Institute for Religion and Critical Inquiry

Latest research outputs

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Mundo y sacramento. Fundamentos de la teología política de la Iglesia
van Erp, Stephan. (2017). Mundo y sacramento. Fundamentos de la teología política de la Iglesia. Selecciones de Teologia. 56(224), pp. 258-266.

Journal article

Moral responsibility without alternative possibilities
Stump, Eleonore. (2017). Moral responsibility without alternative possibilities. In Moral Responsibility and Alternative Possibilities: Essays on the Importance of Alternative Possibilities pp. 139-158 Routledge.

Book chapter

Spiegel van de Leek. De theologische Betekenis van het religieuze leven voor het lekenapostolaat
van Erp, Stephan. (2017). Spiegel van de Leek. De theologische Betekenis van het religieuze leven voor het lekenapostolaat. In Met nieuwe ogen en een nieuw hart. Religieuze dienstbaarheid in beweging pp. 81-92 Halewijn.

Book chapter

Natural Law, Metaphysics, and the Creator
Stump, Eleonore. (2017). Natural Law, Metaphysics, and the Creator. In In Glas, Gerrit and de Ridder, Jeroen (Ed.). The Future of Creation Order pp. 33-49 Springer International Publishing.

Book chapter

Religion in the black notebooks : Overview and analysis
Wolfe, Judith. (2017). Religion in the black notebooks : Overview and analysis. In Heidegger's Black Notebooks and the Future of Theology pp. 23-48 Palgrave Macmillan (Springer Nature).

Book chapter

God Becoming Present in the World : Sacramental Foundations of a Theology of Public Life
van Erp, Stephan. (2017). God Becoming Present in the World : Sacramental Foundations of a Theology of Public Life. In In van Erp, S., Poulsom, Martin G. and Boeve, Lieven (Ed.). Grace, Governance and Globalization pp. 13 Bloomsbury Publishing.

Book chapter

Historical writing (or the manufacture of memory)
von Güttner-Sporzyński, Darius. (2017). Historical writing (or the manufacture of memory). In In Cassidy-Welch, Megan (Ed.). Remembering the Crusades and crusading pp. 95-113 Routledge.

Book chapter

Theologie als spreken over Gods toekomst : Bij de zestigste verjaardag van hoofdredacteur Erik Borgman [Editorial]
van Erp, Stephan. (2017). Theologie als spreken over Gods toekomst : Bij de zestigste verjaardag van hoofdredacteur Erik Borgman [Editorial]. Tijdschrift voor Theologie. 57(3), pp. 191-199.

Journal article

Holiness in the making : Labor and sacrament in Catholic theology
van Erp, Stephan. (2017). Holiness in the making : Labor and sacrament in Catholic theology. Journal of Religious Ethics. 45(2), pp. 278-290.

Journal article

Christus, de vreemdeling : De theologische relevantie van migratie
van Erp, Stephan. (2017). Christus, de vreemdeling : De theologische relevantie van migratie. Tijdschrift voor Theologie. 57(1), pp. 9-19.

Journal article

Orde van leven, orde van denken : Theologie en het religieuze levenvan
van Erp, Stephan. (2017). Orde van leven, orde van denken : Theologie en het religieuze levenvan. Tijdschrift voor Theologie. 57(4), pp. 307-309.

Journal article

The fullness of time : Temporalities of the fifteenth-century low countries
Champion, Matthew S.. (2017). The fullness of time : Temporalities of the fifteenth-century low countries The University of Chicago Press.


Theology and the knowledge of persons
Stump, Eleonore. (2017). Theology and the knowledge of persons. In In Ellis, Fiona (Ed.). New models of religious understanding pp. 172-190 Oxford University Press.

Book chapter

An analysis of Augustine of Hippo's The City of God against the pagans
Teubner, Jonathan D.. (2017). An analysis of Augustine of Hippo's The City of God against the pagans Macat International Ltd.


How and why knowledge is first
Littlejohn, Clayton. (2017). How and why knowledge is first. In Knowledge first : Approaches in epistemology and mind pp. 19-45 Oxford University Press.

