School of Arts and Humanities

FacultyFaculty of Education and Arts

Latest research outputs

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Persuading the World of Genocide : Locating and Protecting the Foundational Rhetoric of the United Nations Genocide Convention
Burton, M.. (2025). Persuading the World of Genocide : Locating and Protecting the Foundational Rhetoric of the United Nations Genocide Convention [PhD Thesis]. Australian Catholic University School of Arts and Humanities

PhD Thesis

The failed referendum : A call to the church
Wolfe, Naomi. (2024). The failed referendum : A call to the church. Zadok Perspectives. 164, pp. 4-5.

Journal article

Grease monkeys : A history of Australia's motor mechanic trade, 1900–1970
Pearson, Michael. (2024). Grease monkeys : A history of Australia's motor mechanic trade, 1900–1970. Asia-Pacific Economic History Review. 64(2), pp. 260-266.

Journal article

Post-pandemic positions : new perspectives on international education and public diplomacy in Australia
Piccini, Jon, Lowe, David, Darian-Smith, Kate and Oppenheimer, Melanie. (2024). Post-pandemic positions : new perspectives on international education and public diplomacy in Australia. History of Education Review. 53(2), pp. 69-75.

Journal article

Reflections on a discipline in distress
Cramer, Lorinda. (2024). Reflections on a discipline in distress. History Australia. 21(4), pp. 530-533.

Journal article

Fear in indigenous literatures of the global south : The poetry of Graciela Huinao and Ellen van Neerven
Wentworth, Isabelle. (2024). Fear in indigenous literatures of the global south : The poetry of Graciela Huinao and Ellen van Neerven. In In Vernay, Jean-François, Wehrs, Donald R. and Wentworth, Isabelle (Ed.). The productivity of negative emotions in postcolonial literature pp. 192-208 Routledge.

Book chapter

Understanding supervisory practice and development in the pre-HDR space : An ethogenic approach
Martin, Jennifer, Owens, Alison, Bayes, Sara, Tofari, Paul, Lynch, Claire, Brown, Nicola, Mountford, Benjamin and Warne, Ellen. (2024). Understanding supervisory practice and development in the pre-HDR space : An ethogenic approach. Higher Education Research and Development. pp. 1-16.

Journal article

Unsettling theologies means unsettling theological institutions!
Wolfe, Naomi Cathryn. (2024). Unsettling theologies means unsettling theological institutions! In In Kolia, Brian Fiu and Mawson, Michael (Ed.). Unsettling theologies : Memory, identity, and place pp. 57-73 Palgrave Macmillan.

Book chapter

Activism and institutional care : History, heritage and social memory
Wilson, Jacqueline, Musgrove, Nell and McGinniss, David. (2024). Activism and institutional care : History, heritage and social memory. International Journal of Heritage Studies. pp. 1-5.

Journal article

Emotion in and through crisis
Qi, Xiaoying. (2024). Emotion in and through crisis. British Journal of Sociology. 75(5), pp. 908-921.

Journal article

Far-right translocalism : Towards a new research agenda [Editorial]
Chou, Mark, Busbridge, Rachel and Moffitt, Benjamin. (2024). Far-right translocalism : Towards a new research agenda [Editorial] Elsevier Ltd.


Closing the cell door : where are the Histories of Care-leavers at the old Melbourne Gaol?
Musgrove, N. and Saxton, L.. (2024). Closing the cell door : where are the Histories of Care-leavers at the old Melbourne Gaol? International Journal of Heritage Studies. 30(11), pp. 1324-1335.

Journal article

Machine learning for cave entrance detection in a Maya archaeological area
Character, L.D., Beach, Timothy, Luzzadder-Beach, Sheryl, Cook, Duncan Edward, Schank, Cody, Valdez, Fred and Mallner, M.. (2024). Machine learning for cave entrance detection in a Maya archaeological area. Physical Geography. 45(4), pp. 416-438.

Journal article

Emotion as a tool for humanising histories of the marginalised : a case study of industrial schools in Colonial Victoria
Musgrove, Nell Jane. (2024). Emotion as a tool for humanising histories of the marginalised : a case study of industrial schools in Colonial Victoria. Social History. 49(1), pp. 53-77.

Journal article

from The three Rs to the “culture wars”? how Australians perceive local government action on climate change, Indigenous reconciliation, and LGBTQIA + advocacy
Chou, Mark, Busbridge, Rachel and Rutledge-Prior, Serrin. (2024). from The three Rs to the “culture wars”? how Australians perceive local government action on climate change, Indigenous reconciliation, and LGBTQIA + advocacy. Urban Affairs Review. pp. 1-22.

