Institute for Religion and Critical Inquiry
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Faculty | Faculty of Theology and Philosophy |
Latest research outputs
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Dynastic colonialism : Gender, materiality and the early modern house of Orange-Nassau
Broomhall, Susan and Van Gent, Jacqueline. (2016). Dynastic colonialism : Gender, materiality and the early modern house of Orange-Nassau Routledge.
Divine, deadly or disastrous? Diarists' emotional responses to printed news in sixteenth-century France
Broomhall, Susan. (2016). Divine, deadly or disastrous? Diarists' emotional responses to printed news in sixteenth-century France. In In Spinks, Jennifer and Zika, Charles (Ed.). Disaster, death and the emotions in the shadow of the apocalypse, 1400-1700 pp. 321-339 Palgrave Macmillan. chapter
Beholding suffering and providing care : Emotional performances on the death of poor children in sixteenth-century French institutions
Broomhall, Susan. (2016). Beholding suffering and providing care : Emotional performances on the death of poor children in sixteenth-century French institutions. In In Barclay, Katie, Reynolds, Kimberley and Rawnsley, Ciara (Ed.). Death, emotion and childhood in premodern Europe pp. 65-86 Palgrave Macmillan. chapter
Burdened with small children” : Women defining poverty in sixteenth-century Tours
Broomhall, Susan. (2016). Burdened with small children” : Women defining poverty in sixteenth-century Tours. In In Couchman, Jane and Crabb, Ann (Ed.). Women's letters across Europe, 1400-1700 : Form and persuasion pp. 223-237 Routledge. chapter
Kierkegaard's relation to Catholic theology and the broader Christian world
Evans, C. Stephen. (2016). Kierkegaard's relation to Catholic theology and the broader Christian world. Toronto Journal of Theology. 32(1), pp. 45 - 50. article
'Where the poor of Christ are cherished': Poverty in the preaching of Antoninus of Florence
Howard, Peter. (2016). 'Where the poor of Christ are cherished': Poverty in the preaching of Antoninus of Florence. In In C. J. Mews and A. Welch (Ed.). Poverty and devotion in mendicant cultures 1200-1450 pp. 198 - 209 Routledge. chapter
Philo in Byzantium: An exploration
Runia, David T.. (2016). Philo in Byzantium: An exploration. Vigiliae Christinane. 70(3), pp. 259 - 281. article
Socrates and Aristotle on happiness and virtue
Crisp, Roger. (2016). Socrates and Aristotle on happiness and virtue. In In R. Heinaman (Ed.). Plato and Aristotle's ethics pp. 55 - 78 Routledge. chapter
Bodies of spirit and bodies of flesh: The significance of the sexual practices attributed to heretics from the eleventh to the fourteenth century
Barbezat, Michael D.. (2016). Bodies of spirit and bodies of flesh: The significance of the sexual practices attributed to heretics from the eleventh to the fourteenth century. Journal of the History of Sexuality. 25(3), pp. 387 - 419. article
Love and forgiveness: Swinburne on atonement
Stump, Eleonore. (2016). Love and forgiveness: Swinburne on atonement. In In M. Bergmann and J.E. Brower (Ed.). Reason and faith: themes from Richard Swinburne pp. 148 - 170 Oxford University Press. chapter
A. E. Housman’s Ballad Economies
Alfano, Veronica. (2016). A. E. Housman’s Ballad Economies. In In J. Ford, K. Edwards and P. Pulham (Ed.). Economies of desire at the Victorian Fin de Siècle: Libidinal lives pp. 35 - 61 Routledge.Book chapter
The Canon table sequence
Watson, Francis. (2016). The Canon table sequence. In In J. S. McKenzie and F. Watson (Ed.). The Garima Gospels: Early illuminated gospel books from Ethiopia pp. 165 - 186 Manar Al-Athar.Book chapter
'We want a good mission not rubish please': Aboriginal petitions and mission nostalgia
Rademaker, Laura. (2016). 'We want a good mission not rubish please': Aboriginal petitions and mission nostalgia. Aboriginal History. 40, pp. 119 - 143. article
Epistemicism and modality
Yli-Vakkuri, Juhani. (2016). Epistemicism and modality. Canadian Journal of Philosophy. 46(4-5), pp. 803 - 835. article
The Diatessaron, Canonical or Non-Canonical? Rereading the Dura Fragment
Crawford, Matthew Roy. (2016). The Diatessaron, Canonical or Non-Canonical? Rereading the Dura Fragment. New Testament Studies. 62(2), pp. 253 - 277. article
Against Apion
Barclay, John. (2016). Against Apion. In In H. Howell Chapman and Z. Rodgers (Ed.). A companion to Josephus pp. 75 - 85 Wiley-Blackwell.Book chapter
Reading councils backwards: Challenging teleological perspectives of Constantinople’s ecclesiastical development from 381 to 451
Pigott, Justin Matthew. (2016). Reading councils backwards: Challenging teleological perspectives of Constantinople’s ecclesiastical development from 381 to 451 [Thesis].
