Maeve Louise Heaney

Contact categoryResearcher
Job titleDirector, Xavier Centre of Theology
Research instituteSchool of Theology
Faculty of Theology and Philosophy

Research outputs

Suspended God : Music and a theology of doubt
Heaney, Maeve Louise. (2022). Suspended God : Music and a theology of doubt T&T Clark.


Openness to faith as a disposition for teachers in Catholic schools
Horner, Robyn, Pollefeyt, Didier, Bouwens, Jan, Brown, Teresa, Jacobs-Vandegeer, Christiaan, Heaney, Maeve-Louise and Buchanan, Michael. (2020). Openness to faith as a disposition for teachers in Catholic schools. International Journal of Practical Theology. 24(2), pp. 231-251.

Journal article

Meet you in the middle of the air
Heaney, Maeve Louise. (2020). Meet you in the middle of the air [Composition].


I think I might
Heaney, Maeve Louise. (2020). I think I might [Composition].


Down under
Heaney, Maeve Louise. (2020). Down under [Composition].


Meet my friend
Heaney, Maeve Louise. (2020). Meet my friend [Composition].


Can I have this dance?
Heaney, Maeve Louise. (2020). Can I have this dance [Composition].


God by any other name
Heaney, Maeve Louise. (2020). God by any other name [Composition].


Strange life
Heaney, Maeve Louise. (2020). Strange life [Composition].


In the pouring rain (lament)
Heaney, Maeve Louise. (2020). In the pouring rain (lament) [Composition].


Song Unfolding (for Julian)
Heaney, Maeve Louise. (2020). Song Unfolding (for Julian) [Composition].


Every moving light
Heaney, Maeve Louise. (2020). Every moving light [Composition].


Come alive
Heaney, Maeve Louise. (2020). Come alive [Composition].


Heaney, Maeve Louise. (2020). Nameless [Composition].


A hermeneutical exploration of the revelatory text of John 4:1–42, in a performative key
Heaney, Maeve Louise. (2020). A hermeneutical exploration of the revelatory text of John 4:1–42, in a performative key. Theological Studies. 81(2), pp. 278 - 302.

Journal article

Music's multilayered subversion of the Word
Heaney, Maeve Louise and Hillman, Roger. (2017). Music's multilayered subversion of the Word. Literature and Theology: an international journal of religion, theory and culture. 31(2), pp. 200 - 214.

Journal article

Mercy, music, and the prophetic voice of theology: Jon Sobrino’s extra pauperes nulla salus
Heaney, Maeve Louise. (2017). Mercy, music, and the prophetic voice of theology: Jon Sobrino’s extra pauperes nulla salus. In In M. O'Connor, H.-A. Kim and C. Labriola (Ed.). Music, theology, and justice pp. 43 - 62 Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.

Book chapter

Our hyphenated existences: When the studio becomes the study
Heaney, Maeve Louise. (2016). Our hyphenated existences: When the studio becomes the study. ARTS: The Arts in Religious and Theological Studies. 27(3), pp. 7 - 13.

Journal article

Music and theological method: A Lonerganian approach
Heaney, Maeve Louise. (2016). Music and theological method: A Lonerganian approach. Theological Studies. 77(3), pp. 678 - 703.

Journal article

The taste and touch of music grounding the sacred performance
Heaney, Maeve Louise. (2015). The taste and touch of music grounding the sacred performance Strathfield, Australia:

Creative work

Phillipine concert series
Heaney, Maeve Louise. (2015). Phillipine concert series

Creative work

Singapore seminar and concert archdiocesan symposium
Heaney, Maeve Louise. (2015). Singapore seminar and concert archdiocesan symposium [Performance].


Heaney, Maeve Louise. (2014). Time Dee Why, NSW: Willow Publishing.

Creative work

Dancing in our minds
Heaney, Maeve Louise. (2014). Dancing in our minds Dee Why, NSW: Willow Publishing.

Creative work

Ascending grace: a movement back into the world
Heaney, Maeve Louise. (2014). Ascending grace: a movement back into the world. Sarts-Society for the Arts in Religious and Theological Studies. 25(2), pp. 1 - 9.

Journal article

The rules of mercy never change
Heaney, Maeve Louise. (2014). The rules of mercy never change Dee Why, NSW: Willow Publishing.

Creative work

Lead kindly light
Heaney, Maeve Louise. (2014). Lead kindly light [Composition].


For you, for them
Heaney, Maeve Louise. (2014). For you, for them Dee Why, NSW: Willow Publishing.

Creative work

Heaney, Maeve Louise. (2014). Dreams Dee Why, NSW: Willow Publishing.

