School of Theology

Latest research outputs

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The laity in the Australian Church
Ormerod, Neil. (2012). The laity in the Australian Church. In In N Ormerod, O Rush and D Pascoe (Ed.). Vatican II: Reception and implementation in the Australian Church pp. 62 - 75 Garratt Publishing.

Book chapter

An investment in our future: Reimagining professional learning for religious educators
Dowling, Elizabeth. (2012). An investment in our future: Reimagining professional learning for religious educators. Religious Education Journal of Australia. 28(1), pp. 23 - 29.

Journal article

Recent Johannine Studies : Part Two: Monographs
Moloney, Francis. (2012). Recent Johannine Studies : Part Two: Monographs. Expository Times. 123(9), pp. 417 - 428.

Journal article

Asian Christianity : The Postcolonial challenge of identity and theology
Chia, Kee Fook (Edmund). (2012). Asian Christianity : The Postcolonial challenge of identity and theology. Compass: a review of topical theology. 46(1), pp. 9 - 13.

Journal article

Trinity in light of a scientific worldview a developing tradition
Edwards, Denis. (2012). Trinity in light of a scientific worldview a developing tradition. In In M. A. Pugliese and G. L. Schaab (Ed.). Seeking Common Ground: Evaluation & Critique of Joseph Bracken's Comprehensive Worldview pp. 131 - 145 Marquette University Press.

Book chapter

An exposition and Christian ethical evaluation of the conflict between the Bangsamoro people and the government of Philippines
Dellosa, Norberto. (2012). An exposition and Christian ethical evaluation of the conflict between the Bangsamoro people and the government of Philippines [Thesis].


God is love : the heart of Christian faith
Kelly, Anthony. (2012). God is love : the heart of Christian faith Liturgical Press, the.


Monitoring women's roles : Luke's response to a crisis of acceptability in the Roman empire
Dowling, Elizabeth. (2012). Monitoring women's roles : Luke's response to a crisis of acceptability in the Roman empire. In In D Sim and P Allen (Ed.). Ancient Jewish and Christian Texts as Crisis Management Literature pp. 79 - 94 T&T Clark International.

Book chapter

Believing in the Resurrection : the meaning and promise of the risen Jesus
O'Collins, Gerald. (2012). Believing in the Resurrection : the meaning and promise of the risen Jesus Paulist Press.


Vatican II : Reception and implementation in the Australian church
Ormerod, Neil, Rush, Ormond, Pascoe, David James, Johnson, Clare and Hodge, Joel. (2012). Vatican II : Reception and implementation in the Australian church Garrett Publishing.


Asian contextual theology for the third millennium: Theology of Minjung in fourth-eye formation
Hai, Peter N. V.. (2012). Asian contextual theology for the third millennium: Theology of Minjung in fourth-eye formation. Australian Ejournal of Theology. 19(1), pp. 93 - 94.

Journal article

John Dewey among the theologians
Ghiloni, Aaron. (2012). John Dewey among the theologians Peter Lang.


Navigating the circle of interreligious dialogue and theologies of religions
Jacobs-Vandegeer, Christiaan. (2012). Navigating the circle of interreligious dialogue and theologies of religions. Australian Ejournal of Theology. 19(3), pp. 209 - 219.

Journal article

The Australian bishops of Vatican II: Participation and reception
Rush, Ormond. (2012). The Australian bishops of Vatican II: Participation and reception. In In N. Ormerod, O. Rush and D. Pascoe (Ed.). Vatican II: Reception and implementation in the Australian Church pp. 43 - 56 Garratt Publishing.

Book chapter

Interculturality as Pedagogy : Challenges of Teaching and Learning Religion and Theology Beyond Borders
Cruz, Gemma. (2012). Interculturality as Pedagogy : Challenges of Teaching and Learning Religion and Theology Beyond Borders. Compass: a review of topical theology. 46(2), pp. 33 - 38.

Journal article

When Struggle Means Hope: A Filipino Postcolonial Theology
Cruz, Gemma. (2012). When Struggle Means Hope: A Filipino Postcolonial Theology. East Asian Pastoral Review. 49(3), pp. 209 - 227.

Journal article

Kerygma and decision: Philosophy of religion and religious philosophy [Kérygme et décision : Philosophie de la religion et philosophie religieuse]
Falque, Emmanuel. (2012). Kerygma and decision: Philosophy of religion and religious philosophy [Kérygme et décision : Philosophie de la religion et philosophie religieuse]. Archivio di Filosofia. 80(43862), pp. 91 - 100.