Making faith one’s own: Kevin Hector’s defense of modern theology
Lockwood, Charles. (2016). Making faith one’s own: Kevin Hector’s defense of modern theology. Harvard Theological Review. 109(4), pp. 637 - 649. article
Gender and emotions in medieval and early modern Europe: Destroying order, structuring disorder
Broomhall, Susan. In S. Broomhall (Ed.). (2016). Gender and emotions in medieval and early modern Europe: Destroying order, structuring disorder Routledge.Book
Accepting Prophecy: Paul’s Response to Agabus with Insights from Valerius Maximus and Josephus
Crabbe, Kylie. (2016). Accepting Prophecy: Paul’s Response to Agabus with Insights from Valerius Maximus and Josephus. Journal for the Study of the New Testament. 39(2), pp. 188 - 208. article
A landscape of preaching: Bartolomeo Lapacci Rimbertini OP
Howard, Peter. (2016). A landscape of preaching: Bartolomeo Lapacci Rimbertini OP. In In S. J. Cornelison, N. Ben-Aryeh Debby and P. F. Howard (Ed.). Mendicant cultures in the medieval and early modern world: Word, deed, and image pp. 45 - 64 Brepols Publishers. chapter
Governing masculinities in the early modern period: Regulating selves and others
Broomhall, Susan and Van Gent, Jacqueline. In S. Broomhall and J. Gent (Ed.). (2016). Governing masculinities in the early modern period: Regulating selves and others Taylor & Francis.
A.E. Housman's Ballad Economies
Alfano, Veronica. (2016). A.E. Housman's Ballad Economies. In In J. For, K. E. Keates and P. Pulham (Ed.). pp. 35 - 61 Routledge.Book chapter
The intolerable God: Kant's theological journey
Insole, Christopher. (2016). The intolerable God: Kant's theological journey Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Company.Book
The atonement and the problem of shame
Stump, Eleonore. (2016). The atonement and the problem of shame. Journal of Philosophical Research. 41, pp. 111 - 129. article
On Paul's second visit to Corinth: 'The Greek passage', parsing, and presupposition in 2 Corinthians 2:1
Carlson, Stephen C.. (2016). On Paul's second visit to Corinth: 'The Greek passage', parsing, and presupposition in 2 Corinthians 2:1. Journal of Biblical Literature. 135(3), pp. 597 - 615. article
'Confessing God from a Good Conscience': 1 Peter 3:21 and Early Christian Baptismal Theology
Crawford, Matthew Roy. (2016). 'Confessing God from a Good Conscience': 1 Peter 3:21 and Early Christian Baptismal Theology. Journal of Theological Studies. 67, pp. 23 - 37. article
The place of the Papacy in a historically concious ecclesiology
Ormerod, Neil James. (2016). The place of the Papacy in a historically concious ecclesiology. In In J. Chryssavgis (Ed.). Primacy in the Church: The Office of Primate and the Authority of Councils pp. 767 - 783 St Vladimir's Seminary Press.Book chapter
De la suprise du dasein conjectures sur deux phrases de sein und zeit
Romano, Claude. (2016). De la suprise du dasein conjectures sur deux phrases de sein und zeit. In In E. Bimbenet (Ed.). Alter: Revue de Phenomenologie pp. 47 - 68 Centre National Du Livre.Book chapter
'Only cuppa tea Christians': Colonisation, authentic indigeneity and the missionary linguist
Rademaker, Laura. (2016). 'Only cuppa tea Christians': Colonisation, authentic indigeneity and the missionary linguist. History Australia. 13(2), pp. 228 - 242. article
Phikola, a mysterious goddess at Phlya
Litwa, M. David. (2016). Phikola, a mysterious goddess at Phlya. Religion in the Roman Empire. 2(2), pp. 279 - 293. article
The Pentecost feast in Sixth-Century Antioch: The evidence of Patriarch Severus (512-518)
Allen, Pauline. (2016). The Pentecost feast in Sixth-Century Antioch: The evidence of Patriarch Severus (512-518). In In R. W. Bishop, J. Leemans and H. Tamas (Ed.). Preaching after Easter: Mid-Pentecost, ascension, and Pentecost in late antiquity pp. 323 - 333 Koninklijke Brill NV.Book chapter
Avons-nous besoin des essences en philosophie?
Romano, Claude. (2016). Avons-nous besoin des essences en philosophie? In In P. Cabeston (Ed.). L'Evenement et la Raison pp. 195 - 207 Le Cercle Hermeneutique.Book chapter
Face-making: Emotional and gendered meanings in Chinese clay portraits of Danish Asiatic Company men
Broomhall, Susan. (2016). Face-making: Emotional and gendered meanings in Chinese clay portraits of Danish Asiatic Company men. Scandinavian Journal of History. 41(3), pp. 447 - 474. article
Introduction: Destroying order, structuring disorder: Gender and emotions
Broomhall, Susan. (2016). Introduction: Destroying order, structuring disorder: Gender and emotions. In In S. Broomhall (Ed.). Gender and Emotions in Medieval and Early Modern Europe: Destroying order, Structuring Disorder pp. 1 - 14 Routledge. chapter
Gnostic self-deification: the case of Simon of Samaria
Litwa, David. (2016). Gnostic self-deification: the case of Simon of Samaria. Gnosis: Journal of Gnostic Studies. 1(1-2), pp. 157 - 176. article
Towards a redaction-critical reading of the Diatessaron Gospel
Watson, Francis Benedict. (2016). Towards a redaction-critical reading of the Diatessaron Gospel. Early Christianity. 7, pp. 95 - 112. article
Virtue, situationism, and the cognitive value of art
Berger, Jacob and Alfano, Mark. (2016). Virtue, situationism, and the cognitive value of art. Monist. 99(2), pp. 144 - 158. article
Rightness, parsimony, and consequentialism: A response to Peterson
Crisp, Roger. (2016). Rightness, parsimony, and consequentialism: A response to Peterson. Ethical Theory and Moral Practice. 19(1), pp. 39 - 47. article
Eusebius transformed
Watson, Francis. (2016). Eusebius transformed. In In J. S. McKenzie and F. Watson (Ed.). The Garima Gospels: Early illuminated gospel books from Ethiopia pp. 145 - 164 Manar Al-Athar.Book chapter
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Brassard, Sylvie
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