Creative work

Thank you
Heaney, Maeve Louise. (2014). Thank you Australia: Willow Publishing.

Creative work

Your side of time
Heaney, Maeve Louise. (2014). Your side of time Dee Why, NSW: Willow Publishing.

Creative work

Beautiful life
Heaney, Maeve Louise. (2014). Beautiful life Dee Why, NSW: Willow Publishing.

Creative work

Heaney, Maeve Louise. (2014). Meanwhile [Composition].


Heaney, Maeve Louise. (2014). Come Dee Why, NSW: Willow Publishing.

Creative work

Can Music "Mirror" God? : A Theological-Hermeneutical Exploration of Music in the Light of Arvo Part's Spiegel im Spiegel
Heaney, Maeve Louise. (2014). Can Music "Mirror" God? : A Theological-Hermeneutical Exploration of Music in the Light of Arvo Part's Spiegel im Spiegel. Religions. 5(2), pp. 361 - 384.

Journal article

Thank you
Heaney, Maeve Louise. (2014). Thank you Dee Why, NSW: Willow Publishing.

Creative work

Break the crystal frame: CD with 11 original pieces, 8 of which published for the 1st time
Heaney, Maeve Louise. (2014). Break the crystal frame: CD with 11 original pieces, 8 of which published for the 1st time [Composition].


Musical space : Living 'in between' the Christian and the artistic callings
Heaney, Maeve Louise. (2013). Musical space : Living 'in between' the Christian and the artistic callings. In In T. Beaudoin (Ed.). Secular music and sacred theology pp. 16-31 Liturgical Press.

Book chapter

Surgira un Mundo Nuevo
Heaney, Maeve Louise. (2013). Surgira un Mundo Nuevo Radio Maria Espana:

Creative work

Spirit in the City Concert
Heaney, Maeve Louise. (2013). Spirit in the City Concert Leicester Square,London,United Kingdom:

Creative work

The Ground Beneath Me
Heaney, Maeve Louise. (2013). The Ground Beneath Me The Antelope,London,United Kingdom:

Creative work

Music and Embodiment: What Music Tells Theology about the Word
Heaney, Maeve Louise. (2013). Music and Embodiment: What Music Tells Theology about the Word. In In S. Muller, S. Dlugos and G. Marschutz (Ed.). Exploring the boundaries of bodiliness: theological and interdisciplinary approaches to the human condition pp. 85 - 98 Vienna University Press.

Book chapter

De la Palabra Cantada a la Palabra Musical: Musica en el Carisma Verbum Dei
Heaney, Maeve Louise. (2013). De la Palabra Cantada a la Palabra Musical: Musica en el Carisma Verbum Dei. In In A Kurz and K Karl (Ed.). Teologia y carisma: Inspirados por la fuente de la palabra pp. 237 - 265 Fraternidad Misionera verbum Dei.

Book chapter

Heaney, Maeve Louise. (2012). Preghiera [Composition].


Music as theology: What music has to say about the Word
Heaney, Maeve Louise. (2012). Music as theology: What music has to say about the Word Pickwick Publications.


nel frattempo
Heaney, Maeve Louise. (2012). nel frattempo [Composition].


Noi abbiamo una speranza
Heaney, Maeve Louise. (2012). Noi abbiamo una speranza [Composition].


Lead kindly light
Heaney, Maeve Louise. (2011). Lead kindly light Vatican City, Italy:

Creative work

GP2 Concert
Heaney, Maeve Louise. (2011). GP2 Concert GP2,Giovanni Paolo II,Diocesan Youth Centre,Rome,Italy:

Creative work

Dancing in our minds
Heaney, Maeve Louise. (2011). Dancing in our minds

Creative work

Performance at Paul VI Audience Hall for Nuovi Evangelizatori per una Nuova Evangelizazzione
Heaney, Maeve Louise. (2011). Performance at Paul VI Audience Hall for Nuovi Evangelizatori per una Nuova Evangelizazzione

Creative work

The eloquence of music in contemporary culture
Heaney, Maeve Louise. (2011). The eloquence of music in contemporary culture. Theology. 114(3), pp. 198 - 206.

Journal article

You Complete Me (Tu Completi Me)
Heaney, Maeve Louise. (2008). You Complete Me (Tu Completi Me) [Composition].


Salmo 147
Heaney, Maeve Louise. (2008). Salmo 147 [Composition].


Al Ritmo di Dio
Heaney, Maeve Louise. (2006). Al Ritmo di Dio [Composition].


Heaney, Maeve Louise. (2006). Memorare [Composition].


Heaney, Maeve Louise. (2005). Worship [Composition].


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