School of Arts and Humanities

FacultyFaculty of Education and Arts

Latest research outputs

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I'll huff and I'll puff and I'll blow your house down
Bell, Catherine. (2009). I'll huff and I'll puff and I'll blow your house down

Creative work

From page to stage: What emerges 'in between' politics and art in George Packer's betrayed
Chou, Mark. (2009). From page to stage: What emerges 'in between' politics and art in George Packer's betrayed. Borderlands E-Journal: new spaces in the humanities. 8(3), pp. 1 - 10.

Journal article

An Innovative Approach to Post-graduate Education in Veterinary Public Health
Toribio, Jenny-Ann, Forsyth, Hannah Elise, Laxton, R. and Whittington, Richard J.. (2009). An Innovative Approach to Post-graduate Education in Veterinary Public Health. Journal of Vetinary Medical Education.

Journal article

Whiteness, maternal feminism and the working mother, 1900-1960
Swain, Shurlee Lesley, Warne, Ellen Mary and Grimshaw, Patricia. (2009). Whiteness, maternal feminism and the working mother, 1900-1960. In In J. Carey and C. McLisky (Ed.). Creating White Australia pp. 214 - 229 Sydney University Press.

Book chapter

When push comes to shove: What was the othismos of hoplite combat?
Matthew, Chris. (2009). When push comes to shove: What was the othismos of hoplite combat? Historia: Zeitschrift fuer Alte Geschichte. 58(4), pp. 395 - 415.

Journal article

The unity of many determinations: Critiques of development from activists in rural India
Couch, Jennifer Rose. (2009). The unity of many determinations: Critiques of development from activists in rural India. In A Thornton and A McGregor (Ed.). Social Development Issues. New Zealand: Southern Illinois University at Carbondale. pp. 111 - 127

Conference item

The unity of many determinations: Critiques of development from activists in rural India
Couch, Jennifer Rose. (2009). The unity of many determinations: Critiques of development from activists in rural India. In A Thornton and A McGregor (Ed.). Social Development Issues. New Zealand: Southern Illinois University at Carbondale. pp. 111 - 127

Conference item

Black skins, black work: Race and labour in world war ii Papua and new guinea
Riseman, Noah Jed. (2009). Black skins, black work: Race and labour in world war ii Papua and new guinea. In In B. oliver (Ed.). Labour History in the New Century pp. 63 - 75 Black Swan Press.

Book chapter

Slide show land
Richardson, Elvis. (2009). Slide show land

Creative work

Elvis rants away
Richardson, Elvis. (2009). Elvis rants away

Creative work

Womanfolk: Songs from the valley below
Bell, Catherine Elizabeth and McDonald, Martha. (2008). Womanfolk: Songs from the valley below

Creative work

Unit root properties of crude oil spot and futures prices
Maslyuk, Svetlana and Smyth, Russell. (2008). Unit root properties of crude oil spot and futures prices. Energy Policy.

Journal article

The unity of many determinations: Critiques from activists in rural India
Couch, Jen. (2008). The unity of many determinations: Critiques from activists in rural India. Social Development Issues: alternative approaches to global human needs. 30(33), pp. 58 - 72.

Journal article

Nothing to see but the sky: An exploration of Tibetan resistance strategies
Couch, Jen. (2008). Nothing to see but the sky: An exploration of Tibetan resistance strategies. New Community. 6(22), pp. 47 - 52.

Journal article

Human and Natural Impacts on Fluvial and Karst Depressions of the Maya Lowlands
Beach, Timothy, Luzzadder-Beach, Sheryl, Dunning, Nicholas and Cook, Duncan Edward. (2008). Human and Natural Impacts on Fluvial and Karst Depressions of the Maya Lowlands. Geomorphology.

Journal article

A club of one's own: Aristocracy and the path to Bohemia
Trotter, Penelope. (2008). A club of one's own: Aristocracy and the path to Bohemia

Creative work

Feminism, mateship and brotherhood in 1890s Adelaide
Bellanta, Melissa. (2008). Feminism, mateship and brotherhood in 1890s Adelaide. History Australia.

