Differential correlates to self-report and parent-report of callous-unemotional traits in a sample of juvenile sexual offenders

Journal article

White, Stuart F., Cruise, K. R. and Frick, Paul Joseph. (2009). Differential correlates to self-report and parent-report of callous-unemotional traits in a sample of juvenile sexual offenders. Behavioral Sciences and the Law.
AuthorsWhite, Stuart F., Cruise, K. R. and Frick, Paul Joseph

The association of callous–unemotional (CU) traits with violence and severe antisocial behavior has led to a recent focus on the association between CU traits and sexual offending behavior. When assessing juveniles with sexual offenses, practice standards recommend that multiple sources of data are considered. However, the differential correlates of parent-report versus self-report of CU traits in juvenile sex offenders have not been investigated. A sample of 94 detained male youth (mean age = 15.22, SD = 1.48) was administered both youth and parent versions of the Inventory of Callous–Unemotional Traits (ICU), a general delinquency risk assessment tool (YLS), and a sexual offending risk assessment tool (J-SOAP-II) to investigate concordance between self-report and parent-report of CU traits as well as association with general and sex-specific risk factors. Both parent-report and self-report of CU traits were significantly related to higher general delinquency risk scores, with parent-report showing stronger correlations than self-report. Both parent-report and self-report were related to sex-specific risk factors. However, only parent-report significantly predicted static sexual risk, while self-report significantly predicted dynamic sexual risk scores. Evidence supports the importance of including both parent- and self-report of CU traits in the comprehensive assessment of sexually offending youth.

JournalBehavioral Sciences and the Law
PublisherJohn Wiley & Sons
Page range910 - 928
Research GroupInstitute for Learning Sciences and Teacher Education (ILSTE)
Place of publicationUnited Kingdom
EditorsM. Crotty and D. A. Roberts
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Jiang, Yixin, Tully, Lucy A., Burn, Matthew T., Piotrowska, Patrycja J., Collins, Daniel A. J., Moul, Caroline, Frick, Paul J., Hawes, David J., Kimonis, Eva R., Lenroot, Rhoshel K., Anderson, Vicki and Dadds, Mark R.. (2018). Development and psychometric evaluation of the father engagement questionnaire. Journal of Child and Family Studies. 27(11), pp. 3457 - 3467. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10826-018-1195-0
A benchmarking study of father involvement in Australian child mental health services
Dadds, Mark R., Collins, Daniel A. J., Doyle, Frances L., Tully, L. A., Hawes, D., Lenroot, Rhoshel, Anderson, Vicki, Frick, Paul, Moul, C. and Kimonis, Eva R.. (2018). A benchmarking study of father involvement in Australian child mental health services. PLoS ONE. 13(8), pp. 1 - 11. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0203113
Investigating the offending histories of undocumented immigrants
Bersani, Bianca E., Fine, Adam D., Piquero, Alex R., Steinberg, Laurence, Frick, Paul J. and Cauffman, Elizabeth. (2018). Investigating the offending histories of undocumented immigrants. Migration Letters. 15(2), pp. 147 - 166.