Journal article

The colors of the populist radical right : The strategic use of hue and saturation in party logos
Curini, Luigi, Moffitt, Benjamin John and Zulianello, Mattia. (2024). The colors of the populist radical right : The strategic use of hue and saturation in party logos. The International Journal of Press/Politics. pp. 1-22.

Journal article

The difficult heritage of dictatorship in Europe
Copley, Clare and Carter, Nick. (2024). The difficult heritage of dictatorship in Europe. Journal of Contemporary History. 59(1), pp. 3-10.

Journal article

Enhancing perceptions of employability amongst first-year arts students and implications for student belonging
Busbridge, Rachel, Cunningham, Ashlee and Chou, Mark Fei-chun. (2024). Enhancing perceptions of employability amongst first-year arts students and implications for student belonging. Higher Education Research and Development. 43(4), pp. 792-808.

Journal article

Gender, political citizenship and intersectional feminism in Australia : #MeToo and the March 4 Justice
Busbridge, Rachel. (2024). Gender, political citizenship and intersectional feminism in Australia : #MeToo and the March 4 Justice. In The Palgrave Handbook of Gender and Citizenship pp. 243 - 266 Palgrave Macmillan (Springer Nature).

Book chapter

‘Time is against us’ : Anti-Communism, decolonisation and Papua New Guinean independence
Piccini, Jon. (2024). ‘Time is against us’ : Anti-Communism, decolonisation and Papua New Guinean independence. Australian Historical Studies. 55(2), pp. 310-329.

Journal article

The Three Rs and Beyond : Public Perceptions on the Role of Australian Local Government Today
Busbridge, Rachel, Chou, Mark and Rutledge-Prior, Serrin. (2024). The Three Rs and Beyond : Public Perceptions on the Role of Australian Local Government Today. Urban Policy and Research. 42(2), pp. 204-216.

Journal article

Transgender Australia : A History since 1910
Riseman, Noah Jed. (2023). Transgender Australia : A History since 1910 Melbourne University Press.


Virtue Capitalists : The Rise and Fall of the Professional Class in the Anglophone World, 1870-2008
Forsyth, Hannah Elise. (2023). Virtue Capitalists : The Rise and Fall of the Professional Class in the Anglophone World, 1870-2008 Cambridge University Press.


Eratosthenes and the Measurement of the Earth's Circumference (c.230BC)
Matthew, Christopher Anthony. (2023). Eratosthenes and the Measurement of the Earth's Circumference (c.230BC) Oxford University Press.


Education as economic stimulus in the human capital century
Forsyth, Hannah Elise. (2023). Education as economic stimulus in the human capital century. History of Education Review. 52(1), pp. 1-13.

Journal article

'Ask the animals, and they will teach you' : An Indigenous perspective on the animal world
Wolfe, Naomi. (2023). 'Ask the animals, and they will teach you' : An Indigenous perspective on the animal world. Zadok Perspectives. 159, pp. 7-9.

Journal article

Intellectual Authority and Its Changing Infrastructures in Australian and United States Christianity, 1960s–2010s
Mayes, Christopher, Thompson, Michael and Cruickshank, Joanna. (2023). Intellectual Authority and Its Changing Infrastructures in Australian and United States Christianity, 1960s–2010s. Journal of Religious History. 47(4), pp. 511-515.

Journal article

'It's Best to Leave This Constructive Ambiguity in Place!' : The Evaluation of Research in Literary Studies
Nolan, Marguerite Rose, Mrva-Montoya, Agata and Ward, Rebekah. (2023). 'It's Best to Leave This Constructive Ambiguity in Place!' : The Evaluation of Research in Literary Studies. Australian Literary Studies. 38(2), pp. 1-20.

Journal article

Embedding Wheel-like Networks
Rajan, R. Sundara, Rajalaxmi, Rajalaksmi, Stephen, Sudeep, Shantrinal, A. Arul and Kumar, K. Jagadeesh. (2023). Embedding Wheel-like Networks. Iranian Academic Center for Education, Culture and Research. 18(2), pp. 185-198.

Journal article

Gendering and Sexualising Opium Consumption in Manchukuo, 1932–1945
Gao, M.. (2023). Gendering and Sexualising Opium Consumption in Manchukuo, 1932–1945. Asian Studies Review. pp. 1-19.

