Noah Riseman
Contact category | Researcher (past) |
Job title | Professor |
Research institute | School of Arts and Humanities |
Faculty of Education and Arts |
Research outputs
Transgender Australia : A History since 1910
Riseman, Noah Jed. (2023). Transgender Australia : A History since 1910 Melbourne University Press.Book
Speaking out against anti-trans violence : a call for justice
Riseman, Noah Jed. (2023). Speaking out against anti-trans violence : a call for justice Australia: Special Commission of Inquiry into LGBTIQ hate crimes.Discussion paper
Transgender activism and anti-discrimination reform in 1990s New South Wales and Victoria
Riseman, Noah. (2022). Transgender activism and anti-discrimination reform in 1990s New South Wales and Victoria. Journal of Australian Studies. 46(3), p. 321–338. article
A history of trans health care in Australia : A report for the Australian Professional Association for Trans Health (AusPATH)
Riseman, Noah. (2022). A history of trans health care in Australia : A report for the Australian Professional Association for Trans Health (AusPATH) Australia: Australian Professional Association for Trans Health (AusPATH).Report
New South Wales trans history
Riseman, Noah. (2022). New South Wales trans history Australia: The Gender Centre.Report
Finding "evidence of me" through "evidence of us" : Transgender oral histories and personal archives speak
Riseman, Noah. (2022). Finding "evidence of me" through "evidence of us" : Transgender oral histories and personal archives speak. In In Summerskill, Clare, Tooth Murphy, Amy and Vickers, Emma (Ed.). New directions in queer oral history : Archives of disruption pp. 59-70 Routledge. chapter
The Royal Australian Navy and courts martial for homosexuality
Riseman, Noah. (2021). The Royal Australian Navy and courts martial for homosexuality. International Journal of Military History and Historiography. 42, pp. 46-69. article
A history of transgender women in Australian Sports, 1976–2017
Riseman, Noah. (2022). A history of transgender women in Australian Sports, 1976–2017. Sport in History. 42(2), pp. 280-307. article
The Australian Lesbian and Gay Archives (ALGA)
Riseman, Noah. (2019). The Australian Lesbian and Gay Archives (ALGA). History Australia. 16(3), pp. 549-552. article
Victoria's transgender history
Riseman, Noah. (2021). Victoria's transgender history Australia: Transgender Victoria.Report
Niue and the Great War
Noah Riseman. (2020). Niue and the Great War. The Journal of Pacific History. 55(2), pp. 311-312. article
Representing transgender in the 1970s Australian media
Riseman, Noah. (2021). Representing transgender in the 1970s Australian media. Gender and History. 33(1), pp. 227-248. article
How my COVID-19 disruption became my privileged boom time
Riseman, Noah. (2020). How my COVID-19 disruption became my privileged boom time. Portal: Journal of Multidisciplinary International Studies. 17(1/2), pp. 73-78. article
Transgender Australians : The history of an identity
Riseman, Noah Jed. (2021). Transgender Australians : The history of an identity. Oral History. 49(2), pp. 30-31.Journal article
Pride in defence : The Australian military and LGBTI service since 1945
Riseman, Noah and Robinson, Shirleene. (2020). Pride in defence : The Australian military and LGBTI service since 1945 Melbourne University Press.Book
Intimatopias and the queering of Australian war fiction
Riseman, Noah. (2020). Intimatopias and the queering of Australian war fiction. Continuum: Journal of Media and Cultural Studies. 35(6), pp. 940-954. article
Searching for trans possibilities in Australia, 1910–39
Riseman, Noah. (2020). Searching for trans possibilities in Australia, 1910–39. Journal of Australian Studies. 44(1), pp. 33-47. article
Australia's history of LGBTI politics and rights
Riseman, Noah. (2019). Australia's history of LGBTI politics and rights. In In Thompson, William R. (Ed.). Oxford research encyclopedia of politics pp. 1-24 Oxford University Press. chapter