Expecting the unexpected? Expectations for future success among adolescent first-time offenders
Mahler, Alissa, Fine, Adam, Frick, Paul J., Steinberg, Laurence and Cauffman, Elizabeth. (2018). Expecting the unexpected? Expectations for future success among adolescent first-time offenders. Child Development. 89(6), pp. e535 - e551. https://doi.org/10.1111/cdev.12977
Toward father-friendly parenting interventions: a qualitative study
Sicouri, Gemma, Tully, L. A., Collins, Daniel A.J., Burn, Matthew, Sargeant, Kristina, Frick, Paul, Anderson, Vicki, Hawes, D., Kimonis, Eva R., Moul, C., Lenroot, Rhoshel and Dadds, Mark. (2018). Toward father-friendly parenting interventions: a qualitative study. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Family Therapy: innovative and contextual approaches to human problems. 39(2), pp. 218 - 231. https://doi.org/10.1002/anzf.1307
Individual in context: the role of impulse control on the association between the home, school, and neighborhood developmental contexts and adolescent delinquency
Fine, Adam, Mahler, Alissa, Steinberg, laurence, Frick, Paul and Cauffman, Elizabeth. (2017). Individual in context: the role of impulse control on the association between the home, school, and neighborhood developmental contexts and adolescent delinquency. Journal of Youth and Adolescence. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10964-016-0565-4
Aspirations, expectations and delinquency: the moderating effect of impulse control
Mahler, Alissa, Simmons, Cortney and Frick, Paul. (2017). Aspirations, expectations and delinquency: the moderating effect of impulse control. Journal of Youth and Adolescence. 46(7), pp. 1503 - 1514. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10964-017-0661-0
Editorial: advancing research on child and adolescent psychopathology
Frick, Paul. (2017). Editorial: advancing research on child and adolescent psychopathology. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology. 46(1), pp. 1 - 4. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10802-017-0376-4
Optimising child outcomes from parenting interventions: fathers' experiences, preferences and barriers to participation
Tully, L. A., Piotrowska, Patrycja J., Collins, Daniel A.J., Mairet, Kathleen S., Black, Nicola, Kimonis, Eva R., Hawes, D., Moul, C., Lenroot, Rhoshel, Frick, Paul, Anderson, Vicki and Dadds, Mark R.. (2017). Optimising child outcomes from parenting interventions: fathers' experiences, preferences and barriers to participation. BMC Public Health. 17(1), pp. 1 - 14. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12889-017-4426-1
Can probation officers identify remorse among male adolescent offenders?
Fine, Adam, Cavanagh, Caitlin and Frick, Paul. (2017). Can probation officers identify remorse among male adolescent offenders? Psychological Assessment. 29(6), pp. 754 - 761. https://doi.org/10.1037/pas0000391
Use of structured professional judgement by probation officers to assess risk for recidivism in adolescent offenders
Lawing, Kathryn, Childs, Kristina K. and Frick, Paul. (2017). Use of structured professional judgement by probation officers to assess risk for recidivism in adolescent offenders. Psychological Assessment. 29(6), pp. 652 - 663. https://doi.org/10.1037/pas0000414
Mothers, fathers, and parental systems: a conceptual model of parental engagement in programmes for child mental health - Connect, Attend, Participate, Enact (CAPE)
Piotrowska, Patrycja J., Tully, L. A., Lenroot, Rhoshel, Kimonis, Eva R., Hawes, D., Moul, C., Frick, Paul, Anderson, Vicki and Dadds, M. R.. (2017). Mothers, fathers, and parental systems: a conceptual model of parental engagement in programmes for child mental health - Connect, Attend, Participate, Enact (CAPE). Clinical Child and Family Psychology Review. 20(2), pp. 146 - 161. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10567-016-0219-9
Study protocol: Evaluation of an online, father-inclusive, universal parenting intervention to reduce child externalising behaviours and improve parenting practices
Tully, Lucy A., Piotrowska, Patrycja J., Collins, Daniel A. J., Mairet, Kathleen S., Hawes, David J., Kimonis, Eva R., Lenroot, Rhoshel K., Moul, Caroline, Anderson, Vicki, Frick, Paul J. and Dadds, Mark R.. (2017). Study protocol: Evaluation of an online, father-inclusive, universal parenting intervention to reduce child externalising behaviours and improve parenting practices. BMC Psychology. 5(21), pp. 1 - 11. https://doi.org/10.1186/s40359-017-0188-x
