School of Theology

Latest research outputs

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The theological interpretation of bible, church and world: A theology of inspiration
Rush, Ormond. (2013). The theological interpretation of bible, church and world: A theology of inspiration. Colloquium. 45(1), pp. 3 - 16.

Journal article

The use of Isaiah 28:11-12 in 1 Corinthians 14:21
Theophilos, Michael Peter and Smith, Alexander M.. (2013). The use of Isaiah 28:11-12 in 1 Corinthians 14:21. In In W Mayer and B Neil (Ed.). Religious conflict from early Christianity to the rise of Islam pp. 51 - 70 De Gruyter.

Book chapter

The ascension and the eucharist
Kelly, Anthony. (2013). The ascension and the eucharist. Irish Theological Quarterly. 78(4), pp. 338 - 350.

Journal article

The history of Sisters of Mercy in Papua New Guinea (1956-2006): within the tradition of women called to Gospel discipleship and Christian mission
Flaherty, Teresa Anne. (2013). The history of Sisters of Mercy in Papua New Guinea (1956-2006): within the tradition of women called to Gospel discipleship and Christian mission [Thesis].


Religious Pluralism and its Challenges
McEvoy, James. (2013). Religious Pluralism and its Challenges. In In DG Kirchhoffer, R Horner and P McCardle (Ed.). Being Human - Groundwork for a Theological Anthropology for the 21st Century pp. 287 - 299 Mosaic Press.

Book chapter

A Saint Jacques
Horner, Robyn. (2013). A Saint Jacques. In In C Dickinson (Ed.). The postmodern Saints of France: Refiguring 'the holy' in contemporary French philosophy pp. 95 - 108 Bloomsbury T & T Clark.

Book chapter

A Marian missionary spirituality of prophetic dialogue
Hall, Gerard. (2013). A Marian missionary spirituality of prophetic dialogue. In In N Ormerod and R Gascoigne (Ed.). Priest, poet and theologian: essays in honour of Anthony Kelly CSsR pp. 105 - 123 Mosaic Press.

Book chapter

Narrative and the knowledge of persons
Stump, Eleonore. (2013). Narrative and the knowledge of persons. Euresis journal. 5, pp. 153 - 169.

Journal article

Joseph Ratzinger's contribution to the preparatory debate of the Dogmatic Constitution Dei Verbum
Lam, Cong. (2013). Joseph Ratzinger's contribution to the preparatory debate of the Dogmatic Constitution Dei Verbum. Gregorianum. 94(1), pp. 35 - 54.

Journal article

Attentiveness to vulnerability: A dialogue between Emmanuel Levinas, Jean Porter, and the virtue of solidarity
Fleming, Daniel John. (2013). Attentiveness to vulnerability: A dialogue between Emmanuel Levinas, Jean Porter, and the virtue of solidarity [Thesis].


We are Family: Deuteronomy 14 and the Boundaries of an Israelite Identity
Nestor, Dermot. (2013). We are Family: Deuteronomy 14 and the Boundaries of an Israelite Identity. The Bible and Critical Theory. 9(1), pp. 49 - 64.

Journal article

The intercultural engagement in Mardin: Religion, culture and identity
Gűc-Işik, Ayşe. (2013). The intercultural engagement in Mardin: Religion, culture and identity [Thesis].


A new document Concerning the Myron
Youssef, Youhanna Nessim. (2013). A new document Concerning the Myron. In In YN Youssef and S Moawad (Ed.). From old Cairo to the New World: Coptic studies presented to Gawdat Gabra on the occasion of his sixty-fifth birthday pp. 203 - 218 Peeters Publishers.

Book chapter

Josephus and the Gentiles
McLaren, James. (2013). Josephus and the Gentiles. In In DC Sim and JS McLaren (Ed.). Attitudes to gentiles in ancient Judaism and early Christianity pp. 62 - 72 Bloomsbury T & T Clark.

Book chapter

Porta Fidei: The year of faith: The faith of Joseph Ratzinger
Quy, Joseph Lam Cong. (2013). Porta Fidei: The year of faith: The faith of Joseph Ratzinger. Australian Ejournal of Theology. 20(1), pp. 60 - 70.

Journal article

Narrative and the knowledge of persons
Stump, Eleonore. (2013). Narrative and the knowledge of persons. Euresis. 5, pp. 153 - 169.