Hunting gays and lesbians in the Australian Defence Force, 1974–1992
Riseman, Noah. (2019). Hunting gays and lesbians in the Australian Defence Force, 1974–1992. Journal of the History of Sexuality. 28(3), pp. 325-356. article
Volunteers with a legal impediment : Australian national service and the question of overseas service in Vietnam
Morris, Ben and Riseman, Noah. (2019). Volunteers with a legal impediment : Australian national service and the question of overseas service in Vietnam. History Australia. 16(2), pp. 266-286. article
The Interview-Document Nexus: Recovering Histories of LGBTI Military Service in Australia
Riseman, N.. (2019). The Interview-Document Nexus: Recovering Histories of LGBTI Military Service in Australia. Archivaria. 87(May), pp. 6-33.Journal article
Vietnam War, LGBTQ+ Veterans
Riseman, Noah Jed. (2019). Vietnam War, LGBTQ+ Veterans. In In H. Chiang, A. Arondekar and M. Epprecht et al (Ed.). The Global Encyclopedia of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer (LGBTQ) History pp. 1708 - 1710 Charles Scribner's Sons.Book chapter
Transgender inclusion and Australia's failed Sexuality Discrimination Bill
Riseman, Noah. (2019). Transgender inclusion and Australia's failed Sexuality Discrimination Bill. Australian Journal of Politics and History. 65(2), pp. 259 - 277. article
Indigenous peoples and the Second World War: The politics, experiences and legacies of war in the US, Canada, Australia and New Zealand
Sheffield, R. Scott and Riseman, Noah. (2019). Indigenous peoples and the Second World War: The politics, experiences and legacies of war in the US, Canada, Australia and New Zealand Cambridge University Press.
Serving in silence? Australian LGBTI military service since World War II
Riseman, Noah, Robinson, Shirleene and Willett, Graham. (2018). Serving in silence? Australian LGBTI military service since World War II [Exhibition]. Tap Gallery, Surry Hills, NSW, Australia 27 Feb 2018Exhibition
Ex-service activism after 1945
Riseman, Noah. (2018). Ex-service activism after 1945. In In J. Beaumont and A. Cazow (Ed.). Serving our country: Indigenous Australians, war, defence and citizenship pp. 261 - 281 NewSouth Publishing.Book chapter
Activism and Australia's ban on gay, lesbian and bisexual military service in the 1970s–80s
Riseman, Noah. (2018). Activism and Australia's ban on gay, lesbian and bisexual military service in the 1970s–80s. Australian Feminist Studies. 33(95), pp. 147 - 163. article
From witch-hunts to pride balls: the ADF and LGBTI service personnel
Riseman, Noah. (2018). From witch-hunts to pride balls: the ADF and LGBTI service personnel. In In T. Moss and T. Richardson (Ed.). Beyond Combat: Australian Military Activity Away from the Battlefield pp. 29 - 44 NewSouth Publishing.Book chapter
Serving in silence? Australian LGBT servicemen and women
Riseman, Noah, Robinson, Shirleene and Willett, Graham. (2018). Serving in silence? Australian LGBT servicemen and women NewSouth Publishing.Book
Describing misbehaviour in Vung Tau as ‘mischief’ is ridiculously coy”: Ethnographic refusal, reticence, and the oral historian’s dilemma
Riseman, Noah. (2018). Describing misbehaviour in Vung Tau as ‘mischief’ is ridiculously coy”: Ethnographic refusal, reticence, and the oral historian’s dilemma. The Oral History Review. 45(1), pp. 84 - 100. article
Gay and Lesbian, Then & Now [book review]
Riseman, Noah. (2018). Gay and Lesbian, Then & Now [book review]. Lilith: A Feminist History Journal. 24, pp. 65 - 66.Journal article
Opening the military door, 1945-65
Riseman, Noah. (2018). Opening the military door, 1945-65. In In J. Beaumont and A. Cadzow (Ed.). Serving our country: Indigenous Australians, War, Defence and Citizenship pp. 196 - 214 NewSouth Publishing.Book chapter
The Vietnam War
Riseman, Noah. (2018). The Vietnam War. In In J. Beaumont and A. Cazow (Ed.). Serving our country: Indigenous Australians, war, defence and citizenship pp. 215 - 238 NewSouth Publishing.Book chapter
