Institute for Religion and Critical Inquiry

Latest research outputs

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There is: The event and the finitude of appearing
Romano, Claude. In J. Caputo (Ed.). (2016). There is: The event and the finitude of appearing Fordham University Press.


Why historians need linguists (and linguists need historians)
Rademaker, Laura. (2016). Why historians need linguists (and linguists need historians). In In P. K. Austin, H. Koch and J. Simpson (Ed.). Language land & song: Studies in honour of Luise Hercus pp. 480 - 491 EL Publishing.

Book chapter

‘A paradise inhabited by Devils’: Bill Kent and his Florentine Renaissance
Howard, Peter. (2016). ‘A paradise inhabited by Devils’: Bill Kent and his Florentine Renaissance. In In P. Howard and C. Hewlett (Ed.). Studies on Florence and the Italian Renaissance in honour of F.W. Kent pp. 1 - 32 Brepols Publishers.

Book chapter

Rossian pluralism, egoism, and pleasure
Crisp, Roger. (2016). Rossian pluralism, egoism, and pleasure. Etica & politica. 18(1), pp. 119 - 133.

Journal article

Rome as a 'Spanish Avignon'? The Spanish Faction and the Monarchy of Philip II
Pattenden, Miles. (2016). Rome as a 'Spanish Avignon'? The Spanish Faction and the Monarchy of Philip II. In In P. Baker-Bates and M. Pattenden (Ed.). The Spanish Presence in Sixteenth-Century Italy: Images of Iberia pp. 65 - 84 Routledge.

Book chapter

Policing bodies in urban Scotland, 1780-1850
Barrie, David G. and Broomhall, Susan. (2016). Policing bodies in urban Scotland, 1780-1850. In In S. Broomhall and J. Gent (Ed.). Governing Masculinities in the Early Modern Period: Regulating Selves and Others pp. 263 - 282 Taylor & Francis.

Book chapter

Trust, but verify: A language and the role of trust in corporate culture
Audi, Robert, Loughran, Tim and McDonald, Bill. (2016). Trust, but verify: A language and the role of trust in corporate culture. Journal of Business Ethics. 139(3), pp. 551 - 561.

Journal article

The perspective of a Jewish priest on the Johannine Timing of the Action in the Temple
McLaren, James. (2016). The perspective of a Jewish priest on the Johannine Timing of the Action in the Temple. In In P. N. Anderson and F. Just (Ed.). John, Jesus, and history, Volume 3: Glimpse of Jesus through the Johannine lens pp. 201 - 204 SBL Press.

Book chapter

Sarisky, Darren. (2015). Introduction. In In Sarisky, Darren (Ed.). Theology, history, and biblical interpretation : Modern readings pp. 1 Bloomsbury Academic.

Book chapter

‘The trajectory of faith, love, and hope’ : Response to Chapter 6
Teubner, Jonathan D.. (2015). ‘The trajectory of faith, love, and hope’ : Response to Chapter 6. Scottish Bulletin of Evangelical Theology. 33(1), pp. 98-103.

Journal article

World and sacrament foundations of the political theology of the Church
van Erp, Stephan. (2015). World and sacrament foundations of the political theology of the Church. Louvain Studies. 39(2), pp. 102-120.

Journal article

van Erp, Stephan. (2015). Introduction. Louvain Studies. 39(2), pp. 99-101.

Journal article

Who cares what you accurately believe?
Littlejohn, Clayton. (2015). Who cares what you accurately believe? Philosophical Perspectives. 29(1), pp. 217-248.

Journal article

Performances of entangled emotions and beliefs : French and Spanish cultural transformations on the sixteenth-century Florida peninsula
Broomhall, Susan. (2015). Performances of entangled emotions and beliefs : French and Spanish cultural transformations on the sixteenth-century Florida peninsula. Cromohs (Cyber Review of Modern Historiography). 20(1), pp. 25-51.

Journal article

Les îles Britanniques (The British Isles)
Cassidy-Welch, Megan. (2015). Les îles Britanniques (The British Isles). In In Baudin, Arnaud, Veyssière, Laurent and Dohrmann, Nicolas (Ed.). Clairvaux : L'aventure cistercienne pp. 107-109 Hamlyn.

Book chapter

Order, emotion, and gender in the Crusade Letters of Jacques de Vitry
Cassidy-Welch, Megan. (2015). Order, emotion, and gender in the Crusade Letters of Jacques de Vitry. In In Broomhall, Susan (Ed.). Gender and emotions in medieval and early modern Europe : Destroying order, structuring disorder pp. 35-49 Routledge.

Book chapter

“Dixit quod nunquam vidit hereticos” : Dissimulation and self-censorship in thirteenth-century Inquisitorial Testimonies
Cassidy-Welch, Megan. (2015). “Dixit quod nunquam vidit hereticos” : Dissimulation and self-censorship in thirteenth-century Inquisitorial Testimonies. In In Baltussen, Han and Davis, Peter J. (Ed.). The art of veiled speech pp. 251-268 University of Pennsylvania Press.

Book chapter

Reading the Diatessaron with Ephrem: The Word and the Light, the Voice and the Star
Crawford, Matthew R.. (2015). Reading the Diatessaron with Ephrem: The Word and the Light, the Voice and the Star. Vigiliae Christianae: a review of early Christian life and languages. 69(1), pp. 70 - 95.

Journal article

An enchanting abundance of types: Nietzsche's modest unity of virtue thesis
Alfano, Mark. (2015). An enchanting abundance of types: Nietzsche's modest unity of virtue thesis. Journal of Value Inquiry. 49(3), pp. 417 - 435.

Journal article

Method, meaning, and the theologies of religions
Jacobs-Vandegeer, Christiaan. (2015). Method, meaning, and the theologies of religions. Irish Theological Quarterly. 80(1), pp. 30 - 55.