Journal article

The portrayal of Gentiles in Jewish apocalyptic literature
Theophilos, Michael Peter. (2013). The portrayal of Gentiles in Jewish apocalyptic literature. In In DC Sim and JS McLaren (Ed.). Attitudes to gentiles in ancient Judaism and early Christianity pp. 72 - 91 Bloomsbury T & T Clark.

Book chapter

Ecclesial conversion after Vatican II: Renewing "The face of the Church' to reflect "The genuine face of God"
Rush, Ormond. (2013). Ecclesial conversion after Vatican II: Renewing "The face of the Church' to reflect "The genuine face of God". Theological Studies. 74(4), pp. 785 - 803.

Journal article

Is hermeneutics fundamental? [¿Es fundamental la Hermenutica?]
Falque, Emmanuel. (2013). Is hermeneutics fundamental? [¿Es fundamental la Hermenutica?]. Ideas y Valores: revista colombiana de filosofia. 62(152), pp. 199 - 223.

Journal article

Heart to heart: The Spiritual Christology of Joseph Ratzinger
McGregor, Peter John. (2013). Heart to heart: The Spiritual Christology of Joseph Ratzinger [Thesis].


Mission as interreligious dialogue
Chia, Edmund. (2013). Mission as interreligious dialogue. In In SB Bevans (Ed.). A century of Catholic mission: Roman Catholic missiology 1910 to the present pp. 216 - 223 Regnum Books International.

Book chapter

The Dangerous Idea of the Domestic Church
Casey, Damien. (2013). The Dangerous Idea of the Domestic Church. In In T Knieps-Port Le Roi, G Mannion and P De Mey (Ed.). The Household of God and Local Households: Revisiting the Domestic Church pp. 123 - 136 Peeters Publishers.

Book chapter

Joseph Ratzinger's theological retractations
Lam, Cong Quy (Joseph). (2013). Joseph Ratzinger's theological retractations Peter Lang Publishing.


The Second Vatican Council on other religions
O'Collins, Gerald. (2013). The Second Vatican Council on other religions Oxford University Press.


Foundations in practical theology: A critical appraisal of contemporary contributions
Collins, John Francis. (2013). Foundations in practical theology: A critical appraisal of contemporary contributions [Thesis].


Colossae Project Data
Cadwallader, Alan. (2013). Colossae Project Data [Dataset]. Australian Catholic University.


From 'Ad Gentes' to 'Active Integral Evangelization,' I. Reception of the Vatican II Mission Theology in Asia
Tan, Jonathan. (2013). From 'Ad Gentes' to 'Active Integral Evangelization,' I. Reception of the Vatican II Mission Theology in Asia. Vidyajyoti Journal of Theological Reflection. 77(7), pp. 506 - 521.

Journal article

Anthropological presuppositions of Atheism and fundamentalism
Jacobs-Vandegeer, Christiaan. (2013). Anthropological presuppositions of Atheism and fundamentalism. In In DG Kirchhoffer, R Horner and P McCardle (Ed.). Being human: groundwork for a theological anthropology for the 21st century pp. 233 - 250 Mosaic Press.

Book chapter

Reading the signs of the times: The challenges facing theological anthropology today
Kirchhoffer, David. (2013). Reading the signs of the times: The challenges facing theological anthropology today. In In D. G. Kirchhoffer, R. Horner and P. McCardle (Ed.). Being human: groundwork for a theological anthropology for the 21st century pp. 19 - 32 Mosaic Press.

Book chapter

Noch nicht eingeloste vision: Was das Zweite Vatikanische Konzil antstiess
Rush, Ormond. (2013). Noch nicht eingeloste vision: Was das Zweite Vatikanische Konzil antstiess. Herder Korrespondenz. 67(4), pp. 173 - 178.

Journal article

Not my will but thy will be done: Aquinas and Eckhart on willing what God wills
Stump, Eleonore. (2013). Not my will but thy will be done: Aquinas and Eckhart on willing what God wills. Medieval Mystical Theology. 22(2), pp. 155 - 171.

Journal article

Creator God, evolving world
Ormerod, Neil and Crysdale, Cynthia. (2013). Creator God, evolving world Fortress Press.


Surgira un Mundo Nuevo
Heaney, Maeve Louise. (2013). Surgira un Mundo Nuevo Radio Maria Espana:

Creative work

Musical space : Living 'in between' the Christian and the artistic callings
Heaney, Maeve Louise. (2013). Musical space : Living 'in between' the Christian and the artistic callings. In In T. Beaudoin (Ed.). Secular music and sacred theology pp. 16-31 Liturgical Press.