Journal article

"We were Already in Lockdown" : Exploring the Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Asylum Seekers and Refugees in Australia - Mental Health, Social Isolation, Abandonment, and Financial Precarity
Trew, Sebastian, Couch, Jennifer Rose, Cox, Jillian and Cinque, Vivien. (2023). "We were Already in Lockdown" : Exploring the Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Asylum Seekers and Refugees in Australia - Mental Health, Social Isolation, Abandonment, and Financial Precarity. Health and Social Care in the Community. 2023, pp. 1-10.

Journal article

Securitization, divergent agendas and the sectoral allocation of development aid within Afghanistan
McGillivray, Mark and Taye, Safiullah. (2023). Securitization, divergent agendas and the sectoral allocation of development aid within Afghanistan. In In Carment, David and Yiagadeesen, Samy (Ed.). Handbook of Fragile States pp. 316 - 333 Edward Elgar Publishing.

Book chapter

Paul Bishop and the longue durée of human–environmental relations in SE Asia
Penny, Dan and Cook, Duncan Edward. (2023). Paul Bishop and the longue durée of human–environmental relations in SE Asia. Scottish Geographical Journal. 139(34), pp. 312-327.

Journal article

‘Dear Aunty Eleanor’ : Eleanor Roosevelt, Anna Freud and the politics of emotion in letters by children in war
Damousi, Joy. (2023). ‘Dear Aunty Eleanor’ : Eleanor Roosevelt, Anna Freud and the politics of emotion in letters by children in war. Social History. 48(3), pp. 338-362.

Journal article

A typology of shī ʿī discourses and possibilities of democracy
Ghobadzadeh, Naser and Akbar, Ali. (2023). A typology of shī ʿī discourses and possibilities of democracy. Critical Research on Religion. 11(2), pp. 187-204.

Journal article

'We are still alive' : Refugees and loneliness
Damousi, Joy. (2023). 'We are still alive' : Refugees and loneliness. In In Barclay, Katie, Chalus, Elaine and Simonton, Deborah (Ed.). The Routledge History of Loneliness pp. 471 - 483 Routledge.

Book chapter

Fashion and First Peoples in European Settler Societies, 1700-1850
Bellanta, Melissa. (2023). Fashion and First Peoples in European Settler Societies, 1700-1850. In In Breward, Christopher, Lemire, Beverly and Riello, Giorgio (Ed.). The Cambridge Global History of Fashion : From Antiquity to the Nineteenth Century, vol. 1 pp. 672 Cambridge University Press.

Book chapter

The comfort of things in White Australia : Male immigrants, race and the three-piece suit, c.1901–39
Bellanta, Melissa and Cramer, Lorinda. (2023). The comfort of things in White Australia : Male immigrants, race and the three-piece suit, c.1901–39. Australian Historical Studies. 54(3), pp. 483-510.

Journal article

Understanding British return migration. The Australian Department of Immigration, British youth cultures and the failed promotional tour of Australia in 1960
Stevens, Rachel. (2023). Understanding British return migration. The Australian Department of Immigration, British youth cultures and the failed promotional tour of Australia in 1960. In In Balint, Ruth, Damousi, poy and Fitzpatrick, Sheila (Ed.). When Migrants Fail to Stay : New Histories on Departure and Migration pp. 139 - 167 Bloomsbury Academic.

Book chapter

Celebrity humanitarianism in the 1920s : Australian women at the League of Nations
Damousi, Joy. (2023). Celebrity humanitarianism in the 1920s : Australian women at the League of Nations. Cultural and Social History. 20(3), pp. 367-384.