Book chapter

Emotions of the past in Catherine de Medici's correspondence
Broomhall, Susan. (2017). Emotions of the past in Catherine de Medici's correspondence. In In Marculescu, Andreea and Morand Métivier, Charles-Louis (Ed.). Affective and emotional economies in medieval and early modern Europe pp. 87-104 Palgrave Macmillan.

Book chapter

When ignorance is no excuse
Alvarez, Maria and Littlejohn, Clayton. (2017). When ignorance is no excuse. In In Robichaud, Philip and Wieland, Jan Willem (Ed.). Responsibility : The epistemic condition pp. 1-22 Oxford University Press.

Book chapter

Small stakes give you the blues: The skeptical costs of pragmatic encroachment
Littlejohn, Clayton. (2017). Small stakes give you the blues: The skeptical costs of pragmatic encroachment. Manuscrito: revista internacional de filosofia. 40(4), pp. 31-38.

Journal article

The structure of Philo’s de Plantatione and its place in the allegorical commentary
Runia, David T.. (2017). The structure of Philo’s de Plantatione and its place in the allegorical commentary. In In Runia, David T. and Sterling, Gregory E. (Ed.). The studia philonica annual : Studies in Hellenistic Judaism ; volume XXIX pp. 115-138 SBL Press.

Book chapter

Philo of Alexandria : An annotated bibliography 2014
Runia, D. T., Alesso, M., Birnbaum, E., Geljon, A. C., Keizer, H. M., Leonhardt-Balzer, J., Niehoff , M. R., Pearce, S. J. K., Seland, T. and Weisser, S.. (2017). Philo of Alexandria : An annotated bibliography 2014. In In Runia, David T. and Sterling, Gregory E. (Ed.). The studia philonica annual : Studies in Hellenistic Judaism ; volume XXIX pp. 185-228 SBL Press.

Book chapter

Introduction to Special Section : Philo's de Plantatione
Runia, David T.. (2017). Introduction to Special Section : Philo's de Plantatione. In In Runia, David T. and Sterling, Gregory E. (Ed.). The studia philonica annual : Studies in Hellenisitic Judaism ; volume XXIX pp. 111-114 SBL Press.

Book chapter

Response to my critics in the journal of pentecostal theology
Coakley, Sarah. (2017). Response to my critics in the journal of pentecostal theology. Journal of Pentecostal Theology. 26(1), pp. 23-29.

Journal article

Shipwrecks, sorrow, shame and the great Southland : The use of emotions in seventeenth-century Dutch East India Company communicative ritual
Broomhall, Susan. (2017). Shipwrecks, sorrow, shame and the great Southland : The use of emotions in seventeenth-century Dutch East India Company communicative ritual. In In Bailey, Merridee L. and Barclay, Katie (Ed.). Emotion, ritual and power in Europe, 1200–1920 : Family, state and church pp. 83-102 Palgrave Macmillan.

Book chapter

Fit for a king? The gendered emotional performances of Catherine deMedici as Dauphine of France, 1536-1547
Broomhall, Susan. (2017). Fit for a king? The gendered emotional performances of Catherine deMedici as Dauphine of France, 1536-1547. In In Schutte, Valerie (Ed.). Unexpected heirs in Early Modern Europe : Potential kings and queens pp. 85-109 Palgrave Macmillan.

Book chapter

The game of politics : Catherine de' Medici and Chess
Broomhall, Susan. (2017). The game of politics : Catherine de' Medici and Chess. Early Modern Women: An Interdisciplinary Journal. 12(1), pp. 103-118.

Journal article

Before trauma : The crusades, medieval memory and violence
Cassidy-Welch, Megan. (2017). Before trauma : The crusades, medieval memory and violence. Continuum: Journal of Media and Cultural Studies. 31(5), pp. 619-627.

Journal article

Synesius of Cyrene's Homily 1 and the Alexandrian exegetical tradition
Runia, David T.. (2017). Synesius of Cyrene's Homily 1 and the Alexandrian exegetical tradition. In In Minchin, Elizabeth and Jackson, Heather (Ed.). Text and the material world : Essays in honour of Graeme Clarke pp. 329-338 Astrom Editions.

