Gemma Cruz

Contact categoryStaff
Job titleHonorary Fellow
Research instituteSchool of Theology
Faculty of Theology and Philosophy

Research outputs

Migrant Remittances, Development, and Catholic Social Teaching
SobreviƱas, Alellie B. and Cruz, Gemma. (2023). Migrant Remittances, Development, and Catholic Social Teaching. In Catholicism in Migration and Diaspora: Cross-Border Filipino Perspectives pp. 89-102 Routledge.

Book chapter

Between a Rock and a Hard Place : Filipinas in International Marriage Migration
Cruz, Gemma. (2022). Between a Rock and a Hard Place : Filipinas in International Marriage Migration. In Catholicism in Migration and Diaspora: Cross-Border Filipino Perspectives pp. 134-151 Routledge.

Book chapter

Women in Mission
Cruz, Gemma. (2022). Women in Mission. In In Kim, Kersteem and Fitchett-Climenhaga, Alison (Ed.). The Oxford Handbook of Mission Studies pp. 652 Oxford University Press.

Book chapter

Labor, inequality, and globalization : Legal and theological perspectives on vulnerable migrant workers
Cruz, Gemma and Trucios-Haynes, Enid. (2021). Labor, inequality, and globalization : Legal and theological perspectives on vulnerable migrant workers. In Christianity and the Law of Migration pp. 292-311 Routledge.

Book chapter

When the poor knock on our door : A theological response to unwanted migration
Cruz, Gemma. (2021). When the poor knock on our door : A theological response to unwanted migration. In In Allard, Silas, Heyer, Kristin and Nadella, Raj (Ed.). Christianity and the Law of Migration pp. 195 Routledge.

Book chapter

Cruz, Gemma. (2021). Introduction. In Christianity Across Borders : Theology and Contemporary Issues inGlobal Migration pp. 1 Routledge.

Book chapter

Christianity across borders : Theology and contemporary issues in global migration
Cruz, Gemma Tulud. (2021). Christianity across borders : Theology and contemporary issues in global migration Routledge.


Mission tracks in the bush : Theological reflections on two aboriginal missions in nineteenth-century Australia
Cruz, Gemma Tulud. (2019). Mission tracks in the bush : Theological reflections on two aboriginal missions in nineteenth-century Australia. Interreligious Studies and Intercultural Theology. 3(1-2), pp. 103-124.

Journal article

Brothers and sisters across borders : Theological perspectives on Catholic transnationalism
Cruz, Gemma. (2017). Brothers and sisters across borders : Theological perspectives on Catholic transnationalism. In Migration, Transnationalism and Catholicism: Global Perspectives pp. 23-50 Palgrave Macmillan (Springer Nature).

Book chapter

Christian Mission and Ministry in the Context of Contemporary Migration
Cruz, Gemma. (2016). Christian Mission and Ministry in the Context of Contemporary Migration. International Journal of Practical Theology. 20(2), pp. 242 - 260.

Journal article

Tradition in liberation: Women, the transnational family, and Caritas in Veritate
Cruz, Gemma. (2015). Tradition in liberation: Women, the transnational family, and Caritas in Veritate. Feminist Theology. 24(1), pp. 79 - 92.

Journal article

The Moral Economy of Labor Mobility: Migration and the Global Workforce
Cruz, Gemma. (2014). The Moral Economy of Labor Mobility: Migration and the Global Workforce. In In E. W. Collier and C. R. Strain (Ed.). Religious and Ethical Perspectives on Global Migration pp. 35 - 51 Rowman & Littlefield Publishers Inc..

Book chapter

Christianity and the cause of Asian women
Cruz, Gemma. (2014). Christianity and the cause of Asian women. In In F. Wilfred (Ed.). pp. 302 - 314 Oxford University Press.

Book chapter

For better or for worse: Migrant women workers and ICTs
Cruz, Gemma. (2014). For better or for worse: Migrant women workers and ICTs. In In A. M. Brazal and K. Abraham (Ed.). Feminist Cyberethics in Asia: Religious Discourses on Human Connectivity pp. 95 - 116 Palgrave Macmillan.

Book chapter

Toward a theology of migration: Social justice and religious experience
Cruz, Gemma. (2014). Toward a theology of migration: Social justice and religious experience Palgrave Macmillan.