The moderating role of anxiety in the associations of callous-unemotional traits with self-report and laboratory measures of affective and cognitive empathy
Kahn, Rachel E., Frick, Paul, Golmaryami, Farrah N. and Marsee, M A.. (2017). The moderating role of anxiety in the associations of callous-unemotional traits with self-report and laboratory measures of affective and cognitive empathy. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology. 45(2), pp. 583 - 596. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10802-016-0179-z
Effects of physical and emotional maternal hostility on adolescents' depression and reoffending
Thomas, April G., Ozbardakci, Nina, Fine, Adam, Steinberg, laurence, Frick, Paul and Cauffman, Elizabeth. (2017). Effects of physical and emotional maternal hostility on adolescents' depression and reoffending. Journal of Research on Adolescence. 28(2), pp. 427 - 437. https://doi.org/10.1111/jora.12345
Is the effect of justice system attitudes on recidivism stable after youths' first arrest? Race and legal socialization among first-time youth offenders
Fine, Adam, Cavanagh, Caitlin, Donley, Sachiko, Frick, Paul, Steinberg, laurence and Cauffman, Elizabeth. (2017). Is the effect of justice system attitudes on recidivism stable after youths' first arrest? Race and legal socialization among first-time youth offenders. Law and Human Behavior. 41(2), pp. 146 - 158. https://doi.org/10.1037/lhb0000229
And justice for all: determinants and effects of probation officers' processing decisions regarding first-time juvenile offenders
Fine, Adam, Donley, Sachiko, Cavanagh, Caitlin, Miltimore, Sarah, Steinberg, laurence, Frick, Paul and Cauffman, Elizabeth. (2017). And justice for all: determinants and effects of probation officers' processing decisions regarding first-time juvenile offenders. Psychology, Public Policy, and Law. 23(1), pp. 105 - 117. https://doi.org/10.1037/law0000113
The social, behavioral, and emotional correlates of bullying and victimization in a school-based sample
Golmaryami, Farrah N., Frick, Paul Joseph, Hemphill, Sheryl A., Kahn, Rachel E., Crapanzano, Annie M. and Terranova, Andrew M.. (2016). The social, behavioral, and emotional correlates of bullying and victimization in a school-based sample. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology. 44(2), pp. 381 - 391. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10802-015-9994-x
Factors differentiating callous-unemotional children with and without conduct problems
Wall, Tina D., Frick, Paul Joseph, Fanti, Kostas A., Kimonis, Eva R. and Lordos, Alexandros. (2016). Factors differentiating callous-unemotional children with and without conduct problems. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry. 57(8), pp. 976 - 983. https://doi.org/10.1111/jcpp.12569
Current research on conduct disorder in children and adolescents
Frick, Paul Joseph. (2016). Current research on conduct disorder in children and adolescents. South African Journal of Psychology. 46(2), pp. 160 - 174. https://doi.org/10.1177/0081246316628455
Positive and negative item wording and its influence on the assessment of callous-unemotional traits
Ray, James V., Frick, Paul Joseph, Thornton, Laura C., Steinberg, Laurence and Cauffman, Elizabeth. (2016). Positive and negative item wording and its influence on the assessment of callous-unemotional traits. Psychological Assessment. 28(4), pp. 394 - 404. https://doi.org/10.1037/pas0000183
Age Differences in the Structured Assessment of Violence Risk in Youth (SAVRY)
Childs, Kristina K. and Frick, Paul Joseph. (2016). Age Differences in the Structured Assessment of Violence Risk in Youth (SAVRY). International Journal of Forensic Mental Health. 15(3), pp. 211 - 221. https://doi.org/10.1080/14999013.2016.1152618
Impulse control and callous-unemotional traits distinguish patterns of delinquency and substance use in justice involved adolescents: Examining the moderating role of neighborhood context
Ray, James V., Thornton, Laura C., Frick, Paul Joseph, Steinberg, Laurence and Cauffman, Elizabeth. (2016). Impulse control and callous-unemotional traits distinguish patterns of delinquency and substance use in justice involved adolescents: Examining the moderating role of neighborhood context. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology. 44(3), pp. 599 - 611. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10802-015-0057-0