Journal article

Making the resurrection reasonable : or reason 'resurrectional'?
Kelly, Anthony. (2012). Making the resurrection reasonable : or reason 'resurrectional'? In In J Bloechl (Ed.). Christianity and secular reason: classical themes and modern developments pp. 187 - 216 University of Notre Dame Press.

Book chapter

Moral Conversion, Liturgy and the Preface to Eucharistic Prayer for Reconciliation II
Ryan, Thomas. (2012). Moral Conversion, Liturgy and the Preface to Eucharistic Prayer for Reconciliation II. Australian Journal of Liturgy. 13(1), pp. 2 - 17.

Journal article

Heaney, Maeve Louise. (2012). Preghiera [Composition].


Bridging Difference
Green, Beatrice. (2012). Bridging Difference. Catalyst. Pastoral & Socio-Cultural Journal for Melanesia. 42(1), pp. 12 - 24.

Journal article

The Catholic Church in Australia and the 'Great Australian Silence'
Girola, Stefano. (2012). The Catholic Church in Australia and the 'Great Australian Silence'. In In G. Hall and J. Hendriks (Ed.). Dreaming a New Earth: Raimon Panikkar and Indigenous Spiritualities pp. 218 - 237 Mosaic Press.

Book chapter

Music as theology: What music has to say about the Word
Heaney, Maeve Louise. (2012). Music as theology: What music has to say about the Word Pickwick Publications.


Constructing otherness and past through creative mistakes : ancient initiation wars and contemporary human sacrifices
Girola, Stefano and Franchi, Elena. (2012). Constructing otherness and past through creative mistakes : ancient initiation wars and contemporary human sacrifices. In In E Franchi and G Proietti (Ed.). Forme della memoria e dinamiche identitarie nell'antichita greco-romana pp. 229 - 266 Universita degli Studi di Trento.

Book chapter

Does the Gospel of Matthew presuppose a canon of scriptures?
Sim, David. (2012). Does the Gospel of Matthew presuppose a canon of scriptures? In In E. M. Becker and S. Scholz (Ed.). Kanon in Konstruktion und Dekonstruktion: Kanonisierungsprozesse religioser Texte von der Antike bis zur Gegenwart. Ein Handbuch pp. 449 - 468 Walter de Gruyter.

Book chapter

While they were eating: Lukan mission through domestic hospitality and ministry as table-service, and implications for the contemporary church
Tuohy, Nicholas James. (2012). While they were eating: Lukan mission through domestic hospitality and ministry as table-service, and implications for the contemporary church [Thesis].


Christian spirituality in Oceania : an Australian perspective
Kelly, Anthony. (2012). Christian spirituality in Oceania : an Australian perspective. In In P Tyler and R Woods (Ed.). The Bloomsbury Guide to Christian Spirituality pp. 315 - 325 Bloomsbury Publishing.

Book chapter

The universal work of the Holy Spirit in the missiology of Pope John Paul II
McGregor, Peter John. (2012). The universal work of the Holy Spirit in the missiology of Pope John Paul II. Irish Theological Quarterly. 77(1), pp. 83 - 98.

Journal article

Australia and Vatican II: Bringing home the vision
Rush, Ormond. (2012). Australia and Vatican II: Bringing home the vision. Australasian Catholic Record. 89(4), pp. 387 - 396.

Journal article

Fighting on all fronts: Crisis management in the Gospel of Matthew
Sim, David. (2012). Fighting on all fronts: Crisis management in the Gospel of Matthew. In In D. Sim and P. Allen (Ed.). Ancient Jewish and Christian Texts as Crisis Management Literature pp. 62 - 78 T&T Clark International.

Book chapter

Australia and Oceania
Hall, Gerard. (2012). Australia and Oceania. In In B J Miller-McLemore (Ed.). The Wiley-Blackwell companion to practical theology pp. 544 - 554 Wiley-Blackwell.

Book chapter

Fragmented theology in 2 Corinthians: the unsolved puzzle of 6:14-7:1
Nathan, Emmanuel. (2012). Fragmented theology in 2 Corinthians: the unsolved puzzle of 6:14-7:1. In In R Bieringer, MMS Ibita and D Kurek-Chomycz (Ed.). Theologizing in the Corinthian conflict : studies in the exegesis and theology of 2 Corinthians pp. 211 - 228 Peeters Publishers.

Book chapter

Effective professional learning for religious educators: Some preliminary findings
Dowling, Elizabeth. (2012). Effective professional learning for religious educators: Some preliminary findings. Journal of Religious Education. 60(3), pp. 54 - 66.