Weaving Oppression and Liberation: Postcolonial Theology as Theology of Struggle
Cruz, Gemma. (2014). Weaving Oppression and Liberation: Postcolonial Theology as Theology of Struggle. In In M. G. Brett and J. Havea (Ed.). Colonial Contexts and Postcolonial Theologies pp. 21 - 39 Palgrave Macmillan.

Book chapter

A new way of being Christian: The contribution of migrants to the Church
Cruz, Gemma. (2013). A new way of being Christian: The contribution of migrants to the Church. In In E Padilla and PC Phan (Ed.). Contemporary issues of migration and theology pp. 95 - 121 Palgrave Macmillan.

Book chapter

Interculturality as Pedagogy : Challenges of Teaching and Learning Religion and Theology Beyond Borders
Cruz, Gemma. (2012). Interculturality as Pedagogy : Challenges of Teaching and Learning Religion and Theology Beyond Borders. Compass: a review of topical theology. 46(2), pp. 33 - 38.

Journal article

When Struggle Means Hope: A Filipino Postcolonial Theology
Cruz, Gemma. (2012). When Struggle Means Hope: A Filipino Postcolonial Theology. East Asian Pastoral Review. 49(3), pp. 209 - 227.

Journal article

I was a stranger and you welcomed me: Hospitality in the context of migration
Cruz, Gemma. (2012). I was a stranger and you welcomed me: Hospitality in the context of migration. In J E Moon (Ed.). Thailand: Christian Conference of Asia.

Conference item

When Death Meets Life: Exploring the Links Between Migration and Salvation
Cruz, Gemma. (2012). When Death Meets Life: Exploring the Links Between Migration and Salvation. East Asian Pastoral Review. 49(4), pp. 345 - 363.

Journal article

Weapons of the weak: cultural forms of resistance and their implications for missionary theology and practice
Cruz, Gemma. (2012). Weapons of the weak: cultural forms of resistance and their implications for missionary theology and practice. In In S. Bevans (Ed.). Mission and Cultures: The Louis J. Luzbetak Lectures pp. 249 - 273 Orbis Books.

Book chapter

Menggagas ulang perlawanan kaum perempuan di Asia
Cruz, Gemma. (2011). Menggagas ulang perlawanan kaum perempuan di Asia. In In PB Kleden and R Mirsel (Ed.). Menerobos Batas - Merobohkan Prasangka pp. 203 - 220 Penerbit Ledalero.

Book chapter

Frontiers of struggle, landscapes of hope: An Asian theology of migration
Cruz, Gemma. (2011). Frontiers of struggle, landscapes of hope: An Asian theology of migration. In In V. Tirimanna (Ed.). Reaping a Harvest from the Asian soil: Towards an Asian theology pp. 227 - 240 Asian Trading Corporation.

Book chapter

An intercultural theology of migration: Pilgrims in the wilderness
Cruz, Gemma. (2010). An intercultural theology of migration: Pilgrims in the wilderness Brill.


God before us, God among us: Interreligious dialogue from an intercultural feminist perspective
Cruz, Gemma. (2010). God before us, God among us: Interreligious dialogue from an intercultural feminist perspective. In In F. Depoortere, L. Boeve and S. van Erp (Ed.). Edward Schilebeeckx and Contemporary Theology pp. 85 - 97 T&T Clark.

Book chapter

It cuts both ways: Religion in the life of the Filipina domestic workers in Hong Kong
Cruz, Gemma. (2010). It cuts both ways: Religion in the life of the Filipina domestic workers in Hong Kong. In In G. T. Bonifacio and V. S. M. Angeles (Ed.). Gender, Religion, and Migration: Pathways to Integration pp. 17 - 36 Lexington Books.

Book chapter

Weapons of the weak: Cultural forms of resistance and their implications for missionary theology and practice
Cruz, Gemma. (2010). Weapons of the weak: Cultural forms of resistance and their implications for missionary theology and practice. Missiology. XXXVIII(4), pp. 383 - 394.

Journal article

Expanding the boundaries, turning borders into spaces: Mission in the context of migration
Cruz, Gemma. (2010). Expanding the boundaries, turning borders into spaces: Mission in the context of migration. In In O. U. Kalu, P. Vethanayagamony and E. K.-F. Chia (Ed.). Mission after Christendom: Emergent themes in contemporary mission pp. 71 - 83 Westminster John Knox Press.