Sex differences in the measurement invariance and factors that influence structured judgments of risk using the Structured Assessment of Violence Risk in Youth (SAVRY)
Childs, Kristina K., Frick, Paul Joseph and Gottlieb, Katie. (2016). Sex differences in the measurement invariance and factors that influence structured judgments of risk using the Structured Assessment of Violence Risk in Youth (SAVRY). Youth Violence and Juvenile Justice. 14(1), pp. 76 - 92. https://doi.org/10.1177/1541204014547722
Self-control assessments and implications for predicting adolescent offending
Fine, Adam, Steinberg, Laurence, Frick, Paul Joseph and Cauffman, Elizabeth. (2016). Self-control assessments and implications for predicting adolescent offending. Journal of Youth and Adolescence. 45(4), pp. 701 - 712. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10964-016-0425-2
Early identification and treatment of antisocial behavior
Frick, Paul Joseph. (2016). Early identification and treatment of antisocial behavior. Pediatric Clinics of North America. 63(5), pp. 861 - 871. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.pcl.2016.06.008
The role of peer arrests on the development of youths' attitudes towards the justice system
Fine, Adam, Cavanagh, Caitlin, Donley, Sachiko, Steinberg, Laurence, Frick, Paul Joseph and Cauffman, Elizabeth. (2016). The role of peer arrests on the development of youths' attitudes towards the justice system. Law and Human Behavior. 40(2), pp. 211 - 218. https://doi.org/10.1037/lhb0000167
Using self-reported callous-unemotional traits to cross-nationally assess the DSM-5 'With Limited Prosocial Emotions' specifier
Kimonis, Eva, Fanti, Kostas, Frick, Paul, Moffitt, Terrie, Essau, Cecilia, Bijttebier, Patricia and Marsee, Monica. (2015). Using self-reported callous-unemotional traits to cross-nationally assess the DSM-5 'With Limited Prosocial Emotions' specifier. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry. 56(11), pp. 1249 - 1261. https://doi.org/10.1111/jcpp.12357
Evaluating callous-unemotional traits as a personality construct
Frick, Paul Joseph and Ray, James V.. (2015). Evaluating callous-unemotional traits as a personality construct. Journal of Personality. 83(6), pp. 710 - 722. https://doi.org/10.1111/jopy.12114
The emotional correlates to callous-unemotional traits in children
Ciucci, Enrica, Baroncelli, Andrea, Golmaryami, Farrah and Frick, Paul. (2015). The emotional correlates to callous-unemotional traits in children. Journal of Child and Family Studies. 24(8), pp. 2374 - 2387. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10826-014-0040-3
Callous-unemotional traits and adolescents' role in group crime
Thornton, Laura, Frick, Paul, Shulman, Elizabeth, Ray, James, Steinberg, Laurence and Cauffman, Elizabeth. (2015). Callous-unemotional traits and adolescents' role in group crime. Law and Human Behavior. 39(4), pp. 368 - 377. https://doi.org/10.1037/lhb0000124
A Comparison of Empirically Based and Structured Professional Judgment Estimation of Risk Using the Structured Assessment of Violence Risk in Youth
Childs, Kristina, Frick, Paul J., Ryals, John S., Lingonblad, Annika and Villio, Matthew J.. (2014). A Comparison of Empirically Based and Structured Professional Judgment Estimation of Risk Using the Structured Assessment of Violence Risk in Youth. Youth Violence and Juvenile Justice. 12(1), pp. 40 - 57. https://doi.org/10.1177/1541204013480368
Callous-unemotional traits in incarcerated adolescents
Kimonis, Eva, Fanti, Kostas, Goldweber, Asha, Marsee, Monica, Frick, Paul Joseph and Cauffman, Elizabeth. (2014). Callous-unemotional traits in incarcerated adolescents. Psychological Assessment. 26(1), pp. 227 - 237. https://doi.org/10.1037/a0034585
The association between callous-unemotional traits and behavioral and academic adjustment in children : Further validation of the inventory of callous-unemotional traits
Ciucci, Enrica, Baroncelli, Andrea, Franchi, Marta, Golmaryami, Farrah and Frick, Paul. (2014). The association between callous-unemotional traits and behavioral and academic adjustment in children : Further validation of the inventory of callous-unemotional traits. Journal of Psychopathology and Behavioral Assessment. 36(2), pp. 189 - 200. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10862-013-9384-z
Reciprocal influences between negative life events and callous-unemotional traits
