi, Robert. (2013). Belief: A study of form, content, and reference. In In N. Nottelmann (Ed.). New essays on belief: Constitution, content, and structure pp. 30 - 54 Palgrave Macmillan. chapter
Doxastic Innocence: Phenomenal Conservatism and Epistemological Common Sense
Audi, Robert. (2013). Doxastic Innocence: Phenomenal Conservatism and Epistemological Common Sense. In In C. Tucker (Ed.). Seemings and Justification: New essays on dogmatism and phenomenal conservatis pp. 181 - 201 Oxford University Press.Book chapter
Testimony as a social foundation of knowledge
Audi, Robert. (2013). Testimony as a social foundation of knowledge. Philosophy and Phenomenological Research. 87(3), pp. 507 - 531. article
The practical authority of normative beliefs: Toward an integrated theory of practical rationality
Audi, Robert. (2013). The practical authority of normative beliefs: Toward an integrated theory of practical rationality. Organon F. 20(4), pp. 527 - 545.Journal article
The nature of normativity and the project of naturalizing the normative
Audi, Robert. (2013). The nature of normativity and the project of naturalizing the normative. In In J. Stelmach, B. Brozek and M. Hohol (Ed.). The many faces of normativity pp. 15 - 50 Copernicus Center Press.Book chapter
Cognitive Disparities: Dimensions of Intellectual Diversity and the Resolution of Disagreements
Audi, Robert. (2013). Cognitive Disparities: Dimensions of Intellectual Diversity and the Resolution of Disagreements. In In D. Christensen and J. Lackey (Ed.). The Epistemology of Disagreement: New Essays pp. 205 - 222 Oxford University Press. chapter
Moral perception
Audi, Robert. (2013). Moral perception Princeton University Press.Book
Virtues, Concepts, and Rules in Business Ethics : Reflections on the Contributions of Robert C. Solomon
Audi, Robert. (2012). Virtues, Concepts, and Rules in Business Ethics : Reflections on the Contributions of Robert C. Solomon. In In K. Higgins and D. Sherman (Ed.). Passion, Death, and Spirituality pp. 103 - 111 Springer. chapter
Are there two free will problems? Compatibilism, incompatibilism, and moral responsibility [Esistono due problemi del libero arbitrio? Compatibilismo, incompaibilismo e responsabilità morale]
Audi, Robert. (2012). Are there two free will problems? Compatibilism, incompatibilism, and moral responsibility [Esistono due problemi del libero arbitrio? Compatibilismo, incompaibilismo e responsabilità morale]. Rivista di Filosofia. 113(2), pp. 329 - 334.Journal article
Virtue ethics as a resource in business
Audi, Robert. (2012). Virtue ethics as a resource in business. Business Ethics Quarterly. 22(2), pp. 273 - 291. article
Normativity be naturalized?
Audi, Robert. (2012). Normativity be naturalized? In In S. Nuccetelli and G. Seay (Ed.). Ethical Naturalism: Current Debates pp. 169 - 193 Cambridge University Press.Book chapter
Religion and politics
Audi, Robert. (2012). Religion and politics. In In D. Estlund (Ed.). The Oxford Handbook of Political Philosophy pp. 223 - 240 Oxford University Press. chapter
Secular and religious foundations of normative standards: Liberalism, naturalism, and rationalism in political philosophy
Audi, Robert. (2012). Secular and religious foundations of normative standards: Liberalism, naturalism, and rationalism in political philosophy. In In L. Siep, T. Gutmann and B. Jakl (Ed.). From the religious to the secular justification of state standards pp. 33 - 55 Mohr Siebeck.Book chapter
Natural reason, religious conviction, and the justification of coercion in democratic societies
Audi, Robert. (2012). Natural reason, religious conviction, and the justification of coercion in democratic societies. In In L. Zucca and C. Ungureanu (Ed.). Law, State and Religion in the New Europe: Debates and Dilemmas pp. 65 - 92 Cambridge University Press.Book chapter
Kantian intuitionism as a framework for the justification of moral judgements
Audi, Robert. (2012). Kantian intuitionism as a framework for the justification of moral judgements. In In M. Timmons (Ed.). Oxford Studies in Normative Ethics 2 pp. 8 - 31 Oxford University Press. chapter
Reason and experience, obligation and value: An introduction to the New Intuitionism
Audi, Robert. (2011). Reason and experience, obligation and value: An introduction to the New Intuitionism. In In J. Graper Hernandez (Ed.). The New Intuitionism pp. 45 - 52 Continuum International Publishing Group.Book chapter
Democratic authority and the separation of church and state
Audi, Robert. (2011). Democratic authority and the separation of church and state Oxford University Press.
Rationality and religious commitment
Audi, Robert. (2011). Rationality and religious commitment Oxford University Press.