Opening the military door, 1945-65
Riseman, Noah. (2018). Opening the military door, 1945-65. In In J. Beaumont and A. Cazow (Ed.). Serving our country: Indigenous Australians, war, defence and citizenship pp. 196 - 214 NewSouth Publishing.Book chapter
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander military service in the Second World War
Riseman, Noah. (2018). Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander military service in the Second World War. Journal of Military and Strategic Studies. 19(2), pp. 137 - 156.Journal article
Serving in silence? Australian LGBTI military service since World War II
Riseman, Noah, Robinson, Shirleene and Willett, Graham. (2018). Serving in silence? Australian LGBTI military service since World War II [Exhibition]. The Gallery, City Library, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia 11 Jan - 03 Feb 2018Exhibition
Introduction: Brothers and sisters in arms
Riseman, Noah. (2017). Introduction: Brothers and sisters in arms. Wicazo Sa Review: a journal of Native American studies. 32(1), pp. 5 - 8. article
‘Just another start to the denigration of Anzac Day’ : Evolving commemorations of Australian LGBTI military service
Riseman, Noah J.. (2017). ‘Just another start to the denigration of Anzac Day’ : Evolving commemorations of Australian LGBTI military service. Australian Historical Studies. 48(1), pp. 35-51. article
Evolving commemorations of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander military service
Riseman, Noah. (2017). Evolving commemorations of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander military service. Wicazo Sa Review: a journal of Native American studies. 32(1), pp. 80 - 101.Journal article
In defence of country: Life stories of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander servicemen & women
Riseman, Noah Jed. (2016). In defence of country: Life stories of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander servicemen & women ANU Press.
Between the Wars
Riseman, Noah. (2016). Between the Wars. Wartime (print). 76, pp. 38 - 43.Journal article
Elite indigenous masculinity in textual representations of Aboriginal service in the Vietnam War
Riseman, Noah. (2016). Elite indigenous masculinity in textual representations of Aboriginal service in the Vietnam War. Journal of Australian Studies. 40(1), pp. 32-44. article
Defending country: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander military service since 1945
Riseman, Noah Jed and Trembath, Richard. (2016). Defending country: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander military service since 1945 University of Queensland Press.Book
'Homosex' in wartime
Riseman, Noah. (2016). 'Homosex' in wartime. History Australia. 13(2), pp. 306 - 307. article
Transgender policy in the Australian Defence Force : Medicalization and its discontents
Riseman, Noah. (2016). Transgender policy in the Australian Defence Force : Medicalization and its discontents. International Journal of Transgenderism. 17(3-4), pp. 141-154. article
Indigenous soldiers: Native American and Aboriginal Australian service in Vietnam
Riseman, Noah. (2015). Indigenous soldiers: Native American and Aboriginal Australian service in Vietnam. In In N. H. Chau Nguyen (Ed.). New perceptions of the Vietnam War: Essays on the War, the South Vietnamese experience, the diaspora and the continuing impact pp. 203 - 228 McFarland & Company Inc..Book chapter
Outmanoeuvring Defence : The Australian debates over gay and lesbian military service, 1992
Riseman, Noah. (2015). Outmanoeuvring Defence : The Australian debates over gay and lesbian military service, 1992. Australian Journal of Politics and History. 61(4), pp. 562-575. article
Introduction: Diversifying the black diggers' histories
Riseman, Noah. (2015). Introduction: Diversifying the black diggers' histories. Aboriginal History. 39, pp. 137 - 142.Journal article
