Martin Dowson

Contact categoryResearcher (past)

Research outputs

Spirituality and work engagement among church leaders
Miner, Maureen, Bickerton, Grant, Dowson, Martin and Sterland, Sam. (2015). Spirituality and work engagement among church leaders. Mental Health, Religion & Culture. 18(1), pp. 57 - 71.

Journal article

Spiritual Experiences Reconsidered : A Relational Approach to the Integration of Psychology and Theology
Miner, Maureen and Dowson, Martin. (2012). Spiritual Experiences Reconsidered : A Relational Approach to the Integration of Psychology and Theology. Journal of Psychology and Theology. 40(1), pp. 55 - 59.

Journal article

Ministry orientation and ministry outcomes: Evaluation of a new multidimensional model of clergy burnout and job satisfaction
Miner, Maureen, Dowson, Martin and Sterland, Sam. (2010). Ministry orientation and ministry outcomes: Evaluation of a new multidimensional model of clergy burnout and job satisfaction. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology. 83(1), pp. 167 - 188.

Journal article

Interpersonal relationships, motivation, engagement, and achievement: Yields for theory, current issues, and educational practice
Martin, Andrew J. and Dowson, Martin. (2009). Interpersonal relationships, motivation, engagement, and achievement: Yields for theory, current issues, and educational practice. Review of Educational Research. 79(1), pp. 327 - 365.

Journal article

Orientation to the demands of ministry: Construct validity and relationship with burnout
Miner, Maureen, Sterland, Sam and Dowson, Martin. (2009). Orientation to the demands of ministry: Construct validity and relationship with burnout. Review of Religious Research. 50(4), pp. 463 - 479.

Journal article

Mathematics anxiety as a function of multidimensional self-regulation and self-efficacy
Jain, Sachain and Dowson, Martin. (2009). Mathematics anxiety as a function of multidimensional self-regulation and self-efficacy. Contemporary Educational Psychology. 34(3), pp. 240 - 249.

Journal article

The Work Tasks Motivation Scale for Teachers (WTMST)
Fernet, Claude, Senecal, Caroline, Guay, Frederic, Marsh, Herbert Warren and Dowson, Martin. (2008). The Work Tasks Motivation Scale for Teachers (WTMST). Journal of Career Assessment. 16(2), pp. 256 - 279.

Journal article

Representations of relatedness with parents and friends and autonomous academic motivation during the late adolescence-early adulthood period: Reciprocal or unidirectional effects?
Guay, Frederic, Marsh, Herbert Warren, Senecal, Caroline and Dowson, Martin. (2008). Representations of relatedness with parents and friends and autonomous academic motivation during the late adolescence-early adulthood period: Reciprocal or unidirectional effects? British Journal of Educational Psychology. 78(4), pp. 621 - 637.

Journal article

Beyond transmissional pedagogies in Christian education:one school's recasting of values education
Collier, John and Dowson, Martin. (2008). Beyond transmissional pedagogies in Christian education:one school's recasting of values education. Journal of Research on Christian Education. 17(2), pp. 199 - 216.

Journal article

Getting along with teachers and parents: The yields of good relationships for students' achievement motivation and self-esteem
Martin, Andrew J., Marsh, Herbert Warren, McInerney, Dennis M., Green, Jasmine and Dowson, Martin. (2007). Getting along with teachers and parents: The yields of good relationships for students' achievement motivation and self-esteem. Australian Journal of Guidance and Counselling. 17(2), pp. 109 - 125.

Journal article

The nature and structure of Muslim religious reflection
Dover, Hanan, Miner, Maureen and Dowson, Martin. (2007). The nature and structure of Muslim religious reflection. Journal of Muslim Mental Health.

Journal article

Applying an action research approach to improving the quality of Christian education: One school's experience
Collier, John and Dowson, Martin. (2007). Applying an action research approach to improving the quality of Christian education: One school's experience. Journal of Christian Education. 50(1), pp. 27 - 36.