Book chapter

Pilgrims in the wilderness: Religion and Filipino women in the context of migration
Cruz, Gemma. (2009). Pilgrims in the wilderness: Religion and Filipino women in the context of migration. East Asian Pastoral Review: a quarterly with focus on Asia for all church ministers and theology in context, interested laity and theological students. 46(4), pp. 357 - 369.

Journal article

Viver em meio a morte: uma releitura de transcritos escondidos de mulheres asiaticas
Cruz, Gemma. (2009). Viver em meio a morte: uma releitura de transcritos escondidos de mulheres asiaticas. In In I. Aparecida Felix (Ed.). Teologias com sabor de Mangostao. Ensaios em homenagem a Lieve Troch pp. 179 - 190 Nhanduti Editora.

Book chapter

Asian Women and Dialogue
Cruz, Gemma. (2009). Asian Women and Dialogue. In In C. Griffith (Ed.). Prophetic Witness: Catholic Women's Strategies for Reform pp. 97 - 102 Crossroad Publishing Company.

Book chapter

Between identity and security: Theological implications of migration in the context of globalization
Cruz, Gemma. (2008). Between identity and security: Theological implications of migration in the context of globalization. Theological Studies. 69(2), pp. 357 - 375.

Journal article

Christendom on the Move: The Case of the Filipina Domestic Workers in Hong Kong
Cruz, Gemma. (2007). Christendom on the Move: The Case of the Filipina Domestic Workers in Hong Kong. In In R. Schreiter and F. Wijsen (Ed.). Global Christianity: Contested Claims pp. 199 - 218 Rodopi.

Book chapter

Em-body-ing Theology: Theological Reflections on the Experience of the Filipina Domestic Workers in Hong Kong
Cruz, Gemma. (2007). Em-body-ing Theology: Theological Reflections on the Experience of the Filipina Domestic Workers in Hong Kong. In In A. M. Brazal and A. Lizares Si (Ed.). Body and Sexuality: Theological-Pastoral Perspectives of Women in Asia pp. 60 - 74 Ateneode Manila University.

Book chapter

Church of the Stranger: Church of the Future?
Cruz, Gemma. (2007). Church of the Stranger: Church of the Future? New Theology Review: an American Catholic journal for ministry. 20(2), pp. 82 - 85.

Journal article

Toward a Mosaic Society: The Praxis of Interculturality from an Asian Perspective
Cruz, Gemma. (2006). Toward a Mosaic Society: The Praxis of Interculturality from an Asian Perspective. In In E. Steffens and A. Meuthrath (Ed.). Utopie hat einen Ort. Beitrage fur eine interkulturelle Welt aus vier Kontinenten. Festschrift fur Raul Fornet-Betancourt pp. 135 - 143 IKO-Verlag for Interkulturelle Kommunikation.

Book chapter

Faith on the Edge: Religion and Women in the Context of Migration
Cruz, Gemma. (2006). Faith on the Edge: Religion and Women in the Context of Migration. Feminist Theology. 15(1), pp. 9 - 25.

Journal article

Befriende Theologie Gewalt gegen Frauen in der Ehe als Herausforderung fur die christliche Theologie
Cruz, Gemma. (2005). Befriende Theologie Gewalt gegen Frauen in der Ehe als Herausforderung fur die christliche Theologie. In In H. Choe and A. Meuthrath (Ed.). Das Schweigen brechen: Asiatische Theologinnen ringen um die befriende Dimension des Glaubens pp. 48 - 65 Verlag-Herder.

Book chapter

Die Suche nach globaler wirthschaftlicher Gerechtigkeit aus einer Gender-Perspektive: Theologische Herausforderungen und Perspektiven auf Frauenmigration im Kontext der Globalisierung
Cruz, Gemma. (2005). Die Suche nach globaler wirthschaftlicher Gerechtigkeit aus einer Gender-Perspektive: Theologische Herausforderungen und Perspektiven auf Frauenmigration im Kontext der Globalisierung. In In S. Lassak and K. Strobel (Ed.). Von Priesterinnen, Riot Girls und Dienstmadchen: Stimmen fur eine feministische Globalisierung von unten pp. 63 - 79 ITP-Kompass.

Book chapter

Liberating Theology: The Challenge of Wife Battery to Christian Teachings on Justice
Cruz, Gemma. (2005). Liberating Theology: The Challenge of Wife Battery to Christian Teachings on Justice. In In E. Monteiro and A. Gutzler (Ed.). Ecclesia of Women in Asia: Gathering the Voices of the Silenced pp. 53 - 69 Indian Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge.

Book chapter

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