Kimonis, Eva, Centifanti, Luna, Allen, Jennifer and Frick, Paul Joseph. (2014). Reciprocal influences between negative life events and callous-unemotional traits. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology. 42(8), pp. 1287-1298. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10802-014-9882-9
Callous-Unemotional Traits and Anxiety in a Community Sample of 7-Year-Olds
Humayun, Sajid, Kahn, Rachel E., Frick, Paul and Viding, E. (2014). Callous-Unemotional Traits and Anxiety in a Community Sample of 7-Year-Olds. Journal of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology. 43(1), pp. 36 - 42. https://doi.org/10.1080/15374416.2013.814539
Profiles of the forms and functions of self-reported aggression in three adolescent samples
Marsee, Monica, Frick, Paul, Barry, Christopher, Kimonis, Eva, Munoz Centifanti, L and Aucoin, K. (2014). Profiles of the forms and functions of self-reported aggression in three adolescent samples. Development and Psychopathology. 26(3), pp. 705 - 720. https://doi.org/10.1017/S0954579414000339
Emotional reactivity and the association between psychopathy-linked narcissism and aggression in detained adolescent boys
Munoz, L, Kimonis, Eva, Frick, Paul and Aucoin, K. (2013). Emotional reactivity and the association between psychopathy-linked narcissism and aggression in detained adolescent boys. Development and Psychopathology. https://doi.org/10.1017/S0954579412001186
Distinguishing primary and secondary variants of callous-unemotional traits among adolescents in a clinic-referred sample
Kahn, R, Frick, Paul, Youngstrom, E, Youngstrom, J, Feeny, N and Findling, R. (2013). Distinguishing primary and secondary variants of callous-unemotional traits among adolescents in a clinic-referred sample. Psychological Assessment. https://doi.org/10.1037/a0032880
Emotion Regulation and Heterogeneity in Attenton-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder
Musser, Erica, Galloway-Long, Hilary, Frick, Paul and Nigg, Joel. (2013). Emotion Regulation and Heterogeneity in Attenton-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder. Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jaac.2012.11.009
Callous-Unemotional Traits and Response to Functional Family Therapy in Adolescent Offenders
White, Stuart, Frick, Paul, Lawing, K and Bauer, D. (2013). Callous-Unemotional Traits and Response to Functional Family Therapy in Adolescent Offenders. Behavioral Sciences and the Law. https://doi.org/10.1002/bsl.2041
Annual Research Review: A developmental psychopathology approach to understanding callous-unemotional traits in children and adolescents with serious conduct problems
Frick, Paul, Ray, James V., Thornton, Laura and Kahn, Rachel E.. (2013). Annual Research Review: A developmental psychopathology approach to understanding callous-unemotional traits in children and adolescents with serious conduct problems. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry. 55(6), pp. 532 - 548. https://doi.org/10.1111/jcpp.12152
The incremental utility of callous-unemotional traits and conduct problems in predicting aggression and bullying in a community sample of boys and girls
Thornton, Leighana, Frick, Paul, Crapanzano, A and Terranova, A. (2013). The incremental utility of callous-unemotional traits and conduct problems in predicting aggression and bullying in a community sample of boys and girls. Psychological Assessment. https://doi.org/10.1037/a0031153
Examining the validity of the structured assessment of violence risk in youth (SAVRY) for predicting probation outcomes among adjudicated juvenile offenders
Childs, K, Ryals, J, Frick, Paul, Lawing, K, Phillippi, S and Deprato, D. (2013). Examining the validity of the structured assessment of violence risk in youth (SAVRY) for predicting probation outcomes among adjudicated juvenile offenders. Behavioral Sciences and the Law. https://doi.org/10.1002/bsl.2060
Evidence-Based Assessment of Conduct Disorder : Current Considerations and Preparation for DSM-5
Frick, Paul, Golmaryami, Farrah, Rivera-Hudson, Nicole and Barry, Christopher. (2013). Evidence-Based Assessment of Conduct Disorder : Current Considerations and Preparation for DSM-5. Professional Psychology: Research and Practice. https://doi.org/10.1037/a0029202
Multiple developmental pathways to conduct disorder : Current conceptualizations and clinical implications
Pardini, Dustin and Frick, Paul. (2013). Multiple developmental pathways to conduct disorder : Current conceptualizations and clinical implications. Journal of the Canadian Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry.