Book chapter

Remembering in the time of the Crusades : Concepts and practices
Cassidy-Welch, Megan. (2017). Remembering in the time of the Crusades : Concepts and practices. In In Cassidy-Welch, Megan (Ed.). Remembering the Crusades and crusading pp. 3-10 Routledge.

Book chapter

From Stoicism to Platonism: The Difficult Case of Philo of Alexandria’s De Providentia I
Runia, David. (2017). From Stoicism to Platonism: The Difficult Case of Philo of Alexandria’s De Providentia I. In In Troels Engberg-Pedersen (Ed.). From Stoicism to Platonism: The Development of Philosophy, 100 BCE-100 CE pp. 159-178 Cambridge University Press.

Book chapter

Verschwiegenheit und indiskretion in autobiographien der spätaufklärung
McKenzie-McHarg, Andrew. (2017). Verschwiegenheit und indiskretion in autobiographien der spätaufklärung. In In Naschert, Guido (Ed.). Friedrich Christian Laukhard (1757–1822) : Schriftsteller, Radikalaufklärer und gelehrter Soldat pp. 145-181 Verlag Ferdinand Schoeningh GmbH.

Book chapter

Realism and anti-realism
Insole, Christopher J.. (2017). Realism and anti-realism. In In Abraham, William J. and Aquino, Frederick D. (Ed.). The Oxford handbook of the epistemology of theology pp. 274-289 Oxford University Press.

Book chapter

Hanaghan 2017 R Poignault and A Stoehr Monjou
Michael Hanaghan. (2017). Hanaghan 2017 R Poignault and A Stoehr Monjou. Journal of Roman Studies. 107, pp. 466-468.

Journal article

Analytic theology and the richness of classical theism: An interview with eleonore stump
Agustín Echavarría and Eleonore Stump. (2017). Analytic theology and the richness of classical theism: An interview with eleonore stump. Scripta Theologica. 49(1), pp. 85-95.

Journal article

Eschatological Viticulture in 1 Enoch, 2 Baruch, and the Presbyters of Papias
Carlson, Stephen. (2017). Eschatological Viticulture in 1 Enoch, 2 Baruch, and the Presbyters of Papias. Vigiliae Christinane. 71(1), pp. 37 - 58.

Journal article

Letters, instructions, gifts, the embassies of Hormisdas, bishop of Rome (514-532), to Constantinople
Allen, Pauline. (2017). Letters, instructions, gifts, the embassies of Hormisdas, bishop of Rome (514-532), to Constantinople. In In E. Mincin and H. Jackson (Ed.). Text and the Material World: Essays in Honour of Graeme Clarke pp. 339 - 348 Astrom Editions.

Book chapter

Theology and poetry in early Byzantium: The Kontakia of Romanos the Melodist
Gador-Whyte, Sarah. (2017). Theology and poetry in early Byzantium: The Kontakia of Romanos the Melodist Cambridge University Press.


The significance of significant fundamental moral disagreement
Cosker-Rowland, Rach. (2017). The significance of significant fundamental moral disagreement. Nous. 51(4), pp. 802 - 831.

Journal article

Gospel of Matthew 1, 24-2, 6-7, 10-11, 13
Parkhouse, Sarah. (2017). Gospel of Matthew 1, 24-2, 6-7, 10-11, 13. Journal of Coptic Studies. 19, pp. 29 - 32.

Journal article

John Chriysostom
Allen, Pauline. (2017). John Chriysostom. In In P. Esler (Ed.). The Early Christian World pp. 1054 - 1071 Routledge.

Book chapter

L’ipséité : un essai de reformulation à la lumière de Heidegger et de Wittgenstein
Romano, Claude. (2017). L’ipséité : un essai de reformulation à la lumière de Heidegger et de Wittgenstein. Les Etudes Philosophiques. 1(1), pp. 119 - 139.

Journal article