Journal article

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Aarons, Haydn Mark

Adeney, Ally

Akbar, Ali

Almond, Rosslyn

Alzoubi, Sarah

Anderson, Anna

Banks, Atticus

Barnett, Chelsea

Barone, Kaleb

Bartholomew, Julie

Bell, Catherine Elizabeth

Bellanta, Melissa

Black, Michelle

Borg, Anthony

Brescia, Linda

Brooks, Jessica

Brown, Mary

Bryant, Octavia

Burgess, Peter

Burt, Angela

Busbridge, Rachel

Carruthers, Victoria

Carter, Lissa

Casey, Daniel

Chalaby, Joy

Charleson, Diane Marie

Checkley, Joel

Chew, Pauline Anne Kar-Wy

Chou, Mark Fei-chun

Christie, Matthew Daniel

Christie, Pamela Helen

Ciclovan, Philip

Clement, Tracey

Collins-Bojovic, Jessica

Connell, Scott

Cook, Duncan Edward

Cook, James Henry

Cooper, Lesley

Couch, Jennifer Rose


Cox, Katherine

Cramer, Lorinda

Crumlin, Rosemary

Damousi, Joy

Dargaville, Timothy

Desor, Shiba

Douglas, Miranda

Dowsett, Simon

Driver, Jacqui

Durant, Ben

Eldridge, Ben

Emmett, Deborah

Ensor, Belinda

Evans, Paul

Fantini, Sarah

Farquharson, James

Fieldgrass, Sameera

Flaherty, Ian

Forsyth, Hannah Elise

Forwood, Madeleine

Francis, Caitlin Sara

Fries, Katherine

Fromyhr, Judith Joyce

Gardner, Tess

Ghobadzadeh, Naser

Gilbee, Tara

Gildersleeve, Matthew James

Grant, Jack

Greig, Ryan

Gruenewald, David

Hall, Tegan

Hardy, Joseph

Hastings, Aqua Yvonne Denise

Haywood, Katrina

Heath, Ekaterina

Heath, Parris

Hellings, Madeline

Hetherington, Andrew

Hill, Jennifer

Humphrys, Angela

Hutchison, Margaret

Jakstas, Tammie

Jenkins, Emma

Johnson, Edward

Johnson, Nicholas

Keating, James

Keily, Bridie

Kelly, Deborah

Khan, Muhammad Hassan

King, Jacqueline

Knezevic, Danica

Knott, George

Ky, Ngoc Bao Nhu

Laing, Allyn

Lamb, Karen

Lane, Sharron

Lavery, Gillian

Leon Cortes, Tomas

Lim, Ly Ly

Lipton, Martina

Little, Alex

M Perillo, Sophie

Mac Eochagain, Bridget

Macaronas, James

Macintyre, Alasdair

Mack, Matthew

Maddock, Dean

Marland, James

Marshall, Elizabeth

Martorana, Rosa

Maslyuk, Svetlana

Mason, Hannah-Leigh

Matthew, Christopher Anthony

Matthews, Rachel

McGinniss, David

Middleton, Kate

Moffitt, Benjamin John

Morabito, Andrew

Morieson, Nicholas

Morrow, Ross John

Mountford, Benjamin

Musgrove, Nell Jane

Myers, Chris

Naqvi, Syed

Needham, Michael

Nettelbeck, Amanda

Nolan, Marguerite Rose

O'Brien, Theresa

O'Connor, Anthony

Olliff, Louise

Peters, Georg

Phillips, Timothy Brett

Piccini, Jon

Pirsoul, Nicolas

Plummer, Catharine

Potter, Jenny-Lynn

Qi, Xiaoying

Quilter, Joseph

Quirk, Christin Anne

Ramos, Dondy Pepito II Gamboa

Reading, Eric

Reese, Henry

Richardson, Elvis

Riseman, Noah Jed

Robertson, Rachel

Rodd, Helen

Rowland, David Patrick

Roy, Sajal

Rutledge-Prior, Serrin

Ryan, Delyse Joy

Ryan, Matthew David

Ryan, Simon

Salisbury, Christopher Graham

Salma, Umme

Sang, Tian

Sayers, Sabrina

Scanlon, Jill

Scott, Matthew James

Shannon, Anna

Siebols, Jeannette

Siountris, Demetra

Slingsby, Elisabeth

Smeaton, Jason

Smith, David

Smith, Erin

Solhdoost, Mohsen

Stephen, Sudeep

Stewart, Heather

Stirling, Nicole

Taye, Safiullah

Thomas, Emma

Thompson, Christopher Hugh

Thompson, Michael

Thompson, Nicole Florence

Thompson, Ruth

Thorley, Matthew

Tierney, John Nathan

Trotter, Penelope Jane

Tsai, Jaime

Tugjamba, Navchaa

Vail, Laura

Wade, Janet

Wagstaff, Angela

Walker, Jo-Anne Michelle

Walker, Ross

Warne, Ellen Mary

Warner, Lachlan Phillip

Webster, Samuel

Wentworth, Isabelle

Williams, Juliette

Willmott, Julie

Wilson, Jacqueline

Wolfe, Naomi Cathryn

Yamamoto, Shusaku

Yee, Dakila