Developmental Pathways to Conduct Disorder : implications for Future Directions in Research, Assessment, and Treatment
Frick, Paul. (2012). Developmental Pathways to Conduct Disorder : implications for Future Directions in Research, Assessment, and Treatment. Journal of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology. 41(3), pp. 378 - 389. https://doi.org/10.1080/15374416.2012.664815
The effects of including a callous-unemotional specifier for the diagnosis of conduct disorder
Kahn, R, Frick, Paul, Youngstrom, E, Findling, R and Youngstrom, J. (2012). The effects of including a callous-unemotional specifier for the diagnosis of conduct disorder. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry. 53(3), pp. 271 - 282. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1469-7610.2011.02463.x
Primary and secondary variants of juvenile psychopathy differ in emotional processing
Kimonis, Eva, Frick, Paul, Cauffman, E, Goldweber, A and Kimonis, Eva. (2012). Primary and secondary variants of juvenile psychopathy differ in emotional processing. Development and Psychopathology. 24(3), pp. 1091 - 1103. https://doi.org/10.1017/S0954579412000557
Violence exposure mediates the relation between callous-unemotional traits and offending patterns in adolescents
Howard, A. L., Kimonis, Eva R., Munoz, L. C. and Frick, Paul. (2012). Violence exposure mediates the relation between callous-unemotional traits and offending patterns in adolescents. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology. 40(8), pp. 1237 - 1247. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10802-012-9647-2
Callous-Unemotional Traits and Their implication for Understanding and Treating Aggressive and Violent Youths
Munoz, L and Frick, Paul. (2012). Callous-Unemotional Traits and Their implication for Understanding and Treating Aggressive and Violent Youths. Criminal Justice and Behavior. 39(6), pp. 794 - 813. https://doi.org/10.1177/0093854812437019
Gender Differences in the Assessment, Stability, and Correlates to Bullying Roles in Middle School Children
Crapanzano, A, Frick, Paul, Childs, K and Terranova, A. (2011). Gender Differences in the Assessment, Stability, and Correlates to Bullying Roles in Middle School Children. Behavioral Sciences and the Law. 29(5), pp. 677 - 694. https://doi.org/10.1002/bsl.1000
Child and adolescent conduct disorder substantially shares genetic influences with three socioemotional dispositions
Waldman, I, Tackett, J, Van Hulle, C, Applegate, B, Pardini, D, Frick, Paul and Lahey, B. (2011). Child and adolescent conduct disorder substantially shares genetic influences with three socioemotional dispositions. Journal of Abnormal Psychology. 120(1), pp. 57 - 70. https://doi.org/10.1037/a0021351
Assessing the Forms and Functions of Aggression Using Self-Report :Factor Structure and invariance of the Peer Conflict Scale in Youths
Marsee, M, Barry, C, Childs, K, Frick, Paul, Kimonis, Eva, Munoz, L, Aucoin, K, Fassnacht, G, Kunimatsu, M and Lau, K. (2011). Assessing the Forms and Functions of Aggression Using Self-Report :Factor Structure and invariance of the Peer Conflict Scale in Youths. Psychological Assessment. 23(3), pp. 792 - 804. https://doi.org/10.1037/a0023369
Parental monitoring and youth behavior problems :Moderation by callous-unemotional traits over time
Munoz, L, Pakalniskiene, V and Frick, Paul. (2011). Parental monitoring and youth behavior problems :Moderation by callous-unemotional traits over time. European Child and Adolescent Psychiatry: official journal of the European Society for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. 20(5), pp. 261 - 269. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00787-011-0172-6
Building an Evidence Base for DSM-5 Conceptualizations of Oppositional Defiant Disorder and Conduct Disorder : introduction to the Special Section
Pardini, D, Frick, Paul and Moffitt, T. (2010). Building an Evidence Base for DSM-5 Conceptualizations of Oppositional Defiant Disorder and Conduct Disorder : introduction to the Special Section. Journal of Abnormal Psychology. 119(4), pp. 683 - 688. https://doi.org/10.1037/a0021441
Does the prevalence of CD and ODD vary across cultures?