Book chapter

Sacrosanctum Concilium at fifty: Reports from five English-speaking countries: 1. Australia
Johnson, Clare. (2013). Sacrosanctum Concilium at fifty: Reports from five English-speaking countries: 1. Australia. Worship. 87(6), pp. 482 - 489.

Journal article

Somewhere under the rainbow: Noah's Altar and the archaeology of cult in Ancient Israel
Nestor, Dermot. (2013). Somewhere under the rainbow: Noah's Altar and the archaeology of cult in Ancient Israel. In In J. Silverman (Ed.). Opening heaven's floodgates: The Genesis flood narrative, its context, and reception pp. 249 - 290 Gorgias Press.

Book chapter

St Mary MacKillop as a fifth Gospel: Towards understanding an Australian Saint through the lens of Edward Schillebeeckx
Rush, Ormond. (2013). St Mary MacKillop as a fifth Gospel: Towards understanding an Australian Saint through the lens of Edward Schillebeeckx. In From North to South: Southern Scholars Engage with Edward Schillebeeckx pp. 1 - 14 ATF Press.

Book chapter

Spirit in the City Concert
Heaney, Maeve Louise. (2013). Spirit in the City Concert Leicester Square,London,United Kingdom:

Creative work

Life's beginnings and end with reference to the Fethullah Gülen
Albayrak, Ismail. (2013). Life's beginnings and end with reference to the Fethullah Gülen. The Islamic Quarterly. 57(2), pp. 85 - 116.

Journal article

The Ground Beneath Me
Heaney, Maeve Louise. (2013). The Ground Beneath Me The Antelope,London,United Kingdom:

Creative work

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Albayrak, Ismail

Asquith, Gillian

Bermudez-Goldman, Sacha Alejandro

Brown, Gavin

Brown, Teresa Grace

Browning, Anne

Byers, Catherine Philippa

Carroll, Therese

Carswell, Margaret Frances

Casey, Damien Francis

Cassar, Carmen

Chambers, Michael

Chase, Andrew

Chia, Kee-Fook

Cicutto, Pauline

Collins, John

Cook, Sarah

Cornish, Sandra

Craig, Mark

Cruz, Gemma

Dabbah, Thomas

Dizdar, Drasko

Dowling, Elizabeth Ann

Duke, Zachariah

Dunne, William

Dyball, Fiona

Elkington, Catherine

Elmer, Ian Jeffrey

Francis, Cecilia

Fundic, Leonela

Gardner, Fiona

Ghosn, Margaret

Goldburg, Peta

Gore-Jones, Lydia

Hall, Gerard Vincent

Heaney, Maeve Louise

Hemmings, Maureen Margaret

Hodge, Joel David

Horner, Robyn Lesley

Ivers, Peter James

Jacobs-Vandegeer, Christiaan

Jongejan, Louise

Kearney, Richard

Kelly, Anthony

Kent, Deborah

Kevill, Carmel

Laffin, Josephine

Langford, Jennifer

Long, Brendan

Loughnane, Michael

Luttick, Janine

Lynch, Bernadette

Lynch, Danielle

Madigan, Daniel

Marshall Calder SJ, Jamie Timothy

Martis, John

McDonald, Lisa

McEvoy, James

McFarland, Jason James

McGovern, Kevin

McInerney, Patrick

Mellor, Anthony

Mitchell, Roderick

Monro, Michelle

Mylonas, Natalie

Nathan, Emmanuel

Noseda, Mary Josephine

O'Beirne, Ann-Maree

O'Neill, Brett

O'Neill, Christopher

Obst, Jason

Parkinson, Joseph

Pascoe, David

Pizzey, Antonia

Pollard, Eamonn

Reed, Christopher

Remond, Jacqueline

Rogers, Geetanjali

Roper, Elissa

Rush, Ormond Gerard

Schoer, John

Seseikaite-Nathan, Agne

Sharkey, Paul

Sim, David Campbell

Smith, Michael

Smoothy, Pauline

Strickler, Ryan Wayne

Stuart-Brennan, Brooke

Theophilos, Michael Peter

Tilly, Frances

Trainor, Michael

Veling, Terry Andrew

Wearne, Gareth James

Webb, Nathan Patrick

Wegner, Samantha

Westphal, Merold

Wilson, Gregory

Wilson, Janiene

Young, Ian

Yucel, Salih

Zou, Bei-En