Journal article

Motivation in cross-cultural settings: A Papua New Guinea psychometric study
Nelson, Genevieve F., O'Mara, Alison J., McInerney, Dennis and Dowson, Martin. (2006). Motivation in cross-cultural settings: A Papua New Guinea psychometric study. International Education Journal.

Journal article

An investigation of the effects of school context and sex differences on students' motivational goal orientations
Dowson, Martin, McInerney, Dennis and Nelson, Genevieve F.. (2006). An investigation of the effects of school context and sex differences on students' motivational goal orientations. Educational Psychology. 26(6), pp. 781 - 811.

Journal article

Motivations to teach: Psychometric perspectives across the first semester of teacher education
Sinclair, Catherine, Dowson, Martin and McInerney, Dennis. (2006). Motivations to teach: Psychometric perspectives across the first semester of teacher education. Teachers College Record. 108(6), pp. 1132 - 1154.

Journal article

Motivations and profiles of cooperating teachers: Who volunteers and why?
Sinclair, Catherine, Dowson, Martin and Thistleton, Judith. (2006). Motivations and profiles of cooperating teachers: Who volunteers and why? Teaching and Teacher Education. 22(3), pp. 263 - 279.

Journal article

Coping with ministry: Developmental of a multidimensional measure of internal orientation to the demands of ministry
Miner, Maureen, Sterland, Sam and Dowson, Martin. (2006). Coping with ministry: Developmental of a multidimensional measure of internal orientation to the demands of ministry. Review of Religious Research. 48(2), pp. 212 - 230.

Journal article

Teacher Motivations for Postgraduate Study: Development of a Psychometric Scale for Christian Higher Education
Harvey, Pamela, Sinclair, Catherine and Dowson, Martin. (2005). Teacher Motivations for Postgraduate Study: Development of a Psychometric Scale for Christian Higher Education. Christian Higher Education. 4(4), pp. 241 - 264.

Journal article

Facilitating conditions for school motivation: Construct validity and applicability
McInerney, Dennis, Dowson, Martin and Yeung, Alexander Seeshing. (2005). Facilitating conditions for school motivation: Construct validity and applicability. Educational and Psychological Measurement. 65(6), pp. 1046 - 1066.

Journal article

What do associate teachers do anyway? A comparison of theoretical conceptualizations in the literature and observed practices in the field
Sanders, Marion, Dowson, Martin and Sinclair, Catherine. (2005). What do associate teachers do anyway? A comparison of theoretical conceptualizations in the literature and observed practices in the field. Teachers College Record.

Journal article

Why Multicollinearity Matters: A Reexamination of Relations Between Self-Efficacy, Self-Concept, and Achievement
Marsh, Herb, Dowson, Martin, Pietsch, James and walker, Richard. (2004). Why Multicollinearity Matters: A Reexamination of Relations Between Self-Efficacy, Self-Concept, and Achievement. Journal of Educational Psychology. 93(3), pp. 518 - 522.

Journal article

The development and validation of the Goal Orientation and Learning Stratergies Survey (Goals-S)
Dowson, Martin and McInerney, Dennis. (2004). The development and validation of the Goal Orientation and Learning Stratergies Survey (Goals-S). Educational and Psychological Measurement. 64(2), pp. 290 - 310.

Journal article

Right motives: A Christian perspective on students' academic motivation
Dowson, Martin and Harvey, Pamela. (2003). Right motives: A Christian perspective on students' academic motivation. Journal of Christian Education. 46(1), pp. 33 - 42.

Journal article

What do students say about their motivational goals?: Towards a more complex and dynamic perspective on student motivation
Dowson, Martin and McInerney, Dennis. (2003). What do students say about their motivational goals?: Towards a more complex and dynamic perspective on student motivation. Contemporary Educational Psychology. 28(1), pp. 91 - 113.

Journal article

Performance approach, performance avoidance and depth of information processing: A fresh look at relations between students' academic motivation and cognition
Barker, Katrina L., McInerney, Dennis and Dowson, Martin. (2002). Performance approach, performance avoidance and depth of information processing: A fresh look at relations between students' academic motivation and cognition. Educational Psychology. 22(5), pp. 571 - 589.

Journal article

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