Emma Bradshaw
Contact category | Researcher |
Job title | Senior Research Fellow |
Research institute | Institute for Positive Psychology and Education |
Faculty of Education and Arts |
Research outputs
Meditation training and enduring changes in psychological functioning : A 7-year longitudinal study
Aichele, Stephen R., Sahdra, Baljinder K., Zanesco, Anthony P., King, Brandon G., Bradshaw, Emma L., Pokorny, Jennifer J., Ferrer, Emilio, Shaver, Phillip R. and Saron, Clifford D.. (2024). Meditation training and enduring changes in psychological functioning : A 7-year longitudinal study. The Journal of Positive Psychology. pp. 1-15. https://doi.org/10.1080/17439760.2024.2378700Journal article
Disentangling autonomy-supportive and psychologically controlling parenting : A meta-analysis of self-determination theory’s dual process model across cultures
Bradshaw, Emma L., Duineveld, Jasper J., Conigrave, James H., Steward, Ben A., Ferber, Kelly A., Joussemet, Mireille, Parker, Philip D. and Ryan, Richard M.. (2024). Disentangling autonomy-supportive and psychologically controlling parenting : A meta-analysis of self-determination theory’s dual process model across cultures. American Psychologist. pp. 1-17. https://doi.org/10.1037/amp0001389Journal article
Seeking solitude skills : Do memories of intrinsic goals enhance enjoyment of alone time?
Bradshaw, Emma, Ferber, Kelly and Ryan, Richard Michael. (2024). Seeking solitude skills : Do memories of intrinsic goals enhance enjoyment of alone time? Journal of Personality. pp. 1-17. https://doi.org/10.1111/jopy.12914Journal article
Does the apple fall far from the tree? A meta-analysis linking parental factors to children's intrinsic and extrinsic goals
Ferber, Kelly A., Bradshaw, Emma L., Noetel, Michael, Wong, Tsz Ying, Ahn, Jiseul S., Parker, Philip D. and Ryan, Richard M.. (2024). Does the apple fall far from the tree? A meta-analysis linking parental factors to children's intrinsic and extrinsic goals. Psychological Bulletin. 150(10), pp. 1155-1177. https://doi.org/10.1037/bul0000448Journal article
A quantitative meta-analysis and qualitative meta-synthesis of aged care residents’ experiences of autonomy, being controlled, and optimal functioning
Bradshaw, Emma L., Anderson, Joel R., Banday, Ma A. J., Basarkod, Geetanjali, Daliri-Ngametua, Rafaan, Ferber, Kelly A., Henry, Dylan and Ryan, Richard M.. (2023). A quantitative meta-analysis and qualitative meta-synthesis of aged care residents’ experiences of autonomy, being controlled, and optimal functioning. The Gerontologist. pp. 1-12. https://doi.org/10.1093/geront/gnad135Journal article
Socioeconomic position as a predictor of youth's movement trajectory profiles between ages 10 and 14 years
Wilhite, Katrina, del Pozo Cruz, Borja, Noetel, Michael, Lonsdale, Christopher Sean, Ridgers, Nicola, Maher, Carol, Bradshaw, Emma and Sanders, Taren Grant. (2023). Socioeconomic position as a predictor of youth's movement trajectory profiles between ages 10 and 14 years. International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity. 20(1), pp. 1-14. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12966-023-01491-5Journal article
We know this much is (meta-analytically) true : A meta-review of meta-analytic findings evaluating self-determination theory
Ryan, Richard M., Duineveld, Jasper J., Di Domenico, Stefano I., Ryan, William S., Steward, Ben A. and Bradshaw, Emma L.. (2023). We know this much is (meta-analytically) true : A meta-review of meta-analytic findings evaluating self-determination theory. Psychological Bulletin. 148(11-12), pp. 813-842. https://doi.org/10.1037/bul0000385Journal article
Motivations for personal financial management: A Self-Determination Theory perspective
Di Domenico, Stefano I., Ryan, Richard M., Bradshaw, Emma L. and Duineveld, Jasper J.. (2022). Motivations for personal financial management: A Self-Determination Theory perspective. Frontiers in Psychology. 13, p. Article 977818. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2022.977818Journal article
A meta-analysis of the dark side of the American dream : Evidence for the universal wellness costs of prioritizing extrinsic over intrinsic goals
Bradshaw, Emma L., Conigrave, James H., Steward, Ben A., Ferber, Kelly A., Parker, Philip D. and Ryan, Richard M.. (2023). A meta-analysis of the dark side of the American dream : Evidence for the universal wellness costs of prioritizing extrinsic over intrinsic goals. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. 124(4), pp. 873-899. https://doi.org/10.1037/pspp0000431Journal article
The perceived conditions for living well : Positive perceptions of primary goods linked with basic psychological needs and wellness
Bradshaw, Emma L., DeHaan, Cody R., Parker, Philip D., Curren, Randall, Duineveld, Jasper J., Di Domenico, Stefano I. and Ryan, Richard M.. (2023). The perceived conditions for living well : Positive perceptions of primary goods linked with basic psychological needs and wellness. The Journal of Positive Psychology. 18(1), pp. 44-60. https://doi.org/10.1080/17439760.2021.1991446Journal article
Mindfulness and motivation : A process view using self-determination theory
Ryan, Richard M., Donald, James N. and Bradshaw, Emma L.. (2021). Mindfulness and motivation : A process view using self-determination theory. Current Directions in Psychological Science. 30(4), pp. 300-306. https://doi.org/10.1177/09637214211009511Journal article
Alcohol consumption and dependence is linked to the extent that people experience need satisfaction while drinking alcohol in two Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities
Conigrave, James H., Bradshaw, Emma L., Conigrave, Katherine M., Ryan, Richard M., Wilson, Scott, Perry, Jimmy, Doyle, Michael F. and Lee, K. S. Kylie. (2021). Alcohol consumption and dependence is linked to the extent that people experience need satisfaction while drinking alcohol in two Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities. Addiction Science and Clinical Practice. 16, p. Article 23. https://doi.org/10.1186/s13722-021-00231-zJournal article
Paths to the light and dark sides of human nature : A meta-analysis of the prosocial benefits of autonomy and the antisocial costs of control
Donald, James N., Bradshaw, Emma L., Conigrave, James H., Parker, Philip D., Byatt, Lauren L., Noetel, Michael and Ryan, Richard M.. (2021). Paths to the light and dark sides of human nature : A meta-analysis of the prosocial benefits of autonomy and the antisocial costs of control. Psychological Bulletin. 147(9), pp. 921-946. https://doi.org/10.1037/bul0000338Journal article
A configural approach to aspirations : The social breadth of aspiration profiles predicts well-being over and above the intrinsic and extrinsic aspirations that comprise the profiles
Bradshaw, Emma L., Sahdra, Baljinder K., Ciarrochi, Joseph, Parker, Philip D., Martos, Tamás and Ryan, Richard M.. (2021). A configural approach to aspirations : The social breadth of aspiration profiles predicts well-being over and above the intrinsic and extrinsic aspirations that comprise the profiles. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. 120(1), pp. 226-256. https://doi.org/10.1037/pspp0000374Journal article
Satisfaction of basic psychological needs in an interdependence model of fathers’ own aspirations and those of their adolescent children
Nishimura, Takuma, Bradshaw, Emma L., Deci, Edward L. and Ryan, Richard M.. (2021). Satisfaction of basic psychological needs in an interdependence model of fathers’ own aspirations and those of their adolescent children. Social Development. 30(1), pp. 293-310. https://doi.org/10.1111/sode.12473Journal article
Mindfulness and its association with varied types of motivation : A systematic review and meta-analysis using self-determination theory
Donald, James N., Bradshaw, Emma L., Ryan, Richard M., Basarkod, Geetanjali, Ciarrochi, Joseph, Duineveld, Jasper J., Guo, Jiesi and Sahdra, Baljinder K.. (2020). Mindfulness and its association with varied types of motivation : A systematic review and meta-analysis using self-determination theory. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin. 46(7), pp. 1121-1138. https://doi.org/10.1177/0146167219896136Journal article
Mindfulness and its association with varied types of motivation within self-determination Theory : A systematic review and meta-analysis
Donald, James N., Bradshaw, Emma L., Ryan, Richard M., Basarkod, Geetanjali, Ciarrochi, Joseph, Duineveld, Jasper J., Guo, Jiesi and Sahdra, Baljinder K.. (2020). Mindfulness and its association with varied types of motivation within self-determination Theory : A systematic review and meta-analysis. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin. 46(7), pp. 1121-1138. https://doi.org/10.1177/0146167219896136Journal article
Validation Of The Social Identity Group Need Satisfaction And Frustration Scale
Parker, Philip David, Ryan, Richard Michael, Duineveld, Jasper and Bradshaw, Emma. (2019). Validation Of The Social Identity Group Need Satisfaction And Frustration Scale. PsyArXiv Preprints. pp. 1-15.Journal article
Intrinsic and extrinsic aspirations and psychological well-being: a meta-analysis and latent profile analyses of life goals
Bradshaw, Emma. (2019). Intrinsic and extrinsic aspirations and psychological well-being: a meta-analysis and latent profile analyses of life goals [Thesis]. https://doi.org/10.26199/5d788114864b0Thesis
Ryan, Richard M., Bradshaw, Emma L. and Deci, Edward L.. (2019). Motivation. In In Sternberg, Robert J. and Pickren, Wade E. (Ed.). The Cambridge handbook of the intellectual history of psychology pp. 391-411 Cambridge University Press. https://doi.org/10.1017/9781108290876.016Book chapter
Envisioning progress and perils: Musings on the future of motivation research in a rapidly evolving world
Ryan, Richard and Bradshaw, Emma. (2019). Envisioning progress and perils: Musings on the future of motivation research in a rapidly evolving world. In In R. M. Ryan (Ed.). The Oxford handbook of human motivation pp. 527 - 532 Oxford University Press. https://doi.org/10.1093/oxfordhb/9780190666453.013.28Book chapter
Users’ intrinsic goals linked to alcohol dependence risk level and engagement with a health promotion website (Hello Sunday Morning): Observational study
Bradshaw, Emma, Sahdra, Baljinder, Calvo, Rafael A., Mrvaljevich, Alex and Ryan, Richard. (2018). Users’ intrinsic goals linked to alcohol dependence risk level and engagement with a health promotion website (Hello Sunday Morning): Observational study. Journal of Medical Internet Research. 5(4), pp. 1 - 8. https://doi.org/10.2196/10022Journal article
Are people mindful in different ways? Disentangling the quantity and quality of mindfulness in latent profiles and exploring their links to mental health and life effectiveness
Sahdra, Baljinder K., Ciarrochi, Joseph, Parker, Philip D., Basarkod, Geetanjali, Bradshaw, Emma L. and Baer, Ruth. (2017). Are people mindful in different ways? Disentangling the quantity and quality of mindfulness in latent profiles and exploring their links to mental health and life effectiveness. European Journal of Personality. 31(4), pp. 347-365. https://doi.org/10.1002/per.2108Journal article
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