Graham Samuel Maxwell

Contact categoryResearcher
Job titleHonorary Professor
Research instituteInstitute for Learning Sciences and Teacher Education (ILSTE)
Faculty of Education and Arts

Research outputs

2018 Queensland NAPLAN review: School and system perceptions report and literature review
Cumming, Joy, Jackson, Christine, Day, Chantelle, Maxwell, Graham, Adie, Lenore, Lingard, Bob, Haynes, Michele and Heck, Elizabeth. (2018). 2018 Queensland NAPLAN review: School and system perceptions report and literature review Australia: Institute for Learning Sciences and Teacher Education, Australian Catholic University.


School leadership in assessment in an environment of external accountability: Developing an assessment for learning culture
Cumming, Joy, Maxwell, Graham and Wyatt-Smith, Claire Maree. (2016). School leadership in assessment in an environment of external accountability: Developing an assessment for learning culture. In In G. Johnson and N. Dempster (Ed.). Leadership in diverse learning contexts pp. 221 - 237 Springer International Publishing.

Book chapter

Expanding approaches to summative assessment for students with impairment
Cumming, Jacqueline Joy and Maxwell, Graham. (2014). Expanding approaches to summative assessment for students with impairment. In In L. Florian (Ed.). The Sage Handbook of Special Education pp. 573 - 593 Sage Publications Ltd..

Book chapter

Managing without public examinations: Successful and sustained curriculum and assessment reform in Queensland
Maxwell, Graham and Cumming, Jacqueline. (2011). Managing without public examinations: Successful and sustained curriculum and assessment reform in Queensland. In In Lyn Yates, Cherry Collins and Kate O-Connor (Ed.). pp. 202 - 222 Melbourne University Press.

Book chapter

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