Journal article

From France to England: Huguenot charity in London
Broomhall, Susan. (2015). From France to England: Huguenot charity in London. In Experiences of Charity, 1250-1650 pp. 193 - 212 Ashgate Publishing Ltd.

Book chapter

Eliot's Rose Garden: Some phenomenology and theology in "Burnt Norton"
Hart, Kevin. (2015). Eliot's Rose Garden: Some phenomenology and theology in "Burnt Norton". Christianity and Literature. 64(3), pp. 243 - 265.

Journal article

Evaluating Church organisations by the light of lumen gentium a dialogue between ecclesiology and management theory
Kheng, Christina. (2015). Evaluating Church organisations by the light of lumen gentium a dialogue between ecclesiology and management theory. Ecclesiology: the journal for ministry, mission and unity. 11(1), pp. 9 - 33.

Journal article

De Profundis: The Letters and Archives of Pelagius I of Rome (556-561)
Neil, Bronwen. (2015). De Profundis: The Letters and Archives of Pelagius I of Rome (556-561). In In P. Allen and B. Neil (Ed.). Collecting Early Christian Letters: From the Apostle Paul to Late Antiquity pp. 206 - 220 Cambridge University Press.

Book chapter

A prolegomenon to an account of theological interpretation of scripture
Sarisky, Darren. (2015). A prolegomenon to an account of theological interpretation of scripture. In In R. D. Nelson, D. Sarisky and J. Stratis (Ed.). Theological Theology: Essays in Honor of John Webster pp. 247 - 265 Bloomsbury T & T Clark.

Book chapter

Can people be virtuous?
Alfano, Mark and Montmarquet, James. (2015). Can people be virtuous? In In M. Alfano (Ed.). Current Controversies in Virtue Theory pp. 123 - 149 Routledge.

Book chapter

Paul and the gift
Barclay, John M. G.. (2015). Paul and the gift William Eerdmans Publishing.


Bernard Lonergan's Contribution to Inter-Religious Dialogue
Ormerod, Neil. (2015). Bernard Lonergan's Contribution to Inter-Religious Dialogue. In G. Whelan (Ed.). Revisiting Lonergan's Anthropology. Italy: Gregorian and Biblical Press. pp. 205 - 220

Conference item

Le don le donation et le paradoxe
Romano, Claude. (2015). Le don le donation et le paradoxe. In In P. Capelle-Dumont (Ed.). Philosophie de Jean-Luc Marion pp. 11 - 30 Hermann.

Book chapter

The Oxford handbook of Maximus the Confessor
Allen, Pauline and Neil, Bronwen. (2015). The Oxford handbook of Maximus the Confessor Oxford University Press.


The Fourfold Gospel in the Writings of Ephrem the Syrian
Crawford, Matthew R.. (2015). The Fourfold Gospel in the Writings of Ephrem the Syrian. Hugoye: Journal of Syriac Studies. 18(1), pp. 9 - 51.

Journal article

Ayres, Lewis. (2015). God. In In C. Chin and M. Vidas (Ed.). Late Ancient Knowing: Explorations in Intellectual History pp. 134 - 151 University of California Press.

Book chapter

Incarnation and the natural world: Explorations in the tradition of Athanasius
Edwards, Denis. (2015). Incarnation and the natural world: Explorations in the tradition of Athanasius. In In N. H. Gregersen (Ed.). Incarnation: On the scope nad depth of christology pp. 157 - 176 Fortress Press.

Book chapter

Placebo effects and informed consent
Alfano, Mark. (2015). Placebo effects and informed consent. American Journal of Bioethics. 15(10), pp. 3 - 12.

Journal article

Introduction to Violence and emotions in early modern Europe
Broomhall, Susan. (2015). Introduction to Violence and emotions in early modern Europe. In In Susan Broomhall and Sarah Finn (Ed.). Violence and Emotions in Early Modern Europe pp. 1 - 18 Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group.

Book chapter

The last years of Paul: What are the Issues?
Barclay, John M. G.. (2015). The last years of Paul: What are the Issues? In In A. P. Tarrech, J. M. G. Barcaly and J. Frey (Ed.). The last years of Paul: Essays from the Tarragona Conference, June 2013 pp. 1 - 14 Mohr Siebeck.

Book chapter

'comme bons citoyens': Faith and politics in the poor relief of later sixteenth century gap
Broomhall, Susan. (2015). 'comme bons citoyens': Faith and politics in the poor relief of later sixteenth century gap. In In A. Scott (Ed.). Experiences of Charity, 1250-1650 pp. 171 - 191 Ashgate Publishing Ltd.

Book chapter

Dream Interpretation and Christian Identity in Late Antique Rome and Byzantium
Neil, Bronwen. (2015). Dream Interpretation and Christian Identity in Late Antique Rome and Byzantium. In In G.D. Dunn and W. Mayer (Ed.). Christians Shaping Identity from the Roman Empire to Bysantium: Studies Inspired by Pauline Allen pp. 321 - 341 Brill.

Book chapter

"Reordering the Confusion": Tatian, the Second Sophistic, and the so-called Diatessaron
Crawford, Matthew. (2015). "Reordering the Confusion": Tatian, the Second Sophistic, and the so-called Diatessaron. Zeitschrift fuer Antikes Christentum. 19(2), pp. 209 - 236.

Journal article

The Word answering the Word: Opening the space of Catholic biblical interpretation
Ayres, Lewis. (2015). The Word answering the Word: Opening the space of Catholic biblical interpretation. In In R. D. Nelson, D. Sarisky and J. Stratis (Ed.). Theological theology: Essays in honour of John Webster pp. 37 - 54 Bloomsbury T & T Clark.

Book chapter