The ethics of belief and the morality of action: Intellectual responsibility and rational disagreement
Audi, Robert. (2011). The ethics of belief and the morality of action: Intellectual responsibility and rational disagreement. Philosophy. 86(1), pp. 5 - 29. article
Faith, faithfulness, and virtue
Audi, Robert. (2011). Faith, faithfulness, and virtue. Faith and Philosophy. 28(3), pp. 294 - 309.Journal article
Moral knowledge
Audi, Robert. (2011). Moral knowledge. In In S. Bernecker and D. Pritchard (Ed.). The Routledge Companion to Epistemology pp. 380 - 392 Routledge.Book chapter
Intuitions, intuitionism, and moral judgment
Audi, Robert. (2011). Intuitions, intuitionism, and moral judgment. In In J. G. Hernandez (Ed.). The New Intuitionism, London and New York pp. 171 - 198 Continuum International Publishing Group Ltd.Book chapter
Recent work in ethical theory and its implications for business ethics
Arnold, Denis, Audi, Robert and Zwolinski, Matt. (2010). Recent work in ethical theory and its implications for business ethics. Business Ethics Quarterly. 20(4), pp. 559 - 581. article
The place of ethical theory in business ethics
Audi, Robert. (2010). The place of ethical theory in business ethics. In In G. G. Brenkert (Ed.). The Oxford Handbook of Business Ethics pp. 46 - 69 Oxford University Press.Book chapter
Virtue Ethics in Theory and Practice
Audi, Robert. (2010). Virtue Ethics in Theory and Practice. In In N. Szutta (Ed.). Wspolczesna Etyka Cnot: Mozliwosci I Orgraniczenisa pp. 39 - 66 Semper.Book chapter
Reasons for action
Audi, Robert. (2010). Reasons for action. In In J. Skorupski (Ed.). The Routledge Companion to Ethics pp. 275 - 285 Routledge.Book chapter
Moral perception and moral knowledge
Audi, Robert. (2010). Moral perception and moral knowledge. Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, Supplementary Volume. 84(1), pp. 79 - 97. article
Practical reason and the status of moral obligation
Audi, Robert. (2010). Practical reason and the status of moral obligation. Canadian Journal of Philosophy. 33(Sup1), pp. 197 - 229. article
Corporate culture and quality of life: The virtues of industry and the rewards of leisure
Audi, Robert. (2010). Corporate culture and quality of life: The virtues of industry and the rewards of leisure. In In M. R. Haney and A. D. Kline (Ed.). The Value of Time and Leisure in a World of Work pp. 89 - 100 Lexington Books.Book chapter
Moral virtue and reasons for action
Audi, Robert. (2009). Moral virtue and reasons for action. Philosophical issues. 19, pp. 1 - 20.Journal article
Religious reasons and the liberty of citizens: Reflections on Kent Greenawalt's 'religion and the constitution'
Audi, Robert. (2009). Religious reasons and the liberty of citizens: Reflections on Kent Greenawalt's 'religion and the constitution'. Constitutional Commentary.Journal article
Science education, religious toleration, and liberal neutrality toward the good
Audi, Robert. (2009). Science education, religious toleration, and liberal neutrality toward the good. In The Oxford Handbook of Philosophy of Education pp. 333 - 357 Oxford University Press.Book chapter
Natural reason, natural rights, and governmental neutrality toward religion
Audi, Robert. (2009). Natural reason, natural rights, and governmental neutrality toward religion. Religion and Human Rights. 4(2-3), pp. 157 - 175. article
Business ethics and ethical business
Audi, Robert. (2009). Business ethics and ethical business Oxford University Press.Book
Objectivity without egoism: Toward balance in business ethics
Audi, Robert. (2009). Objectivity without egoism: Toward balance in business ethics. Academy of Management Learning and Education. 8(2), pp. 263 - 274. article
Nationalism, patriotism, and cosmopolitanism in an age of globalization
Audi, Robert. (2009). Nationalism, patriotism, and cosmopolitanism in an age of globalization. Journal of Ethics. 13(4), pp. 365 - 381. article
The psychology of character and the theology of virtue
Audi, Robert. (2009). The psychology of character and the theology of virtue. In In C. S. Titus (Ed.). The Psychology of Character and Virtue pp. 101 - 118 The Institute for the Psychological Sciences.Book chapter
Religion and the politics of science: Can evolutionary biology be religiously neutral?
Audi, Robert. (2009). Religion and the politics of science: Can evolutionary biology be religiously neutral? Philosophy and Social Criticism. 35(1-2), pp. 23 - 50. article
Reliability as a virtue
Audi, Robert. (2009). Reliability as a virtue. Philosophical Studies. 142, pp. 43 - 54. article
Belief, faith, and acceptance
Audi, Robert. (2008). Belief, faith, and acceptance. International Journal for Philosophy of Religion. 63(1-3), pp. 87 - 102. article
The marketing of human images as a challenge to ethical leadership
Audi, Robert. (2008). The marketing of human images as a challenge to ethical leadership. In In G. Flynn (Ed.). Leadership and Business Ethics pp. 197 - 209 Springer Dordrecht. chapter
Some dimensions of trust in business practices: From financial and product representation to licensure and voting
Audi, Robert. (2008). Some dimensions of trust in business practices: From financial and product representation to licensure and voting. Journal of Business Ethics. 80(1), pp. 97 - 102. article
Skepticism about the a priori justification: Self-evidence, defeasibiity, and cogito propositions
Audi, Robert. (2008). Skepticism about the a priori justification: Self-evidence, defeasibiity, and cogito propositions. In In J. Greco (Ed.). The Oxford Handbook of Skepticism pp. 149 - 175 Oxford University Press. chapter
The ethics of belief: Doxastic self-control and intellectual virtue
Audi, Robert. (2008). The ethics of belief: Doxastic self-control and intellectual virtue. Synthese. 161, pp. 403 - 418. article
Rational disagreement as a challenge to practical ethics and moral theory: An essay in moral epistemology
Audi, Robert. (2008). Rational disagreement as a challenge to practical ethics and moral theory: An essay in moral epistemology. In In Q. Smith (Ed.). Epistemology: New Essays pp. 225 - 247 Oxford Scholarship Online. chapter
Intuition, inference, and rational disagreement in ethics
Audi, Robert. (2008). Intuition, inference, and rational disagreement in ethics. Ethical Theory and Moral Practice. 11(5), pp. 475 - 492. article
The good in the right: A theory of intuition and intrinsic value
Audi, Robert. (2004). The good in the right: A theory of intuition and intrinsic value Princeton University Press.Book
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