Canino, G, Polanczyk, G, Bauermeister, J, Rohde, L and Frick, Paul. (2010). Does the prevalence of CD and ODD vary across cultures? Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology. 45(7), pp. 695 - 704. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00127-010-0242-y
The age at onset of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
Kieling, Christian, Kieling, Renata R., Rohde, L A., Frick, Paul, Moffitt, T E., Nigg, J T., Tannock, Rosemary and Castellanos, F Xavier. (2010). The age at onset of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. American Journal of Psychiatry. 167(1), pp. 14 - 16. https://doi.org/10.1176/appi.ajp.2009.09060796
Patterns of physical and relational aggression in a school-based sample of boys and girls
Crapanzano, A, Frick, Paul and Terranova, A. (2010). Patterns of physical and relational aggression in a school-based sample of boys and girls. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology. 38(4), pp. 433 - 445. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10802-009-9376-3
Assessing the affective features of psychopathy in adolescence : A further validation of the inventory of callous and unemotional traits
Roose, A, Bijttebier, P, Decoene, S, Claes, L and Frick, Paul. (2010). Assessing the affective features of psychopathy in adolescence : A further validation of the inventory of callous and unemotional traits. Assessment. 17(1), pp. 44 - 57. https://doi.org/10.1177/1073191107312212;10.1177/1073191107312212
Differences in Offending Patterns Between Adolescent Sex Offenders High or Low in Callous-Unemotional Traits
Lawing, Kathryn, Frick, Paul and Cruise, Keith. (2010). Differences in Offending Patterns Between Adolescent Sex Offenders High or Low in Callous-Unemotional Traits. Psychological Assessment. 22(2), pp. 298 - 305. https://doi.org/10.1037/a0018707
Oppositional Defiant Disorder and Conduct Disorder Grown-Up
Kimonis, Eva and Frick, Paul. (2010). Oppositional Defiant Disorder and Conduct Disorder Grown-Up. Journal of Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics. 31(3), pp. 244 - 254. https://doi.org/10.1097/DBP.0b013e3181d3d320
Identifying Subtypes Among Offenders With Antisocial Personaltiy Disorder : A Cluster-Analytic Study
Poythress, Norman, Edens, John, Skeem, Jennifer, Lilienfeld, Scott, Douglas, Kevin, Frick, Paul, Patrick, Christopher, Epstein, Monica and Wang, Tao. (2010). Identifying Subtypes Among Offenders With Antisocial Personaltiy Disorder : A Cluster-Analytic Study. Journal of Abnormal Psychology. 119(2), pp. 389 - 400. https://doi.org/10.1037/a0018611
Developmental Pathways to conduct problems: A further test of the childhood and adolescent-onset distinction
Dandreaux, D. M. and Frick, Paul Joseph. (2009). Developmental Pathways to conduct problems: A further test of the childhood and adolescent-onset distinction. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology.
The use of callous-unemotional traits to define important subtypes of antisocial and violent youth
Frick, Paul Joseph and Petitclerc, Amelie. (2009). The use of callous-unemotional traits to define important subtypes of antisocial and violent youth. In The Neurobiological Basis of Violence: Science and Rebabilitation pp. 65 - 83 Oxford University Press.
Antisocial behavior from a developmental psychopathology perspective
Frick, Paul Joseph and Viding, E.. (2009). Antisocial behavior from a developmental psychopathology perspective. Development and Psychopathology. https://doi.org/10.1017/S095457940999007
Linking callous-unemotional traits to instrumental and non-instrumental forms of aggression
Fanti, K. A., Frick, Paul Joseph and Georgiou, S. (2009). Linking callous-unemotional traits to instrumental and non-instrumental forms of aggression. Journal of Psychopathology and Behavioral Assessment.