Making Change Happen: Black and White Activists Talk to Kevin Cook about Aboriginal, Union and Liberation Politics (review)
Riseman, Noah. (2015). Making Change Happen: Black and White Activists Talk to Kevin Cook about Aboriginal, Union and Liberation Politics (review). Australian Historical Studies. 46(1), pp. 132 - 133. article
Outmanoeuvring defence: The Australian debates over gay and lesbian military service, 1992
Riseman, Noah Jed. (2015). Outmanoeuvring defence: The Australian debates over gay and lesbian military service, 1992. Australian Journal of Politics and History. 61(4), pp. 562 - 575. article
Promoting deep learning: tutorial exercises to bring American history to life
Riseman, Noah. (2015). Promoting deep learning: tutorial exercises to bring American history to life. Australasian Journal of American Studies (AJAS). 34(2), pp. 113 - 123.Journal article
Escaping assimilation's grasp : Aboriginal women in the Australian women's military services
Riseman, Noah. (2015). Escaping assimilation's grasp : Aboriginal women in the Australian women's military services. Women's History Review. 24(5), pp. 757 - 775. article
The rise of indigenous military history
Riseman, Noah. (2014). The rise of indigenous military history. History Compass. 12(12), pp. 901 - 911. article
Enduring Silences, Enduring Prejudices: Australian Aboriginal Participation in the First World War
Riseman, Noah. (2014). Enduring Silences, Enduring Prejudices: Australian Aboriginal Participation in the First World War. In In D. Monger, S. Murray and K. Pickles (Ed.). Endurance and the First World War: Experience and Legacies in New Zealand and Australia Cambridge Scholars Publishing.Book chapter
Aboriginal military service and assimilation
Riseman, Noah. (2014). Aboriginal military service and assimilation. Aboriginal History. 38(Dec), pp. 155-178.Journal article
Observations of Catalan Independence: A Foreigner's Perspective
Riseman, Noah. (2014). Observations of Catalan Independence: A Foreigner's Perspective. Blue Gum (online). 1(1), pp. 36 - 41.Journal article
Indigenous experience of war (British Dominions)
Riseman, Noah and Winegard, Timothy C.. (2014). Indigenous experience of war (British Dominions) Berlin: Freie Universität Berlin.Creative work
The curious case of Mervyn Eades: National Service, discrimination and Aboriginal people
Riseman, Noah Jed. (2013). The curious case of Mervyn Eades: National Service, discrimination and Aboriginal people. Australian Journal of Politics and History. 59(1), pp. 63 - 79. article
Racism, Indigenous people, and the Australian armed forces in the post-Second World War era
Riseman, Noah. (2013). Racism, Indigenous people, and the Australian armed forces in the post-Second World War era. History Australia. 10(2), pp. 159 - 179. article
Equality in the ranks : The lives of Aboriginal Vietnam veterans
Riseman, Noah Jed. (2012). Equality in the ranks : The lives of Aboriginal Vietnam veterans. Journal of Australian Studies. 36(4), pp. 411-426. article
Defending whose country?: Indigenous soldiers in the Pacific war
Riseman, Noah Jed. (2012). Defending whose country?: Indigenous soldiers in the Pacific war University of Nebraska Press.Book
Rectifying 'The Great Australian Silence'?: Creative representations of Australian Indigenous Second World War service
Riseman, Noah. (2012). Rectifying 'The Great Australian Silence'?: Creative representations of Australian Indigenous Second World War service. Australian Aboriginal Studies.Journal article
The stolen veteran: institutionalisation, military service, and the Stolen Generations
Riseman, Noah Jed. (2011). The stolen veteran: institutionalisation, military service, and the Stolen Generations. Aboriginal History. 35, pp. 57 - 77.Journal article
Contesting white knowledge: Yolngu stories from World War II
Riseman, Noah. (2010). Contesting white knowledge: Yolngu stories from World War II. Oral History Review. 37(2), pp. 170 - 190. article
Introduction to Learning, Teaching and Social Justice in Higher Education