Journal article

Hope is critical : Cormac McCarthy's The Road
Ryan, Matthew. (2008). Hope is critical : Cormac McCarthy's The Road. In Demanding the Impossible: Utopia and Dystopia pp. 151-162 Arena Publications Association.

Book chapter

'Japan fight. Aboriginal people fight. European people fight': Yolngu stories from World War II
Riseman, Noah. (2008). 'Japan fight. Aboriginal people fight. European people fight': Yolngu stories from World War II. The Australian Journal of Indigenous Education. 37, pp. 65 - 72.

Journal article

Dam development
Couch, Jennifer Rose. (2008). Dam development. In Matthew Clarke, Phil Connoros, Jo Dillon, and Max Kelly, Susan Kenny (Ed.). Geelong, Australia: Deakin University Press. pp. 53 - 69

Conference item

Voting for pleasure, or a view from a Victorian theatre gallery
Bellanta, Melissa. (2008). Voting for pleasure, or a view from a Victorian theatre gallery. M/C Journal.

Journal article

NIH state-of-the-science conference statement on prevention of fecal and urinary incontinence in adults
Landefeld, C., Bowers, Barbara, Feld, A., Hartmann, K., Hoffman, E., Ingber, M., King, J., McDougal, W., Nelson, H., Orav, E., Pignone, M., Richardson, L., Rohrbaugh, R., Siebens, H. and Trock, B.. (2008). NIH state-of-the-science conference statement on prevention of fecal and urinary incontinence in adults. Annals of Internal Medicine. 148(6), pp. 449 - 458.

Journal article

A man of civic sentiment: the case of William Guthrie Spence
Bellanta, Melissa. (2008). A man of civic sentiment: the case of William Guthrie Spence. Journal of Australian Studies.

Journal article

The Continuing Reappraisal of Hoplite Warfare
Matthew, Chris. (2008). The Continuing Reappraisal of Hoplite Warfare. NZACT Bulletin. 35(2), pp. 71 - 80.

Journal article

The graduated recovery intervention program for first episode psychosis: Treatment development and preliminary data
Waldheter, E., Penn, David, Perkins, D. O., Mueser, Kim T., Owens, L W. and Cook, E. (2008). The graduated recovery intervention program for first episode psychosis: Treatment development and preliminary data. Community Mental Health Journal. 44(6), pp. 443 - 455.

Journal article

Exploited soldiers: Navaho and Yolngu units in World War II
Riseman, Noah. (2008). Exploited soldiers: Navaho and Yolngu units in World War II. Journal of Northern Territory History.

Journal article

'Every time I think of baby I cry' dislocation and survival in Victoria's child welfare system
Musgrove, Nell. (2008). 'Every time I think of baby I cry' dislocation and survival in Victoria's child welfare system. Australian Historical Studies. 39(2), pp. 213 - 228.

Journal article

The larrikin's hop: Larrikinism and late colonial popular theatre
Bellanta, Melissa. (2008). The larrikin's hop: Larrikinism and late colonial popular theatre. Australasian Drama Studies.

Journal article

Disrupting assimilation: Soldiers, missionaries, and Aboriginal people in Arnhem Land during World War II
Riseman, Noah. (2008). Disrupting assimilation: Soldiers, missionaries, and Aboriginal people in Arnhem Land during World War II. In In A. Barry, J. Cruickshank and A. Brown-May et al. (Ed.). Evangelists of Empire? Missionaries in Colonial History pp. 245 - 262 University of Melbourne eScholarship Research Centre in collaboration with School of Arts and Sciences (VIC); Australian Catholic University.

Book chapter

On her own now
Trotter, Penelope. (2008). On her own now

Creative work

The enrolment of the capite censi by gaius marius: A reappraisal
Matthew, Chris. (2008). The enrolment of the capite censi by gaius marius: A reappraisal. Ancient History: resources for teachers. 36(1), pp. 1 - 17.