Assessment of Personality and Adjustment
Frick, Paul Joseph and O'Donnell, Cedar W.. (2009). Assessment of Personality and Adjustment. In In S. Robinson (Ed.). The Handbook of School Psychology pp. 287 - 306 John Wiley & Sons.
Extending the construct of psychopathy to youth: implications for understanding, diagnosing, and treating antisocial children and adolescents
Frick, Paul Joseph. (2009). Extending the construct of psychopathy to youth: implications for understanding, diagnosing, and treating antisocial children and adolescents. Canadian Journal of Psychiatry.
Treatment of Violent Offenders
Frick, Paul Joseph and Boxer, Paul. (2008). Treatment of Violent Offenders. In Treating the Juvenile Offender pp. 147 - 170 Guilford Press.
Heritability of antisocial behaviour at 9: Do callous-unemotional traits matter?
Viding, Essi, Jones, Alice P., Frick, Paul Joseph and Moffitt, T. E.. (2008). Heritability of antisocial behaviour at 9: Do callous-unemotional traits matter? Developmental Science.
Treating Conduct Problems, Aggression and Antisocial Behavior in Children and Adolescents: An Integrated View
Frick, Paul Joseph and Boxer, Paul. (2008). Treating Conduct Problems, Aggression and Antisocial Behavior in Children and Adolescents: An Integrated View. In Handbook of Evidence-Based Therapies for Children and Adolescents Bridging Science and Practice pp. 241 - 260 Springer Science and Business Media.
Callous-unemotional traits and the emotional processing of distress cues in detained boys: Testing the moderating role of aggression, exposure to community violence, and histories of abuse
Kimonis, Eva R., Frick, Paul Joseph, Munoz, L. C. and Aucoin, K. J.. (2008). Callous-unemotional traits and the emotional processing of distress cues in detained boys: Testing the moderating role of aggression, exposure to community violence, and histories of abuse. Development and Psychopathology.
Verbal ability and delinquency: Testing the moderating role of psychopathic traits
Munoz, L. C., Frick, Paul Joseph, Kimonis, Eva R. and Aucoin, K. J.. (2008). Verbal ability and delinquency: Testing the moderating role of psychopathic traits. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry.
The importance of callous-unemotional traits for developmental models of aggressive and antisocial behavior
Frick, Paul Joseph and White, Stuart F.. (2008). The importance of callous-unemotional traits for developmental models of aggressive and antisocial behavior. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry.
Child and Adolescent Conduct Problems
Frick, Paul Joseph and McMahon, Robert J.. (2008). Child and Adolescent Conduct Problems. In A Guide to Assessments that Work pp. 41 - 66 Oxford University Press.
Types of aggression, responsiveness to provocation, and callous-unemotional traits in detained adolescents
Munoz, L. C., Frick, Paul Joseph, Kimonis, Eva R. and Aucoin, K. J.. (2008). Types of aggression, responsiveness to provocation, and callous-unemotional traits in detained adolescents. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology.
Externalizing Disorders of Childhood
Frick, Paul Joseph and Kimonis, Eva R.. (2008). Externalizing Disorders of Childhood. In Psychopathology: Foundations for a Contemporary Understanding pp. 349 - 374 Routledge.
Child versus parent reports of parenting practices: implications for the conceptualization of child behavioral and emotional problems
Barry, C. T., Frick, Paul Joseph and Grafeman, Sarah J.. (2008). Child versus parent reports of parenting practices: implications for the conceptualization of child behavioral and emotional problems. Assessment.
Assessing callous-unemotional traits in adolescent offenders: Validation of the inventory of callous-unemotional traits
Kimonis, Eva R., Frick, Paul, Skeem, J. L., Marsee, M. A., Cruise, K. R., Munoz, L. C., Aucoin, K. J. and Morris, Amanda Sheffield. (2008). Assessing callous-unemotional traits in adolescent offenders: Validation of the inventory of callous-unemotional traits. International Journal of Law and Psychiatry. 31(3), pp. 241 - 252. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijlp.2008.04.002