Riseman, Noah, Rechter, Sue and Warne, Ellen. (2010). Introduction to Learning, Teaching and Social Justice in Higher Education. In In Riseman, N., Rechter, S. and Warne, E. (Ed.). Learning, Teaching and Social Justice in Higher Education pp. iii-vi Uni of Melb eScholarship Research Centre with the School of Arts and Sciences (VIC), ACU.Book chapter
Australian [mis]treatment of indigenous labour in World War II Papua and New Guinea
Riseman, Noah. (2010). Australian [mis]treatment of indigenous labour in World War II Papua and New Guinea. Labour History: A Journal of Labour and Social history. 98(1), pp. 163 - 182.Journal article
Forgetting and (Re)membering Indigenous Soldiers :Yolngu and Navajo Veterans of World War II
Riseman, Noah Jed. (2009). Forgetting and (Re)membering Indigenous Soldiers :Yolngu and Navajo Veterans of World War II. In Martin Crotty (Ed.). When the Soldiers Return: November 2007 Conference Proceedings. Brisbane, Australia: University of Queensland Press. pp. 41 - 53Conference item
Black skins, black work: Race and labour in world war ii Papua and new guinea
Riseman, Noah Jed. (2009). Black skins, black work: Race and labour in world war ii Papua and new guinea. In In B. oliver (Ed.). Labour History in the New Century pp. 63 - 75 Black Swan Press.Book chapter
'Japan fight. Aboriginal people fight. European people fight': Yolngu stories from World War II
Riseman, Noah. (2008). 'Japan fight. Aboriginal people fight. European people fight': Yolngu stories from World War II. The Australian Journal of Indigenous Education. 37, pp. 65 - 72.Journal article
Exploited soldiers: Navaho and Yolngu units in World War II
Riseman, Noah. (2008). Exploited soldiers: Navaho and Yolngu units in World War II. Journal of Northern Territory History.Journal article
Disrupting assimilation: Soldiers, missionaries, and Aboriginal people in Arnhem Land during World War II
Riseman, Noah. (2008). Disrupting assimilation: Soldiers, missionaries, and Aboriginal people in Arnhem Land during World War II. In In A. Barry, J. Cruickshank and A. Brown-May et al. (Ed.). Evangelists of Empire? Missionaries in Colonial History pp. 245 - 262 University of Melbourne eScholarship Research Centre in collaboration with School of Arts and Sciences (VIC); Australian Catholic University.Book chapter
Disrupting assimilation: Soldiers, missionaries and Aboriginal people in Arnhem land during World War II
Riseman, Noah. (2007). Disrupting assimilation: Soldiers, missionaries and Aboriginal people in Arnhem land during World War II. Melbourne Historical Journal. 35, pp. 73 - 89.Journal article
Defending whose country? Yolngu and the Northern Territory Special Reconnaissance in the Second World War
Riseman, Noah Jed. (2007). Defending whose country? Yolngu and the Northern Territory Special Reconnaissance in the Second World War. Limina: A Journal of Historical and Cultural Studies. 13, pp. 80 - 91.Journal article
Regardless of history? Re-assessing the Navajo codetalkers of World War II
Riseman, Noah. (2007). Regardless of history? Re-assessing the Navajo codetalkers of World War II. Australasian Journal of American Studies (AJAS). 26(2), pp. 48 - 73.Journal article
Preserving a white military: The Australian armed forces and indigenous people in the second world war
Riseman, Noah Jed. (2007). Preserving a white military: The Australian armed forces and indigenous people in the second world war. In In L. Boucher, J. Carey and K. Ellinghaus (Ed.). Historicizing Whiteness: Transnational Perspectives on the Construction of an Identity pp. 133 - 142 RMIT Publishing in association with the School of historical Studies, University of Melbourne.Book chapter
Medical choice: The Australian movement to legalise abortion, 1967 - 80
Riseman, Noah. (2005). Medical choice: The Australian movement to legalise abortion, 1967 - 80. Lilith: A Feminist History Journal. 14, pp. 92 - 104.Journal article
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