Journal article

The prophetic office in the Church: Pneumatological perspectives on the sensus fidelium-theology-magisterium relationship
Rush, Ormond. (2012). The prophetic office in the Church: Pneumatological perspectives on the sensus fidelium-theology-magisterium relationship. In In R. R. Gaillardetz (Ed.). When the Magisterium Intervenes: The Magisterium and Theologians in Today's Church pp. 89 - 112 Liturgical Press, the.

Book chapter

Transcending text : Liturgy as medium of evangelisation 50 years after Vatican II
Johnson, Clare V.. (2012). Transcending text : Liturgy as medium of evangelisation 50 years after Vatican II. Australian Journal of Liturgy. 13(3), pp. 100 - 117.

Journal article

Beyond locked doors : The breath of the risen One
Kelly, Anthony. (2012). Beyond locked doors : The breath of the risen One. In In S Cowdell, C Fleming and J Hodge (Ed.). Violence, desire, and the sacred: Girard's mimetic theory across the disciplines pp. 69 - 85 Continuum International Publishing Group Ltd.

Book chapter

Coping with the Present by Inventing the Future : Jewish Apocalyptic Texts as Crisis Management Literature
Sim, David. (2012). Coping with the Present by Inventing the Future : Jewish Apocalyptic Texts as Crisis Management Literature. In In D Sim and P Allen (Ed.). Ancient Jewish and Christian Texts as Crisis Management Literature pp. 29 - 45 T&T Clark International.

Book chapter

Family feud: Paul's response to the Internecine Crisis in Galatia
Elmer, Ian. (2012). Family feud: Paul's response to the Internecine Crisis in Galatia. In In D. Sim and P. Allen (Ed.). Ancient Jewish and Christian Texts as Crisis Management Literature pp. 46 - 61 T&T Clark International.

Book chapter

nel frattempo
Heaney, Maeve Louise. (2012). nel frattempo [Composition].


The abomination of desolation in Matthew 24.15
Theophilos, Michael. (2012). The abomination of desolation in Matthew 24.15 T&T Clark International.


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Albayrak, Ismail

Asquith, Gillian

Bermudez-Goldman, Sacha Alejandro

Brown, Gavin

Brown, Teresa Grace

Browning, Anne

Byers, Catherine Philippa

Carroll, Therese

Carswell, Margaret Frances

Casey, Damien Francis

Cassar, Carmen

Chambers, Michael

Chase, Andrew

Chia, Kee-Fook

Cicutto, Pauline

Collins, John

Cook, Sarah

Cornish, Sandra

Craig, Mark

Cruz, Gemma

Dabbah, Thomas

Dizdar, Drasko

Dowling, Elizabeth Ann

Duke, Zachariah

Dunne, William

Dyball, Fiona

Elkington, Catherine

Elmer, Ian Jeffrey

Francis, Cecilia

Fundic, Leonela

Gardner, Fiona

Ghosn, Margaret

Goldburg, Peta

Gore-Jones, Lydia

Hall, Gerard Vincent

Heaney, Maeve Louise

Hemmings, Maureen Margaret

Hodge, Joel David

Horner, Robyn Lesley

Ivers, Peter James

Jacobs-Vandegeer, Christiaan

Jongejan, Louise

Kearney, Richard

Kelly, Anthony

Kent, Deborah

Kevill, Carmel

Laffin, Josephine

Langford, Jennifer

Long, Brendan

Loughnane, Michael

Luttick, Janine

Lynch, Bernadette

Lynch, Danielle

Madigan, Daniel

Marshall Calder SJ, Jamie Timothy

Martis, John

McDonald, Lisa

McEvoy, James

McFarland, Jason James

McGovern, Kevin

McInerney, Patrick

Mellor, Anthony

Mitchell, Roderick

Monro, Michelle

Mylonas, Natalie

Nathan, Emmanuel

Noseda, Mary Josephine

O'Beirne, Ann-Maree

O'Neill, Brett

O'Neill, Christopher

Obst, Jason

Parkinson, Joseph

Pascoe, David

Pizzey, Antonia

Pollard, Eamonn

Reed, Christopher

Remond, Jacqueline

Rogers, Geetanjali

Roper, Elissa

Rush, Ormond Gerard

Schoer, John

Seseikaite-Nathan, Agne

Sharkey, Paul

Sim, David Campbell

Smith, Michael

Smoothy, Pauline

Strickler, Ryan Wayne

Stuart-Brennan, Brooke

Theophilos, Michael Peter

Tilly, Frances

Trainor, Michael

Veling, Terry Andrew

Wearne, Gareth James

Webb, Nathan Patrick

Wegner, Samantha

Westphal, Merold

Wilson, Gregory

Wilson, Janiene

Young, Ian

Yucel, Salih

Zou, Bei-En