Journal article

Universities and Senior Lifelong Learners :Quo Vadis?
Cook, James Henry. (2008). Universities and Senior Lifelong Learners :Quo Vadis? In Debbie Orr, Patrick Alan Danaher and Geoff Danaher (Ed.). Keynote and Refereed Papers from the 5th International lifelong Learning Conference at Yeppoon 16-19 June 2008. Rockhampton, Australia: Central Queensland University Press. pp. 100 - 105

Conference item

The energy of the city: Marshall Berman and New Year's Eve in Sydney
Forsyth, Hannah Elise. (2008). The energy of the city: Marshall Berman and New Year's Eve in Sydney. Continuum: Journal of Media and Cultural Studies.

Journal article

The Davenport Brothers Down Under: Theatre, Belief and Modernity in 1870s Australia
Bellanta, Melissa. (2008). The Davenport Brothers Down Under: Theatre, Belief and Modernity in 1870s Australia. In The impact of the modern: Vernacular modernities in Australia 1870s - 1960s pp. 171 - 184 Sydney University Press.

Book chapter

Engineering the kingdom of god: irrigation, science and the social christian millennium, 1880-1914
Bellanta, Melissa. (2008). Engineering the kingdom of god: irrigation, science and the social christian millennium, 1880-1914. Journal of Religious History.

Journal article

Australie Mythes et Realites: Australia, Myth and Reality, printmaking, photographs and text in Australie Mythes et Realites - Australia, Myth and Reality
Trotter, Penelope. (2008). Australie Mythes et Realites: Australia, Myth and Reality, printmaking, photographs and text in Australie Mythes et Realites - Australia, Myth and Reality

Creative work

The writer versus the artist who speaks in quotes
Trotter, Penelope. (2008). The writer versus the artist who speaks in quotes. un Magazine.

Journal article

In the Light of Darkness
Trotter, Penelope. (2008). In the Light of Darkness. ARTicle.

Journal article

Abstract homes : Deterritorialisation and reterritorialisation in the work of Colm Toibin
Ryan, Matthew. (2008). Abstract homes : Deterritorialisation and reterritorialisation in the work of Colm Toibin. Irish Studies Review. 16, pp. 19 - 32.

Journal article

Club visit
Trotter, Penelope. (2008). Club visit Melbourne, Australia:

Digital or visual media

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Aarons, Haydn Mark

Abid, Mujibur Rahman

Adeney, Ally

Akbar, Ali

Almond, Rosslyn

Alzoubi, Sarah

Andrew, Lisa

Banks, Atticus

Barnett, Chelsea

Barone, Kaleb

Bartholomew, Julie

Bartlett, Whitney

Bell, Catherine Elizabeth

Bellanta, Melissa

Black, Michelle

Borg, Anthony

Brescia, Linda

Brock, Reuben

Brooks, Jessica

Brown, Mary

Bryant, Octavia

Burney, Stuart-James

Busbridge, Rachel

Cabanit, Jerica

Carruthers, Victoria

Carter, Lissa

Carter, Nicholas Edward

Chalaby, Joy

Chalkley, Paul

Charleson, Diane Marie

Checkley, Joel

Chew, Pauline Anne Kar-Wy

Chou, Mark Fei-chun

Christie, Matthew Daniel

Christie, Pamela Helen

Clement, Tracey

Collins, Matthew

Collins-Bojovic, Jessica

Connell, Scott

Cook, Duncan Edward

Cook, James Henry

Cooper, Jai

Cooper, Lesley

Cotton, Caroline

Couch, Jennifer Rose


Cox, Katherine

Cramer, Lorinda

Croser, Hamish

Crumlin, Rosemary

Damousi, Joy

Dargaville, Timothy

Dautovic, Tijana

Desor, Shiba

Dorabialski, Jakub

Douglas, Miranda

Dowsett, Simon John

Driver, Jacqui

Eldridge, Ben

Emmett, Deborah

Ensor, Belinda

Evans, Paul

Faithfull, Anne

Fantini, Sarah

Farasoo, Ghollam Abbas

Farquharson, James

Fieldgrass, Sameera

Firth, Chris

Flaherty, Ian

Forsyth, Hannah Elise

Forwood, Madeleine

Francis, Caitlin Sara

Fries, Katherine

Fromyhr, Judith Joyce

Gardner, Tess

Ghobadzadeh, Naser

Gilbee, Tara

Gilbert, Liam Vincent

Gildersleeve, Matthew James

Gonzalez de Ciner, Ana Marcela

Graham, Mary

Grant, Jack

Gruenewald, David

Hall, Tegan

Hastings, Aqua Yvonne Denise

Hayward, Geoffrey

Haywood, Katrina

Heath, Ekaterina

Hellings, Madeline

Hill, Jennifer

Hutchison, Margaret

Jakstas, Tammie

James, Ruby

Jenkins, Emma

Johnson, Edward

Johnson, Nicholas

Johnstone, Ainsley

Katalinic, Steven

Kavenagh, Siobhan

Keating, James

Keily, Bridie

Kelly, Deborah

Khan, Golam

King, Jacqueline

Knezevic, Danica

Knott, George

Koch, Emma Greta

Ky, Ngoc Bao Nhu

Lackenby, Michelle Carolyn

Laing, Allyn

Lamb, Karen

Lane, Sharron

Lavery, Gillian

Leon Cortes, Tomas

Lim, Ly Ly

Lipton, Martina

Little, Alex

Logan, Katrina

Longo, Braden

M Perillo, Sophie

Mac Eochagain, Bridget

Macaronas, James

Macintyre, Alasdair

Mack, Matthew

Maddock, Dean

Marland, James Grice Thomas

Marshall, Elizabeth

Martorana, Rosa

Maslyuk, Svetlana

Mason, Hannah-Leigh

Matthew, Christopher Anthony

Matthews, Rachel

McGinniss, David

Middleton, Kate

Mills, Louise

Moffitt, Benjamin John

Moghimi, Habib Allah

Moore, Peter

Morabito, Andrew

Morieson, Nicholas

Morrow, Ross John

Mountford, Benjamin

Musgrove, Nell Jane

Myers, Chris

Naqvi, Syed

Neal, Claudine Louise

Needham, Michael

Nettelbeck, Amanda

Nicholson, Clare

Nolan, Marguerite Rose

O'Brien, Theresa

O'Connell, Deirdre

Oakes, Katherine

Olliff, Louise

Patterson, Michael

Peters, Georg

Phillips, Tim

Piccini, Jon

Pinilla, Claudia Patricia

Pirsoul, Nicolas

Plummer, Catharine

Potter, Jenny-Lynn

Qi, Xiaoying

Quilter, Joseph

Quirk, Christin Anne

Reese, Henry

Ribeiro Seabra Eiras, Paola

Richardson, Elvis

Riseman, Noah Jed

Robertson, Rachel

Roche, Gerald

Rodd, Helen

Rowland, David Patrick

Roy, Sajal

Rutledge-Prior, Serrin

Ryan, Delyse Joy

Ryan, Matthew David

Ryan, Simon

Saba, Arif

Salem, Michelle

Salisbury, Christopher Graham

Salsjo, Mia

Sayers, Sabrina

Scanlon, Jill

Shannon, Anna

Siebols, Jeannette

Siountris, Demetra

Slingsby, Elisabeth

Smeaton, Jason

Smith, David

Smith, Erin

Solhdoost, Mohsen

Soundranayagam, Hemamalini

Stephen, Sudeep

Stewart, Heather

Stirling, Nicole

Styles, Ben

Taft, Matthew

Taye, Safiullah

Thomas, Emma

Thompson, Christopher Hugh

Thompson, Michael

Thompson, Nicole Florence

Thompson, Ruth

Thorley, Matthew

Tierney, John Nathan

Trotter, Penelope Jane

Tsai, Jaime

Tugjamba, Navchaa

Wade, Janet

Walker, Jo-Anne Michelle

Walker, Ross

Waltho, Renee

Warne, Ellen Mary

Warner, Lachlan Phillip

Watters, Stuart John

Webster, Janice Marie

Wentworth, Isabelle

Williams, Juliette

Wilson, Jacqueline

Wolfe, Naomi Cathryn

Wood, James

Yamamoto, Shusaku

Yan, Jimmy

Zambetti, Victoria